XML vs Relational Database - sql

I am looking at a cloud based solution which will give people the ability to enter information which is stored in a SQL database.
The benefits of my application will be that people can also change what type of information is stored (i.e an administrator would be able to add/remove certain attributes to change what data people can store).
Doing this in a relational database does work but it means the administrator would be changing the actual structure of the database which has so many risks and issues and I really don't want to go down this route.
I have thought about using XML, so one table contains two tables for example:
Template Data
columns (ID, XML) - This will contain the "Default Templates/Structure" of what people will enter which will is used when the users enter data and submit
Data Table
columns (ID, XML) - This will contain the actual data using the XML template of my first column but store the actual data in it
Does this sound like it would work and could I hit potential performance issues? A lot of the data will be searchable and could potentially have a LOT of records in the database. - I guess I could look at storing the searchable data in separate fields that the administrator can't modify.

It is possible and if you do it a little smart it is feasible.
Contrary to Justings wroong answer you are not stuck with string manipulation and search.... if you actuall care to read the documentation.
SQL Server added a XML field type a long time ago.
This takes XML (only) and decomposes it internally and has an indexing mechanism (cech http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191497.aspx for details).
Queries then look like:
EventID, EventTime,
AnnouncementValue = t1.EventXML.value('(/Event/Announcement/Value)[1]', 'decimal(10,2)'),
AnnouncementDate = t1.EventXML.value('(/Event/Announcement/Date)[1]', 'date')
t1.EventXML.exist('/Event/Indicator/Name[text() = "GDP"]') = 1
(copied from How to query xml column in tsql)
How far it gets you depends - this is heavier on the database and may have limitations, but it is a far cry from the alternative of storing strings and saying good bye to any indexing.
You can actually even add xml schemata so the data has to conform to some specific schema.

This is possible but data retrieval will suffer if you will query data based on the values in the XML string. If you will use this you're stuck with using a LIKE filter which is not recommended for searching a table with too many rows. If you will always read data using the ID column only I think this would be great.
On the other hand, if you will separate the data in the XML to several columns, you can refine the way you query data based on multiple columns. This will speed up your searches most especially if the columns are indexed.


Why it is not recommended to store product specifications in single column?

I have multiple products which each of them may have different arrtibutes then the other products for example laptop vs t-shirt.
One of the solutions that may come to mind is to have text "specs" column in "products" table and store the products specs in it as text key/value pairs like
for example "label:laptop, RAM:8gb".
What is wrong with this approach? Why I can not find any web article that recommend it ? I mean it is not that hard to come to one's mind.
What I see on the internet are two ways to solve this problem :
1- use EAV model
2- use json
Why not just text key/value pairs as I mentioned
In SQL, a string in a primitive type and it should be used to store only a single value. That is how SQL works best -- single values in columns, rows devoted to a single entity or relationship between two tables.
Here are some reasons why you do not want to do this:
Databases have poor string processing functionality.
Queries using spec cannot (in general) be optimized using indexes or partitioning.
The strings have a lot of redundancy, because names are repeated over and over (admittedly, JSON and XML also have this "feature").
You cannot validate the data for each spec using built-in SQL functionality.
You cannot enforce the presence of particular values.
The one time when this is totally acceptable is when you don't care what is in the string -- it is there only to be returned for the application or user.
Why are you reluctant to use the solutions you mention in your question?
Text pairs (and even JSON blobs) are fine for storage and display, so long as you don't need to search on the product specifications. Searching against unstructured data in most SQL databases is slow and unreliable. That's why for variant data the EAV model typically gets used.
You can learn more about the structure by studying Normal Forms.
SQL assumes attributes are stored individually in columns, and the value in that column is to be treated as a whole value. Support for searching for rows based on some substring of a value in a column is awkward in SQL.
So you can use a string to combine all your product specs, but don't expect SQL expressions to be efficient or elegant if you want to search for one specific product spec by name or value inside that string.
If you store specs in that manner, then just use the column as a "black box." Fetch the whole product spec string from the database, after selecting the product using normal columns. Then you can explode the product spec string in your application code. You may use JSON, XML, or your own custom format. Whatever you can manipulate in application code is valid, and it's up to you.
You may also like a couple of related answers of mine:
How to design a product table for many kinds of product where each product has many parameters
Is storing a delimited list in a database column really that bad? (many of the disadvantages of using a comma-separated list are just as applicable to JSON or XML, or any other format of semi-structured data in a single column.)
After seeing some of the crazy ways developers use JSON columns in questions on Stack Overflow, I'm beginning to change my opinion that JSON or any other document-in-a-column formats are not a good idea for any relational database. They may be tolerable if you follow the "black box" principle I mention above, but too many developers then extend that and expect to query individual sub-fields within the JSON as if they are normal SQL columns. Don't do it!

EAV vs Serialized Object vs SQL with Xpath?

I'm trying to implement a badge system, the badge are based on user's metadata which are subject to change.
Those metadata are variable, and are set on the fly.
Example of metadata :
etc. Later, I would want to add hasGravatar metadata, for this reason, I can't easily design and normalize a table.
Those data, while they are an important part of the application are not 'sensible', almost all those metadata could be re-computed that means that the integrity of the data is not part of constraints.
Currently, I know three options, even if I didn't know any of them.
Serialized Objects
XML Field (I read somewhere that it is possible to store XML in a column, and use XPATH or something to query data)
All of these options look to have pro & cons but since I've never experimented with them, I don't really know which.
Do you have any feedbacks or advices?
I'm currently working with Zend Framework & Doctrine 2 with a MySQL server
XML and Serialized Objects are both very similar as you would likely be using 1 column to store this arbitrary data. This quickly becomes very messy and difficult to easily distinguish in SQL WHERE clauses (though some DBMS have XPath support)
EAV on the otherhand will provide a separate row for every Key => Value pair you have, which you can easily extract out with a JOIN or subquery. The major downfall is that it can be a performance hit if you have a lot of data in here. Another drawback is that to keep things simple you would store all keys/values as text in the db. You could create an EAV table for every type, but it's not practically needed in most languages as what you fetch comes out as a string or can be converted there anyway. Simply storing user configuration/properties should be perfectly fine for EAV.
So you might have a table user_metadata with 3 fields:
metadata_id INTEGER
user_id INTEGER
key CHAR
value CHAR
You could then fetch this data all at once for a user:
SELECT * FROM user_metadata WHERE metadata_user_id = $user_id
Or you could fetch individual metadata along with your user data
SELECT user.*, meta_gravatar.value AS hasGravatar
FROM user
LEFT JOIN user_metadata AS meta_gravatar
ON meta_gravatar.user_id = user.user_id AND meta_gravatar.key = 'hasGravatar'
WHERE user.user_id = $user_id
EAV: It is complicated and slow. It is an example how not to use an SQL database. You cannot have an index on properties in EAV and you need some nontrivial logic to get the data from database into business logic objects. Also your SQL queries become difficult to optimize.
Serialized objects: Serialization often depends on language or platform. There is no way of having an index on some property or search anything, but it is a simple way to store data of undefined structure.
XML field: Use of a standardized representation is better than serialization. Also, there may be support for such data structures in you SQL server.
JSON field: The same as XML field, however, JSON supports primitive data types (int, bool, null) and it is faster and easier to parse and serialize than XML. Some SQL servers provide some support for it as well.
All the three ways of serialization share the same disadvantage: No indices on the properties. In most applications, it is acceptable because the data are not processed by the database anyway, so they are simply a blob for the application. The good thing is, that this blob does not complicate the database schema and operations.
There is one more way to implement such an EAV alternative: plain old SQL table. If a new property requires some change in the application code, then you can add the SQL column as well. If you have user interface and application logic to define properties at run-time, you can teach your application to use ALTER TABLE queries. Then you simply add or remove columns as you need. In the end, it will be much easier and more effective than implementing EAV, as long as you have a good query builder.

Most efficient method for persisting complex types with variable schemas in SQL

What I'm doing
I am creating an SQL table that will provide the back-end storage mechanism for complex-typed objects. I am trying to determine how to accomplish this with the best performance. I need to be able to query on each individual simple type value of the complex type (e.g. the String value of a City in an Address complex type).
I was originally thinking that I could store the complex type values in one record as an XML, but now I am concerned about the search performance of this design. I need to be able to create variable schemas on the fly without changing anything about the database access layer.
Where I'm at now
Right now I am thinking to create the following tables.
TABLE: Schemas
SchemaId uniqueidentifier
Xsd xml //contains the schema for the document of the given complex type
DeserializeType varchar(200) //The Full Type name of the C# class to which the document deserializes.
TABLE: Documents
DocumentId uniqueidentifier
SchemaId uniqueidentifier
TABLE: Values //The DocumentId+ValueXPath function as a PK
DocumentId uniqueidentifier
ValueXPath varchar(250)
Value text
from these tables, when performing queries I would do a series of self-joins on the value table. When I want to get the entire object by the DocumentId, I would have a generic script for creating a view mimics a denormalized datatable of the complex-type.
What I want to know
I believe there are better ways to accomplish what I am trying to, but I am a little too ignorant about the relative performance benefits of different SQL techniques. Specifically I don't know the performance cost of:
1 - comparing the value of a text field versus of a varchar field.
2 - different kind of joins versus nested queries
3 - getting a view versus an xml document from the sql db
4 - doing some other things that I don't even know I don't know would be affecting my query but, I am experienced enough to know exist
I would appreciate any information or resources about these performance issues in sql as well as a recommendation for how to approach this general issue in a more efficient way.
For Example,
Here's an example of what I am currently planning on doing.
I have a C# class Address which looks like
public class Address{
string Line1 {get;set;}
string Line2 {get;set;}
string City {get;set;}
string State {get;set;}
string Zip {get;set;
An instance is constructed from new Address{Line1="17 Mulberry Street", Line2="Apt C", City="New York", State="NY", Zip="10001"}
its XML value would be look like.
<Line1>17 Mulberry Street</Line1>
<Line2>Apt C</Line2>
<City>New York</City>
Using the db-schema from above I would have a single record in the Schemas table with an XSD definition of the address xml schema. This instance would have a uniqueidentifier (PK of the Documents table) which is assigned to the SchemaId of the Address record in the Schemas table. There would then be five records in the Values table to represent this Address.
They would look like:
DocumentId ValueXPath Value
82415E8A-8D95-4bb3-9E5C-AA4365850C70 /Address/Line1 17 Mulberry Street
82415E8A-8D95-4bb3-9E5C-AA4365850C70 /Address/Line2 Apt C
82415E8A-8D95-4bb3-9E5C-AA4365850C70 /Address/City New York
82415E8A-8D95-4bb3-9E5C-AA4365850C70 /Address/State NY
82415E8A-8D95-4bb3-9E5C-AA4365850C70 /Address/Zip 10001
Just Added a Bounty...
My objective is to obtain the resources I need in order to give my application a data access layer that is fully searchable and has a data-schema generated from the application layer that does not require direct database configuration (i.e. creating a new SQL table) in order to add a new aggregate root to the domain model.
I am open to the possibility of using .NET compatible technologies other than SQL, but I will require that any such suggestions be adequately substantiated in order to be considered.
How about looking for a solution at the architectural level? I was also breaking my head on complex graphs and performance until I discovered CQRS.
[start evangelist mode]
You can go document-based or relational as storage. Even both! (Event Sourcing)
Nice separation of concerns: Read Model vs Write Model
Have your cake and eat it too!
Ok, there is an initial learning / technical curve to get over ;)
[end evangelist mode]
As you stated: "I need to be able to create variable schemas on the fly without changing anything about the database access layer." The key benefit is that your read model can be very fast since it's made for reading. If you add Event Sourcing to the mix, you can drop and rebuild your Read Model to whatever schema you want... even "online".
There are some nice opensource frameworks out there like nServiceBus which saves lots of time and technical challenges. All depends on how far you want to take these concepts what you're willing/can spend time on. You can even start with just basics if you follow Greg Young's approach. See the info in the links below.
CQRS Examples and Screencasts
CQRS Questions
Intro (Also see the video)
Somehow what you want sounds like a painful thing to do in SQL. Basically, you should treat the inside of a text field as opaque as when querying an SQL database. Text fields were not made for efficient queries.
If you just want to store serialized objects in a text field, that is fine. But do not try to build queries that look inside the text field to find objects.
Your idea sounds like you want to perform some joins, XML parsing, and XPath application to get to a value. This doesn't strike me as the most efficient thing to do.
So, my advise:
Either just store serialized objects in the db, and do nothing more than load them and perform all other operations in memory
Or, if you need to query complex data structures, you may really want to look into document stores/databases like CouchDB or MongoDB; you can also check Wikipedia on the subject. There are even databases specifically designed for storing XML, even though I personally don't like them very much.
Addendum, per your explanations above
Simply put, don't go over the top with this thing:
If you just want to persist C#/.NET objects, just use the XML Serialization already built into the framework, a single table and be done with it.
If you, for some reason, need to store complex XML, use a dedicated XML store
If you have a fixed database schema, but it is too complex for efficient queries, use a Document Store in memory where you keep a denormalized version of your data for faster queries (or just simplify your database schema)
If you don't really need a fixed schema, use just a Document Store, and forget about having any "schema definition" at all
As for your solution, yes, it could work somehow. As could a plain SQL schema if you set it up right. But for applying an XPath, you'll probably parse the whole XML document each time you access a record, which wouldn't be very efficient to begin with.
If you want to check out Document databases, there are .NET drivers for CouchDB and MongoDB. The eXist XML database offers a number of Web protocols, and you can probably create a client class easily with VisualStudio's point-and-shoot interface. Or just google for someone who already did.
I need to be able to create variable
schemas on the fly without changing
anything about the database access
You are re-implementing the RDBMS within an RDBMS. The DB can do this already - that is what the DDL statements like create table and create schema are for....
I suggest you look into "schemas" and SQL security. There is no reason with the correct security setup you cannot allow your users to create their own tables to store document attributes in, or even generate them automatically.
Slightly longer answer, if you don't have full requirements immediately, I would store the data as XML data type, and query them using XPath queries. This will be OK for occasional queries over smallish numbers of rows (fewer than a few thousand, certainly).
Also, your RDBMS may support indexes over XML, which may be another way of solving your problem. CREATE XML INDEX in SqlServer 2008 for example.
However for frequent queries, you can use triggers or materialized views to create copies of relevant data in table format, so more intensive reports can be speeded up by querying the breakout tables.
I don't know your requirements, but if you are responsible for creating the reports/queries yourself, this may be an approach to use. If you need to enable users to create their own reports that's a bigger mountain to climb.
I guess what i am saying is "are you sure you need to do this and XML can't just do the job".
In part, it will depend of your DB Engine. You're using SQL Server, don't you?
Answering your topics:
1 - Comparing the value of a text field versus of a varchar field: if you're comparing two db fields, varchar fields are smarter. Nvarchar(max) stores data in unicode with 2*l+2 bytes, where "l" is the lengh. For performance issues, you will need consider how much larger tables will be, for selecting the best way to index (or not) your table fields. See the topic.
2 - Sometimes nested queries are easily created and executed, also serving as a way to reduce query time. But, depending of the complexity, would be better to use different kind of joins. The best way is try to do in both ways. Execute two or more times each query, for the DB engine "compiles" a query on first executing, then the subsequent are quite faster. Measure the times for different parameters and choose the best option.
