How to add web hook on specific build in TeamCity - api

How to trigger build and add web hook on it via REST API? Or simply, how to add web hook on build by ID via API?
I viewed all the TC REST documentation but didn't find the answer.
Thank you.

There is documentation for triggering a build via REST API since TeamCity 8.1 here. Basically, you need to sent a POST request to http://[server]/httpAuth/app/rest/buildQueue with the build node as the content. There are build node examples in the documentation. If you're using an earlier version of TeamCity, you can trigger a build via script by following the instructions here.
I haven't worked with it, but there's a plugin, tcWebHookTrigger, that you can use to make working with TeamCity's inbound API calls easier here and it has documentation that should be able to get you started.


How can I possibly implement a VueJS app to Odoo?

I have to integrate a VueJS app in Odoo. I don't exactly know how I can achieve that?
I found this (not my app, but an example app) . Still no idea on how can I implement odoo in Vue. Login gives me a Failed to Login error message in this example app.
Any idea how to implement odoo in vue??
Actually, odooinvue works fine. Read carefully the instructions, in development it shows how to start a traefik docker container in order to serve both odoo and Vue.js.
Note: If I am not wrong, the purpose is to use odooinvue as a pure frontend, so it's not really an integration, basically you build vuejs (quasar, specifically) apps with odoo used as a pure backend.
See also this answer, by odooinvue's author
I am the author of that project. Its really impossible to answer you without knowing what steps you have taken to setup the project, but for that error, make sure of the following:
The Odoo server is up and running in the backend and you can login.
When you login with the front-end Vue app, you are using credentials that you know are working.
If that fails, open the dev console of your browser and check the network log. Make sure that the authentication request is returning status code 200.
I know others that are using the project just fine without any issue, so I am going to assume that you need some technical help. Perhaps hire a software developer to assist you.

what is the end point url of my jira tool to update my testcases status using Rest api

In my jira tool I have installed zephyr plugin to integrate with tests
found some documentation of all the restAPI requests
here but I am not sure what is the end point url of my jira tool to send these requests
could some one please help me to find
First you need to know you have to install the zephyr api in Jira which is a different plugin called "ZAPI". Once you have it, the correct url to make your calls would be something like:

Groovy rest api for Dropbox without third party plugins/libraries

I am trying to create a groovy script that will, based on some conditions, delete a dropbox folder full of artifacts.
I have been struggling to understand/figure out how to use Groovy restful API's without installing a bunch of Grails libraries or plugins, or the Dropbox API library from github.
Is it possible to use this dropbox URL:
without downloading extra libraries?
I'm having a lot of trouble finding information on the subject without the use of additional software.
Thanks !
Yes, you can easily create your own dropbox client from scratch but it is easier to check hints for JAVA developers and github repo with dropbox-sdk-core, which is already implementing dropbox API.
Remember to check out examples on github.

Building a Custom API on top of

I'm planning on building a developer API similar to what Uber and Yo have done. Is it possible to build such API if my app's backend is powered by I don't want my custom API pointing to parse, but instead my own site.
I'm planning on using ruby, and was wondering if there would be any limitations over other options (not sure what options I have). Thanks
I'm not sure if it is possible using ruby, but I know it's definitely possible to build your own REST API.
We have decided to go a bit further and wrote a parse-angular seed project for developing web apps. It can be found here.
After you pulled it, do a npm install
As usual,
cloud code should go into cloud/main.js
express code: cloud/app.js
angular code: cloud/public/js/
Note that: You will need to change your AppId and AppKey in
As for custom apis, you can define your own in cloud/routes/api.js.
At this point you should have a nice parse-angular project set up and good to go.
If there's anything wrong, please feel free to open a pull request. :)

How to create a WebHook with WCF to GitHub Enterprise?

I wanna create a WebHook to integrate with a server GitHub Enterprise. I want to use WCF to create this service, but I don't found a tutorial or step by step. This is my first work with WebHooks, and I did not found the model of the structure of the service to integrate with GitHub.
Anybody have a solution, example or the way to developer this? What methods, parameters and names I need use? The documentation of GitHub is not clear to me.
The methodology to create webhooks in the UI on earlier versions of GitHub Enterprise is very similar to and is now identical on GitHub Enterprise 11.10.340 and later.
Using the UI is a case of browsing to the repository in question, select the "Settings" icon on the right, select "Service Hooks" and configure the appropriate hook. (The wording has changed slightly in GitHub Enterprise 11.10.340 to match what you see on
If there isn't already a predefined service, a standard "WebHook URLs" hook should do the trick. This will POST the push payload to the URL you enter here.
You can also create the webhook using the API. If you're not running GitHub Enterprise 11.10.340 or later, you can refer to our archived documentation at, specifically for how to use the API to create a webhook. If you're running GitHub Enterprise 11.10.340 or later the documentation at applies to these versions of GitHub Enterprise.
You'd then need to ensure the recipient of this POST knows how to process the payload and act upon it.
A good service to use to check the payload from any webhook is