using HAAR training for post-it note recognition - kinect

I need to be able to detect a variety of coloured post-it notes via a Microsoft Kinect video stream. I have tried using Emgucv for edge detection but it doesn't seem to locate the vertices/edges and also colour segmentation/detection however considering the variety of colours that may not be robust enough.
I am attempting to use HAAR classification. Can anyone suggest the best variety of positive/negative images to use. For example, for the positive images should I take pictures of many different coloured post-it notes in various lighting conditions and orientations? Seeing as it is quite a simple shape ( a square) is using HAAR classification over-complicating things?

I haar classifiers are typically used on black and white images and trigger primarily on morphologic edge like feature. Seems like if you want to find post it notes in an image the easiest method would be to look at colors (since they come in very distinct colors). Have you tried training a SVM of Random forest classifier to detect post it notes based on just color? Once you've identified areas in the image that are probably post it notes you could start looking at things like the shape as additional validation that you are indeed looking at a post it note.
Take a look at the following as an example of how to find rectangles in an image using hough transform:


Reverse Image search (for image duplicates) on local computer

I have a bunch of poor quality photos that I extracted from a pdf. Somebody I know has the good quality photo's somewhere on her computer(Mac), but it's my understanding that it will be difficult to find them.
I would like to
loop through each poor quality photo
perform a reverse image search using each poor quality photo as the query image and using this persons computer as the database to search for the higher quality images
and create a copy of each high quality image in one destination folder.
Example pseudocode
for each image in poorQualityImages:
search ./macComputer for a higherQualityImage of image
copy higherQualityImage to ./higherQualityImages
I need to perform this action once.
I am looking for a tool, github repo or library which can perform this functionality more so than a deep understanding of content based image retrieval.
There's a post on reddit where someone was trying to do something similar
imgdupes is a program which seems like it almost achieves this, but I do not want to delete the duplicates, I want to copy the highest quality duplicate to a destination folder
Emailed my previous image processing prof and he sent me this
Off the top of my head, nothing out of the box.
No guaranteed solution here, but you can narrow the search space.
You’d need a little program that outputs the MSE or SSIM similarity
index between two images, and then write another program or shell
script that scans the hard drive and computes the MSE between each
image on the hard drive and each query image, then check the images
with the top X percent similarity score.
Something like that. Still not maybe guaranteed to find everything
you want. And if the low quality images are of different pixel
dimensions than the high quality images, you’d have to do some image
scaling to get the similarity index. If the poor quality images have
different aspect ratios, that’s even worse.
So I think it’s not hard but not trivial either. The degree of
difficulty is partly dependent on the nature of the corruption in the
low quality images.
Github project I wrote which achieves what I want
What you are looking for is called image hashing
. In this answer you will find a basic explanation of the concept, as well as a go-to github repo for plug-and-play application.
Basic concept of Hashing
From the repo page: "We have developed a new image hash based on the Marr wavelet that computes a perceptual hash based on edge information with particular emphasis on corners. It has been shown that the human visual system makes special use of certain retinal cells to distinguish corner-like stimuli. It is the belief that this corner information can be used to distinguish digital images that motivates this approach. Basically, the edge information attained from the wavelet is compressed into a fixed length hash of 72 bytes. Binary quantization allows for relatively fast hamming distance computation between hashes. The following scatter plot shows the results on our standard corpus of images. The first plot shows the distances between each image and its attacked counterpart (e.g. the intra distances). The second plot shows the inter distances between altogether different images. While the hash is not designed to handle rotated images, notice how slight rotations still generally fall within a threshold range and thus can usually be matched as identical. However, the real advantage of this hash is for use with our mvp tree indexing structure. Since it is more descriptive than the dct hash (being 72 bytes in length vs. 8 bytes for the dct hash), there are much fewer false matches retrieved for image queries.
Another blogpost for an in-depth read, with an application example.
Available Code and Usage
A github repo can be found here. There are obviously more to be found.
After importing the package you can use it to generate and compare hashes:
>>> from PIL import Image
