I'm trying to link my fixed in page navigation menu with something like scrollspy. Because I have made a singlepage website out of a multipage website this is not something the theme supports.
Is there a way to do something like this by editing the code in Wordpress?
The url is: www.testchannel.nl
Thanks a lot!
I am trying to simply edit the format (float from left to center and remove two column layout into one column) of my about page on my Shopify site.
I have edited the html of the page directly using chrome dev tools (to confirm what I am doing is going to make the page look like I want it to).
My issue is that Shopify has a specific global section in the admin where you can edit just the content of the about page. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find anything on that page that allows me to edit the pages code directly.
And when I look at the theme code for the main site, I cannot find any .liquid files that seem to be related to the about page.
Anybody with Shopify coding experience able to point me in the right direction?
I am very new to orchard CMS... i am trying to make a site in orchard CMS as this is my first site in orchard... i am facing a fair bit of problem and hindrances to over come... my background of the CMS for creating websites is wordpress/PHP....
but now there in this project i have a problem for the slider in the home page! how could i implement a slider in the home page... after searching a bit i have found to use the featured image slider.. i have tried to implement it... i have installed the module and made the featured group... now MY PROBLEM IS WHERE I CAN ADD THE IMAGES IN THE SLIDER... AS THE FEATURE ITEM FROM THE MENU ONLY SHOW THREE FIELDS HEADLINE,SUB-HEADLINE, AND LINKURL...
kindly let me know where do i can add the images in this slider and show them on the home page of my site....
Thanks alot in advance....
After hell of the search i have got the solution for that purpose... i am elaborating my answer step wise so that the new guys like me should understand that without an inconvenience...
normally orchard CMS uses nivo slider bydefault... if you want to use other sliders follow the same path as pasted below...
1: if you have download the Orchard CMS there will be a Jquery function in the layout.cshtml and the jquery file will also be linked in the script tag, pointing to the package of Jquery in Js or anyother folder...
2: Get the name of the div for which the Jquery is pointing to... normally the name will be "slider".... Copy that name and paste it in your home from CMS... but make sure to keep the name of the div same as the Jquery function narrates which is ("slider").
3:Link your images in the Div...
and browse the site in the browser and enjoy the slider...
I have a fantastic tutorial on pepfry.com for this issue. I have a complete tutorial where I show you all the steps to successfully install the 'Featured Item Slider' with screenshots.
I also have a video on YouTube where you can see the Image slider working successfully.
Sumesh M.S
I want to change the layout of prestashop back office product page.
So can anyone tell me which file to change so that I can modify this existing layout?
I don't know which page you want to edit exactly, but when you go to that page in your backoffice, like:
The admin123 is variable to your installation, but the ?tab=AdminAttributesGroups referes to the backoffice page you are on. These pages are located in /var/www/admin123/tabs in this case it's /var/www/admin123/tabs/AdminAttributesGroups.php
I found the solution.... Here is what I did
Added content.tpl in under adminxxyy/theme/theme_name/template/controller/products
Which showed me content of my content.tpl
Create a new module, register the hook and send that info via hook to content.tpl.
Use hook name in content.tpl like {hook h='displayProductMyWay' mod='blockcustom'}.
I wasted few hours for looking the answer and I'm very sad cause I didn't find anything usefull. I have a CMS in cloud and it provides content for diffrent devices like www site and my new windows store application.
I want to use html formating. I've already created app in c# and xaml and I'm wondering how can I display html
I was happy cause I found http://nuget.org/packages/RichTextBlock.Html2Xaml but I can't make it work. I get blank page. No text, no error, no nothing.
Can someone pls tell me how can I display html in my app ?
Use a WebView/WebViewBrush or use HTML Agility Pack and implement the styles/rendering yourself.
In WinRt app you can display html code by some ways:
Using WebView with it's NavigateToString("html content")
Using WebViewBrush and displaying it in rectangle
If you had your .html file local - you can open it with myWebview.Navigate(new Uri("ms-appx-web:///" + myPath));
You can make a screenshot of webpage by the method wich I describe here and open it as a picture.
For more info, see the WebView control sample
I had a look at http://www.westernaustralia.com/au/Pages/Welcome_to_Western_Australia.aspx and I know it's a SharePoint site and I am wondering how it could have been made.
I am mostly interrested in the center column (What's On). Is it an announcement list with thumbnails and Find out more links are pointing to wiki pages? Could it be a custom web part or is it possible to do this sort of thing with SharePoint 2010 out of the box?
Thanks in advance.
You can do this easily with a "What's New" web part. Customize your library view setting and set your webpart to use that view. Add a simple content editor at the bottom of this web part and add those other links like View All etc...
Remember that you can create your own list and make sure to index it so that it can rollback into the What's New webpart.
Looking at the emitted HTML it looks like a custom user control in the page layout to me (hell I could be wrong)
That said though it is possible to do this OOTB and I could build that functionality using the Content Query Web Part and some custom XSL