saveenv fails after U-Boot update - Writing to NAND... FAILED - embedded

to be able to run my eSata Sheevaplug with Debian Wheezy I had to upgrade U-Boot to the DENX version.
As step-by-step guide I used this read from Martin Michlmayr. I did the upgrade using screen and a USB stick at the plug.
The upgrade went good and after resetting I got the plug started with the new version.
Marvell>> version
U-Boot 2013.10 (Oct 21 2013 - 21:06:56)
Marvell-Sheevaplug - eSATA - SD/MMC
gcc (Debian 4.8.1-9) 4.8.1
GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian)
In the guide is written to set machid environment variable and MAC address.
But unfortunatly saveenv fails due to bad blocks in the NAND. I tried different versions of U-Boot also the one provided by NewIT. All behave the same way.
Marvell>> setenv machid a76
Marvell>> saveenv
Saving Environment to NAND...
Erasing NAND...
Skipping bad block at 0x00060000
Writing to NAND... FAILED!
There are some blocks marked as bad, which might be normal - by NewIT.
Marvell>> nand info
Device 0: nand0, sector size 128 KiB
Page size 2048 b
OOB size 64 b
Erase size 131072 b
Marvell>> nand bad
Device 0 bad blocks:
Has someone a clue what the problem is and what I need to change to be able saving environment variables in u-boot?

Due to configuration of environment variable storage at NAND, the sector size of 128k and a bad block mapping the environment variable storage adress it is not possible to write env to NAND.
Marvell>> nand bad
Device 0 bad blocks:
include/configs/sheevaplug.h which points perfectly to the bad block.
* max 4k env size is enough, but in case of nand
* it has to be rounded to sector size
#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 0x20000 /* 128k */
#define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR 0x60000
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET 0x60000 /* env starts here */
Because of unused sector 0x80000 to 0x9FFFF I moved env storage there.
* max 4k env size is enough, but in case of nand
* it has to be rounded to sector size
#define CONFIG_ENV_SIZE 0x20000 /* 128k */
#define CONFIG_ENV_ADDR 0x80000
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET 0x80000 /* env starts here due to bad block */
Beware! We have to ensure our compiled u-boot.kwb is less then 384k. Otherwise we will write u-boot to bad block marked memory and will brick the device.
Best way to recompile with custom env address, is to use Michlmayrs sources, which includes patches for mmc and e-sata support.


