Returning To Default Mode Using Island Grammar Without Consuming Token - antlr

I'm still trying to parse a simple Javadoc style format using ANTLR. Basically the format looks like this:
* Description
* #name someId
My parser grammar is here:
query_doc : BEGIN_QDOC description name NOMANSLAND* END_QDOC;
My lexer grammar is here:
BEGIN_QDOC : '/**';
END_QDOC : ('*/');
NOMANSLAND : '\r'? '\n' (' ' | '\t')* '*' (' ' | '\t')*;
OPEN_NAME : '#name' -> mode(NAME);
mode NAME;
INNER_WS : (' ' | '\t')+;
NAMEID : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '-' | '_' | '?')+;
CLOSE_NAME : (('\r'? '\n') | '*/') -> mode(DEFAULT_MODE);
This appears to be working okay for the most part except for closing the #name definition in the following case:
* #name someId*/
The above should be perfectly valid. We should not need a new line before ending the comment with '*/'. The issue I am having is that '*/' terminates the name definition successfully, but it consumes the token and only returns to the default mode so I need to have:
* #name someId*/*/
if I actually want it to end the comment. I want it to return to the default mode and then realize that this token should end the comment (i.e. it should match END_QDOC). How can I accomplish this in ANTLR? I tried fixing it so that CLOSE_NAME is the inverse of ID:
CLOSE_NAME : ~('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '-' | '_' | '?');
But ANTLR still consumes the * leaving a unrecognized token error on the remaining '/'. What I would really like to do is have ANTLR exit the mode without consuming the token so that '*/' is the next token when we return to DEFAULT_MODE. Any thoughts?

First of all, rather than use the mode command, you probably want to use -> pushMode(NAME) and -> popMode to go back to the default mode.
For your CLOSE_NAME rule, you could use a predicate instead of a matching literal for handling the end of a comment:
: ( '\r'? '\n'
| {_input.LA(1) == '*' && _input.LA(2) == '/'}?
-> popMode
This can produce a zero-length token and wasn't allowed in ANTLR 4.0, but the restriction was removed (changed to a warning) in ANTLR 4.1 since we realized that a zero-length token could be used to trigger a mode change and thus avoid infinite loops.


