Render HTML or GSP as a PDF and save it on server - pdf

I have an html template which I need to render as a .PDF and then save that pdf file on server. I'm using "rendering" plugin of grails. I'm able to render file as PDF but I don't understand how to save it on server location and not on user's system. Can anybody please help me ?

The pdfRenderingService provided by the plugin allows you to call render and get back an OutputStream. Using that output stream you can write that to a file on your server. The documentation explains the basics of using the service.
Your code may look something like this:
new File("report.pdf").withOutputStream { outputStream ->
outputStream << pdfRenderingService.render(template: '/report/report', model: [serial: 12345])

Well, actually I changed my plugin. Got Wkhtmltopdf plugin of grails more helpful. you can find it here --
Also instructions regarding using this plugin you can find on the same link or here --
Using this you can get "bytes" which you can write to file system.


Can vscode's markdown preview scripts trigger actions directly in an extension?

I'm writing a vscode extension where I'm hoping to squeeze more dynamic functionality out of markdown preview. Effectively the problem I'm trying to solve is:
In markdown preview, there's a checkbox
When user clicks the checkbox in markdown preview, send a message/event to the vscode extension runtime
Vscode extension can listen for this message/event and store the action in local storage
Checkbox state is saved - and subsequent renders of the markdown preview can use this action
Ideally, I'd like to do this while keeping the default markdown preview security ( After all, I don't need the extension to or markdown preview script to talk to a remote server - I just want them to be able to talk to one another.
Problem as code
To write the problem as sudo code, I want my markdown preview script to contain something like:
const button = ... // get button element
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
... /*
* Send a message to the vscode extension. Something like:
* `vscode.postMessage('' + value)`
* (which I can't get to work, I'll discuss why)
where then my extension can listen for messages like ''.
What I've Tried Already
I have tried acquireVsCodeApi() but because the markdown extension already does that, I can't do it again in the subsequent loaded script. I've also tried registering a uri handler but as far as I can try out the preview script still needs to fetch to that uri, which is still blocked by the default markdown security settings.
Perhaps markdown preview scripts are not the place to do this kind of thing, but I just wanted to leverage as much as possible that's already there with the vscode markdown extension. I want to supplement markdown but not replace it, the functionality I want to add is just icing on markdown documentation.
I've read and it doesn't tell me much about markdown extension scripts capabilities and limitations.
Thanks to #LexLi I looked at some of the source code in the markdown extension and was able to come up with an ugly hack to make this work in preview scripts. Markdown allows normal clicks. And vscode extensions can handle normal clicks. I've paraphrased the code so there could be small syntax errors.
In the extension I did this:
handleUri(uri: vscode.Uri): vscode.ProviderResult<void> {
console.log(`EXTENSION GOT URL: ${uri.toString()}`);
Then I made sure my extension/preview script put this in the document
<!-- in the preview script I place a button like this -->
<!-- it even works with hidden :) so I can do more app customization -->
cant see me but I'm there
Then my preview script I can even set href before faking a click:
const aMessager = document.querySelector("#my-extension-messager");
console.log('client is setting attribute and clicking...')
aMessager.setAttribute('href', 'vscode://');;
console.log('client clicked');
Logs I saw (trimmed/tweaked from my particular extension to match the contrived example):
client is setting attribute and clicking...
client clicked
[Extension Host] EXTENSION GOT URL: vscode://
It's a hack but I can do a lot with this. Within the URL I can encode data back to the extension and kind of pass whatever I want (as long as data is relatively small).

How can i generate and download PDFs in Flask without saving them in my Webapp?

im trying to get a PDF with the ReportLab Module which works fine so far. My problem is that im saving the PDF with the .build()-method in my Webapps directory. What i want is that i can send the PDF for downloading without saving it before. That is somehow possible with the wkhtmltopdf module, but i dont want to use any other servers for this.
The process would be like: User presses a button 'download as pdf', a pdf is generated and instant returned as a download without saving it first.
Do you know if this is possible?
You want to create the PDF server side, return it to the client, without saving the PDF (for example, in S3)?
Yes, this is possible, you create the PDF in memory using
buffer = io.BytesIO()
myPDF = canvas.Canvas(buffer, pagesize=letter)
Then after creating your pdf you save it using
Then when you are ready to return the PDF as a reponse you can return it with:
response = HttpResponse(buffer, content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format("myFile.pdf")
return response

Print a pdf downloaded through a webservice in Flutter / Dart

I'm working with Flutter.
I have a pdf document that I download from a webservice.
The http body response of this pdf sent by http package is typed as Uint8List.
Then, I would like to print it with printing which is working with pdf package.
So I need an instance of a PdfDocument from this class.
Is there a way that I can convert this Uint8List to pdf ? I tried some other dart packages, but they didn't answer my needs because I need to print pdf, not just view them.
I also looked with flutter_downloader in order to simply get pdf file without bothering myself with Uint8List, but it seems the package is not working at the moment:
Thank you very much for answering.
var data = await getThePdfData(); // obtain the Uint8List
Printing.sharePdf(bytes: data);

download pdf file of blade instead of view in browser

I would like the browser to download file on button click of blade page. The following is used in controller and and added in provider file, but its showing in browser console but not downloading file.
use PDF;
// this controller
function sensorChartPDF(){
$pdf = PDF::loadView('sensorchartpdf');
return $pdf->download('invoice.pdf')->header('Content-Type','application/pdf');;
///// sensorchartpdf.blade.php this is view ///
chart static code appened in this file
To signify to the web browser that the file should be downloaded and not displayed in line you have to specify the content-disposition header with a value of attachment.
Your question, however, does not appear to be purely a question regarding Dompdf. With Dompdf you would merely use the following:
$dompdf->stream("output.pdf", array('Attachment' => 1));
I'm providing this for anyone looking for similar issue when working with the library directly.
Since you're not using Dompdf directly but via another library so you'll need to specify exactly which library or framework you're using before somebody can provide an accurate answer.

using expressjs and handlebarsjs to write out html files

I have a fairly simply web app that uses expressjs and handlebarsjs to retrieve and format markdown files and render them as html to the browser. I'd like to write the html output to the disk instead of sending it to the browser ? I know there are static website generators out there, but I'd rather just modify the existing program a tiny bit instead of installing a whole new kitchen sink.
The standard filesystem library should be able to do this -
fs.writeFile(filename, html, function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('It\'s saved!');
Where filename is the filename, and html is the content you want to write to the file.
See the filesystem docs.