I am creating tabs to keep track of open files. When I create them I can set their properties and add them to the list in a MenuStrip.
Before I do so I want to add a click event function. Since this is in a function and will be run multiple times, I need to have a dynamic way to do add these event handlers. I cannot write this:
Private Sub ToolStripTextBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripTextBox1.Click
' ...
End Sub
If I do this I can only name them all one name. I want to be able to add a click event that applies to them separately as individual items.
Dim textFile As ToolStripTextBox = New ToolStripTextBox("textFile")
textFile.Text = filename
textFile.ReadOnly = True
textFile.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(61, 61, 61)
textFile.ForeColor = Color.White
This is the creation and personalization code. Though when you guys suggested AddButton_Click() Handles AddButton.Click It doesn't work because AddButton isn't an actual button
You can keep track of the items, add add and remove click handlers with the following code
Private FileList As New List(Of ToolStripItem)()
' put this code where you add an item
Dim filename = "whatever"
Dim textFile As ToolStripTextBox = New ToolStripTextBox(filename)
textFile.Text = filename
textFile.ReadOnly = True
textFile.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(61, 61, 61)
textFile.ForeColor = Color.White
Private Sub clickHandler(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim item = DirectCast(sender, ToolStripItem)
End Sub
Private Sub add(textFile As ToolStripItem)
FileList.Add(textFile) ' Since I don't know what FileList is, I ued List
AddHandler textFile.Click, AddressOf clickHandler
OpenProjectToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(textFile) ' add to whatever menu item you normally do
End Sub
Private Sub remove(textFile As ToolStripItem)
RemoveHandler textFile.Click, AddressOf clickHandler
End Sub
The sample click event in your code includes this:
sender As Object
You can re-use this one event handler, because whichever menu item is clicked will be the sender. So you do something like this:
Private Sub ToolStripTextBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripTextBox1.Click
Dim menuItem = DirectCast(sender, ToolStripMenuItem)
If menuItem Is Nothing Then Return
'If you need to choose different code for each item:
Select Case menuItem.name
Case "some item"
Case "some other item"
End Select
End Sub
And you can connect your dynamic toolstrip items to this method using AddHandler:
AddHandler myMenuStrip.Click, AddressOf ToolSTripTextBox1_Click
I need some help to focus a particular control when a TabPage is revisited. I followed many other blogs, but I wasn't able to solve the problem myself.
I created the TabPages inside a MDIForm:
Public Sub Tab_Open(Of T As {Form, New})(name As String, NameofTab As String, Tabnumber As String)
Dim _formByName As New Dictionary(Of String, Form)
Dim Frm As Form = Nothing
If Not _formByName.TryGetValue(name, Frm) OrElse _formByName(name).IsDisposed Then
Frm = New T()
_formByName(name) = Frm
End If
Dim childTab As TabPage = New TabPage With {
.Name = NameofTab & " : " & Tabnumber,
.Text = NameofTab & " : " & Tabnumber,
.Tag = Frm.Name
Frm.TopLevel = False
Frm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
Frm.Parent = Form1.tabForms.TabPages(Form1.tabForms.TabCount - 1)
Frm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
Form1.tabForms.SelectedTab = childTab
Form1.tabForms.Visible = True
End Sub
Let's assume that in first TabPage the Focus was on a TextBox (with TabIndex = 4), now I may be click on the second TabPage.
After some calculations, when I select the previous TabPage, the Focus should be set to the TextBox with TabIndex = 4 again, but that's not happening.
I tried to create a Dictionary in the MDIForm as:
Public Tab_Last_Focus_info As New Dictionary(Of String, String())
and in SelectedIndexChanged I have this code:
Private Sub tabForms_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tabForms.SelectedIndexChanged
If Tab_Last_Focus_info.ContainsKey(tabForms.SelectedTab.Name) Then
Dim FullTypeName1 As String = String.Format("{0}", Tab_Last_Focus_info.Item(tabForms.SelectedTab.Name))
Dim Indxval As String = String.Format("{1}", Tab_Last_Focus_info.Item(tabForms.SelectedTab.Name))
Dim FullTypeName As String = Application.ProductName & "." & FullTypeName1
Dim FormInstanceType As Type = Type.GetType(FullTypeName, True, True)
Dim frm As Form = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(FormInstanceType), Form)
Dim Focus_on As Integer = Integer.Parse(Indxval)
' Not working too =>
' frm.Controls(Focus_on).Select()
' Invisible or disabled control cannot be activated =>
' ActiveControl = frm.Controls(Focus_on) 'System.ArgumentException:
End If
End Sub
In the Form, which is opened via a Menu, I have this code for the Control that's focused:
Private Sub All_Got_Focus(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TB_ImageLoc.GotFocus, TB_CompWebsite.GotFocus,
TB_CompPinCD.GotFocus, TB_CompPAN.GotFocus, TB_CompName.GotFocus, TB_CompMobile.GotFocus,
TB_CompMD.GotFocus, TB_CompLL.GotFocus, TB_CompGSTIN.GotFocus, TB_CompFax.GotFocus, TB_CompEmail.GotFocus,
TB_CompCD.GotFocus, TB_CompAreaCity.GotFocus, RTB_CompADD.GotFocus, PB_Logo.GotFocus, DTP_CompEst.GotFocus, DGV_CompList.GotFocus,
CHKB_CompIsRegTrans.GotFocus, CB_CompStateID.GotFocus, CB_CompDistrictID.GotFocus, But_Upd.GotFocus, But_SelectLogo.GotFocus,
But_Search.GotFocus, But_Reset.GotFocus, But_Refresh.GotFocus, But_GridSelect.GotFocus, But_Exit.GotFocus, But_Edit.GotFocus,
But_Del.GotFocus, But_Add.GotFocus
If Form1.Tab_Last_Focus_info.ContainsKey(Form1.tabForms.SelectedTab.Name) Then
End If
Form1.Tab_Last_Focus_info.Add(Form1.tabForms.SelectedTab.Name, New String() {Me.Name, Me.ActiveControl.TabIndex})
End Sub
Now in TabIndexChange I'm getting a correct value from the Dictionary, but I'm not able to focus on the required tab.
Kindly help and let me know what I am missing or what need to taken care for this issue or please let me know any other better idea for the same.
First thing, a suggestion: test this code in a clean Project, where you have a MDIParent and one Form with a TabControl with 2 o more TabPages, containing different types of Controls. Test the functionality, then apply to the Project that is meant to use it.
You need to keep track of the selected Control in a TabPage - the current ActiveControl - switch to other TabPages, restore the previous ActiveControl in a TabPage when it's brought to front again.
The procedure is simple, implemented as follows:
To keep track of the current ActiveControl - the Control that has the Focus, you need to know when a Control becomes the ActiveControl. This Control of course must be child of a TabPage.
The ContainerControl class (the class from which Form derives) has a protected virtual method, UpdateDefaultButton(), that's overridden in the Form class. It's used to determine which child Button is activated when a User presses the Enter Key.
This method is called each time a new Control becomes the ActiveControl: overriding it, we can be informed when this happens, so we can check whether the new ActiveControl is one we're interested in, because it's child of a TabPage of our TabControl.
When the new ActiveControl is one we need to keep track of, we can store the reference of this Control and the Index of the TabPage it belongs to in a collection, so we can then use this reference, when the selected TabBage changes, to set it again as the ActiveControl in its TabPage.
Here, to store the state, I'm using a Dictionary(Of Integer, Control), where the Key is the Index of the TabPage and the Value is the reference of its ActiveControl.
When the TabControl.Selected event is raised - after a TabPage has been selected - we can lookup the Dictionary and restore the previous ActiveControl of that TabPage if one was stored.
► Here, BeginInvoke() is used to defer the action of setting the new ActiveControl, because this also causes a call to UpdateDefaultButton() and this method is called before the TabControl.Selected event handler completes.
Public Class SomeMdiChildForm
Private tabPagesActiveControl As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Control)()
' This method is called each time a Control becomes the ActiveControl
Protected Overrides Sub UpdateDefaultButton()
If TypeOf ActiveControl.Parent Is TabPage Then
Dim tabPageIdx = CType(CType(ActiveControl.Parent, TabPage).Parent, TabControl).SelectedIndex
If tabPagesActiveControl.Count > 0 AndAlso tabPagesActiveControl.ContainsKey(tabPageIdx) Then
tabPagesActiveControl(tabPageIdx) = ActiveControl
tabPagesActiveControl.Add(tabPageIdx, ActiveControl)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TabControl1_Selected(sender As Object, e As TabControlEventArgs) Handles TabControl1.Selected
Dim ctrl As Control = Nothing
If tabPagesActiveControl.TryGetValue(e.TabPageIndex, ctrl) Then
BeginInvoke(New Action(Sub() Me.ActiveControl = ctrl))
End If
End Sub
End Class
C# Version:
(assume tabControl1 is the name of the TabControl instance)
public partial class SomeForm : Form
private Dictionary<int, Control> tabPagesActiveControl = new Dictionary<int, Control>();
// [...]
// This method is called each time a Control becomes the ActiveControl
protected override void UpdateDefaultButton()
if (ActiveControl.Parent is TabPage tp) {
var tabPageIdx = (tp.Parent as TabControl).SelectedIndex;
if (tabPagesActiveControl.Count > 0 && tabPagesActiveControl.ContainsKey(tabPageIdx)) {
tabPagesActiveControl[tabPageIdx] = ActiveControl;
else {
tabPagesActiveControl.Add(tabPageIdx, ActiveControl);
private void tabControl1_Selected(object sender, TabControlEventArgs e)
if (tabPagesActiveControl.TryGetValue(e.TabPageIndex, out Control ctrl)) {
BeginInvoke(new Action(() => ActiveControl = ctrl));
As mentioned previously Tab_Open sub is used to create a form as tab.
In Main form (MDI) created Dictionary as
Public tabPagesActiveControl As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
In each form when the control is focused the value has been added to dictionary as
Private Sub DateTimePicker1_Leave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RadioButton1.GotFocus,
DateTimePicker1.GotFocus, ComboBox1.GotFocus, CheckBox1.GotFocus, Button1.GotFocus, TextBox3.GotFocus, TextBox4.GotFocus, RichTextBox1.GotFocus
If Form1.tabPagesActiveControl.ContainsKey(Form1.TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name) Then
Form1.tabPagesActiveControl(Form1.TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name) = Me.ActiveControl.TabIndex
Form1.tabPagesActiveControl.Add(Form1.TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name, Me.ActiveControl.TabIndex)
End If
End Sub
And when the tab is focused:
Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TabControl1.SelectedIndexChanged
If tabPagesActiveControl.ContainsKey(Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name) Then
Dim Indxval As String = String.Format(tabPagesActiveControl.Item(Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name))
SendKeys.Send("{TAB " & Indxval & "}")
End If
End Sub
As mentioned in the comments it has flaws. Kindly please check and help or do let me know what can be tried.
Finally I solved the issue after struggling for 8 Days :)
As I mentioned earlier I Open the forms as tabs using the Sub Tab_Open mentioned in the question.
Defined or created a new dictionary in MDI form as
Public tabPagesActiveControl As New Dictionary(Of String, Control)
and defined a control variable as
Dim Sel_Control As Control
Now in each form when the control is focused I have the below code to assign the current control alone to the dictionary:
Private Sub All_Focus(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TBox_Reg_website.GotFocus,
TBox_Reg_To.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_State.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_PinCD.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_PAN.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_office_num.GotFocus,
TBox_Reg_mobile_num.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_GSTIN.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_fax_no.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_email.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_country.GotFocus,
TBox_Reg_Company.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_City.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_Add2.GotFocus, TBox_Reg_Add1.GotFocus, TB_Curr_website.GotFocus,
TB_Curr_state.GotFocus, TB_Curr_RegTo.GotFocus, TB_Curr_Pincd.GotFocus, TB_Curr_Pan.GotFocus, TB_Curr_office_num.GotFocus,
TB_Curr_Mobile_num.GotFocus, TB_Curr_Gstin.GotFocus, TB_Curr_fax_no.GotFocus, TB_Curr_email.GotFocus, TB_Curr_country.GotFocus,
TB_Curr_Company.GotFocus, TB_Curr_city.GotFocus, TB_Curr_add2.GotFocus, TB_Curr_add1.GotFocus,
PICBox_Reg_Logo.GotFocus, MSP_Reg.GotFocus, Label9.GotFocus, Label8.GotFocus, Label7.GotFocus, Label6.GotFocus, Label5.GotFocus,
Label4.GotFocus, Label3.GotFocus, Label2.GotFocus, Label15.GotFocus, Label14.GotFocus, Label13.GotFocus, Label12.GotFocus,
Label11.GotFocus, Label10.GotFocus, Label1.GotFocus,
ChkBx_Upd_Logo.GotFocus, Chkbox_NoLogo.GotFocus
If Form1.tabPagesActiveControl.ContainsKey(Form1.TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name) Then
End If
Form1.tabPagesActiveControl.Add(Form1.TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name, Me.ActiveControl)
End Sub
and in the MDI form when tab select index changes having the below code:
Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TabControl1.SelectedIndexChanged
If tabPagesActiveControl.ContainsKey(Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name) Then
Sel_Control = tabPagesActiveControl.Item(Me.TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name)
End If
End Sub
Thanks :)
My problem:
I have a checkbox I use to control if certain textboxes are enabled or not, and I need to do this around 30+ times. I've named my textboxes numerically/sequentially (TB_name_1, TB_name_2, etc) so if I know the Checkbox name I know which textboxes are affected.
My question:
Can I make a class for my checkboxes that says "if this box is checked/unchecked, then enable/disable these 3 textboxes" without the class also having to be told which textboxes (finds them itself)?
Here's the copy/paste code I'm currently using (not a class, obviously). I change the first 2 values and the rest of the code solves itself. (PS - I see you laughing)
Private Sub T1_cb_c_1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles T1_cb_c_1.CheckedChanged
'change here for current checkbox
Dim b As CheckBox = T1_cb_c_1
'change here for start value of first textbox (of 3), the next 2 will be in sequence
Dim a As Integer = 1
'How much of the below code can be moved to, and controlled from, a class?
Dim a1 As Integer = a + 1
Dim a2 As Integer = a + 2
Dim TB_PtNum As TextBox = Me.Controls.Find("T1_tb_c_" & a, True).FirstOrDefault
Dim TB_Qty As TextBox = Me.Controls.Find("T1_tb_c_" & a1, True).FirstOrDefault
Dim TB_Seq As TextBox = Me.Controls.Find("T1_tb_c_" & a2, True).FirstOrDefault
If b.Checked = True Then
TB_PtNum.Enabled = True
TB_Qty.Enabled = True
TB_Seq.Enabled = True
TB_PtNum.Enabled = False
TB_Qty.Enabled = False
TB_Seq.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Here's a design time only class that will do this. You only have to the AssociatedCheckbox property in the designer:
Public Class TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty
Inherits TextBox
Private m_CheckBox As CheckBox
Public Property AssociatedCheckBox As CheckBox
Return m_CheckBox
End Get
Set(value As CheckBox)
If Not m_CheckBox Is Nothing Then
RemoveHandler m_CheckBox.CheckedChanged, AddressOf OnCheckBoxChanged
End If
m_CheckBox = value
If Not value Is Nothing Then
AddHandler m_CheckBox.CheckedChanged, AddressOf OnCheckBoxChanged
End If
OnCheckBoxChanged(m_CheckBox, Nothing)
End Set
End Property
Private Sub OnCheckBoxChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If Not sender Is Nothing Then
Me.Enabled = CType(sender, CheckBox).Checked
Me.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
End Class
Here's a sample Form1 that uses it:
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _
Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _
Private Sub InitializeComponent()
Me.CheckBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox()
Me.TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty1 = New WindowsApp4.TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty()
Me.CheckBox1.AutoSize = True
Me.CheckBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(293, 131)
Me.CheckBox1.Name = "CheckBox1"
Me.CheckBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(81, 17)
Me.CheckBox1.TabIndex = 0
Me.CheckBox1.Text = "CheckBox1"
Me.CheckBox1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
Me.TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty1.AssociatedCheckBox = Me.CheckBox1
Me.TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(428, 131)
Me.TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty1.Name = "TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty1"
Me.TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(100, 20)
Me.TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty1.TabIndex = 1
Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New System.Drawing.SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!)
Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(800, 450)
Me.Name = "Form1"
Me.Text = "Form1"
End Sub
Friend WithEvents CheckBox1 As CheckBox
Friend WithEvents TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty1 As TextBoxWithCheckboxProperty
End Class
I would use the property Tag for the related controls.
Suppose to set this property to the value "line1" for the first set of textboxes and on the checkbox that controls them.
Next row of controls (checkbox+textboxes) will have the property set to "line2" and so on until the last row. (You can do this through the Winforms Designer or through code)
At this point you could have a single event handler for all your checkboxes
Private Sub onCheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles T1_cb_c_1.CheckedChanged, T2_cb_c_2.CheckedChanged, _
..... add other checkbox events here .......
' Get whatever checkbox has been clicked and extract its tag
Dim b As CheckBox = DirectCast(sender, CheckBox)
Dim tag = b.Tag.ToString()
' Find the textbox controls in this form with the same Tag
Dim ctrls = Me.Controls.OfType(Of TextBox).Where(Function(x) x.Tag.ToString() = tag)
' Enabled status matches the status of the Checked property
For Each c as TextBox in ctrls
c.Enabled = b.Checked
End Sub
I have to write a log of codes when open new Windows Form.
Can I make a function to run this command? by call it with "fDeliveryNotation" only
Case "Delivery Notation"
If Application.OpenForms().OfType(Of fDeliveryNotation).Any Then
For Each f As Form In Application.OpenForms
If TypeOf f Is fDeliveryNotation Then
Exit For
End If
Dim NewMDIChild As New fDeliveryNotation
NewMDIChild.MdiParent = Me
NewMDIChild.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
End If
Code for open new window when window not exist if exist activate it.
Generic function:
Public Sub OpenForms(Of T As {New, Form})()
Dim tForms = Application.OpenForms.OfType(Of T)()
If tForms.Any() Then
tForms.Select(Function(x) x).First().Activate()
Dim NewMDIChild As New T
NewMDIChild.MdiParent = Me
NewMDIChild.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Foo()
OpenForms(Of fDeliveryNotation)()
''OpenForms(Of Application)() Compile Error since Application is not a Form
End Sub
Added constructor constraint for T and create new instance of T instead of hard coded Form
I'm new to VB.NET and have been struggling all afternoon with something. I've found similar questions on the forum but none of them seemed to describe my problem exactly. I'm fairly sure that I'm missing something very basic.
I have made a main form which currently holds only one button which purpose is to open up a second form and close the main form. Based on the settings the user will select on the 2nd form the first form might have to be adapted to match with the new settings. But the problem occurs even before that.
The 'settings' form has 15 textboxes which I drew onto the form in development mode. They are called ID1, ID2,..,ID15. The values which I want to display in there are saved in an array:
Dim ids(15) as integer
Next, I created a module to simulate what you could call a control array as I used to use them in VB6.
Public sources() As TextBox = [frmSettings.ID1, frmSettings.ID2, //and so on
I did this to be able to iterate through all the 15 textboxes:
For i = 0 To 14
Sources(i).Text = ids(i + 1)
Then I added on the main form this code to the Button1_Click() event:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
I did the same thing for the 'exit ' button on the frmSettings form.
This seems to work, but only once. I launch the application, push the button and frmSettings pops up and shows all the values from the array in the textboxes. When I push the 'close' button, I return to the main page.
So far so good, but if I try to return to frmSettings a second time, all the textboxes remain blank as if the code I added to the form never gets executed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
First, make sure the array that holds your data is accessible to both forms:
Module Module1
Public ids(15) As Integer
End Module
There should not be a declaration for "ids" in either form.
Next, make frmSettings itself responsible for loading and saving the data:
Public Class frmSettings
Private Sub frmSettings_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim matches() As Control
For i As Integer = 0 To 14
matches = Me.Controls.Find("ID" & (i + 1), True)
If matches.Length > 0 AndAlso TypeOf matches(0) Is TextBox Then
Dim TB As TextBox = DirectCast(matches(0), TextBox)
TB.Text = ids(i)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim valid As Boolean = True
Dim matches() As Control
For i As Integer = 0 To 14
matches = Me.Controls.Find("ID" & (i + 1), True)
If matches.Length > 0 AndAlso TypeOf matches(0) Is TextBox Then
Dim TB As TextBox = DirectCast(matches(0), TextBox)
Dim value As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(TB.Text, value) Then
ids(i) = value
MessageBox.Show(TB.Name & ": " & TB.Text, "Invalid Value", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
valid = False
End If
End If
If valid Then
End If
End Sub
End Class