Readonly, non-mutable, public and readwrite, mutable, private #property: more information? - objective-c

I want to expose an NSArray to my user (and I want them to only read it), but in my class, I want to use an NSMutableArray.
I tried the following code and it does not raise any warning:
// In the .h
#interface MyClass : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSArray * test ;
// In the .m
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSMutableArray * test ;
#implementation MyClass
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self)
self.test = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] ;
return self;
But, if I try to access the #property test from within my class, I can use the method addObject:. So, I guess what precedes is not possible.
Why is there no warning as it is?

I don't think that mixing property type would be a good practice. Instead I would create an accessor that returns a copy of the private mutable array. This is more conventional. Please note, don't use self for property access in your -init: method:
// In the .h
#interface MyClass : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
- (NSArray *)test;
// In the .m
#interface MyClass ()
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *aTest;
#implementation MyClass
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self)
_aTest = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] ;
return self;
- (NSArray *)test
return [self.aTest copy];

The #property is just syntax sugar which automatically creates getter/setter methods for you. With the readonly in the .h file only the getter method will be created for the public but by overriding it in the .m file you get both methods in your implementation.
readwrite is the default (see here) so even if leave out readwrite put still have the #property in you implementation file you will get a setter method. It is good practice to explicitly write readwrite then in your .m file so you and other will get a hint that this variable might only be declared read only in the .h file.


How to reference member variable in the implementation file

I am learning Objective-C and I am trying to split the class definition from the implementation as shown below.
Now in the code I want to reference the both of:
NSString *CarMotorCode;
NSString *CarChassisCode;
In the implementation file. I attempted to use:
But it does not work. Would you please let me know how to reference it.
Note: please let me know what is the right naming convention for the variables enclosed inside the brackets in the implementation section? Are they member variables?
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Car2.h"
#implementation Car2
-(id) initWithMotorValue:(NSString *)motorCode andChassingValue:(NSInteger)ChassisCode {
#ifndef Car2_h
#define Car2_h
#interface Car2 : NSObject {
NSString *CarMotorCode;
NSString *CarChassisCode;
-(id) initWithMotorValue: (NSString *) motorCode andChassingValue: (NSInteger) ChassisCode;
-(void) startCar;
-(void) stopCrar;
#endif /* Car2_h */
You have declared instance variables (ivars). To get the “dot syntax”, you need to declare properties. The “dot syntax” is syntactic sugar that makes use of the “accessor methods” that are synthesized for you when you declare a property. (FWIW, it’s advised to not declare ivars manually, anyway, and rather to declare properties and let the compiler synthesize the necessary ivars. See Programming with Objective-C: Properties Control Access to an Object’s Values and Practical Memory Management: Use Accessor Methods to Make Memory Management Easier.)
#interface Car2: NSObject
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *motorCode;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *chassisCode;
- (id)initWithMotorCode:(NSString *)motorCode chassisCode:(NSString *)chassisCode;
And your init method might look like:
#implementation Car2
- (id)initWithMotorCode:(NSString *)motorCode chassisCode:(NSString *)chassisCode {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_motorCode = [motorCode copy];
_chassisCode = [chassisCode copy];
return self;
That will synthesize ivars _motorCode and _chassisCode for you behind the scenes, but you generally wouldn’t interact directly with them (except in init method, in which case you should avoid accessing properties). But in the rest of your instance methods, you could just use the properties self.motorCode and self.chassisCode.
A few unrelated notes:
I dropped the car prefix in your property names. It seems redundant to include that prefix when dealing with a car object.
I start my property names with lowercase letter as a matter of convention.
I changed the init method signature to better mirror the property names (e.g. not initWithMotorValue but rather initWithMotorCode).
Alternatively, you might use the strong memory qualifier rather than copy. E.g.
#interface Car2: NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *motorCode;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *chassisCode;
- (id)initWithMotorCode:(NSString *)motorCode chassisCode:(NSString *)chassisCode;
- (id)initWithMotorCode:(NSString *)motorCode chassisCode:(NSString *)chassisCode {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_motorCode = motorCode;
_chassisCode = chassisCode;
return self;
But we often use copy to protect us against someone passing a NSMutableString as one of these properties and then mutating it behind our back. But this is up to you.
You defined chassisCode to be a string in your ivar declaration, but as an NSInteger in your init method signature. Obviously, if it’s an NSInteger, change both accordingly:
#interface Car2: NSObject
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *motorCode;
#property (nonatomic) NSInteger chassisCode;
- (id) initWithMotorCode:(NSString *)motorCode chassisCode:(NSInteger)chassisCode;
- (id)initWithMotorCode:(NSString *)motorCode chassisCode:(NSInteger)chassisCode {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_motorCode = [motorCode copy];
_chassisCode = chassisCode;
return self;
If you’re wondering why I didn’t use the property accessor methods in the init method, please see Practical Memory Management: Don’t Use Accessor Methods in Initializer Methods and dealloc.

