How to SSH into a GCE Instance created from a custom image? - ssh

I'm having issues using ssh to log in to a VM created from a custom image.
I followed the steps for creating an image from an existing GCE instance.
I have successfully created the image, uploaded it to Google Cloud Storage and added it as an image to my project, yet when I try to connect to the new image, I get a "Connection Refused".
I can see other applications running on other ports for the new image, so it seems to be just ssh that is affected.
The steps I did are below:
...create an image from existing GCE instance (one I can log into fine via ssh)..then:
gcutil --project="river-ex-217" addimage example2
gcutil --project="river-ex-217" addinstance --image=example2 --machinetype=n1-standard-1 anothervm
gcutil --service_version="v1" --project="river-ex-217" ssh --zone="europe-west1-a" "anothervm"
Which outputs:
INFO: Running command line: ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o CheckHostIP=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /Users/mark1/.ssh/google_compute_engine -A -p 22 mark1# --
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
I've tried deleting the sshKeys metadata as suggested in another SO answer, and reconnecting which did this:
INFO: Updated project with new ssh key. It can take several minutes for the instance to pick up the key.
INFO: Waiting 120 seconds before attempting to connect.
INFO: Running command line: ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o CheckHostIP=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /Users/mark1/.ssh/google_compute_engine -A -p 22 mark1# --
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
I then try for the first instance in another zone, it works fine with the new key:
gcutil --service_version="v1" --project="river-ex-217" ssh --zone="europe-west1-b" "image1"
Both instances are running on the same "default" network with port 22 running, and ssh works for the first instance the image is created from.
I tried nc command from the other instance and my local machine, it shows no output:
nc 22
...whilst the original VM's ip shows this output:
nc 22
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4
I've tried remaking the image again and re-adding the instance, no difference.
I've tried logging in to the first instance, and switching user to one on that machine (which should be the same as the second machine?), and ssh from there.
WARNING: You don't have an ssh key for Google Compute Engine. Creating one now...
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
INFO: Updated project with new ssh key. It can take several minutes for the instance to pick up the key.
INFO: Waiting 300 seconds before attempting to connect.
INFO: Running command line: ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o CheckHostIP=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /home/mark/.ssh/google_compute_engine -A -p 22 mark# -- --zone=europe-west1-a
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
I'm out of ideas, any help greatly appreciated :) The maddening thiing is I can see the new VM is live with the application ready, I just need to add a few files to it and set up some cronjobs. I guess I could do this pre-image making, but I would like to be able to log in at a later date and modify it, without needing to take 1hr to create images and launch new instances every time.
Yours faithfully,

This question appears to be about how to debug SSH connectivity problems with images, so here is my answer to that.
It appears that your instance may not be running the SSH server properly. There may be something amiss with the prepared image.
Possibly useful debugging questions to ask yourself:
Did you use gcimagebundle to bundle up the image or did it manually? Consider using the tool to make sure there isn't something you missed.
Did you change anything about the ssh server configuration before bundling the image?
When the instance is booting, check it's console output for ssh messages - it should mention regenerating the keys, starting sshd daemon and listening on port 22. If it does not or complains about something related to ssh, you should follow up on that.
You covered these, but for sake of completeness, these should also be checked:
Can you otherwise reach the VM after it comes up? Does it respond on webserver ports (if any) or respond to ping?
Double check that the network you VM is on allows SSH (port 22) access from the host you are connecting from.
You can compare your ssh setup to that of a working image:
Create a new disk (disk-mine-1) from your image.
Create a new disk (disk-upstream-1) from any working boot image, for example the debian wheezy one.
Attach both of these to a VM you can access (either on console or from cli).
SSH into the VM.
Mount both of the images (sudo mkdir /mnt/{mine,upstream} && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/mine && sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/upstream). Note that whether your image is sdb or sdc depends on the order you attached the images!
Look for differences between the ssh config (diff -waur /mnt/{mine,upstream}/etc/ssh). There should not be any unless you specifically need them.
Also check if your image has proper /mnt/mine/etc/init.d/{ssh,generate-ssh-hostkeys} scripts. They should also be linked from /mnt/mine/etc/rc{S,2}.d (S10generate-ssh-hostkeys and S02ssh respectively).