Memory problems with LibGit2 initialization

When I initialize and shutdown LibGit2 I am left with reachable memory and/or errors.
My test systems are Ubuntu 18.04 with libgit2 0.26 where g++ -v gives me gcc version 7.4.0 (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) and a FreeBSD 11.3 VM with libgit 0.28.3 where, unfortunately, I can't copy & paste from. Here g++ -v gives gcc version 9.2.0 (FreeBSD Ports Collection.
This is a minimal example:
#include <git2.h>
int main () {
return 0;
On Ubuntu I run the following:
➜ libelektra git:(libgit_test) ✗ g++ minimal.c -lgit2 && valgrind ./a.out
==1174== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==1174== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==1174== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==1174== Command: ./a.out
==1174== HEAP SUMMARY:
==1174== in use at exit: 192 bytes in 12 blocks
==1174== total heap usage: 1,354 allocs, 1,342 frees, 107,044 bytes allocated
==1174== LEAK SUMMARY:
==1174== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1174== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1174== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1174== still reachable: 192 bytes in 12 blocks
==1174== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1174== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==1174== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==1174== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
Why do I have reachable memory, when the very first example from the documentation says that git_libgit2_shutdown(); should clean everything up?
While the Valgrind documentation says that some reachable memory might be ok, things get quite wild on FreeBSD. I have some screenshots of the VM
One Two Three.
How can I avoid this?
One additional remark on different memory handling. My goal is to use the git_merge_file function in this project. It should look something like this:
#include <git2.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
sleep (1);
git_merge_file_result out = { 0 }; // out.ptr will not receive a terminating null character
git_merge_file_input libgit_base;
git_merge_file_input libgit_our;
git_merge_file_input libgit_their;
git_merge_file_init_input(&libgit_base, GIT_MERGE_FILE_INPUT_VERSION);
git_merge_file_init_input(&libgit_our, GIT_MERGE_FILE_INPUT_VERSION);
git_merge_file_init_input(&libgit_their, GIT_MERGE_FILE_INPUT_VERSION);
libgit_base.ptr = "A";
libgit_base.size = strlen("A");
libgit_our.ptr = "A";
libgit_our.size = strlen("A");
libgit_their.ptr = "A";
libgit_their.size = strlen("A");
int exitCode = git_merge_file (&out, &libgit_base, &libgit_our, &libgit_their, 0);
printf("Code is %d\n", exitCode);
git_merge_file_result_free (&out);
sleep (1);
return 0;
When I remove initialization and/or shutdown I sometimes got 0 still reachable memory on Ubuntu but segmentation faults on FreeBSD. Is it worth giving this a closer look or is such a difference in behavior normal when ignoring the that LibGit must be initialized?
In the screenshots of the BSD VM __pthread_once is visible as a source of problems. This and __pthread_once_slow seem to be involved in all the errors: The 192 bytes on Ubuntu in the beginning, the more advanced example at the bottom with BSD and Ubuntu and also my real application.
As far as I can see, there's nothing wrong with your code, or the Valgrind report by itself, as as you've pointed out:
"still reachable" means your program is probably ok -- it didn't free some memory it could have. This is quite common and often reasonable. Don't use --show-reachable=yes if you don't want to see these reports.
Hence, it's likely the 192 bytes aren't really leaked, you've just managed to exit the program before the OS decided to grab back that block of memory — ie. it kept that block under the process's purview, as a optimisation for the next allocation to be made. In this case, the process just exited, so that memory will have to be reclaimed at process termination, and I think that's what "still reachable" means — memory that is fine, and will be reclaimed normally. Hopefully 😉.
The Valgrind errors on FreeBSD aren't allocation problems, but use of an uninitialized zone of memory. They don't look to be inside libgit2 but OpenSSL itself, while parsing certificates (?). You can find the underlying OpenSSL initialization starting from here.
Is it worth giving this a closer look or is such a difference in behavior normal when ignoring the that LibGit must be initialized?
I'm tempted to say no, and yes. The code is now prodding a memory location that contains random garbage instead of an stack-allocated pthread_something. Segfaults are bound to happen randomly.

How to configure the bootrom parameters for VxWorks 5.5?

I have a problem configuring the bootrom parameters for my virtual machine VxWorks 5.5.
I want to change the target IP address. I tried modifying the DEFAULT_BOOT_LINE macro in config.h. But, I didn't work. I use printf to check the value of DEFAULT_BOOT_LINE. It didn't changed.
This seems that DEFAULT_BOOT_LINE is defined elsewhere beside config.h and can't be modified. Do you know what the problem is? Is there other methods to change the bootrom parameters?
To erase BOOT_LINE_ADRS and get back to DEFAULT_BOOT_LINE,
-> my_boot_line = malloc (8)
-> memset my_boot_line, 0x00, 8
-> memset my_boot_line, 0xff, 4
-> sysNvRamSet my_boot_line, 8, 0 /* This line depends on your BSP. */
To change boot parameters at the bootrom prompt,
[VxWorks Boot] c
To change boot parameters at shell prompt,
-> bootChange /* at the shell prompt */