Subclass of class with synthesized readonly property cannot access instance variable in Objective-C

In the superclass MyClass:
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *pString;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize pString = _pString;
In the subclass MySubclass
#interface MySubclass : MyClass
#implementation MySubclass
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
_pString = #"Some string";
return self;
The problem is that the compiler doesn't think that _pString is a member of MySubclass, but I have no problem accessing it in MyClass.
What am I missing?
The instance variable _pString produced by #synthesize is private to MyClass. You need to make it protected in order for MySubclass to be able to access it.
Add an ivar declaration for _pString in the #protected section of MyClass, like this:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *_pString;
#property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *pString;
Now synthesize the accessors as usual, and your variable will become accessible to your subclass.
I am familiar with this problem. You synthesize the variable in your .m class, so it is not imported along with the header since the _pString variable will be created as part of the implementation, and not the interface. The solution is to declare _pString in your header interface and then synthesize it anyway (it will use the existing variable instead of creating a private one).
#interface MyClass : NSObject
NSString *_pString; //Don't worry, it will not be public
#property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *pString;
The given answer works perfectly fine. This is an alternative answer, that apparently Apple likes a bit more.
You can define a private extension of your class, a MyClass+Protected.h file, which needs to be included in MyClass.m and MySubclass.m.
Then, in this new file, you redefine the property as readwrite.
#interface MyClass ()
#property (strong, readwrite) NSString * pString;
This alternative allows you to use the accessor self.pString rather than the ivar _pString.
Note: you still need to keep the definition of pString in your MyClass.h as is.