SSH to Github not working

SSH has been working fine for the last few weeks since I got my new PC. I've had no problems but today I started getting:
ssh: connect to host port 22: resource temporarily unavailable
I did some googling and found that there is a common issue with WSL which sometimes causes this, but I'm unable to SSH from my bash shell, or from cmd/powershell.
This is the part that confuses me, if I do: ssh -T git# I am prompted for the password to my key, it successfully authenticates and responds with "Hi alexmk92! You've successfully authenticated".
Great, that at least proves that my firewall isn't blocking SSH on port 22. But why does throw the resource failed error? My initial thought is that this could be a DNS problem.
So I tried to configure my network adapter to use Google's DNS server ( and I even configured the IPV6 DNS servers just in case. Following this I did an ipconfig /flushdns, attempted to connect via again and BAM the same result, however git# still works.
I'm guessing another potential cause is that is behind a load balancer and one of the IP's on the cluster could be black-listed somewhere on my machine? I'm just pulling guesses out of thin air now, any help would be greatly appreciated, this is driving me insane.
After some further Googling it turned out that my machine did not have a hosts entry for and it was unable to automatically resolve it.
In Windows Subsystem for Linux I created a ssh config file
touch ~/.ssh/config
(for some reason the base distro of Ubuntu 18.04 on the windows marketplace didn't have one) I then had to make sure the file permissions were correct:
chmod 755 ~/.ssh/config
Once the file was created, I edited it with
sudo nano ~/.ssh/config
and added as a Host.
Port 22
Upon saving, I ran
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
and attempted
ssh -T
Everything now seems to be working.
In my case my ISP did not allow ssh, so it was not working from cmd and wsl both. Got around it using vpn
To have successful SSH connection to Github, SSH key has to be import into Github
Open Git bash or Terminal
Run the command ssh-keygen
Choose all default option
A private and a public key gets generated in the folder * < user_home>/.ssh/*
Login to
Navigate to account settings
Choose item "SSH and GPG Keys" from the side navigation bar
click added new SSh key
Copy and save public key content from * < user_home>/.ssh/ *

X11 forwarding of a GUI app running in docker

First off: I have read the answers to similar questions on SO, but none of them worked.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The answer below is still valid, but maybe jump to the end for an alternative.
The situation:
App with GUI is running in a docker container (CentOS 7.1) under Arch Linux. (machine A)
Machine A has a monitor connected to it.
I want to access this GUI via X11 forwarding on my Arch Linux client machine. (machine B)
What works:
GUI works locally on machine A (with /tmp/.X11-unix being mounted in the Docker container).
X11 forwarding of any app running outside of docker (X11 forwarding is set up and running properly for non-docker usage).
I can even switch the user while remotely logged in, copy the .Xauthority file to the other user and X11 forwarding works as well.
Some setup info:
Docker networking is 'bridged'.
Container can reach host (firewall is open).
DISPLAY variable is set in container (to host-ip-addr:10.0 because of TCP port 6010 where sshd is listening).
Packets to X forward port (6010) are reaching the host from the container (tcpdump checked).
What does not work:
X11 forwarding of the Docker app
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: host-ip-addr:10.0
Things i tried:
starting client ssh with ssh -Y option on machine B
putting "X11ForwardTrusted yes" in ssh_config on machine B
xhost + (so allow any clients to connect) on machine B
putting Host * in ssh_config on machine B
putting X11UseLocalhost no in sshd_config on machine A (to allow non-localhost clients)
Adding the X auth token in the container with xauth add from the login user on machine A
Just copying over the .Xauthority file from a working user into the container
Making shure .Xauthority file has correct permissions and owner
How can i just disable all the X security stuff and get this working?
Or even better: How can i get it working with security?
Is there at least a way to enable extensive debugging to see where exactly the problem is?
Alternative: The first answer below shows how to effectively resolve this issue. However: I would recommend you to look into a different approach all together, namely VNC. I personally switched to a tigerVNC setup that replaces the X11 forwarding and have not looked back. The performance is just leagues above what X11 forwarding delivered for me. There might be some instances where you cannot use VNC for whatever reason, but i would try it first.
The general setup is now as follows:
-VNC server runs on machine A on the host (not inside a docker container).
-Now you just have to figure out how to get a GUI for inside a docker container (which is a much more trivial undertaking).
-If the docker container was started NOT from the VNC environment, the DISPLAY variable maybe needs ajdusting.
Thanks so much #Lazarus535
I found that for me adding the following to my docker command worked:
I found this trick here
As Lazarus pointed out correctly you also have to set the --net=host option to make this work.
Ok, here is the thing:
1) Log in to remote machine
2) Check which display was set with echo $DISPLAY
3) Run xauth list
4) Copy the line corresponding to your DISPLAY
5) Enter your docker container
6) xauth add <the line you copied>*
7) Set DISPLAY with export DISPLAY=<ip-to-host>:<no-of-display>
*so far so good right?
This was nothing new...however here is the twist:
The line printed by xauth list for the login user looks something like this (in my case):
<hostname-of-machine>/unix:<no-of-display> MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 <some number here>
Because i use the bridged docker setup, the X forwarding port is not listening locally, because the sshd is not running in the container. Change the line above to:
<ip-of-host>:<no-of-display> MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 <some number here>
In essence: Remove the /unix part.
<ip-of-host> is the IP address where the sshd is running.
Set the DISPLAY variable as above.
So the error was that the DISPLAY name in the environment variable was not the "same" as the entry in the xauth list / .Xauthority file and the client could therefor not authenticate properly.
I switched back to an untrusted X11 forwarding setting.
The X11UseLocalhost no setting in the sshd_config file however is important, because the incomming connection will come from a "different" machine (the docker container).
This works in any scenario.
Install xhost if you don't have it. Then, in bash,
export DISPLAY=:0.0
xhost +local:docker
After this run your docker run command (or whatever docker command you are running) with -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY
It works usually via
But if you are running docker with a different user than the one used for ssh -X into the server with; then copying the Xauthority only helped along with volume mapping the file.
Example - I sshed into the server with alex user.Then ran docker after su -root and got this error
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
After copying the .XAuthoirty file and mapping it like made it work
cp /home/alex/.Xauthority .
docker run -it --network=host --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --privileged \
--volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --rm <dockerimage>
More details on wiring here
Some clarifying remarks. Host is A, local machine is B
Ive edited this post to note things that I think should work in theory but haven't been tested, vs things I know to work
Running docker non-interactively
If your docker is running not interactively and running sshd, you can use jumphosts or proxycommand and specify the x11 client to run. You should NOT volume share your Xauthority file with the container, and sharing -e DISPLAY likely has no effect on future ssh sessions
Since you essentially have two sshd servers, either of the following should work out of the box
if you have openssh-client greater than version 7.3, you can use the following command
ssh -X -J user-on-host#hostmachine,user-on-docker#dockercontainer xeyes
If your openssh client is older, the syntax is instead
(google says the -X is not needed in the proxy command, but I am suspicious)
ssh -X -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p user-on-host#hostmachine" user-on-docker#dockermachine xeyes
Or ssh -X into host, then ssh -X into docker.
In either of the above cases, you should NOT share .Xauthority with the container
Running docker interactively from within the ssh session
The easiest way to get this done is to set --net=host and X11UseLocalhost yse.
If your docker is running sshd, you can open a second ssh -X session on your local machine and use the jumphost method as above.
If you start it in the ssh session, you can either -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY or export it when you're in. You might have to export it if you attach to an exiting container where this line wasn't used.
Use these docker args for --net host and x11uselocalhost yes
ssh -X to host
-v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/same-as-dash-u-user/.Xauthority
-u user
What follows is explanation of how everything works and other approaches to try
About Xauthority
ssh -X/-Y set up a session key in the hosts Xauthority file, and then sets up a listen port on which it places an x11 proxy that uses the session key, and converts it to be compatible with the key on your local machine. By design, the .Xauthority keys will be different between your local machine and the host machine. If you use jumphosts/proxycommand the keys between the host and the container will yet again be different from each other. If you instead use ssh tunnels or direct X11 connection, you will have to share the host Xauthority with the container, in the case of sharing .Xauthority with the container, you can only have one active session per user, since new sessions will invalidate the previous ones by modifying the hosts .Xauthority such that it only works with that session's ssh x11 proxy
X11UserLocalhost no theory##
Even Though X11UseLocalhost no causes the x server to listen on the wildcard address, With --net host I could not redirect the container display to localhost:X.Y where x and why are from the host $DISPLAY
X11UseLocalhost yes is the easy way
If you choose X11UseLocalhost yes the DISPLAY variable on the host becomes localhost:X:Y, which causes the ssh x11 proxy to listen only on localhost port x.
If X11UseLocalhost is no, the DISPLAY variable on the host becomes the host's hostname:X:Y, which causes the xerver to listen on and causes xclients to reach out over the network to the hostname specified.
this is theoretical, I don't yet have access to docker on a remote host to test this
But this is the easy way. We bypass that by redirecting the DISPLAY variable to always be localhost, and do docker port mapping to move the data from localhost:X+1.Y on the container, to localhost:X.Y on the host, where ssh is waiting to forward x traffic back to the local machine. The +1 makes us agnostic to running either --net=host or --net=bridge
setting up container ports requires specifying expose in the dockerfile and publishing the ports with the -p command.
Setting everything up manually without ssh -X
This works only with --net host. This approach works without xauth because we are directly piping to your unix domain socket on the local machine
ssh to host without -X
ssh -R6010:localhost:6010 user#host
start docker with -e DISPLAY=localhost:10.1 or export inside
in another terminal on local machine
socat -d -d TCP-LISTEN:6010,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
In original terminal run xclients
if container is net --bridged and you can't use docker ports, enable sshd on the container and use the jumphosts method

