Is There a Way to Convert 'datetime' Format to 'timestamp' in Sql Server CE? - sql

I know there's a way to do this in regular Sql Server, and if I'm not mistaken, it looks something like this:
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ba_trans_entered) * 1000 AS 'dateUTC'
I do admit, however, that I don't get the * 1000 part, but that's beside the point.
When I try to perform this query in SQL Server CE it just tells me (i.e., WebMatrix tells me):
'UNIX_TIMESTAMP' is not a recognized built-in function name.
I'm assuming UNIX_TIMESTAMP is not supported in Sql Server Compact.
Also, I tried Googling and searching here on SE but no data relevant to SQL Server CE shows up, so there may not be a way in the given environment.
Is there any way to convert 'datetime' (example: 7/13/2007 12:00:00 AM) to timestamp (example: 1184302800000)? I know I can do this in JavaScript, but I was told it might be faster to do this in the query itself, and since I am pulling a ton of data...

The UNIX_TIMESTAMP function does not exist in SQL Server on SQL Server Compact, but you can use DATEDIFF:
DATEDIFF(SECOND,{d '1970-01-01'}, ba_trans_entered)


SQL Runner (Google Looker) change date format in query

This topic has been covered several times but I can't find a solution that applies to SQL Runner, which is the custom query portion of Google's Looker platform.
I am attempting to reformat a datetime SELECT statement from yyyy-mm-dd to mm-dd-yyyy.
Currently what I have is:
CAST(shift.datetime AS DATE)
FROM table.a
This gives me the yyyy-mm-dd result but so far my efforts to CONVERT have been fruitless. It does not appear that SQL Runner supports the CONVERT command or I am utilizing it incorrectly.
Any thoughts on this one?
I believe sql runner is just gives us a way to directly access the db and it will not change any sql query while communicating with the db directly as long as the timezone of both explore as well as db matches.
Maybe something like this should work for your case
lmk if the above works for your or not!

colon(:) and dot(.) as millisecond separator in datetime2

I have migrated a Sybase database to SQL server 2008.
The main application that using the database trying to set some of dateTime2 column with data like 1986-12-24 16:56:57:81000 which is giving this error:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
Running the same query using dot(.) instead of colon(:) as millisecond separator like 1986-12-24 16:56:57.81000 or limiting the milliseconds to 3 digits like 1986-12-24 16:56:57:810 will solve the problem.
1- I don't have access to the source of application to fix this issue and there are lots of table with the same problem.
2. Application connect to database using ODBC connection.
Is there any fast forwarding solution or should i write lots of triggers on all tables to fix it using the above solutions?
Thanks in advance
AS Gordon Linoff said
A trigger on the current table is not going to help because the type
conversion happens before the trigger is called. Think of how the
trigger works: the data is available in a "protorow".
But There is a simple answer!
Using SQL Server Native Client Connection instead of basic SQL Server ODBC connection handle everything.
1. As i used SQL Server 2008 version 10 of SQL server native client works fine but not the version 11 (it's for SQL Server 2012).
2. Use Regional Settings make some other conversion problem so don't use it if you don't need it.
Select REPLACE(getdate(), ':', '.')
But it will Give String Formate to datetime Which is not covert into DateTime formate
Why would you need triggers? You can use update to change the last ':' to '.':
update t
set col = stuff(col, 20, 1, '.');
You also mistakenly describe the column as datetime2. That uses an internal date/time format. Your column is clearly a string.
I think I misinterpreted the question (assuming the data is already in a table). Bring the data into staging tables and do the conversion in another step.
A trigger on the current table is not going to help because the type conversion happens before the trigger is called. Think of how the trigger works: the data is available in a "protorow".
You could get a trigger to work by creating views and building a trigger on a view, but that is even worse. Perhaps the simplest solution would be:
Change the name and data type of the column so it contains a string.
Add a computed column that converts the value to datetime2.

SQL: to_char alternative for Oracle AND SQL-Server

I have some sql statements, which i am using for Oracle. This sql statements are used by a programm from me.
I want to support Oracle and SQL-Server with my program without having different sql statements for Oracle and SQL-Server.
Which alternative can i use for the specific Oracle SQL-Statements:
to_char(FIELDNAME, 'YYYY')
The sql statements have to work for Oracle and SQL-Server.
Even if at a first glance the SQL implementation from two different vendors looks similar, when working with real life enterprise applications you will stumble upon a large number of differences, and I am only talking about SQL, when comparing PL/SQL with T-SQL there is hardly any resemblance left.
When trying to reduce the usage of two databases to only common functionality, you will loose a lot of their power, you could as well use a txt file on the file system.
One elegant solution, as someone already suggested, would be to leave the columns in the database as DATE data type and extract your data in the application code that stands above the database, if any. For example, in Java, you will map your database DATE columns to java.sql.Date no matter if that date comes from Oracle or from SQL Server.
Still, if you want to get your formatted data from the database, you could create separate columns that hold the formatted date, for example :
I don't think there are common functions to do what you want. Oracle supports the ANSI standard extract() function for extracting date parts. SQL Server has separate functions for YEAR(), MONTH(), and DAY(). Oracle uses TO_CHAR(); SQL Server uses CONVERT().
One option is to define the functions YEAR(), MONTH(), and DAY() in Oracle and then use string concatenation (via the CONCAT()) function to combine the data. Or, write specific functions in each database for what you want to do. Or, perhaps, someone has implemented TO_CHAR() in SQL Server and you can grab the code from the web.
Finally i found a solution. Maybe its useful some other people too.
You can set the input format for a date...

Convert Date to CYYMMDD SQL-Server

I am interested in converting a date value to CYYMMDD using native SQL Server 2012 functions.
I checked here:
and couldn't find anything.
Anyone know?
C stands for century I guess...
Have you looked at the new FORMAT function in SQL Server 2012?
You should be able to use something like this:
SELECT FORMAT(YourDateColumn, 'yyyyMMdd')
or whatever you really want to use - basically, the same formatting options as in C# / .NET are available when using FORMAT

How can I convert a SQL Server date format to Oracle?

I am working on migration of data from an old system to a new system. As part of migration, the data from the legacy system, (stored in files) is pumped into MS SQL Server. Now my app runs on Oracle. I'm having a problem with the date/timestamp.
The timestamp format in MS SQL Server data is:
2008.12.23 00:00:00
Oracle expects:
23/12/2008 00:00:00
23-DEC-2008 00:00:00
What would be the best way to import the data? Oracle's to_date() function didn't work as I thought it would.
I assume you're using insert statements?
Convert your dates using:
TO\_DATE(sql\_server\_value,'YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS')
You can put a second parameter on the to_date function to specify in what format the incoming data is. You will likely have to make SQL server pump the data out as a string.
Use CONVERT to convert your internal datetime columns to text in whatever format you wish on the SQL Server side.