Array support for Hplsql.g4 or Hive.g4

Good day everyone,
I am using antlr4 to create a parser and lexer for Hive SQL (Hplsql.g4).
I believe this is the latest grammar file.
However, I found at least two additions that are needed: IF and array indices.
For example, in a select statement, I may have:
a) SELECT if(a>8,12,20) FROM x
b) SELECT column_name[2] FROM x
Both are valid in Hive but both do not parse when I create a parser and lexer for java from the Hplsql.g4 above. I added an expression for the IF and it appears to work.
I added
expr :
| expr_if //I added
and a new rule:
expr_if :
T_IF T_OPEN_P bool_expr T_COMMA expr T_COMMA expr T_CLOSE_P //I added
However, figuring out how to allow an array index is not so easy because the grammar allows aliases:
select a from x
select a alias_of_a from x
select a[1] from x
select a[1] alias_of_a from x
should all be valid.
I tried adding a new expression for this like so:
expr :
| expr_array //I added
expr_array :
This didn't work for me. (T_OPEN_SB L_INT T_OPEN_CB are [ integer ] respectively). I tried so many variations on this as well. My questions are:
Am I using the right grammar file - if not is there a newer one with IF and array handling?
Has anyone been successful in extending this grammar to handle my cases above?
As per Bart's recommendations:
I updated ident.
I updated expr_atom.
I added array_index.
I had // | '[' .*? ']' commented out before.
Test Sql: select a[0] from t
line 1:8 no viable alternative at input 'selecta[0]'
line 1:8 mismatched input '[0]'
(program (block stmt (stmt select) (stmt (expr_stmt (expr (expr_atom (ident a)))))) [0] from t)
I feel like the problem is somehow related to select_list_alias below.
With select_list_alias containing ident and T_AS optional, ident is matching the array index.
I can't reconcile why this happens, especially since ident has been updated.
Excerpt from Hplsql.sql:
select_list :
select_list_set? select_list_limit? select_list_item (T_COMMA select_list_item)*
select_list_item :
(ident T_EQUAL)? expr select_list_alias?
| select_list_asterisk
select_list_alias :
{!_input.LT(1).getText().equalsIgnoreCase("INTO") && !_input.LT(1).getText().equalsIgnoreCase("FROM")}? T_AS? ident
If I pass in a simple SQL stmt to grun such as
select a[1] from t
The parse tree should look similar to this:
Instead of expr_atom, I want to see expr_array where it would split into expr_atom for the a and array_index for the [1].
Note that there is one SQL statement here. With my existing g4, the array index [1] (and the remainder of the stmt) gets parsed as a separate SQL statement.
Bart, I see from your parse tree that parsing resulted in two SQL statements from "select a[0] from t" - I was getting the same situation.
I will continue to explore different approaches - I am still suspicious of the select_list_alias which has T_AS? ident at the end. Just to confirm, I have commented out one line from ident_part like this: // | '[' .*? ']'
As mentioned in the comments: [ ... ] will be tokenised as a L_ID token. If you don;t want that, remove the | '[' .*? ']' part:
[a-zA-Z] ([a-zA-Z] | L_DIGIT | '_')* // Identifier part
| ('_' | '#' | ':' | '#' | '$') ([a-zA-Z] | L_DIGIT | '_' | '#' | ':' | '#' | '$')+ // (at least one char must follow special char)
| '"' .*? '"' // Quoted identifiers
// | '[' .*? ']' <-- removed
| '`' .*? '`'
and create/edit the grammar like this:
expr_atom :
| timestamp_literal
| bool_literal
| expr_array // <-- added
| ident
| string
| dec_number
| int_number
| null_const
// new rule
: ident array_index+
// new rule
The rules above will cause select a[1] alias_of_a from x to be parsed successfully, but wil fail on input like select a[1] alias_of_a from [identifier]: the [identifier] will not be matched as an identifier.
You could try adding something like this:
ident :
| T_OPEN_SB ~T_CLOSE_SB+ T_CLOSE_SB // <-- added
| non_reserved_words
which will parse select a[1] alias_of_a from [identifier] properly, but have no good picture of the whole grammar (or deep knowledge of HPL/SQL) to determine if that will mess up other things :)
With my proposed changes, the grammar looks like this: (I cannot post it here on SO because of the char limit)
Parsing select a[0] from t with this will result in the parse tree:
And parsing select a[0] from [t] with this will result in this parse tree:
You're also able to test it by running the following Java code:
String source = "select a[0] from [t]";
HplsqlLexer lexer = new HplsqlLexer(CharStreams.fromString(source));
HplsqlParser parser = new HplsqlParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
ParseTree root = parser.program();
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Antlr AST");
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
TreeViewer viewer = new TreeViewer(Arrays.asList(parser.getRuleNames()), root);

