Postgres Case Sensitivity - sql

I have imported 100 of tables in Postgres from MSSql server 2008 through tool which created all the tables along with their columns in capital letter. Now if I want to make a data view from table e.g - STD_TYPE_CODES as-
select * from STD_TYPE_CODES
I am getting following error-
ERROR: relation "std_type_codes" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from STD_TYPE_CODES
********** Error **********
ERROR: relation "std_type_codes" does not exist
SQL state: 42P01
Character: 15
I know I can put the quotes around the table name as-
select * from "STD_TYPE_CODES"
But as I have worked with MSSql Server, there is no such kind of issue.
So is there any way to get rid of this? Please help.

In PostgreSQL unquoted names are case-insensitive. Thus SELECT * FROM hello and SELECT * FROM HELLO are equivalent.
However, quoted names are case-sensitive. SELECT * FROM "hello" is not equivalent to SELECT * FROM "HELLO".
To make a "bridge" between quoted names and unquoted names, unquoted names are implicitly lowercased, thus hello, HELLO and HeLLo are equivalent to "hello", but not to "HELLO" or "HeLLo" (OOPS!).
Thus, when creating entities (tables, views, procedures, etc) in PostgreSQL, you should specify them either unquoted, or quoted-but-lowercased.
To convert existing tables/views/etc you can use something like ALTER TABLE "FOO" RENAME TO "foo".
Or, try to modify dump from MSSQL to make it "PostgreSQL-compatible" (so that it will contain foos or "foo"s but not "FOO"s).
Either by explicitly editing dump file. (If you're using Linux, you can do sed -r 's/"[^"]+"/\L\0/g' dumpfile — however be warned that this command may also modify text in string literals.)
Or by specifying some options when getting dump from MSSQL. (I'm not sure if there are such options in MSSQL, never used it, but probably such options should exist.)


PostgreSQL - I get SQL Error [42P01] or [42703] if I don't add double quotes around table names or Fields

I'm using DBeaver to write script for my PostgreSQL database.
I have a PostgreSQL DB with Tables autogenerated by C#/EFCore (Microsoft ORM) - I receive SQL Error [42P01] if I don't add double quotes around table names when I cut and paste my ORM queries to DBeaver. I got [42703] for fields without double quotes. I do not have to add double quotes in C# code but it appears to be required in DBeaver?
select * from Dnp3PropertyBase => SQL Error [42P01]
select * from "Dnp3PropertyBase" => OK, all results shown...
Does anybody know if I can change a parameter in DBeaver somewhere in order to enter table names and fields without double quotes?
Note: Using DBeaver 22.3.2 (latest on 2023-01-11)
Update After reading: Postgresql tables exists, but getting "relation does not exist" when querying
show search_path => public, public, "$user"
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables => All tables are in public schema
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns => All columns are in public schema
Question: How to be able to cut and paste my EFCore generated queries from Visual Studio output window to DBeaver query without having any errors regarding table names and field names?
First let me copy #a_horse_with_no_name comment:
Unquoted names are folded to lower case in Postgres (and to uppercase
in Oracle, DB2, Firebird, and many others). So SomeTable is in fact
stored as sometable (or SOMETABLE). However quoted identifiers have to
preserve the case and are case sensitive then. So "SomeTable" is
stored as SomeTable
Many peoples recommended me to go with snake case which I didn't want to go with initialy because all tables were auto generated by EF Core (Microsoft C# ORM). I told myself that Microsoft would do standard things. Microsoft use the exact "class" name in code as the table name , by default. That appears to me very logical in order to stay coherent and apply the same rules everywhere. C# recommended to use Camel case for classes so each table names end by default in Camel case instead of snake case.
PostgreSQL seems to promote users to use snake casing because they lower case every non double quoted names. According to a_horse_with_no_name, and I think the same, only PostgreSQL has the behavior of lower casing down every table names and field names which are not double quoted in SQL script. That behavior (changing casing for non double quoted names) appears to me as being very limitative. It also has hidden effect that could be hard to find for non initiated peoples coming from other DB world.
According to PostgreSQL doc, they recommend to use nuget package (.UseSnakeCaseNamingConvention()). It probably works fine for TPH (table per hierarchy) which is recommended by Microsoft for performance. But it does not works for table name for TPC (table per class) because of actual bugs in EFCore 7 (see Github project).
I received that message at the end of "update-database":
Both 'WindTurbine' and 'ResourceGenerator' are mapped to the table
'resource_generator'. All the entity types in a non-TPH hierarchy (one
that doesn't have a discriminator) must be mapped to different tables.
See for more
PostgreSQL doc : TPH supported OK but not for table in TPC (2023-01-12). I use TPC then I had to force each table name directly through TableAttribute.
My solution For table name, I use snake casing by manually add a "Table" attribute to each of my classes with the proper name like this sample:
public class WaterTurbine : ResourceGenerator
For fields, I use the EFCore.NamingConventions NugetPackage which works fine for fields names. Don't forget that if you have 2 classes mapped to the same object, it is because you are using TPC and did not force table name through TableAttribute.
This way all my table and fields names are snake casing and I can cut and paste any query dumped in my debugger directly in any SQL script window of DBeaver (or any SQL tool).

Periods in table names causing errors

I am trying to update a table in pgadmin 3 (postgres 9.4) called: assay.Luminex.Luminex_GT_shared.Analyte
I kept getting the error:
ERROR: improper qualified name (too many dotted names):
I have tested backquotes and brackets to no avail, keep getting syntax errors:
SELECT * FROM `assay.Luminex.Luminex_GT_shared.Analyte`;
SELECT * FROM [assay.Luminex.Luminex_GT_shared.Analyte];
I am a newb to SQL, I am just trying to make a simple update to a table and getting stuck on this.
As documented in the manual in SQL, non-standard identifiers have to be quoted with double quotes:
FROM "assay.Luminex.Luminex_GT_shared.Analyte";
But you should really avoid names like that.

What does "SELECT INTO" do?

I'm reading sql code which has a line that looks like this:
SELECT INTO _user tag FROM login.user WHERE id = util.uuid_to_int(_user_id)::oid;
What exactly does this do? The usual way to use SELECT INTO requires specifying the columns to select after the SELECT token, e.g.
SELECT * INTO _my_new_table WHERE ...;
The database is postgresql.
This line must appear inside of a PL/pgSQL function. In that context the value from column tag is assigned to variable _user.
According to the documentation:
Tip: Note that this interpretation of SELECT with INTO is quite different from PostgreSQL's regular SELECT INTO command, wherein the INTO target is a newly created table.
The INTO clause can appear almost anywhere in the SQL command. Customarily it is written either just before or just after the list of select_expressions in a SELECT command, or at the end of the command for other command types. It is recommended that you follow this convention in case the PL/pgSQL parser becomes stricter in future versions.

Simple SELECT statement fails with "syntax to use near", "ORA-00906", "syntax error at or near" or "syntax near the keyword"

I have a very simple SQL statement
but, my query engine returns a syntax error. Why?
Error Details:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in >System.Data.dll
Additional information: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Table'.
How is this possible? I checked the connection string and it is correct.
I checked my table name and it is also correct.
What I am doing wrong?
Okay, Table is a reserved keyword in all variants of SQL.
If you want to call a table Table, and use it in a statement, you have to tell your sql engine that it is an identifier. To do this you need to use Identifier Qualifiers.
for (MS SQL Server) TSQL use square brackets
SELECT * FROM [Table];
for MySQL use `
SELECT * FROM `Table`;
for Oracle and PostgreSQL use quotation marks,
these are standards compliant.
SELECT * FROM "Table";
for SQLite you can use any of the above, but quotation marks are prefered.
The Identifier Qualifiers tell the engine that this is an identifier (the name of an object.) Not the name of a keyword, even if they happen to be the same. Without your guidance the query engine can get confused and report an error, or worse, do something unexpected.
Using Identifier Qualifiers is good practice, even if the identifers are not keywords.
They better define statements for all parsers, including the fleshy kind.
Naming objects after keywords is generally considered bad practice. So you should try to avoid making identifers the same as keywords. The occasions when a reserved keyword is descriptive of the contents of a table are rare, see the footnote.
e.g. your table is not a Table of tables.
The problem and advice is not limited to Tables, Identifiers are required for all database objects inluding Schema, Views and the many types that exist, standard and vendor-specific.
Another form of good practice is to prefix Table indentifiers with a Schema identifier, this helps the query engine a little.
When including the Schema identifier, the identifer should be qualified,
for (MS SQL Server) TSQL use square brackets
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Table];
for MySQL use `
SELECT * FROM `dbo`.`Table`;
for Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite use quotation marks
SELECT * FROM "dbo"."Table";
even if your Schema is not named after a keyword, as should be the case.
For your reference, to help you avoid conflicts.
A list of TSQL Reserverd Keywords.
A list of MySQl Reserved Keywords.
A list of Oracle Reserved Keywords.
A list of SQLite Reserved Keywords.
A list of PostgreSQL Reserved Keywords.
Notable "gotcha's" include USER and ERROR, which seem to come up when designing systems.
There are occasions when using reseved words for object names may be semantically correct.
Consider the contrived example of an information system for a furniture shop. In this scenario, a table of tables (kitchen, garden, dining, apothecary etc.) may be correct. So, you could argue Table was the correct identifier.
If you always use Identifier Qualifiers, you won't get burned.
If you are using SQL server you need to wrap table in brackets [] as table is keyword in SQL Server

table with "." in its name

I was trying to use sqlFetch. The fetch works perfectly when I change the name of my table to have underlines instead of periods. So if I use the command
sqlFetch(conn, "HelloWorld_40")
It works fine. Unfortunately, my friends are all using the real name of the table
sqlFetch(conn, "HelloWorld.40")
But then it crashes and it tells me that
Error in sqlColumns(conn, "HelloWorld.40") :
'HelloWorld.40': table not found on channel
I'm guessing the period "." is illegal name for a table. But I don't want my friends to change it because it's a lot of people who would be affected. Is there a way I can call the table, or do I have to secretly go to their database, change the name while I use it and then change it back to a period (risking that I will forget, someone will read, blah blah).
put the table name in square brackets:
It is a problem with sqlFetch which parse table name. Unfortunately it did not handle table quotes, so it's search for table 40 in schema HelloWorld. You need to directly call sqlQuery (with quoted table name, brackets for MS SQL Server):
sqlQuery(dbhandle, "SELECT * FROM [HelloWorld.40]")
Side note: you should specify which database you are using.
The best delimiter is double quotes -- that should work in most underlying databases:
In MySQL, you can also use back ticks (`):
In SQL Server, Access, and I think Sybase, you can also use square braces: