I have 2 questions: do you know how I can disable the module that allows the user to choose the colour of the product? I don't need it and I would like to remove it.
My second question is about the "Add to cart" yellow button.. I'd like to change its shape and colour but I can't find the way to do it. Do you know which line should I look for and in which file?
This is not a module. Just do not use color attributes for your products and they will not appear
The "Add to Cart" button is styled in /themes/[YOUR_THEME]/css/product.css. In PrestaShop row with the style rule is 338.
I'm incapable to change the text on these buttons, I'm looking in translations in the theme, but no clue about how to find this specific text and I'm spending a lot of time trying to locate it, I'm using prestashop 1.7.6
Any ideas?
If you're using the classic theme, you have to go to translations in the admin panel.
In the lists, choose :
type : "front-office" or "theme translation"
theme : "classic"
language : * yours *
And click on the "modify" button.
Then, the "add-to-cart" label is in "Shop" -> "Theme" -> "Actions" at the second page.
Or, you can simply search for "add to cart" in the search bar.
I want to change color of a margin of separated code editors.
To be precise:
you have two files open in editor
on one file you click with your right mouse button
click "Split Down"
now you have two code editors (two files, two panels) in one window
I want to change color of a margin between this two files (as the red line shows):
Now it's black and it's hard to see where one code ends and second begins.
Currently, it's not possible. Please, vote for IDEA-146953 and follow for updates.
I know that I can change the color of just about all texts in IntelliJ IDEA by navigating to
Settings -> Editor -> Color Scheme
and then finding the item that I want to change the color of.
I have not, however, been able to find the proper name or category for the controls that would change the color of the filenames listed in the Version Control window.
I have clicked through most every option available there and although I know I missing something super simple, I have been unsuccessful.
Here is a picture to show exactly what I'm talking about.
Settings | Version Control | File Status Colors
In IntelliJ
I can't find this anywhere but I am trying to get that tan/grayish box to not be there so I can have just the black background, but it seems to highlight whatever I'm working on just like the tabs to the right. But I don want that big highlight.
Does anyone know the seting to turn that off?
Go to Settings > Appearance & Behavior > File Colors and you will see 3 check-boxes on top. Disable first one Enable File Colors and it will remove shade you are referring to.
Also disable Use in Project View but Enable File Colors should cover all File Colors
I can imagine that this might not (ever) be a feature.
(I wouldn't necessarily want "other" method calls to be blue as shown in the second block; blue is just to emphasize what's different from first block.)
If there's a way to just color methods defined in the current class, please advise.
(I want this because my eyes need all the help they can get.)
No, there is no such feature in IntelliJ IDEA as of version 14.1. It can be implemented as a plugin, but I'm not aware of any such plugin.
Just documenting, as I was looking for a way to do this and I have found a way that is satisfactory enough to me.
There's a way, but it's a workaround, it will have side effects.
Go to File > Settings > Inspections (Choose the Global Profile if necessary).
Type in the search: qualified.
Tick the checkbox next to "Instance method call not qualified with 'this'".
Click on Severity > Edit severities, add new entry by clicking the green + button.
Name it whatever you want.
You must put it at the bottom of the list using the arrows. If you don't, the F2 key will no longer work as you expect it as it will prioritize errors at the top of the list.
Set the Error stripe mark to #FFFFFF, or the same color as the scrollbar.
Set it bold if you wish.
If you want to set a color, you must set a background color to white (or black if you have a black interface). If you don't, the color will appear black in most conditions.
If you really want to, do the same for "Unnecessary 'this' qualifier"; there is an additional checkbox to make it only apply to methods and not fields.
Side effects:
This enables inspections, which is not desired.
Pointing the mouse cursor onto the method calls will cause a hover text to appear describing the inspection.
If your code has no errors, no warnings, and no additional informative inspections, pressing F2 will jump through these calls.