Binding error in MSSQL Views 'DWView.dbo.whatever' - sql

I was given a database by a client. I can't access any of the data in the Views in this database because I get this error:
Invalid object name 'DWView.dbo.Person_C'.
I have no user/role/anything called DWView. The view exists, but nothing can access it. This happens in all of the views.
One thing I'm not clear on -- what is DWView.dbo? I know dbo is the schema/owner, but what about the DWView part? I've never encountered this in 15+ years of working with MSSQL databases.
Any attempt to access the views fails with that error, including sp_refreshview.
Is there anything I can do to remove this DWView thing? Thanks.

The error means the object doesn't exist. Like you mentioned, the schema comes before the view in syntax; so when you ask ...
One thing I'm not clear on -- what is DWView.dbo
... it means database.schema. So your query is looking for the database DWView, the schema dbo, and the object name Person_C.
As a note, if you're already on the database (USE Database GO), you don't have to use the database in your query; you can simply use SchemaName.ObjectName.

Try executing this ..
USE Your_Database_Name
SELECT * FROM dbo.Person_C
It should be [database].[schema].[objectname].


Creating a database view from a dynamic string (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE) in a PL/SQL package - Questions?

I want to create a dynamic view at runtime made up of string of columns and a where clause using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE on one database which will be queried on a second database using a db_link.
My question are the following.
The view will be queried on another database using a database_link do I need to also GRANT privileges to the view (i.e. PUBLIC) and the SYNONYM (as PUBLIC) at the same time (if at all)? or does this only need to be created once?
Can a package be INVALID if in the PL/SQL package there is a reference to an object on another database via a database link that doesn't exist, is INVALID or has changed in structure? Or does it compile regardless?
I'm assuming I would need "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW" in the the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE string as the second time I run this process the view will already exist on the database?
Thanks Guys in advance for any feedback on this.
First of all, I'd suggest you not to do that. In Oracle, objects are created once and used any time you want. What benefit do you expect from creating a view dynamically? (I'm not saying that you must not do it, just suggesting to think it over).
Now, to answer your questions:
You don't need GRANT because - in order to create a database link, you already know remote database's username and password
If object in another database is invalid, then executing or compiling your procedure will fail
Yes, as without or replace Oracle will complain that object with that name already exists.

How do you save a CREATE VIEW statement?

EDIT: This question was based on the incorrect premise that SQL VIEWS were cleared from a database when the user that created them disconnects from the server. Leaving this question in existence in case others have that assumption.
I'm trying to use views in my database, but I'm running up against an inability to save the code as a SQL Server object for repeated use.
I tried saving CREATE VIEW statements as procedures and user defined functions, but as many have answered on stack overflow, CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION are incompatible with CREATE VIEW due to the only one in batch issue.
Obviously I don't want to retype my CREATE VIEW statements every time, and I'd prefer not to have to load them from text files. I must be missing something here.
You don't really "save" CREATE/ALTER statements. The create or alter statement changes the structure of the database. You can use SSMS to generate the statement again later by right clicking on the view, and choosing Script as->Create. This inspects the structure of the database and generates the statement.
The problem with this approach is your database now consists of both a structure definition(DDL) as well as its contents, the data. If you dropped/created the database to clear its data, you'd also have lost the structure. So you always need a database hanging around for the structure and back it up to ensure you don't ever lose the DDL.
Personally I would use Database Projects as part of Visual Studio and SQL Server Data Tools. This allows you to keep each View, Table, etc. as separate files, and then update the database using schema compare. The main benefit being you can separate the definition of the database from the database itself, and also source control or backup the DDL files.
If you really want to, you could create a view in a proc like this:
Though, you'll have to escape single quotes in your view code with ''
However, I have to agree with the other comments that this seems like a strange thing to do.
Some other thoughts:
You can use sp_helptext to get the code of an existing view:
sp_helptext '<your view name here>'
Also, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS includes a VIEW_DEFINITION column with the same code:

Access 10' with SQL Server DB 'Operation must use an updateable query'

I have an Access 2010 'front-end' DB that has its data stored in a SQL Server DB 'back-end.'I'm trying to write the most simple UPDATE query I can and being met with this error: 'Operation must use an updateable query.' My qry code is:
UPDATE tblTableLastModifiedDates SET LastModified = NOW()
WHERE id='1';
A lot of this DB was set up before I got this job so the dumb table names are not my fault. Also, I checked the tblTableLastModifiedDates and it actually has no PK and I've been unable to create one. I'm not sure if that is the problem.
Before I scrap all this and start it over (to do it the right way), I figured I'd ask if anyone knew how to fix this error.
This error implies that tblTableLastModifiedDates is a view that is not unique enough to update the LastModified field in the underlying table. This isn't that uncommon.
The best approach is going to be to execute the UPDATE against the underlying table.

Sql Server modify select

I'm pretty sure there is no way, but i'm putting this out there for those expert beyond my knowledge.
What i am looking to do is to somehow alter SELECT statements before they are executed, at the database level. For a seriously pared-down example, i'd like to do something like the following... when someone executes the following SQL
i'd like to catch it, before it executes, and alter the statement to something like
allowing me to enforce user limitations on the data in a fashion similar to ORACLE's VPDs, without needing to resort to creating views on top of all my tables that might need this.
Look into using a VIEW.
Sadly, this is not possible.
Even the Microsoft SQL Server row-level security features (e.g. in the security catalogs) are implemented using views.
So, if you really need the feature, you're going to have to set up views with SUSER_NAME() or some similar individual- or role-identifier in the WHERE clauses.
Use views (or inline table-valued functions), generate the views automatically and remove rights from the tables.
There used to be a round-about unethical way in SQL 2000. You could create a trigger on master..sysprocesses table for INSERT and do this kind of manipulation. Thankfully, this is not possible, at least AFAIK, in SQL 2005, as master..sysprocesses is a fake table.
For the benefit of some of US still using SQL 2000, here is how to do this in SQL 2000:
In the console right click on
In the properties go to server
settings tab
Then check allow modifications to be
made directly to the system catalogs
Selected the sysprocesses table in
sysobjects and change it's xtype
from S(system) to U(user)
Now go to Master DB, tables - right
click on sysprocesses-All
tasks-Manage Triggers
Then you can write your trigger
After you are done, turn back
everything to it's original state.
Even with all of this, I still doubt if you can change the Select statement.
Disclaimer: Try this at your own risk. Be warned that you are making changes to system objects which could lead to undesirable results.
First, grant no direct table access to the users so they can't see the data from an ad hoc query. Make them use a stored proc to access the table and one of the parameters of the proc is the user login. Then write the code so that it only selects records for that login.

How does a "Schema changed after the target table was created" error occur?

I hit this error while my web application was trying to execute a SELECT INTO on a MSSQL 2005 database. I really have two questions:
What does this error mean and how does this happen?
Is there a way to prevent these errors by coding in a different way?
Besides the obvious, that somebody changed the table while the code was executing, it could be a naming conflict with temp tables created in the SQL. It could be that there are two temp tables with different schemas, but they have the same name.
You can get this error if a database trigger(AFTER CREATE_TABLE) changes the table, when using SELECT INTO.
Also you can get this when you have the
used within a stored procedure and it is run multiple times concurrently.
You have to specify dbo. as the schema for the first table.