Upload files to different directories in Classic ASP - file-upload

I am making a classic ASP page in which I need to have a form upload multiple files.
I am using an upload.asp class file by Jacob "Beezle" Gilley.
The files are uploading, but the problem I am having is that I want to upload each file to a different sub directory.
For example, my form has the following fields:
<input type="file" name="PDF" />
<input type="file" name="Powerpoint" />
<input type="file" name="Thumbnail" />
And here is the current ASP:
savepath = "/assets"
For Each File In Uploader.Files.Items
'Change Filename
origFile = File.FileName
extension = InStrRev(origFile, ".")
cutString = Len(origFile) - extension + 1
File.FileName = metaID & right(origFile, cutString)
path = path & File.FileName
' Save the file
File.SaveToDisk savepath
' Output the file details to the browser
Response.Write "File Uploaded: " & File.FileName & "<br>"
Response.Write "Size: " & File.FileSize & " bytes<br>"
Response.Write "Type: " & File.ContentType & "<br><br>"
ThumbName = File.FileName
ThumbSize = File.FileSize
I want the file in the PDF field to go to the /assets/pdf subfolder, the file in the Powerpoint field to go to the /assets/PPT subfolder and the file in the thumbnail field to go to the /assets/thumb subfolder.
As far as I can tell, the current code only loops through the files regardless of what the field name is.
Is there a way to change the savepath based on the field name.

I've inserted a line....
' every type a different directory
savepath = savepath & "/" & extension
File.SaveToDisk savepath
that should do the trick


Trying to save a pdf file of a screenshot of the form, given a specified location from the user's input

I am trying to save a created, PDF file to a location specified by the user. I'm using Visual Studio Community 2019. Essentially, I am taking a screenshot of this form:
And by using the PdfSharp external library, I create a PDF file and then save that PDF to some file location specified by the user. Here is the UI for the user to select their preferred file location:
The issue arises once the program tries to save the PDF file to the location given by the user. Here is the error I get from Visual Studio:
System.NotSupportedException: 'No data is available for encoding 1252. For information on defining a custom encoding, see the documentation for the Encoding.RegisterProvider method.'
I looked online for this specific error, but I don't really understand it nor what to do with it, it's very confusing. I'm still a bit of beginner when it comes to working with Visual Basic. Here's the code that tries to do it:
Dim fileLocation As String
fileLocation = folderBrowseBox.Text
GetFormImage(True).Save(fileLocation & "\" & RemoveWhitespace(filename) & "_" & RemoveWhitespace(collectionPeriod) & ".jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg)
' Create new pdf document and page
Dim doc As New PdfDocument()
Dim oPage As New PdfPage()
' Add the page to the pdf document and add the captured image to it
Dim img As XImage = XImage.FromFile(fileLocation & "\" & RemoveWhitespace(filename) & "_" & RemoveWhitespace(collectionPeriod) & ".jpg")
'Create XImage object from file.
Using xImg = PdfSharp.Drawing.XImage.FromFile(fileLocation & "\" & RemoveWhitespace(filename) & "_" & RemoveWhitespace(collectionPeriod) & ".jpg")
'Resize page Width and Height to fit image size.
oPage.Width = xImg.PixelWidth * 72 / xImg.HorizontalResolution
oPage.Height = xImg.PixelHeight * 72 / xImg.HorizontalResolution
'Draw current image file to page.
Dim xgr = PdfSharp.Drawing.XGraphics.FromPdfPage(oPage)
xgr.DrawImage(xImg, 0, 0, oPage.Width, oPage.Height)
End Using
doc.Save(fileLocation & "\" & RemoveWhitespace(filename) & "_" & RemoveWhitespace(collectionPeriod))
The second to last line of code ("doc.Save(fileLocation & ...)") is where the error occurs. The folderBrowseBox.Text (very first line of code) comes from the textbox you see from my second screenshot. Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated!
Try adding this line before writing the PDF file
Got the idea from here

String search by a fixed text and * wildcard

I have some files in a folder that are named "Panel Countries_15.05" and "Non-Panel Countries_15.05", the date will change according to month, and I'm trying to target open these files regarding the month that will be. The problem is when I'm trying to open the "Panel Countries"(alone) it will open the "Non-Panel Countries". Is there a way to search after a fix text and then a wildcard?:
directory = "C:\Users\calin.lencar\Desktop\Feasibility & Capacity\Raw Data\"
fileName = Dir(directory & "*Panel countries*.xlsx")
directory = "C:\Users\calin.lencar\Desktop\Feasibility & Capacity\Raw Data\"
fileName = Dir(directory & "*Non-panel countries*.xlsx")
Thanks in advance

VB.Net Hyperlinking in EWS email with class properties

I need help getting the hyperlink to work as well as getting the value stored in YestFile.FileName to show up.
I have a list of objects of class FileFromYesterday (Collection2) with 3 properties. Two properties are just Strings (FileName and Entity) but one property (URL) contains a URL as a String. I am trying to hyperlink the URL to FileName in the main.
I have a feeling that I need to use HTML to format the email somehow but I have no Idea where to begin
Dim HyperLink As String
Dim FileLine As String
Dim NewBody As String
Dim message As New EmailMessage(EWS)
message.Subject = "Monthly Financial Imported into Docushare on " & String.Format("{0:MM-dd-yyyy}", Yesterday)
NewBody = "Total of " & Collection2.Count & " Files Imported." & "\n"
For Each YestFile In Collection2
HyperLink = YestFile.FileName.Replace(".pdf", "")
FileLine = HyperLink & "Entity: " & YestFile.Entity & Environment.NewLine
NewBody = NewBody & FileLine
You should be creating a HTML document in your NewBody varible so you need the pre and post tags for a HTML document eg
the body content you want should go within between the Body Tags and for thing like NewLines you need to use the appropriate HTML tags such as
<br />
Eg what ever you end up creating in you NewBody variable you should be able to write out to a file or test in any Online HTML validator https://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input to see if its valid and how it will look before trying to send it.

File doesn't zip using 7zip command in vb.net

I am trying to zip a file in vb.net. I am using 7zip to do this. I am using the Process.Start method.
Here is the zip line of my code:
Process.Start("C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe", "a -tzip" + (ChosenFile & "\" & "SavedFiles") + NewFileName1)
No error that I know of happens, however when I look through the path, I cannot find the zipped files.
ChosenFile & "\" & "SavedFiles" is the destination folder.
NewFileName1 is the file to be zipped
you must do a space after "-tzip" and u forgot use " to folders with spaces like that:
Process.Start("C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe", "a -tzip " & (ControlChars.Quote & ChosenFile & "\" & "SavedFiles" & ControlChars.Quote) & " " & ControlChars.Quote & NewFileName1 & ControlChars.Quote &)
Probably its obvious, but you have the rights to access those files with the user who runs the script?
Else, can you run the script manually step by step to debug where it fails?

Open Word Document From Dynamic Directory VB.Net

I have a program for which I have developed a user guide. I have placed this user guide within the project directory. I created a MenuStrip Item by which to open the user guide in Word on the user's machine. I was successfully able to do this with the following code:
userGuide = MSWord.Documents.Open("C:Users\administrator\Documents\VisualStudio2010\Project3\UserGuide.doc")
MSWord.WindowState = Word.WdWindowState.wdWindowStateNormal
MSWord.Visible = True
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("An error has prevented the document from opening. The document may not be available." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Please try one of the following options:" & vbCrLf & _
"- Check to see if the document is already open" & vbCrLf & _
"- Restart the program")
End Try
The problem is, the path used to open the file will not exist on the users machine. This is a standalone system, so no file share can be created in which to place the document, therefore no common path can be coded.
Is there a way to code dynamic paths? Perhaps something like:
userGuide = MSWord.Documents.Open("%windir%\UserGuide.doc")
if the document will be stored relative to the install path of the application executable, then start with the path of the exe:
Dim path As String
path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _
Dim docPath as String;
docPath = Path.Combine(path,"UserGuide.doc");