>>> import imagehash
>>> hash = imagehash.average_hash('test.png'))
>>> print(hash)
>>> otherhash = imagehash.average_hash('other.bmp'))
>>> print(otherhash)
>>> print(hash == otherhash)
>>> print(hash - otherhash)
The demo script find_similar_images also on the mentioned github, illustrates how to find similar images in a directory.
I'll focus my answer on the image processing part, as I believe implementation details e.g. traversing a file system is not the core of your problem. Also, all that follows is just my humble opinion, I am sure that there are better ways to retrieve your image of which I am not aware. Anyway, I agree with what your prof said and I'll follow the same line of thought, so I'll share some ideas on possible similarity indexes you might use.
MSE and SSIM - This is a possible solution, as suggested by your prof. As I assume the low quality images also have a different resolution than the good ones, remember to downsample the good ones (and not upsample the bad ones).
Image subtraction (1-norm distance) - Subtract two images -> if they are equal you'll get a black image. If they are slightly different, the non-black pixels (or the sum of the pixel intensity) can be used as a similarity index. This is actually the 1-norm distance.
Histogram distance - You can refer to this paper: Comparing two images' histograms might be potentially robust for your task. Check out this question too: Comparing two histograms
Embedding learning - As I see you included tensorflow, keras or pytorch as tags, let's consider deep learning. This paper came to my
mind: The idea is to learn a
mapping from the image space to a Euclidian space - i.e. compute an
embedding of the image. In the embedding hyperspace, images are
points. This paper learns an embedding function by minimizing the
triplet loss. The triplet loss is meant to maximize the distance
between images of different classes and minimize the distance between
images of the same class. You could train the same model on a Dataset
like ImageNet. You could augment the dataset with by lowering the
quality of the images, in order to make the model "invariant" to
difference in image quality (e.g. down-sampling followed by
up-sampling, image compression, adding noise, etc.). Once you can
compute embedding, you could compute the Euclidian distance (as a
substitute of the MSE). This might work better than using MSE/SSIM as a similarity indexes. Repo of FaceNet: Another general purpose approach (not related to faces) which might help you:
Siamese networks for predicting similarity score - I am referring to this paper on face verification: The siamese network takes two images as input and outputs a value in the [0, 1]. We can interpret the output as the probability that the two images belong to the same class. You can train a model of this kind to predict 1 for image pairs of the following kind: (good quality image, artificially degraded image). To degrade the image, again, you can combine e.g. down-sampling followed by
up-sampling, image compression, adding noise, etc. Let the model predict 0 for image pairs of different classes (e.g. different images). The output of the network can e used as a similarity index.
Remark 1
These different approaches can also be combined. They all provide you with similarity indexes, so you can very easily average the outcomes.
Remark 2
If you only need to do it once, the effort you need to put in implementing and training deep models might be not justified. I would not suggest it. Still, you can consider it if you can't find any other solution and that Mac is REALLY FULL of images and a manual search is not possible.
If you look at the documentation of imgdupes you will see there is the following option:
dry run (do not delete any files)
So if you run imgdupes with --dry-run you will get a listing of all the duplicate images but it will not actually delete anything. You should be able to process that output to move the images around as you need.
Try similar image finder I have developed to address this problem.
There is an explanation and the algorithm there, so you can implement your own version if needed.

Methods of labeling human muscles on tensorflow

I want to be able to label all of the muscles on an athletes body. I got a lot of the images that the athletes are almost in the same body pose but the issue that I am running into is that drawing a box around them makes them inaccurate as it ends up overlapping other muscles. Drawing exact lines around them is a bit difficult as they are a lot of smaller muscles and creates inconsistently over 20-30images. I was wondering if there is a way to feed in a human anatomy and then have tensorflow go in and label all of the muscles in given pictures.
Or I was wondering if you all had a different idea on approach this problem that I'm running into.
I don't have anybody else to ask and I've been researching this for awhile so if I missed or overlooked something please forgive me
The way i see is you need to combine with some prepossessing steps to normalize your target object in the image such as:
identify the human,
identify the pose or skeleton (which nowadays many open-source such as openpose-plus),
the pose estimation results can label the limbs, or part of the body from which you can do something either by hand-crafted image processing or other segmentation model.

