CakePHP Authentication on REST API - api

So I'm creating a REST API for a web app I'm developing, and I know the basic ways for authentication are either sending the credentials on each request or sending a token.
Since I have never used token before, I think I may send the credentials for each request. The point is I can't find any examples on how to handle this in the controller. Would it be something like this?
public function api_index() {
if(!$this->Auth->login()) return;
'models' => $this->Model->find('all'),
'_serialize' => array('models')
I don't really think this is the way AuthComponent::login() works, can I get some directions here please?

Alright, first a clarification about how AuthComponent::login works. In Cake 2.x that method does not do any authentication, but rather creates the Auth.User array in your session. You need to implement the actual authentication yourself (the User model is a natural place to do this). A basic authentication method might look like this:
App::uses('AuthComponent', 'Controller/Component');
public function authenticate($data) {
$user = $this->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('User.login' => $data['login']),
if($user['User']['password'] !== AuthComponent::password($data['password']) {
return false;
unset($user['User']['password']); // don't forget this part
return $user;
// the reason I return the user is so I can pass it to Authcomponent::login if desired
Now you can use this from any controller as long as the User model is loaded. You may be aware that you can load it by calling Controller::loadModel('User').
If you want to authenticate every request, then you should then put in the beforeFilter method of AppController:
public function beforeFilter() {
if(!$this->User->authenticate($this->request->data)) {
throw new UnauthorizedException(__('You don\'t belong here.'));
All of the above assumes that you pass POST values for login and password every time. I think token authentication is definitely the better way to go, but for getting up and running this should work. Some downsides include sending password in cleartext (unless you require ssl) every request and the probably high cpu usage of the hashing algorithm each time. Nevertheless, I hope this gives you a better idea of how to do authentication with cakephp.
Let me know if something needs clarifying.
Since posting this, I found out that you can actually use AuthComponent::login with no parameters, but I am not a fan of doing so. From the CakePHP documentation:
In 2.x $this->Auth->login($this->request->data) will log the user in with
whatever data is posted, whereas in 1.3 $this->Auth->login($this->data)
would try to identify the user first and only log in when successful.

AuthComponent::login() creates a session variable that stores the user data, so say you had data that was something like.
$data = array('User' => array('id' => 1, 'username' => 'johndoe'));
Then you would use
And access the data with
To get the user id
In your AppControllers beforefilter put $this->Auth->deny(); that will deny all actions to someone who is not logged in. Then in each controllers before filter you want to $this->Auth->allow(array('view')); 'view' being the name of an action you want to be public.

Cakephp 2.X, After lots of research about this on internet I did not find any satisfactory answer So I found a way myself to do this. May be this answer will help some folks in future. This answer is only applicable for REST API's in cake php.
Add following line in your logic action of REST API before checking for the $this->Auth->login().
$this->request->data['User'] = $this->request->data ;
echo "Hurray You are logged In from REST API.";
throw new UnauthorizedException(__('You don\'t belong here.'));
Desciption : As #threeve said in one of the answers that $this->Auth->login() does not do any authentication itself. but rather creates the Auth.User array in your session. For Authentication we require our $this->request->data to be inside User array since User is the model which will check the Credentials in Database. Therefore we have to pass the data to Auth as it is required when not using REST API's. Rest of the things will be handled by Cake and Auth itself.
Any enhancements or suggestions on this answer are most welcome.


Auth0: Validating id_token/JWT on UI (javascript) level

Update March 2019
I just went over this question again; the Auth0's github code has been updated in December 2018. They are now storing 'access_token','id_token' and 'expire_at' into the object/session, instead of localstorage and using now an 'isLoggedIn' flag to mark if authenticated or not. Check the pull request and these 2 lines in the specific commit: line1 and line2.
If you do not need to re-validate 'id_token' - like I was doing in the original question - that might be an alternative. Otherwise check original question.
Original Question
We are using auth0 for one of our clients. One stack that we are using it for is:
React/Redux UI
NodeJS backend
So we are using a cross origin authentication using implicit grant for that, using JWT with an RS256 algorithm. We also refresh tokens in background using silent authentication.
I was able to validate 'access_token' on the API (nodejs) side using node-jwks-rsa for express
On the UI level, after going through the source code of the auth0-js library I noticed that the "parseHash" method used in their provided react samples, actually validates tokens before we store them in localstorage, ie on successful authentication. Mainly this line in the source code.
Then I used their sample code that allows us to check if a user is authenticated, method isAuthenticated().
Problem with the isAuthenticated() method
From a security perspective, if later on (post authentication) a user of the application decided to manually modify the 'expire_at' label in the storage, they could get away as indeed authenticated. While of course there is additional security checking in our app, I wanted to update this function to validate 'id_token'. So far, I couldn't find any example in auth0's online docs for how to do that.
After digging in their source code I found a method validateToken that is being used. So I decided to leverage it in one of our functions:
import IdTokenVerifier from 'idtoken-verifier'
.... Some code in here ....
reValidateToken() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Both of these are stored in localstorage on successful authentication, using the parseHash method
let id_token = localStorage.getItem('id_token');
let transactionNonce = localStorage.getItem('app_nonce');
this.webAuth.validateToken(id_token, transactionNonce, function(
) {
if (!validationError) {
resolve('no validation errors for id_token');
if (validationError.error !== 'invalid_token') {
// if it's an invalid_token error, decode the token
var decodedToken = new IdTokenVerifier().decode(id_token);
// if the alg is not HS256, return the raw error
if (decodedToken.header.alg !== 'HS256') {
Now, for it to succeed; we store the nonce in localstorage after successful authentication, does this approach create back doors for potential security holes? if it does; what is best practice to validate RS256 JWT id_token(s) on a UI level?

How does AntiForgeryToken, specifically, 'match up' with a cookie?

We have a web page, and it has a form on it. There is an antiforgerytoken added to this MVC page's form via the helper:
We realised today that we have the page cached, which we thought would be a massive issue, but multiple machines may submit the same form, even though they share the same verification token in the page's source!?
This is unexpected as far as I'm aware, I thought the idea was that the same verification token can be found in the cookie? I'm obviously misunderstanding the mechanism behind the token (both on the page and the amendment of a user's cookie).
Can somebody explain to me how this page still works? More specifically, how the server validates the form's post request.
I thought it was as simple as the server checking that the token string was identical to a token string found in the cookie.
NB: Caching is turned off for now fwiw, we're not 100% happy with caching a page with tokens on it now that we're a bit more clued up on it.
We realised today that we have the page cached, which we thought would be a massive issue, but multiple machines may submit the same form, even though they share the same verification token in the page's source!?
Yes, caching is a problem when it comes to anti-forgery tokens. You have two choices:
Don't cache the form.
Use the VaryByCustom property of OutputCache to vary by the token itself.
I don't have code to hand with me, so I'll show you an example which is taken from this article:
In order to avoid this issue you can use the VaryByCustom property on the OutputCache attribute:
Location = OutputCacheLocation.ServerAndClient,
Duration = 600,
VaryByParam = "none",
VaryByCustom = "RequestVerificationTokenCookie")]
public ActionResult Index()
return new View();
And then program the rule on the global.asax‘s GetVaryByCustomString method:
public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)
if (custom.Equals("RequestVerificationTokenCookie", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
string verificationTokenCookieName =
.FirstOrDefault(cn => cn.StartsWith("__requestverificationtoken", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(verificationTokenCookieName))
return context.Request.Cookies[verificationTokenCookieName].Value;
return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);
Edit per comments
The reason it works is because it's only comparing the value of the cookie to the value of the generated hidden field on the form. There isn't a list of tokens maintained on the server, ready to be validated, if you thought it might work that way. That means, as far as the client is concerned, despite the generation of the form being cached on the server, the client is still receiving a 'new' form and, consequently, a cookie to go along with that, so the comparison won't fail.

