linker settings - ios7

On the GitHub instructions for it states "In your project's Build Settings (in the TARGETS section, not the PROJECTS section), add -lc++ to Other Linker Flags."
I can't find an entry of that name in Xcode 5. Either Im blind or its called something different now. Where should "-lc++" flag now go?

Its right there in Project > Target > Build Settings. Just type "Other Linker Flags" in the search:

I don't know why my Xcode 5.0.2 does not have an entry for "Other Linker Flags", but opening the "ScanExample" sample code from GitHub also does not have this entry in my setup. I found where the sample code has the -lc++ flag in its Linker settings but it is in the entry OTHER_LDFLAGS, so that must be where it goes if your Xcode does not label the Build setting as "Other Linker Flags"
Is this just a setting in my project to show the setting names in a literal style?
If so I'm surprised that using the search field wouldn't find it.


Calling Objective-C from Swift class causing linker errors

I'm trying to use RFDuino Objective-C library in Swift. It all sounds simple, I have called Objective-C from Swift classes before, no problem. This time however I hit the brick wall.
Created header file. Added header files to it. Swift can see the classes no problem. Project compiles fine.
The problem during build appears just after I try to call any of Objective classes
for example:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let rfDuinoManager: RFduinoManager = RFduinoManager.sharedRFduinoManager()
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_RFduinoManager", referenced from:
__TMaCSo14RFduinoManager in ViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Im not sure what Im missing here.
Link to the project here.
Thanks in advance for help. Honestly loosing hope now and considering rewrite whole library to Swift
The problem is how the rfduino folder was added to the project. So
Remove rfduino folder (selecting rfduino folder in the project navigator panel on left and hit delete button, but when it asks to move it to the trash or just remove references, choose "remove references".
Your bridging header has an absolute path reference, I'd suggest removing that altogether by selecting it in build settings and hitting delete button:
Re-add rfduino files back to the project, this time, under "added folders" option, choose "create groups" rather than "create folder references". If you want it to prompt to create proper bridging header for you, don't select folder, but select the individual files:
Also make sure that SmartHomeHub is checked below.
If you do that properly it will ask you to create bridging header automatically:
Go to this new bridging header and add your import lines again:
This is a linker error, not a compiler error. Are you sure the RFduino class (source or library) is included in your project (open the project membership panel on the right in Xcode and make sure the box is checked to include the library in your target).
If it is included, make sure it has x86_64 code compiled into it. It might be an iOS library and is just compiled for ARM. You can check by finding the binary and running lipo on it from the command line.
lipo -info [name of RFduinolibrary.a(dylib,whatever)]
it should show x86_64 as an architecture, ala:
Architectures in the file are: i386 x86_64
"The OPN [Debug] target overrides the OTHER_LDFLAGS build setting". This was the main issue. After adding $(inherited) in new line in other linker flags solved my issue.
For me, Removing all the files in 'derived dir', removing reference to the frameworks in my project and connect again and etc didn't work anymore. Only worked to me is to set 'Build Active Architecture Only' to 'YES'.

Why am I getting "_OBJC_CLASS_$..., referenced from:" linker error when I have correctly linked frameworks?

My Problem
I getting "_OBJC_CLASS_$..., referenced from:" linker error when compiling some Xcode projects (it happens in both iOS and Mac projects) I have correctly linked frameworks and imports.
One application target
One test target
All frameworks linked correctly
On compile I get the following linker errors:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_JGCountdownTimer", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in JGCountdownTimerTestCase.o
for many classes that are used in tests.
What I've Tried
Checked that imports are all present
Removed all non standard frameworks
If I compile a class for both the test target and the app target it fixes the issue. But then I get other warnings from the compiler.
I faced a similar problem. I got the linker error:
The problem was that I had declared an #interface for MyClass but had not declared its corresponding #implementation.
The fix was to simply add
#implementation MyClass
Quick Answer
Copy and paste the following line into your build settings:
In the target build settings look for "Symbols Hidden by Default". For the Debug configuration you want "No".
I've had this problem on and off for many months and I've just discovered why.
Not sure if this could be the problem, but with the new compiler, any obj-c that aren't explicitly referred to/invoked will not be linked from libraries. This causes problems when you implement categories in libraries for example.
Try adding '-ObjC' to 'additional linker flags' in the build settings panel for your target. shrug
objc_class_$textfieldvalidator referenced from
Compile doesn't include those copied files in its compile list. To fix this error
select the file or folder, then go to the Build Phases panel and open the Compile Sources step, then click the + button and add them all file or folder.
Right click on a project folder, click "Add Files to ...", select the file(s), click the Options button and select the target, then click Add.

How do I weak link frameworks on Xcode 4?

I need to weak link some framework with my target.
But I can't find how to do it...
If I try to run my project on 3.2 iPad simulator i get the following error:
dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/iAd.framework/iAd
Reason : Image not found
Thanks !
Go to your project -> Targets -> Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries.
Then change the library you want to weak-link from "Required" to "Optional".
This doesn't work now. Please follow the link below:
Select the target you want to modify and reveal its build phases.
Expand the Link Binary With Libraries build phase to view the frameworks currently linked by the target.
If the framework you want to weakly link to is listed in the Link Binary With Libraries build phase, select it, and choose Edit > Delete to remove it.
Now you can tell the linker to use weak linking for that framework.
Select the target, open its Info window, and click Build.
To the Other Linker Flags build setting, add the following command-line option specification, where FRAMEWORK_NAME is the name of the framework you want to weakly link to:
-weak_framework FRAMEWORK_NAME
Build your product.

XCode 4, ParseKit and Archive Target

I'm trying to archive an iPad application that used ParseKit. I'm able to run the app fine, utilizing ParseKit, for any build using the Debug Configuration (ie, Run on device / simulator ana analyze.) When I use the Release Configuration, however, I get the following linker error:
ld: library not found for -lparsekit
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/llvm-gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1
I had the same error. The fix for me was to select:
ParseKit.xcodeproj (subproject within my project)
-> Target: ParseKitMobile
-> Build Settings
-> Product Name
...and change the name from 'parsekit' to 'libparsekit'. Curious that this is necessary for XCode4, but it's now working for me at least.
Check your flags in your release target: your debug and release builds will probably have different compiler flags set. In XCode4, go into your target's build settings and look for the "Other Linker Flags" section. You will hopefully find your release linker flags don't have a '-lparsekit' flag.

code::blocks, libxml2 / libxml/parser.h: No such file or directory

I'm trying to write some tool using code::blocks, wxWidgets and libxml2 on Windows platform.
Things I've done:
copied libxml2.a, libxml2.dll.a and
other libs to MinGW lib/ folder
Wrote some headers like this in my
source file:
#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
Added -lxml2 to linker
And now, when I'm trying to build this project I'm getting this error:
error: libxml/xmlmemory.h: No such file or directory
Anyone here experienced this error?
I believe that I misconfigured something but don't really know what.
Thanks for your ideas.
In general, it's better to not move things into the mingw directories, but to leave them in their own directories, and add search paths to the project properties so it knows where to look for them.
If you go into your project properties in Code::Blocks, hit the Project build options button, then inside the Linker Settings tab, add the two libraries you're linking against. Then In the Search directories tab, add the /include to compiler search locations, and optionally, add the /lib directory to Linker locations (This isn't necessary if you gave the full path to the .a in the linker settings.
Ok, I found the solution!
works perfectly