"Sometimes you can rewrite a subquery to use JOIN and achieve better performance. The advantage of creating a JOIN is that you can evaluate tables in a different order from that defined by the query. The advantage of using a subquery is that it is frequently not necessary to scan all rows from the subquery to evaluate the subquery expression. For example, an EXISTS subquery can return TRUE upon seeing the first qualifying row." - link
3- There's no much information in this question, but if you will get the xml document directly from the table, would be a good idea insted a view. Again, it will depends of the view and the document.
4- Other issues is about the total records expected for your table; the indexing of the columns, in wich you need to consider sorting, joining, filtering, PK's and FK's. Each situation could demmand different aproaches. My sugestion is to invest some time reading about your database engine and queries functioning and relating to your system.
I hope I've helped.
Interesting question.
I think you may be asking the wrong question here. Broadly speaking, as long as you have a FULLTEXT index on your text field, queries will be fast. Much faster than varchar if you have to use wild cards, for instance.
However, if I were you, I'd concentrate on the actual queries you're going to be running. Do you need boolean operators? Wildcards? Numerical comparisons? That's where I think you will encounter the real performance worries.
I would imagine you would need queries like:
"find all addresses in the states of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania"
"find all addresses between house numbers 1 and 100 on Mulberry Street"
"find all addresses where the zipcode is missing, and the city is New York"
At a high level, the solution you propose is to store your XML somewhere, and then de-normalize that XML into name/value pairs for querying.
Name/value pairs have a long and proud history, but become unwieldy in complex query situations, because you're not using the built-in optimizations and concepts of the relational database model.
Some refinements I'd recommend is to look at the domain model, and at least see if you can factor out separate data types into the "value" column; you might end up with "textValue", "moneyValue", "integerValue" and "dateValue". In the example you give, you might factor "address 1" into "housenumber" (as an integer) and "streetname".
Having said all this - I don't think there's a better solution other than completely changing tack to a document-focused database.

Implementing and indexing User Defined Fields in an SQL DB

I need to store a large table (several millions or rows) that contains a large number of user-defined fields (not known at compile time, but probably around 20 to 40 custom fields). It is very important (performance-wise) for me to be able to query the data based on those custom fields: i.e. "Select the rows where this attribute has that value, that attribute is that value, etc.". Each query has some 20 to 30 WHERE clauses.
My ideas so far:
Change the database schema everytime a new user field is implemented. Keep each user defined field as a column in the table. Add and maintain indexes on each custom-created column. How to properly build those indexes is a big problem, as I don't know what attributes(columns) will be used in the WHERE queries.
Store the custom fields as an XML type column. As I understand from SQL2005 I can query inside the XML in the XML type columns. Not so sure about performance though.
Entity Attribute Value . This is what I am using now, but it's a pain.
Any suggestions?
Some clarifications on my requirements. I have a table, 40 -50 million rows of (say) ID numbers and various attributes associated with those IDs.
Let's say 20 million of them have "CustomAttribute1" equal to 2, then 5 million have "CustomAttribute2" equal to "Yes" and 3 million have "CustomAttribute20" equal to 'No'
I need a FAST method of returning all IDs where:
1. CustomAttribute1 = 2
2. CustomAttribute2 = 'Yes'
3. CustomAttribute4 = null
4. CustomAttribute20 != 'No'
We have this implemented as EAV: the select query is a nightmare to implement and maintain, it takes a long time to return result, and most anoyingly the DB scales to huge sizes even for small ammounts of data, which is weird since the EAV is essentially normalizing the data but I assume all the indexes take up a bunch of space.
It seems like you've listed your available options. EAV can be a pain for querying (and slow, depending on how many criteria you want to search on simultaneously), but it tends to be the most "sane" and RDBMS-agnostic implementation.
Modifying the schema is a no-no...obviously it can be done, but such a practice is abhorrent. I do not approve.
The XML option is a solution, and SQL Server can query inside the structure. I'm not certain about other RDBMS's, and you don't list which one you're using in the post or the tags.
If you're going to be querying on many attributes (say, 20+) simultaneously, then I would probably recommend the XML solution just to limit the number of joins you'll have to make. Aside from that, I would stick with EAV.
You could represent all of the user defined fields with an XML Column, e.g.
"But I am not sure what the performance impact of doing this would be, however it is definitely the prettiest way of handling UDF's in a database in my opinion."
<Field Name="ConferenceAddress" DBType="NVarChar" Size="255">Some Address</Field>
<Field Name="ConferenceCity" DBType="NVarChar" Size="255">Some City</Field>
Then what I would do is put a trigger on the table so that when the column is updated it recreates a view for the table which pulls out the xml values as columns on the view. Lock the view etc during the recreation of it to prevent access errors application side.
Then I would create a stored procedure for updating the XML so that it would work for any XML Column following your User Defined Field xml formatting, e.g. Insert/Update/Remove/Get
--Shared Parameters
(e.g. use Dynamic SQL to get the XML from X table by X Column Name to make it universal/generic to all of your UDF Fields)
Here is an article on XML Performance Optimization from Sql Server 2005 (not seeing an equivalent in newer versions):
Are you sure you even need an RDBMS? NoSql Is a better fit for User Generated Fields, I might even consider using Both NoSql and Sql Server.

Dynamic Database Schema [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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What is a recommended architecture for providing storage for a dynamic logical database schema?
To clarify: Where a system is required to provide storage for a model whose schema may be extended or altered by its users once in production, what are some good technologies, database models or storage engines that will allow this?
A few possibilities to illustrate:
Creating/altering database objects via dynamically generated DML
Creating tables with large numbers of sparse physical columns and using only those required for the 'overlaid' logical schema
Creating a 'long, narrow' table that stores dynamic column values as rows that then need to be pivoted to create a 'short, wide' rowset containing all the values for a specific entity
Using a BigTable/SimpleDB PropertyBag type system
Any answers based on real world experience would be greatly appreciated
What you are proposing is not new. Plenty of people have tried it... most have found that they chase "infinite" flexibility and instead end up with much, much less than that. It's the "roach motel" of database designs -- data goes in, but it's almost impossible to get it out. Try and conceptualize writing the code for ANY sort of constraint and you'll see what I mean.
The end result typically is a system that is MUCH more difficult to debug, maintain, and full of data consistency problems. This is not always the case, but more often than not, that is how it ends up. Mostly because the programmer(s) don't see this train wreck coming and fail to defensively code against it. Also, often ends up the case that the "infinite" flexibility really isn't that necessary; it's a very bad "smell" when the dev team gets a spec that says "Gosh I have no clue what sort of data they are going to put here, so let 'em put WHATEVER"... and the end users are just fine having pre-defined attribute types that they can use (code up a generic phone #, and let them create any # of them -- this is trivial in a nicely normalized system and maintains flexibility and integrity!)
If you have a very good development team and are intimately aware of the problems you'll have to overcome with this design, you can successfully code up a well designed, not terribly buggy system. Most of the time.
Why start out with the odds stacked so much against you, though?
Don't believe me? Google "One True Lookup Table" or "single table design". Some good results:
A strongly typed xml field in MSSQL has worked for us.
Like some others have said, don't do this unless you have no other choice. One case where this is required is if you are selling an off-the-shelf product that must allow users to record custom data. My company's product falls into this category.
If you do need to allow your customers to do this, here are a few tips:
- Create a robust administrative tool to perform the schema changes, and do not allow these changes to be made any other way.
- Make it an administrative feature; don't allow normal users to access it.
- Log every detail about every schema change. This will help you debug problems, and it will also give you CYA data if a customer does something stupid.
If you can do those things successfully (especially the first one), then any of the architectures you mentioned will work. My preference is to dynamically change the database objects, because that allows you to take advantage of your DBMS's query features when you access the data stored in the custom fields. The other three options require you load large chunks of data and then do most of your data processing in code.
I have a similar requirement and decided to use the schema-less MongoDB.
MongoDB (from "humongous") is an open source, scalable, high-performance, schema-free, document-oriented database written in the C++ programming language. (Wikipedia)
has rich query functionality (maybe the closest to SQL DBs)
production ready (foursquare, sourceforge use it)
Lowdarks (stuff you need to understand, so you can use mongo correctly):
no transactions (actually it has transactions but only on atomic operations)
this stuff here: http://ethangunderson.com/blog/two-reasons-to-not-use-mongodb/
durability .. mostly ACID related stuff
I did it ones in a real project:
The database consisted of one table with one field which was an array of 50. It had a 'word' index set on it. All the data was typeless so the 'word index' worked as expected. Numeric fields were represented as characters and the actual sorting had been done at client side. (It still possible to have several array fields for each data type if needed).
The logical data schema for logical tables was held within the same database with different table row 'type' (the first array element). It also supported simple versioning in copy-on-write style using same 'type' field.
You can rearrange and add/delete your columns dynamically, no need for dump/reload of database. Any new column data may be set to initial value (virtually) in zero time.
Fragmentation is minimal, since all records and tables are same size, sometimes it gives better performance.
All table schema is virtual. Any logical schema stucture is possible (even recursive, or object-oriented).
It is good for "write-once, read-mostly, no-delete/mark-as-deleted" data (most Web apps actually are like that).
Indexing only by full words, no abbreviation,
Complex queries are possible, but with slight performance degradation.
Depends on whether your preferred database system supports arrays and word indexes (it was inplemented in PROGRESS RDBMS).
Relational model is only in programmer's mind (i.e. only at run-time).
And now I'm thinking the next step could be - to implement such a database on the file system level. That might be relatively easy.
The whole point of having a relational DB is keeping your data safe and consistent. The moment you allow users to alter the schema, there goes your data integrity...
If your need is to store heterogeneous data, for example like a CMS scenario, I would suggest storing XML validated by an XSD in a row. Of course you lose performance and easy search capabilities, but it's a good trade off IMHO.
Since it's 2016, forget XML! Use JSON to store the non-relational data bag, with an appropriately typed column as backend. You shouldn't normally need to query by value inside the bag, which will be slow even though many contemporary SQL databases understand JSON natively.
Sounds to me like what you really want is some sort of "meta-schema", a database schema which is capable of describing a flexible schema for storing the actual data. Dynamic schema changes are touchy and not something you want to mess with, especially not if users are allowed to make the change.
You're not going to find a database which is more suited to this task than any other, so your best bet is just to select one based on other criteria. For example, what platform are you using to host the DB? What language is the app written in? etc
To clarify what I mean by "meta-schema":
key VARCHAR(255),
data TEXT,
This is a very simple example, you would likely have something more specific to your needs (and hopefully a little easier to work with), but it does serve to illustrate my point. You should consider the database schema itself to be immutable at the application level; any structural changes should be reflected in the data (that-is, the instantiation of that schema).
I know that models indicated in the question are used in production systems all over. A rather large one is in use at a large university/teaching institution that I work for. They specifically use the long narrow table approach to map data gathered by many varied data acquisition systems.
Also, Google recently released their internal data sharing protocol, protocol buffer, as open source via their code site. A database system modeled on this approach would be quite interesting.
Check the following:
Entity-attribute-value model
Google Protocol Buffer
Create 2 databases
DB1 contains static tables, and represents the "real" state of the data.
DB2 is free for users to do with as they wish - they (or you) will have to write code to populate their odd-shaped tables from DB1.
EAV approach i believe is the best approach, but comes with a heavy cost
I know it's an old topic, but I guess that it never loses actuality.
I'm developing something like that right now.
Here is my approach.