Synthesize property to a Base class' ivar

I have a hierarchy of model objects which I will be displaying on different type of UITableViewCell subclasses. All decision is made on the fly as to which model object should be used and corresponding UITableViewCell subclass' object is spawned and then set the model object to the UITableViewCell's subclass object so that it can fetch values from it.
My UITableViewCell hierarchy is something like this:
The base class Cell hierarchy:
#interface BaseCell : UITableViewCell
Base *baseObj_;
The subclass of cell hierarchy:
#interface DerivedCell : BaseCell
#property (nonatomic, retain) Derived *derivedObject;
#implementation DerivedCell
#synthesize derivedObject = baseObj_;
The base class of Model object:
#interface Base : NSObject
NSString *title_;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *title;
The subclass of model hierarchy
#interface Derived : Base
NSString *detailedText_;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *detailedText;
When I do so, I am having errors in this line:
#synthesize derivedObject = baseObj_;
Which reads:
Property 'derivedObject' attempting to use ivar 'baseObj_' declared in super class BaseCell.
Type of property 'derivedObject' (Derived*) does not match type of ivar 'baseObj_' ('Base * __strong')
I want to use properties and synthesize them so that I can leverage the uses of properties (like using dot notation etc.). I have for now used accessors and setters which solves the problem:
#interface DerivedCell : BaseCell
But I was just wondering if I could somehow fix these errors to use the properties only.
Try the below code I have modified your code a bit as shown below
Since you can assign class Base object to class Derived in #synthesize, it can be achieved by this way, I know you have tried it already, I have tried it with the below code and able to access the variables with dot, try the below code and let me know if it is not working
#interface DerivedCell : BaseCell
Derived *derivedObject;
#property (nonatomic, retain) Derived *derivedObject;
#implementation DerivedCell
#dynamic derivedObject;
- (void)setDerivedObject:(Base *)baseObj {
if (self.derivedObject == nil) {
derivedObject = [[Derived alloc] init];
derivedObject.detailedText = baseObj.title;
- (Derived *)derivedObject {
return derivedObject;
#interface Derived : Base
NSString *detailedText_;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *detailedText;
#implementation Derived
#synthesize detailedText = detailedText_;
#interface BaseCell : UITableViewCell
Base *baseObj_;
#property (nonatomic, retain) Base *baseObj;
#implementation BaseCell
#synthesize baseObj = baseObj_;
#interface Base : NSObject
NSString *title_;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *title;
#implementation Base
#synthesize title = title_;
Base *b = [[Base alloc] init];
b.title = #"Hello Raj";
BaseCell *bc = [[BaseCell alloc] init];
bc.baseObj = b;
DerivedCell *dc = [[DerivedCell alloc] init];
dc.derivedObject = b;
NSLog(#"Derive dc %#", dc.derivedObject.detailedText);
Another Solution which I have provided has an issue when I checked it
#interface BaseCell : UITableViewCell
NSString *baseTitle_;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *baseTitle;
#implementation BaseCell
#synthesize baseTitle = baseTitle_;
#interface DerivedCell : BaseCell
NSString *derivedTitle_;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *derivedTitle;
#implementation DerivedCell
#synthesize derivedTitle = baseTitle;
When I created instance for the class and as shown below
DerivedCell *dCell = [[DerivedCell alloc] init];
dCell.baseTitle = #"Hello";
NSLog(#"%#",dCell.baseTitle);//Output was Hello
NSLog(#"%#",dCell.derivedTitle);//Output was (null)
It didn't assign the value to derivedTitle, If it is working for you please let me know
Another solution with memory referncing
#interface BaseCell : UITableViewCell
NSMutableString *baseTitle_;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *baseTitle;
#implementation BaseCell
#synthesize baseTitle = baseTitle_;
#interface DerivedCell : BaseCell
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *derivedTitle;
#implementation DerivedCell
#synthesize derivedTitle;
- (id) init
if ( self = [super init] )
baseTitle_ = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
derivedTitle = baseTitle_;
return self;
DerivedCell *dCell = [[DerivedCell alloc] init];
[dCell.baseTitle appendString:#"Hello"];
NSLog(#"baseTitle : %#",dCell.baseTitle);
NSLog(#"derivedTitle :%#",dCell.derivedTitle);
Console Output baseTitle : Hello derivedTitle :Hello
One pattern I've used for situations like this is to re-declare the property in a category on the derived class. The one structural change this approach requires from the code you posted is that it requires a same-named property (or equivalent getter/setter methods) to be defined in the base class. Consider the following snippet:
#interface BaseModel : NSObject
#interface DerivedModel : BaseModel
#interface BaseCell : UITableViewCell
BaseModel *baseObj_;
#property (nonatomic, retain) BaseModel *modelObject;
#interface DerivedCell : BaseCell
#interface DerivedCell (DowntypedPropertyCategory)
#property (nonatomic, retain) DerivedModel *modelObject;
#implementation BaseModel
#implementation DerivedModel
#implementation BaseCell
#synthesize modelObject = baseObj_;
#implementation DerivedCell
In this pattern, the base class declares the iVar and the base-typed property, and synthesizes the implementation. The derived class declares the downcast-typed property in a category. Being in a category, the compiler won't force you to implement methods for that property. This gets you out of trying to synthesize against a superclass's iVar, instead relying on implementations that exist in the superclass, but declaring them to be of a different type. At runtime, the runtime will just end up calling the superclass methods (since Obj-C method dispatch is based on selector only, and does not have multiple dispatch.) As a result, clients of these properties can do stuff like this without any compile time warnings or errors:
#interface UnrelatedObject : NSObject
#implementation UnrelatedObject
- (void)unrelatedMethod: (DerivedCell*)dc
DerivedModel* dm = dc.modelObject;
NSLog(#"dm: %#", dm);
Again, the catch/minor difference is that in order for this to work, the base class must define a property of the same name (or equivalent getter/setter methods). That said, the property/methods in the base class could be declared (or in the case of methods, NOT even delayed) and defined in the base class's implementation file only, and thus would not be visible to other files merely including the header.
One other note: by using this approach you're missing out on compile time checks for things like mismatch between the property specifiers ([nonatomic|atomic], [readonly|readwrite], [assign|retain|copy]). I've found this pattern incredibly useful, but there are some potential pitfalls to keep an eye out for.
I hope I understand the question correctly, how about typing the model as id?
#interface BaseCell : UITableViewCell
#property(retain, nonatomic) id model;
#implementation BaseCell
#synthesize model;
Then the derived cells can use whatever model classes they want.
When you initialize an instance variable through synthesize, that variable is not accesible from any class that may inherit it.
It looks like you may have been trying to point synthesize to a public instance variable and I'm not sure if that is possible. It may be trying to declare a new variable with the same name which I'm sure would generate some compiler warnings at the least since that new declaration would hide an existing one and is less accessible.
You could simply write your own getter and setter to expose the instance variable.
- (Base *) baseObj {
return _baseObj;
- (void) setBaseObj:(Base *)val {
if( val != _baseObj ) {
[_baseObj release];
_baseObj = [val retain];
Hope this helps!

