Disable user from saving .aspx content from browser by using "saving as" option - vb.net

I have a .net website.
I need to disable the save as option from browser so that the user cant save some of the website pages in order to protect their content.I did disable right click.But user can select save as from browser's menu.
Is it possible to do that?

It is difficult to lock down a website by disabling the save button. What is to stop a user just copying the text and pasting to another document. Right clicking an image and saving. Then there are differences between browsers etc. If you need to protect you information you may need to look at creating and displaying PDFs but this is also not an easy thing especially if the site is dynamic.

What you want is impossible. If the user is able to read the information on his/her screen, there is always an option to copy the content.
How would you stop the user from taking a picture from his/her screen with a digital camera for example?


Should I upload selected files before the user submit the form?

I'm sorry for my english.
I have a question, I have a form that contain a file input and other text inputs, when the user selected an image and filled other inputs in the form , should I upload the file to the server before user actually hit the submit button, or when he hits the button. If I should upload the file before then how I gonna clean up the unnecessary files if the user doesn't complete the form and didn't hit the submit button or he close the browser before submitting the form .
Sorry again for my english
Both are OK, depends on the business logic.
For better UX, upload it before feels much faster, but in the other hand, much more complex to develop. On the backend side, for example, you might have a cron job to delete all images that was upload and not used(eg: user left the site). Also in some case you need to create the form first to get it's ID.
By uploading when the user click the submit button, is much easier to develop.
If you are new, i'd recommend to upload only when the user click on the submit button.

How can I make a settings page in vb which can change the content of the app itself?

I am making an app for companies so they can make a workreport in a blink of an eye by just tapping some togglebuttons and typing some text and the app makes a nicely laid out email and sends it to an Email address
What is need is:
A settings page where I can change the email address which it goes to
The texts of the textblocks and so on.
I just want to make an app which is adaptable for the user.
I know I need to use the isolated storage but I don't really know how to put it in VB so it can change the content of the things needed to be changed.
You can take a look at using My.Settings see this Microsoft Article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms379611(VS.80).aspx once you save the settings from a form text box or other method of input, you can read the settings back on on form load and change the appearance of you application based on the user settings.

What is an alternative to nesting remote forms in rails?

I have a User that can have multiple images. I would like to allow the user to add images while updating their user page and have those images dynamically updated so that they can see the images on their profile as they edit it. I currently have the images set as sortable using jQuery-ui. I would like the user to be able to add images, sort them, and edit their profile info and only need to click the submit button once.
I know that it is not possible to nest remote=>true forms and do not believe it's possible to submit files via ajax. Is there some other way this can upload the files and then use jquery to append them back to my div?
Unfortunately, from a user experience standpoint, the image section makes the most since being pretty much in the middle of the form. Moving it to the top or below the original form is less than ideal. I might be able to use CSS to make the remote form appear as if it is middle of the parent form, but this seems like a pretty bad solution.

How to get Multiple Inputs

I was thinking of implementing picture uploading to my web application.
Now there are few Uncertainties.It would be great if some one makes them clear.
How do you allow user to upload multiple data for
Example. I have a model for car and I want user to add as many pictures with comments. Usually on websites there is button that says "Add another picture". If user clicks that button or link a text field and a Browse button appears and user can add as many pictures as he wants.
You need to go through this wiki -

How to make sure users can only download file from the attachment control but not be able to upload or remove it

I'd like to create a read-only view in the infopath.However when I disable the attachment control ,user can not download the file at all.How to make sure users can only download file from the attachment control but not be able to upload or remove it.
If you are customizing a SharePoint List form, you will not be able to set the File Attachment control to read only. However, I was able to work around this, and this will work for you even if it's just a regular form, by using repeating sections with hyperlink controls inside.
In the Fields pane, click on Show Advanced View
Expand Attachments so you can see the attachmentURL field
Drag attachmentURL into the form and choose Repeating Section with Controls
Click in the section and press CTRL-K to insert a Hyperlink
Enter . in Data Source for Link to
Enter . in Data Source for Display
There are some gotchas and workarounds for some problems you may encounter. See more details on my blog post http://vincepangan.com/?p=220
context menu -> Properties, there is a check box (the first one) on the first tab, make sure it is not checked.
EDIT: If your view is read-only, you cannot download the attachment. The workaround is to clear the read-only checkbox of the view, and activate the read-only on all other controls. The attachment control can be configured to not allow upload/modification of the attachment. This means that in order to upload or modify an attachment, you'll need an other view.
See also entries on msdn: