Join query to select fields from 2 tables - sql

I created 3 tables viz Employee, Department and EmpDept.
1) Employee Table fields are
:- EmployeeID(Primary Key) , Fname,
Lname, Age, Salary, Address
2) Department Table fields are :-
DepartmentID(Primary Key), DeptName , DeptLocation
3)EmpDept table fields are :-
ID(Primary Key), EmpId(Foriegn Key reference Employee table)
, DeptID(Foreign key references Department table)
I want to perform following operations :-
a) Select all the fields from table Employee and Department
b) Deleting a particular department also deletes all the employees from Employee table belonging to that particular department.
I am not getting what fields to include in 3rd table(i.e EmpDept) and how to apply join to select columns
My attempt
create procedure EmpDept2
select Employees.EmployeeID
, Employees.FirstName
, Employees.LastName
, Employees.Age
, Employees.CreatedDate
, Employees.LastModifiedDate
, Employees.ModifiedBy
, Employees.Active
, Department.DeptName
from Employees, Department inner join EmpDept
on EmpDept.EmpId = Employees.EmployeeID
on EmpDept.DeptId= Department.DepartmentID

create procedure EmpDept2
select Employees.EmployeeID
, Employees.FirstName
, Employees.LastName
, Employees.Age
, Employees.CreatedDate
, Employees.LastModifiedDate
, Employees.ModifiedBy
, Employees.Active
, Department.DeptName
from Employees inner join EmpDept
on EmpDept.EmpId = Employees.EmployeeID
inner join Department
on EmpDept.DeptId= Department.DepartmentID
JOIN Two table at a time and then the condition ON what you are joining them, Then add One by one other tables again specifying the condition on which you want to join them.


Microsoft SMSS - Joining tables on t2.primary key = t1.foreign_key

I need to join two tables together to create a table with columns for employee id, employee name and their boss' name.
The 'hier' table
The 'employees' table
The query I wrote is almost working, putting an employee name in the right spot, but not the right employee:
SELECT em.emp_id, em.emp_name, em.emp_name AS boss_name
FROM employees em
LEFT JOIN hier h ON (h.boss_id = em.emp_name)
Which outputs:
I need to have each person's boss to have the right name, and in the case of Big Boss, 'N/A'. Like so:
You need a self join with Employee table
SELECT em.emp_id, em.emp_name, e1.emp_name AS boss_name
FROM employees em
LEFT JOIN employees em1 ON em.boss_id = em1.emp_id

How to get information from foreign key owner table?

I have a table named Employee with columns:
Also have another table named 'works' with columns:
Here employee_name in works is a foreign key of the column employee_name in Employee table.
Now how do I find the street and city of 'Employee' table on a specific company_name?
The query will be something like:
select street, city from Employee where company_name (in works table) ='XYZ';
I'm working on Oracle 10g database server.
You can use an inner join
, Employee.street
from Employee
INNER JOIN works on Employee.employee_name = works-employee_name
where works.company_name ='xyz'

How can I select two columns from two tables?

These are my tables
create table employees
(emp_no integer not null,
emp_name char(25),
age integer,
department_id integer not null,
salary integer,
CONSTRAINT employees_pk PRIMARY KEY(emp_no),
CONSTRAINT fk_Department FOREIGN KEY(department_id)
REFERENCES Department(department_id));
insert into employees values ( 15,'sara',30 ,101 ,2000 )
insert into employees values ( 12,'maha',29 ,104 ,3000 )
insert into employees values ( 14,'ahmad',24 , 102,4400 )
insert into employees values ( 11,'ali', 27, 103, 2500)
insert into employees values ( 13,'nora', 35, 101,3500 )
create table Works
(emp_no integer not null,
hurs integer,
department_id integer not null,
CONSTRAINT Department_fk FOREIGN KEY(department_id)
REFERENCES Department(department_id));
insert into Works values ( 11,7,103)
insert into Works values (12,9,104)
insert into Works values (13,5,101)
insert into Works values (14,10,102)
insert into Works values (15,8,101)
create table Department
(Department_id integer not null,
dep_name char(50),
CONSTRAINT Department_pk PRIMARY KEY(Department_id));
insert into Department values (101,'computer')
insert into Department values (102,'history')
insert into Department values (103,'english')
insert into Department values (104,'physics')
And I want to select the employee names and their department names and these are my commands non worked properly:
select emp_name
from employees
select dep_name
from Department
select emp_name
from employees
select dep_name
from Department
select emp_name, dep_name
from Department
cross join employees
SELECT employees.emp_name, Department.dep_name
FROM employees, Department
where employees.emp_name = Department.dep_name
select emp_name, Department.dep_name
from employees
inner JOIN Department on employees.emp_name = Department.dep_name
count(distinct employees.emp_name)
employees.emp_name not in (select distinct Department.dep_name
from Department)
select (employees.emp_name)
from employees
where employees.emp_name not in (select Department.dep_name
from Department)
Also I want to select employee name and sum of their salary who are working hour is greater than or equal 20 and my command didn't work:
emp_name, sum(salary)
hurs >= 20
Where did I go wrong here?
First, to get the workers' name and their department, you should be linking table employees and department using department_id, not name..
select emp_name,Department.dep_name
from employees inner JOIN Department
on employees.department_id = Department.Department_id
and for the employees whose working hours are >=20:
select employees.emp_name
from employees join works
on employees.emp_no=works.emp_no AND works.hurs>=20
and their total salary:
select sum(employees.salary)
from employees join works
on employees.emp_no=works.emp_no AND works.hurs>=20
note: inner join and join are the same thing..
In short, you should realize that linking the tables using join is relatively intuitive..
you are linking them based on the "same" column that the both tables own..
[one of them is a foreign key of the other (primary) key]
you can display the employees' names and their total salary together as the following, but it would seem redundant..
select employees.emp_name, sum(employees.salary)
from employees join works
on employees.emp_no=works.emp_no AND works.hurs>=20
group by employees.emp_name
To union two SELECT results they have to have
same selected column count
same type of
What you actually want to use is INNER JOIN :
SELECT emp_name,sum(salary) FROM employees
INNER JOIN works ON employees.emp_no = works.emp_no
WHERE works.hurs >= 20
The correct syntax is as follows:
SELECT employees.emp_name,
FROM employees, Department
WHERE employees.department_id = Department.department_id
or with shorthand:
SELECT e.emp_name,
FROM employees as e, Department as d
WHERE e.department_id = d.department_id
A description of what is going on:
The SELECT section should contain a list of columns that you want separated by commas. You can explicitly reference a column from table as shown in the examples.
The FROM section should contain a list of tables you wish to join separated by commas. You can provide shorthand names for the tables, as shown in the second example.
The WHERE section allows you to mark which columns are related between the two tables.