Objective C: use instance class in other class

In my code, in an class I have an ivar
FirstClass *first;
and I can use first within an instance of this class.
But if I want to access first from another object instance (or even another class), how can I do that?
I assume you're talking about using FirstClass in another source file than its own, right?
In this case you'd have to import its header by adding this to the top of your second class' ".m"-file:
#import "FirstClass.h"
If you also need to reference in your second class' header ".h"-file, then you can add a
#class FirstClass;
before the #interface block. This will tell the compiler that it should consider a class of that name to be existant, but to not bother you with warnings unless you forget to import the given first class' ".h" file in the second class' ".m" file.
To allow access from foreign objects to your SecondClass' firstClass iVar you'll need to implement a getter method for firstClass.
This is done with
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) FirstClass *firstClass;
in the #interface block, and
#synthesize firstClass;
in the #implementation block.
With this set up you can then either call [secondClassInstance firstClass]; or access it via the dot syntax secondClassInstance.firstClass;.
My sample will also synthesize a setter method called setFirstClass:. To make the property read-only, change readwrite to readonly in the #property declaration.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface FirstClass : NSObject {
//method declarations
#import "FirstClass.h"
#implementation FirstClass
//method implementations
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#class FirstClass;
#interface SecondClass : NSObject {
FirstClass *firstClass;
#property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) FirstClass *firstClass;
//method declarations
#import "SecondClass.h"
#import "FirstClass.h"
#implementation SecondClass
#synthesize firstClass;
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init]) != nil) {
firstClass = [FirstClass alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[firstClass release];
[super dealloc];
//method implementations
I would use a property. Probably in your header of your second class something like
#property (nonatomic, retain) FirstClass *first;
and in your implementation
#synthesize first;
Than when you create an object of your SecondClass
SecondClass *second = [[SecondClass alloc] init];
you can use

Objective-C property that is readonly publicly, but has a private setter

I'd like to use the #property syntax to declare a synthesized property that is publicly readonly but has a setter that can be called privately from within the class.
Since it's Objective-C, this basically means that the setFoo: method would be synthesized, but calling it outside of the class itself would result in a warning (unrecognized selector). To trigger the warning I have to declare the property readonly; is there any way to force a synthesized setter that is only available within the class?
I think what you're looking for are called class extensions. You would declare the property read-only in the header:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
#property (readonly, assign) NSInteger myInteger;
Then redeclare in your class extension in the implementation file:
#interface MyClass ()
#property (readwrite, assign) NSInteger myInteger;
#implementation MyClass
For more check out Apple's documentation
I might be late, but without extension i did using the following technique
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString * name;
#property (readonly, strong) NSString * name;
on the other hand in implementation file
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize name;
- (id)initWithItems:(NSDictionary *)items {
self = [super init];
name = #"abc";
return self;
doing so it will set your value and will be accessible as readonly.