Nest missing CreateIndexRaw - nest

I'm trying to upgrade from Nest .10 to .12, but don't see what call I need to substitute for client.CreateIndexRaw("myIndexName", myJsonSettings).

You can now use
client.Raw.IndicesCreatePost("myIndexName", myJsonSettings, nv=>nv);
myJsonSettings can be a string or anonymous c# object. The last argument is optional but allows you to pass any querystring value you might need.


Passing parameters while calling a scenario from another feature flie in karate?

I know how to call specific scenario from another feature file and pass parameters along. But is there a way I can do it while checking for condition using 'if'?
For instance:
* if (role=="SME"||role=="BA")'classpath:rough/utility.feature#checkDisabled'){element: #(elem)}
If this is the wrong implementation as what I get from the console. Please suggest me a way how can i achieve this in karate?
When you use put the second argument inside the round brackets. This is pure JS and "Karate-style" embedded expressions will not work.
* if (role=="SME"||role=="BA")'classpath:rough/utility.feature#checkDisabled', {element: elem})
Please take some time to read this part of the docs:

String template to set the default value of PARAMETER

Is it possible, in ABAP, to evaluate string templates dynamically?
Normally, you will have some string template in code that will be checked by the compiler. (The variables in the curly brackets are checked by the compiler at compile time).
However, is it possible to have a string evaluated at runtime?
So, instead of:
data(val) = |System ID: { sy-sysid }|.
I would like the string to be interpolated to come from elsewhere, for example:
parameter: p_file type string lower case default '/mnt/{ sy-sysid }/file.txt'.
In this case, I would like to have the value of p_file to be evaluated at runtime to substitute the variable (sy-sysid) with the runtime value.
You could, of course, program your own substitution by finding all occurrences of variables with curly brackets with a regex expression, then evaluate the variable values with ASSIGN and substitute them back into the string, but I am looking for a built-in way to do this.
Sorry, this is maybe a stupid example, but hopefully you understand what I mean. (If not, please let me know in the comments and I will try and clarify).
The problem in your snippet is not with string template but with PARAMETER behavior. It does not allow dynamics in DEFAULT clause.
To achieve what you want you should use INITIALIZATION and set path value in runtime:
parameter: p_file type string lower case.
p_file = | /mnt/{ sy-sysid }/file.txt |.
Unfortunately, the example you gave, does not make any sense to me. ABAP String templates are evaluated at run-time and type-checked at compile-time.
In your example, it is always the run-time value of SY-SYSID that will be written to the variable.
I guess what you want to do is circumvent compile-time checks for expressions inside a string template.
Please try to give us your actual use case, so maybe we find an even better solution to your problem.
However, here is what I think could help you:
Personally, I do not recommend to write code like the one below, because it is extremely error-prone likely to mislead other programmers and because there is very likely a better solution.
Given that you know the name of a variable at run-time, try this:
".. say LV_VARNAME is a charlike variable that contains a
" variable name at runtime.
"NOTE that the variable LV_VARNAME must be visible in the scope of the
"following code.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <my_var> TYPE any.
ASSIGN (lv_varname) TO <my_var>.
DATA(lv_str) = |The value is { <my_var> }|.

Get Type of Lambda using Roslyn and VB

How do I get the Type of a Lambda using Visual Basic?
I am not sure I need to deal with all 6 above
I want to be able to add an As Clause to variable declarations like below.
Dim startPointGetter = Function(part As EnvDTE.vsCMPart) arg.GetStartPoint(part)
I don't even know how I would specify the As Clause manually so I need some help.
To figure out the type, at least, you can use SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo to figure out the underlying type.

Specifying multiple MergeSection values when using LINK task on MSBuild

Is there anyway to specify more than one MergeSection value for the MSBuild LINK task? (The MergeSection param is the same as the /merge param for link.exe)
When calling link.exe you can specify more than one /merge value, but that doesn't seem possible with the MergeSection parameter.
So far the only way I can see to make this work is by using the AddtionalOptions param, but I'm hoping there's a better way to implement this parameter.
I think you may have to use AdditionalOptions.
In the Link task the MergeSections property is a string value, not an array, so you can only set one string. Link.exe does not seem to allow you to pass multiple pairs in one command line parameter, you must specify a separate MERGE command line parameter for each pair. The Visual Studio property page only allows a single string for the MergeSections property.

What is the definition of ":=" in vb

I came across some sample code in VB.Net which I have some experience with and kinda having a duh moment figuring out the meaning of :=.
RefreshNavigationImages(bForward:=True, startIndex:=-1)
The sig for this method is RefreshNavigationImages(boolean, int). Is this a default value if null? Like "bIsSomething ?? false"?
Tried to bing/google but they just don't like searching for operators especially if it's only 2 chars.
They are named parameters. They let you specify values for arguments in function calls by name rather than order.
The := indicates the use of named parameters. Rather than relying on the order of the parameters in the method declaration, named parameters allow you to specify the correlation of parameters to values by specifying the name of the parameter.