Does yodlee provide packages like com.yodlee.soap.core.* used in JAVA Sample SampleApp for REST or we will have to create our implementation for REST?
Yodlee doesn't provide any such package for REST. You will have to create your own implementation.
How create base64 key and added in this project , or what i pass in header id password in unity Webrequest by which access a restful api of agora , please help me .
Can you elaborate what RESTful APIs you are trying to use here? For the client side logic, the SDK should have sufficient set of API methods provided by the agora engine. If there is something that is only available in the RESTful API, it is probably better to implement on your Server side of the code.
This documentation contains the information about the RESTful APIs.
I need to integrate Mulesoft with OutSystems. Can anyone help me in knowing the basics?
As OutSystems and and Mulesoft both can consume and produce REST as well as SOAP API. You can integrate Mulesoft using any of these web services
You can refer OutSystems article and for Mulesoft documentation for more details.
To Add to AnupamBhusari answer.
You also need to define how you're going to implement the authorization.
Either use API keys that you can send to Mulesoft as REST parameters or Headers or make use of long lived OAuth2 tokens.
You also need to consider how to implement versioning of the consumed API and have a good architecture that decouples the changes in the MuleSoft exposed API. Check the external Core Service pattern described in this link.
I need to write a Java web application to call a function Meteor APP. One way is through API call. Are there any other means to call Meteor function from 3rd party application.
It all depends on what your requirements are, how your Meteor app is structured, and what sort of integration you desire.
If you are wanting your Java web application to be able to natively call Meteor methods or subscribe to publications, then you will have to use a Java DDP Client to do this. Fortunately, there is at least one documented Java DDP client that you can use for this (and probably many others out there is you search). For your reference, here is a compiled list of DDP clients for other languages/technologies.
If on the other hand you don't want to interface with you meteor app using DDP, then you could always implement a REST API in your meteor app. There are several packages available to do this, but I would highly recommend the simple:rest package.
This package automatically creates a REST API for all your existing publications and methods without any extra code (just simply add the package to your meteor app). If you do need to configure or modify the REST API, the package also provides several options that you can use in your publication or meteor method definition. The package also enforces all your app's security rules and authorization.
For example, if your app had a publication called openTasks, then the corresponding REST endpoint would be.
GET /publications/openTasks
There are quite a few packages at that can expose your Meteor methods as RESTful API points which your Java app can consume.
I've been looking for a way to include an auto-generated documentation endpoint to an existing Delphi Datasnap RESTful API.
Can it be done? Are there annotations or external tools I can use?
Where would I begin, how would I proceed? If not from within Delphi itself, can I integrate with e.g. Swagger?
It seems somewhat anachronistic to build a RESTful API without offering a documentation endpoint these days...
Any and all information that could help me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Using Swagger, via YAML has just been added to Delphi through EMS, the latest RESTful API development option in Delphi.
Its based on Attributes that are added to the API end points as they are defined and that in turn creates the YAML to import into Swagger.
The functions for operating the restful api is quite same. Is there any project that can generate the source code for different platform such android,ios and backend stuff.
I suggest you to use API description languages such Swagger ou RAML.
After having described your RESTful application with a language like this, you will be able to generate things like server skelekons and client sdks with different technologies and languages. You can even generate documentations.
With Swagger, swagger-codegen will do that. swagger-ui may also interest you for the documentation part.
To finish, I would like to mention the Restlet studio that allows to define graphically and quickly the structure of RESTful applications and generate then the corresponding Swagger and RAML contents. The APISpark plaform provides a mecanism to introspect Restlet applications and generate the corresponding contents with these languages. It also allow you to generate a set of server skelekons and client sdks.
Hope it helps you.
I will suggest you to use Spring RESTful webservices starter kit. Which will manage your back-end with centralized database. Also Spring has its own android libs to communicate with REST Apis.