I use a server setting with a MySQL, Apache, PHP, and Zend Framework 2 as application framework, but it should work as well with any other settings.
Here is a simple implementation guide, you can evolve it yourself further from this.
You would need to implement your own query language interpreter, because the effective SQL would be too complicated.
select id, password from user where email_address = "xyz#xyz.com"
The physical database layout:
Table 'specs': (should be cached in your data access layer)
id: int
parent_id: int
name: varchar(255)
Table 'items':
id: int
parent_id: int
spec_id: int
data: varchar(20000)
Contents of table 'specs':
1, 0, 'user'
2, 1, 'email_address'
3, 1, 'password'
Contents of table 'items':
1, 0, 1, ''
2, 1, 2, 'xyz#xyz.com'
3, 1, 3, 'my password'
The translation of the example in our own query language:
select id, password from user where email_address = "xyz#xyz.com"
to standard SQL would look like this:
parent_id, -- user id
data -- password
spec_id = 3 -- make sure this is a 'password' item
parent_id in
( -- get the 'user' item to which this 'password' item belongs
spec_id = 1 -- make sure this is a 'user' item
id in
( -- fetch all item id's with the desired 'email_address' child item
parent_id -- id of the parent item of the 'email_address' item
spec_id = 2 -- make sure this is a 'email_address' item
data = "xyz#xyz.com" -- with the desired data value
You will need to have the specs table cached in an associative array or hashtable or something similar to get the spec_id's from the spec names. Otherwise you would need to insert some more SQL overhead to get the spec_id's from the names, like in this snippet:
Bad example, don't use this, avoid this, cache the specs table instead!
spec_id = (select id from specs where name = "password")
parent_id in (
spec_id = (select id from specs where name = "user")
id in (
spec_id = (select id from specs where name = "email_address")
data = "xyz#xyz.com"
I hope you get the idea and can determine for yourself whether that approach is feasible for you.
Enjoy! :-)
Over at the c2.com wiki, the idea of "Dynamic Relational" was explored. You DON'T need a DBA: columns and tables are Create-On-Write, unless you start adding constraints to make it act more like a traditional RDBMS: as a project matures, you can incrementally "lock it down".
Conceptually you can think of each row as an XML statement. For example, an employee record could be represented as:
<employee lastname="Li" firstname="Joe" salary="120000" id="318"/>
This does not imply it has to be implemented as XML, it's just a handy conceptualization. If you ask for a non-existing column, such as "SELECT madeUpColumn ...", it's treated as blank or null (unless added constraints forbid such). And it's possible to use SQL, although one has to be careful about comparisons because of the implied type model. But other than type handling, users of a Dynamic Relational system would feel right at home because they can leverage most of their existing RDBMS knowledge. Now, if somebody would just build it...
In the past I've chosen option C -- Creating a 'long, narrow' table that stores dynamic column values as rows that then need to be pivoted to create a 'short, wide' rowset containing all the values for a specific entity.. However, I was using an ORM, and that REALLY made things painful. I can't think of how you'd do it in, say, LinqToSql. I guess I'd have to create a Hashtable to reference the fields.
#Skliwz: I'm guessing he's more interested in allowing users to create user-defined fields.
ElasticSearch. You should consider it especially if you're dealing with datasets that you can partition by date, you can use JSON for your data, and are not fixed on using SQL for retrieving the data.
ES infers your schema for any new JSON fields you send, either automatically, with hints, or manually which you can define/change by one HTTP command ("mappings").
Although it does not support SQL, it has some great lookup capabilities and even aggregations.
I know this is a super old post, and much has changed in the last 11 years, but thought I would added this as it might be helpful to future readers. One of the reason's why my co-founders and I created HarperDB is to natively accomplish Dynamic schema in a single, unduplicated data set while providing full index capability. You can read more about it here:
sql already provides a way to change your schema: the ALTER command.
simply have a table that lists the fields that users are not allowed to change, and write a nice interface for ALTER.