Redirect Match. Remove Numbers from Url - apache

Just in need of some assistance with some redirects.
I have the following url I need to remove the ending number from:
So it becomes:
I have tried the following but cant quite crack it.
RedirectMatch 301 ^-([0-9]+).html$1.html
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Actually your regex is little incorrect. Try this:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/(.+?)-([0-9]+)\.html$ /$1.html


Issue with .htaccess redirects

I am trying to run a bunch of 301 redirects using an .htaccess file. However my rules are not working. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Here is my rules:
RedirectMatch 301 /directory/1
RedirectMatch 301 /anotherdirectory/2/3
If I visit I get redirected to the correct place. However if I visit I do not get redirected. It seems to only work when there is just 1 level if I try to add more levels it stops working
Is there an issue with using "/" in the match? Should I try a regex expression instead of the actual path?
Please anyone can shed some light on this?

htaccess redirect dynamic url to one with hashbang

I have but I want to change it to
I'm using trial and error at the moment and getting nowhere with the following in my .htaccess
RedirectMatch 301 ^/frame/([^/]*)$ /#/frame/$1
Could someone place me in the right direction? I have been using to try get the output URL as expected but can't figure it out.
You should use mod_rewrite so that you can use the NE flag. It's probably being converted to %23 using mod_alias. You need to send it literally with this code here.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^frame/([^/]+)/?$ /#/frame/$1 [NE,L,R=301]
Omitting the [NE] will result in the # being converted to its hexcode
equivalent, %23, which will then result in a 404 Not Found error
Note: Makes sure .htaccess is allowed and mod_rewrite is enabled.

Trying to redirect anything after the full URL without /68 for example

I need to remove anything on the end of URLs like the below examples without the /68 or any number ID <-- I would like to remove the / and anything after so it looks like this below.
I've searched but can't get the redirect to work correctly.
Any idea?
You can use this rule in your root .htaccess
RedirectMatch 301 ^/(.+?)/[0-9]+$ /$1

htaccess rewrite rule to ignore end portion of url

I am moving a site from IIS to Apache and part of the transition requires a change in URL handling.
The current URL pattern is:
1691 is the unique id of the post. It consists of two or more digits.
I would like to use .htaccess so as to ignore the "simple_friendly_name_of_page.aspx". Please bear in mind that the aforementioned aspx page can contain UTF-8 characters above the ASCII range (Hebrew, Greek etc)
In essence, I would like to permanently (301) redirect requests for
I imagine that this has to do with
RedirectMatch 301*)/(.*)
but I cannot grasp the regex needed for the other part of redirect / mod-rewrite.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^articles/tabid/([0-9]+)/ID/([0-9]+)/(.*)$ articles/tabid/$1/ID/$2 [R=301]
RedirectMatch 301 ^/articles/tabid/([0-9]+)/ID/([0-9]+)/(.*)$$1/ID/$2

RedirectMatch query string issue

I am moving content on a previous website where 2 copies of the site were made to translate it so that i only have one remaining.
To provide fallback access, i wrote this rewritematch rule :
RedirectMatch 301 /(en|fr)/(.+)\.php\??(.+)? /$2.php?locale=$1&$3
But it doesn't seem to be working.
If i do the following instead, everything works fine but i lose the query string passed in the original link which i really want.
RedirectMatch 301 /(en|fr)/(.+)\.php /$2.php?locale=$1&$3
Is there something i am doing wrong? Or are query strings not supported? (I checked but there seems to be no limitations on the apache docs).
Thanks in advance for your help!
RedirectMatch 301 /(en|fr)/(.+)(\.php\?)?(.+)?