ADF Essentials in Glassfish: AUTOSUBMIT and VALUECHANGELISTENER attribute makes a message appear in the Web Browser - glassfish

I have a ADF project in Jdeveloper, one of my pages contains this:
<af:selectOneChoice label="HEllO" value="#{}" id="id1" autoSubmit="true" valueChangeListener="#{bean.createNewData}">
<f:selectItems value="#{data.list}" id="id2"/>
I deployed it to Weblogic and everything worked fine.
Then I deployed it to Glassfish using the ADF Essential libraries. And it seems to work fine, but there is a unsuspected behavior at any place where there is a attribute AUTOSUBMIT. Everytime the value of the component containing the AUTOSUBMIT="true" is changed I have this behavior...
Firefox: A message saying: "To display this page, Firefox must send
information that will repeat any acction..."
IE: A message saying: "To display the webpage again, the web browser needs to resend the information you've previously submitted.."
Chrome: It redirects to the back page.
Opera: It redirects to the back page.
EDIT: The same happen when I have PARTIALSUBMIT set to true. I realized that I have to have the valueChangeListener attribute in order to get message.

Autosubmit=true will make (by default) your page to resubmit entirely. You should use partial triggers to avoid this. Set the ID of this component to the 'partial Triggers' attribute of the component you want to refresh (form,table, etc.). You should set 'partialSubmit=true' to your first component.


B2C Hide the Social Intro

I updated our version of self asserted to 2.1.2 to address the new password reset flow. Doing this has added the social_intro to our custom log in page.
I have added the local_intro_generic to the page and it works fine, However the social_intro still show up. We are not allowing for any social login and I don't want it displayed. I can edit it... but I don't see a way to hide it either in the documents or any other search.
You can edit the html file that is getting referenced for that page. Hide the divs that you don't need after checking the class names of the divs using inspect element.

Zabbix web scenario authentication

So i'm trying to set up zabbix web scenario to monitor webpage up/down. Ive found a way googeling which should work for me, however there is an issue in the login page. I need to be able to press TAB 4 times and then end it with a space to reach the login information panel. But i can not figure out how to tell zabbix to insert TABs or Spaces on the page before it attempts to login.
by default SMART-ID is our main authentication, and the order can not be changed as it would interfere with our user welfare policies. So i need to make zabbix able to navigate to the "Parool" tab for login. Also using the tab key on the page visualy does nothing untill you press the space bar, only after space bar it actually shows you where you have navigated.
So far i have tried to simply add tab and space in the "post fields" section however this does not do anything and i have not managed to google the information i require.
That's not how Zabbix Scenarios works.
Zabbix uses libCurl to check web endpoints, not a browser: you can't render javascript nor post/click to forms (ie: like Python Splinter does).
You can post data to specific web endpoints, like http://somewhere/test.php?id=2345&userid={BLABLABLA} then grab the output and/or the resulting http return code.
Please refer to the documentation for a complete overview.

Navigating elm from URL without destroying state (elm 0.18)

I have an elm app that incorporates logging in and fetching data from a server. Once I've logged in, I navigate to /#/pages/13 and it updates the model with page id 13. If I click around within the app, I see evidence that that page persists in the model.
When I navigate away from that page via internal links, then enter http://localhost:3000/#/pages/13 into the URL, I still see that page.
If I enter that URL while I am at that location, it seems to treat the behavior as a complete refresh, resetting the model...including my token, so it logs me out.
How can I enter the same page into the URL without elm resetting the model?
(If it matters, I am using gulp)
That behaviour seems to be by design, although I didn't find an official source for this.
The most you can do is register a beforeunload listener, which might show a prompt allowing the user to cancel the navigation.

What is the proper way to test mandatory field in selenium

I am testing my web application using Selenium. All the form validation in the web application is done by HTML5 and some JS(for safari browser). I want to know what is the proper way to test the form validation.
Currently I am using one approach, i.e Before I filled up a mandatory field I clicked on the submit button. If the page is not refreshed then I assume the form validation working correctly. But I think there should be a better approach to do it. I am unable to find any proper solution. Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
I also go through this link. But it is not working for me because it is not enough to have required attribute (eg required attribute does not work in older Safari browser).
Rather than checking if the page is refreshed or not, you should instead expect that it is not and that a certain error message or field highlighting or something is applied to the current page. When in an error state, the input fields probably get given an extra class, or an error div/span might be added to the DOM, try checking for that sort of thing

Yii-User and Yii-eauth integration

I am trying to put together an application using yii-user and yii-eauth extensions but I am coming up short. When I create a new webapp and install eauth I can get it to work fine so I know that I am not doing anything wrong on that end. I think the problem lies with my urls. This is a demo of what it is supposed to be like: When someone clicks on say google it should bring you to the google sign in page but on my application I am getting a 404 error that states "The system is unable to find the requested action "login"." The url for this is user/user/login/service/google_oauth whereas the url should read user/login/service/google_oauth. Upon typing this into the browser manually I am redirected to the right page.
So I took a look into the EAuthWidget.php class to see if I could find out where it was getting that extra "user" from but I could not figure it out. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I have this in the user module which is in the /modules/user directory in my webapp. I also tried to use the URLManager to point to the right address but with no luck.
Does anyone have any similar experiences setting this up? Or any suggestions?
You just need to change the widget initialization code in your view(namely change the action property of the widget), somewhat like this:
<h2>Do you already have an account on one of these sites? Click the logo to log in with it here:</h2>
$this->widget('ext.eauth.EAuthWidget', array('action' => 'login'));
Just to add, keep in mind that this action depends on which view you are including this widget, if the view is protected/views/site/login.php (which is yii's default site login view) then action should be able to go to the yii-user module's login action, so it'll be : 'action'=>'/user/login' , however if you are including this widget in yii-user's protected/modules/user/views/user/login.php then the action will be 'login' as already mentioned.