Using semantic predicates with Python target

I'm currently building a grammar for unit tests regarding a proprietary language my company uses.
This language resembles Regex in some way, for example F=bing* indicates the possible repetition of bing. A single * however represents one any block, and ** means any number of arbitrary blocks.
My only solution to this is using semantic predicates, checking if the preceding token was a space. If anyone has suggestions circumventing this problem in a different way, please share!
Otherwise, my grammar looks like this right now, but the predicates don't seem to work as expected.
grammar Pattern;
| macro;
macroarg: '['( (element | MACROFREE ) ';')* (element | MACROFREE) ']';
and_con :
element '&' element
| and_con '&' element
|'(' and_con ')';
head_con :
'H[' block '=>' block ']';
block :
| and_con
| or_con
| head_con
| '(' block ')';
blocksequence :
(block ' '+)* block;
or_con :
((element | and_con) '|')+ (element | and_con)
| or_con '|' (element | and_con)
| '(' blocksequence (')|(' blocksequence)+ ')' REPEAT?;
patternlist :
(blocksequence ' '* ',' ' '*)* blocksequence;
sentenceord :
'S=(' patternlist ')';
sentenceunord :
'S={' patternlist '}';
pattern :
| sentenceunord
| blocksequence;
multisentence :
MS pattern;
clause :
'CLS' ' '+ pattern;
complexpattern :
| multisentence
| clause
| SECTIONS ' ' complexpattern;
NUM ';' complexpattern
| NUM ';' NAME ';' complexpattern
(dictentry ('\n'|'\r\n'))* (dictentry)? EOF;
ID : ( '^'? '!'? ('F'|'C'|'L'|'P'|'CA'|'N'|'PE'|'G'|'CD'|'T'|'M'|'D')'=' NAME REPEAT? '$'? )
fragment SINGLESTAR: {_input.LA(-1)==' '}? '*';
fragment REPEATSTAR: {_input.LA(-1)!=' '}? '*';
fragment NAME: CHAR+ | ',' | '.' | '*';
fragment CHAR: [a-zA-Z0-9_äöüßÄÖÜ\-];
fragment FROMTIL: '{'NUM'-'NUM'}';
MS : 'MS' [0-9];
SECTIONS: 'SEC' '=' ([0-9]+','?)+;
NUM: [0-9]+;
MACRONAME: '#'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*;
MACROFREE: [a-zA-Z!]+;
COMMENT: '//' ~('\r'|'\n')*;
When targeting Python, the syntax of lookahead predicates needs to be like this:
SINGLESTAR: {self._input.LA(-1)==ord(' ')}? '*';
Note that it is necessary to add the "self." reference to the call and wrap the character with the ord() function which returns a unicode value for comparison. Antlr documentation for Python target is seriously lacking!

ANTLR Token Priority?

I'm trying to parse a javadoc-style syntax in the following format:
* this is description text
* this is description text also
* #name ID
* #param one
Here's my grammar:
query_comment : BEGIN_QDOC (description_text | NOMANSLAND)*
(param_declaration | INNER_WS | NOMANSLAND)*
name_declaration : NAME_KEY INNER_WS ID;
param_declaration : PARAM_KEY INNER_WS ID;
description_text : ~('\n')+;
BEGIN_QDOC : '/**';
END_QDOC : ('*/' | NASTY_GARBAGE '*/');
* Stupid keywords.
NAME_KEY : '#name';
PARAM_KEY : '#param';
* Defines what constitutes a valid identifier.
ID : ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '-' | '_' | '?')+ ;
* White space and garbage definitions.
fragment NASTY_GARBAGE : '\r'? '\n' (INNER_WS)?;
INNER_WS : (' ' |'\t')+;
What I don't understand is why the description text is not parsing properly. It appears to be breaking up the description text block into ID and INNER_WS tokens, which be doesn't make any sense to me since ~('\n') ought to come first in priority and be applied first. Instead 'this' 'is' 'description' 'text' matches ID tokens, which means it can't contain punctuation.
This is a perfect example of an island grammar where you care about islands of javadoc and don't care about the sea of stuff around it. The solution is to use lexical modes, as described in the book. Essentially, you need a mode for normal Java parsing and then a mode for what's going on inside the comments. Your rules like NOMANSLAND would be the sea outside. when you see the start of a comment you enter the "inside mode". where you would need rules like INNER_WS.

ANTLR AST Grammar Issue Mismatched Token Exception

my real grammar is way more complex but I could strip down my problem. So this is the grammar:
grammar test2;
options {language=CSharp3;}
#parser::namespace { Test.Parser }
#lexer::namespace { Test.Parser }
start : 'VERSION' INT INT project;
project : START 'project' NAME TEXT END 'project';
START: '/begin';
END: '/end';
WS : ( ' '
| '\t'
| '\r'
| '\n'
) {$channel=HIDDEN;}
INT : '0'..'9'+;
NAME: ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;
TEXT : '"' ( '\\' (.) |'"''"' |~( '\\' | '"' | '\n' | '\r' ) )* '"';
: '/begin hello';
And I want to parse this (for example):
/begin project
testproject "description goes here"
Now it will not work like this (Mismatched token exception). If I remove the last Token STARTA, it works. But why? I don't get it.
Help is really appreciated.
When the lexer sees the input "/begin " (including the space!), it is committed to the rule STARTA. When it can't match said rule, because the next char in the input is a "p" (from "project") and not a "h" (from "hello"), it will try to match another rule that can match "/begin " (including the space!). But there is no such rule, producing the error:
mismatched character 'p' expecting 'h'
and the lexer will not give up the space and match the START rule.
Remember that last part: once the lexer has matched something, it will not give up on it. It might try other rules that match the same input, but it will not backtrack to match a rule that matches less characters!
This is simply how the lexer works in ANTLR 3.x, no way around it.

How do I make a TreeParser in ANTLR3?

I'm attemping to learn language parsing for fun...
I've created a ANTLR grammar which I believe will match a simple language I am hoping to implement. It will have the following syntax:
<FunctionName> ( <OptionalArguments>+) {
Actual Example:
ForEach(in:[1,2,3,4,5] as:"nextNumber") {
I believe I have the grammar working correctly to match this construct, and now I am attemping to build an Abstract Syntax Tree for the language.
Firstly, I must admit I'm not exactly sure HOW this tree should look. Secondly, I'm at a complete loss how to do this in my Antlr grammar...I've been trying without much success for hours.
This is the current idea I'm going with for the tree:
/ \
Attributes \
/ \ / \
ID /\ ChildFunctions
/ \ ID etc
/ \
Attribute AttributeValue
This is my current Antlr grammar file:
grammar Test;
options {output=AST;ASTLabelType=CommonTree;}
program : function ;
function : ID (OPEN_BRACKET (attribute (COMMA? attribute)*)? CLOSE_BRACKET)? (OPEN_BRACE function* CLOSE_BRACE)?;
attribute : ID COLON datatype;
datatype : NUMBER | STRING | BOOLEAN | array | lookup ;
array : OPEN_BOX (datatype (COMMA datatype)* )? CLOSE_BOX ;
: ('+' | '-')? (INTEGER | FLOAT)
: '"' ( ESC_SEQ | ~('\\'|'"') )* '"'
: 'true' | 'TRUE' | 'false' | 'FALSE'
ID : (LETTER|'_') (LETTER | INTEGER |'_')*
: '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
| '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
WHITESPACE : (' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
COLON : ':' ;
COMMA : ',' ;
PERIOD : '.' ;
OPEN_BRACE : '{' ;
OPEN_BOX : '[' ;
CLOSE_BOX : ']' ;
: 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z'
: '0'..'9'+
: '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\"'|'\''|'\\')
ANY help / advice would be great. I've tried reading dozens of tutorials and nothing about the AST generation seems to stick :(
Step 1 is to make the tree look like the little graph that you posted. Right now, you don't have any tree construction operators, so you're going to end up with a flat list.
See tree construction on the website.
You can use ANTLRWorks to see what your getting for a parse tree and AST. Start adding tree construction operators and watch how things change.
EDIT / Additional Info:
Here's a process you can follow to give you a rough idea of how to do it:
Download ANTLRWorks and use it's graphing facilities. You will definitely want to see the parse tree and the AST before and after you make changes. Once you understand how everything works, then you can use any IDE or editor you want.
There are two basic operators for tree construction - The exclamation mark ! which tells the compiler to not place the node within the AST, and the carot ^, which tells ANTLR to make something the root node. Start by going through each non-terminal rule and deciding which elements don't need to be in the AST. For example, you don't need commas or parenthesis. Once you have all the information you can populate the a structure (or create your own AST structure) that provides all the information. Commas don't help any more, so add a ! to them. For example:
function: ID (OPEN_BRACKET! (attribute (COMMA!? attribute)*)? CLOSE_BRACKET!)? (OPEN_BRACE! function* CLOSE_BRACE!)?;
Take a look at the AST in ANTLRWorks before and after. Compare.
Now decide which element should be the root node. It looks like you want ID to be the root node, so add a ^ after ID and compare in ANTLRWorks.
Here's a few changes that bring it closer to what I think you want:
program : function ;
function : ID^ (OPEN_BRACKET! attributeList? CLOSE_BRACKET!)? (OPEN_BRACE! function* CLOSE_BRACE!)?;
attributeList: (attribute (COMMA!? attribute)*);
attribute : ID COLON! datatype;
datatype : NUMBER | STRING | BOOLEAN | array | lookup ;
array : OPEN_BOX! (datatype^ (COMMA! datatype)* )? CLOSE_BOX!;
With that under your belt, now go look at some of the tutorials.