Remote Proc fails to load FreeRTOS Elf

I am using this port of FreeRTOS and I am loading it onto the Cortex-M3 within an OMAP4430. This works fine using the remote proc framework and I am able to use RPMsg to communicate with it.
Sometimes, however, rproc fails to load the elf and gives the following error:
rproc remoteproc1: bad phdr da 0x0 mem 0x10310
rproc remoteproc1: Failed to load program segments: -22
rproc remoteproc1: rproc_boot() failed -22
This seems to happen when the size of the elf file gets too large: this happens when the size is 377331 bytes but does not happen when I simply remove a bunch of print statements and bring the size down to 342563 bytes.
I have tracked the error message down to this piece of code: It seems that rproc_da_to_va is unable to find a segment in memory large enough to fit the ELF.
How can I make sure that there is enough memory for the size of my ELF? Can I tell the kernel that I specifically want a certain region preallocated for this kind of thing? Is there some way to ensure that this part of my ELF remains small?
Make sure that the FreeRTOS configuration constants configTEXT_SIZE and configDATA_SIZE agree with the amounts demanded by your linker script. For example, if your linker script contains
TEXT (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 1M
DATA (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x80000000, LENGTH = 1M
then you should set configTEXT_SIZE and configDATA_SIZE to 0x100000.

Statically Defined IDT

This question already has answers here:
Solution needed for building a static IDT and GDT at assemble/compile/link time
(1 answer)
How to do computations with addresses at compile/linking time?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 days ago.
I'm working on a project that has tight boot time requirements. The targeted architecture is an IA-32 based processor running in 32 bit protected mode. One of the areas identified that can be improved is that the current system dynamically initializes the processor's IDT (interrupt descriptor table). Since we don't have any plug-and-play devices and the system is relatively static, I want to be able to use a statically built IDT.
However, this proving to be troublesome for the IA-32 arch since the 8 byte interrupt gate descriptors splits the ISR address. The low 16 bits of the ISR appear in the first 2 bytes of the descriptor, some other bits fill in the next 4 bytes, and then finally the last 16 bits of the ISR appear in the last 2 bytes.
I wanted to use a const array to define the IDT and then simply point the IDT register at it like so:
typedef struct s_myIdt {
unsigned short isrLobits;
unsigned short segSelector;
unsigned short otherBits;
unsigned short isrHibits;
} myIdtStruct;
myIdtStruct myIdt[256] = {
{ (unsigned short)myIsr0, 1, 2, (unsigned short)(myIsr0 >> 16)},
{ (unsigned short)myIsr1, 1, 2, (unsigned short)(myIsr1 >> 16)},
Obviously this won't work as it is illegal to do this in C because myIsr is not constant. Its value is resolved by the linker (which can do only a limited amount of math) and not by the compiler.
Any recommendations or other ideas on how to do this?
You ran into a well known x86 wart. I don't believe the linker can stuff the address of your isr routines in the swizzled form expected by the IDT entry.
If you are feeling ambitious, you could create an IDT builder script that does something like this (Linux based) approach. I haven't tested this scheme and it probably qualifies as a nasty hack anyway, so tread carefully.
Step 1: Write a script to run 'nm' and capture the stdout.
Step 2: In your script, parse the nm output to get the memory address of all your interrupt service routines.
Step 3: Output a binary file, 'idt.bin' that has the IDT bytes all setup and ready for the LIDT instruction. Your script obviously outputs the isr addresses in the correct swizzled form.
Step 4: Convert his raw binary into an elf section with objcopy:
objcopy -I binary -O elf32-i386 idt.bin idt.elf
Step 5: Now idt.elf file has your IDT binary with the symbol something like this:
> nm idt.elf
000000000000000a D _binary_idt_bin_end
000000000000000a A _binary_idt_bin_size
0000000000000000 D _binary_idt_bin_start
Step 6: relink your binary including idt.elf. In your assembly stubs and linker scripts, you can refer to symbol _binary_idt_bin_start as the base of the IDT. For example, your linker script can place the symbol _binary_idt_bin_start at any address you like.
Be careful that relinking with the IDT section doesn't move anyting else in your binary, e.g. your isr routines. Manage this in your linker script (.ld file) by puting the IDT into it's own dedicated section.
From comments, there seems to be confusion about the problem. The 32-bit x86 IDT expects the address of the interrupt service routine to be split into two different 16-bit words, like so:
31 16 15 0
| Address 31-16 | |
| | Address 15-0 |
A linker is thus unable to plug-in the ISR address as a normal relocation. So, at boot time, software must construct this split format, which slows boot time.

Nand partitioning in u-boot

I am working on an Embedded ARM9 development board. In that i want rearrange my nand partitions. Can anybody tell me how to do that ?
In my u-boot shell if i give the command mtdparts which gives following information .
Boardcon> mtdparts
device nand0 <nandflash0>, # parts = 7
#: name size offset mask_flags
0: bios 0x00040000 0x00000000 0
1: params 0x00020000 0x00040000 0
2: toc 0x00020000 0x00060000 0
3: eboot 0x00080000 0x00080000 0
4: logo 0x00100000 0x00100000 0
5: kernel 0x00200000 0x00200000 0
6: root 0x03c00000 0x00400000 0
active partition: nand0,0 - (bios) 0x00040000 # 0x00000000
mtdids : nand0=nandflash0
mtdparts: mtdparts=nandflash0:256k#0(bios),128k(params),128k(toc),512k(eboot),1024k(logo),2m(kernel),-(root)
Kernel boot message shows the following :
Creating 3 MTD partitions on "NAND 64MiB 3,3V 8-bit":
0x000000000000-0x000000040000 : "Boardcon_Board_uboot"
0x000000200000-0x000000400000 : "Boardcon_Board_kernel"
0x000000400000-0x000003ff8000 : "Boardcon_Board_yaffs2"
Anybody can please explain me what is the relation between both these messages . And which one either kernel or u-boot is responsible for creating partions on nand flash?. As for as i know kernel is not creating partitions on each boot but why the message "Creating 3 MTD partitions"?
For flash devices, either NAND or NOR, there is no partition table on the device itself. That is, you can't read the device in a flash reader and find some table that indicates how many partitions are on the device and where each partition begins and ends. There is only an undifferentiated sequence of blocks. This is a fundamental difference between MTD flash devices and devices such as disks or FTL devices such as MMC.
The partitioning of the flash device is therefore in the eyes of the beholder, that is, either U-Boot or the kernel, and the partitions are "created" when beholder runs. That's why you see the message Creating 3 MTD partitions. It reflects the fact that the flash partitions really only exist in the MTD system of the running kernel, not on the flash device itself.
This leads to a situation in which U-Boot and the kernel can have different definitions of the flash partitions, which is apparently what has happened in the case of the OP.
In U-Boot, you define the flash partitions in the mtdparts environment variable. In the Linux kernel, the flash partitions are defined in the following places:
In older kernels (e.g. 2.6.35 for i.MX28) the flash partitioning could be hard-coded in gpmi-nfc-mil.c or other driver source code. (what a bummer!).
In the newer mainline kernels with device tree support, you can define the MTD paritions in the device tree
In the newer kernels there is usually support for kernel command line partition definition using a command line like root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait console=ttyS2,115200 mtdparts=nand:6656k(all),1m(squash),-(jffs2)
The type of partitioning support that you have in the kernel therefore depends on the type of flash you are using, whether it's driver supports kernel command line parsing and whether your kernel has device tree support.
In any event, there is an inherent risk of conflict between the U-Boot and kernel partitioning of the flash. Therefore, my recommendation is to define the flash partitions in the U-Boot mtdparts variable and to pass this to the kernel in the U-Boot kernel command line, assuming that your kernel support this option.
you can set the mtdparts environment variable to do so in uboot, and the kernel only use this if you pass this in kernel boot commandline, or else it'll default to the nand partition structure in the kernel source code for your platform, which in this case the 3 MTD partition default.