Cloud Vision API poorly recognizes 7-segment numbers

The simplest example of what I'm trying to recognize:
I use DOCUMENT_TEXT_DETECTION, but in the answer I get the hieroglyphics.
If I use Eng in the ImageContext parameter for the addAllLanguageHints method, then I have 111 in result. Better, but still bad.
Is there any way to indicate that the numbers are recognised or somehow improve the results?
Also, how is the setRepeatedField option in ImageContext is used? I could not find any examples of its use.
Thanks in advance.
Even if it doesn't work out of the box ... you'd need is to classify images using custom labels, when the default labels won't suffice. Cloud Auto ML Vision (select Vision from that blue drop-down menu) let's you train custom models, which can be used to recognize that font. And since the possible amount of shapes is quite limited with that 7-segment display, it shouldn't be too difficult to train it. If you'd get a calculator with a better display, it might also work better. The LCD above looks a little cheap, with those huge spaces and cut-off endings - but nevertheless, one can train it to read that.

Should deep learning classification be used to classify details such as liquid level in bottle

Can deep learning classification be used to precisely label/classify both the object and one of its features. For example to identify the bottle (like Grants Whiskey) and liquid level in the bottle (in 10 percent steps - like 50% full). Is this the problem that can be best solved utilizing some of deep learning frameworks (Tensorflow etc) or some other approach is more effective?
Well, this should be well possible if the liquor is well colored. If not (e.g. gin, vodka), I'd say you have no chance with today's technologies when observing the object from a natural view angle and distance.
For colored liquor, I'd train two detectors. One for detecting the bottle, and a second one to detect the liquor given the bottle. The ratio between the two will be your percentage.
Some of the proven state-of-the-art deep learning-based object detectors (just Google them):
Faster RCNN
Or non-deep-learning-based:
Deformable part model
I was ask to elaborate more. Here is an example:
The box detector e.g. draws a box in the image at [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.6] (min_height, min_width, max_height, max_width) which is the relative location of your bottle.
Now you crop the bottle from the original image and feed it to the second detector. The second detector draws e.g. [0.2, 0.3, 0.7, 0.8] in your cropped bottle image, the location indicates the fluid it has detected. Now (0.7 - 0.2) * (0.8 - 0.3) = 0.25 is the relative area of the fluid with respect to the area of the bottle, which is what OP is asking for.
I entered this reply assuming OP wants to use deep learning. I'd agree other methods should be considered if OP is still unsure with deep learning. For bottle detection, deep learning-based methods have shown to outperform traditional methods by a large margin. Bottle detection happens to be one of the classes in the PASCAL VOC challenge. See results comparison here:
For the liquid detection however, deep learning might be slightly overkill. E.g. if you know what color you are looking for, even a simple color filter will give you "something"....
The rule of thumb for deep learning is, if it is visible in the image, hence a expert can tell you the answer solely based on the image then the chances are very high that you can learn this with deep learning, given enough annotated data.
However you are quite unlikely to have the required data needed for such a task, therefore I would ask myself the question if i can simplify the problem. For example you could take gin, vodka and so on and use SIFT to find the bottle again in a new scene. Then RANSAC for bottle detection and cut the bottle out of the image.
Then I would try gradient features to find the edge with the liquid level. Finally you can calculate the percentage with (liquid edge - bottom) / (top bottle - bottom bottle).
Identifying the bottle label should not be hard to do - it's even available "on tap" for cheap (these guys actually use it to identify wine bottle labels on their website):
Regarding the liquid level, this might be a problem AWS wouldn't be able to solve straight away - but I'm sure it's possible to make a custom CNN for it. Alternatively, you could use good old humans on Amazon Mechanical Turk to do the work for you.
(Note: I do not work for Amazon)

Is there any kind of iOS API that exists for detecting shapes through the camera?

I've been working with augmented reality API's lately but haven't been able to achieve irregular shape detection, namely the hand. I want to be able to detect hand shapes through the video/camera and execute code based on hand signs. Does anything like this already exist?
Did you have a look at OpenCV?
These are some of the links I found just using Google: Face Detection using OpenCV, Vision For Robots