does anyone know how to list the empid and the name of all supervisors if supervisors are in employee table too?

I have a table that contains empid, name, salary, hiredate, position and supervisor (which includes empid, not the name). How do I list the empid and name of all supervisors?
The output has to have to columns supervisor (and a list of their empid) and their names. This is the create statement used to create the Employee table:
/* Create table Employee */
emp_id NCHAR(5),
name NVARCHAR(20),
position NVARCHAR(20),
hire_date DATETIME,
salary MONEY,
bcode NCHAR(3),
supervisor NCHAR(5)
I have tried a variety of statements using having statement and count but they don't seem to work.
select emp_id, name from employee where position='manager';
I tried this but it doesn't work. Anyone smart that knows how to do it?
You will have to join the table back on itself:
select, a.position, a.hiredate, a.salary, a.supervisorid,
isnull(, '') as SupervisorName
from EmployeeTable a
left join EmployeeTable b
on a.SupservisorID=b.ID
The left join will make sure that the employees who do not have supervisors are returned, and isnull(, '<NONE>') can be used if you would like to have something other than NULL as a value in those cases.
SELECT e.empid ,ISNULL(, 'No supervisor') SupervisorName
FROM employee e LEFT JOIN employee b
ON e.supervisorid = b.empid
Inner join will leave out the people who do not have a supervisor , Use left join to get all the employees
If you want supervisors only, you just need to select rows whose emp_id values are found in the supervisor column:
SupervisorID = emp_id,
SupervisorName = name
FROM dbo.Employee
WHERE emp_id IN (SELECT supervisor FROM dbo.Employee)

same table, 1 field to 2 field query

I have 2 tables: 1st holds employees (of ones in any position) and the 2nd holds manager employee relations with id numbers.
I want to write a query like
1st field: name(employee),
2nd field: name(manager)
How can I do that?
No nested queries required, just use standard joins:
select e.*, m.*
employee e
left join employee_managers em
on = em.emp_id
left join employee m
on = em.man_id
Each row will contain all fields of employee (possibly several rows for one employee if it has several associated managers) and all fields of his corresponding manager (or NULLs if employee has no manager).
You can do that with one table:
EmployeeId int
Name varchar(50)
ManagerId int
ManagerId points to the manager's entry in the same table. The CEO will have a ManagerId of null. An example table definition:
create table Employees (
EmployeeId int auto_increment primary key
, Name varchar(50)
, ManagerId int
, foreign key (ManagerId) references Employees(EmployeeId)
With some example data:
insert into Employees (Name) select 'The Chief';
insert into Employees (Name, ManagerId) select 'Grunt 1',
(select EmployeeId from Employees where Name = 'The Chief');
insert into Employees (Name, ManagerId) select 'Grunt 2',
(select EmployeeId from Employees where Name = 'The Chief');
insert into Employees (Name, ManagerId) select 'Secretary',
(select EmployeeId from Employees where Name = 'The Chief');
To find the name of the second Grunt's manager, you could query like:
select mgr.Name
from Employees mgr
inner join Employees grunt
on grunt.managerid = mgr.employeeid
where = 'Grunt 2';