Extra authentication criteria

I'm trying to implement an extra authentication layer with the purpose of authenticating the user only if he has a certain status.
If the status is different, I want to show a custom login error (Your account has been suspended) and not authenticate the user at all, similar to what happens if the credentials are wrong, but with a different error message.
So far I've tried two options:
I've added a check within a listener that checks for an "InteractiveLoginEvent". Here I can check the user status and set a flash error message but I don't see what's the proper way to redirect back to the login page, since this event has no response method, other than using a header() call which I definitely want to avoid.
I implemented a custom voter, set the "access_decision_manager" startegy to "unanimous" and returned "ACCESS_DENIED" if the status is not allowing the user to authenticate. So far so good, the user cannot access the resources but I see he still gets authenticated. And I definitely don't want that.
I'm not for sure if I'm missing something or if I'm going in the wrong direction.
Since symfony 2 makes a clear difference between authentication and authorization seems that option 2) is related to authorization, so option 1) is more suitable.
So among the "InteractiveLoginEvent" listener I just added the proper check for the user status and by throwing the following exception I managed to implement my functionality as needed:
throw new AuthenticationException('suspend error message');
So the listener looks something like this:
public function onSecurityInteractiveLogin(InteractiveLoginEvent $event)
if ($this->securityContext->isGranted('ROLE_CUSTOMROLE')) {
$user = $this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser();
// ... check for the user status here
throw new AuthenticationException('Your account has been suspended!');

Rest and ZF session management

I'm trying to create a web service which utilizes Zend framework. The API is REST based and uses Zend_Rest_Controller as base class. I wish to have user management and session, and for that I'm using the following code:
Login (POST)
// user id and password fetched first
$users = new Application_Model_DbTable_UserInfo();
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
$authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable($users->getAdapter(),'users');
$result = $auth->authenticate($authAdapter);
$storage = new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session();
$usa = $authAdapter->getResultRowObject();
$authSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Zend_Auth');
and when accessing the service with e.g. some GET method I wish to check that there is a valid session with the following code:
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
// error handling etc.
I never get an identity, hence the service doesn't work.
I have followed the guidance for ZF authentication quite strictly, but does the REST stuff need additional items to be taken into account?
I know I'm not answering your question, but if you are REALLY planning to implement a true REST interface (which implies it's going to enable you to scale well), you'd probably better forget about sessions and using Zend_Auth in the way you've depicted above.
Take a look here, where something about REST interfaces and authentication has been discussed already:
Can you help me understand this? "Common REST Mistakes: Sessions are irrelevant"
In short, quoting from the Q/A thread above, "To be RESTful, each HTTP request should carry enough information by itself for its recipient to process it to be in complete harmony with the stateless nature of HTTP". I really feel like seconding that.

Restlet: Adding a role depending on which 'project' (group) the user is accessing

Assume a blackboard type application. There are 2 Projects - ProjectA and ProjectB. User 'nupul' (me) is part of both projects. For A I'm an admin and for B I'm just a 'member' (no admin rights)
When accessing the resource at /MySite/ProjectA/Items I want to check if the user is an admin or not.
I know it can be simply done by picking out the {projectName} parameter from the request and using the identifier (of the user making the request) and forwarding that to check against a DB etc.,
My question is 'how' can I add the roles using an Enroler 'during' authentication itself. Since I don't have access to the {projectName} parameter at that stage. I don't know if you have to use Groups/Realms etc., to make this work, but honestly it's just taking me tooooooooooooooooooo long to even understand how to effectively use this? (i.e., before the request is forwarded to the resource)
I mean I know I can create these groups/realms but how do I access the correct 'role' from the resource???? Restlet seriously needs to have more realistic examples and a much better documentation showing the use of it's classes!! It's driving me insane!! Authentication shouldn't be THIS DIFFICULT! :)
The way to do what you want is to split your routers basing on project name within your application (method createInboundRoot). In this case, the projectname will be evaluated before calling the authenticator. See below some examples of implementing such approach:
public Restlet createInboundRoot() {
Router rootRouter = new Router(getContext());
rootRouter.attach("/{projectname}/", createApplicationForProject());
return rootRouter;
private Restlet createApplicationForProject() {
Router router = new Router(getContext());
ChallengeAuthenticator guard
= new ChallengeAuthenticator(getContext(),
ChallengeScheme.HTTP_BASIC, "realm");
router.attach("items", ItemsServerResource.class);
return guard;
Using such approach, you'll have access to the value of the projectname variable within the verifier and be able to use it in the authentication processing.
Hope it helps you,