Inject host's SSH keys into Docker Machine with Docker Compose

I am using Docker on Mac OS X with Docker Machine (with the default boot2docker machine), and I use docker-compose to setup my development environment.
Let's say that one of the containers is called "stack". Now what I want to do is call:
docker-composer run stack ssh
My public key (which has been added to and which will be used to authenticate me) is located on the host machine. I want this key to be available to the Docker Machine container so that I will be able to authenticate myself against stackoverflow using that key from within the container. Preferably without physically copying my key to Docker Machine.
Is there any way to do this? Also, if my key is password protected, is there any way to unlock it once so after every injection I will not have to manually enter the password?
You can add this to your docker-compose.yml (assuming your user inside container is root):
- ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh
Also you can check for more advanced solution with ssh agent (I did not tried it myself)
WARNING: This feature seems to have limited support in Docker Compose and is more designed for Docker Swarm.
(I haven't checked to make sure, but) My current impression is that:
In Docker Compose secrets are just bind mount volumes, so there's no additional security compared to volumes
Ability to change secrets permissions with Linux host may be limited
See answer comments for more details.
Docker has a feature called secrets, which can be helpful here. To use it one could add the following code to docker-compose.yml:
version: '3.1' # Note the minimum file version for this feature to work
- host_ssh_key
file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Then the new secret file can be accessed in Dockerfile like this:
RUN mkdir ~/.ssh && ln -s /run/secrets/host_ssh_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Secret files won't be copied into container:
When you grant a newly-created or running service access to a secret, the decrypted secret is mounted into the container in an in-memory filesystem
For more details please refer to:
If you're using OS X and encrypted keys this is going to be PITA. Here are the steps I went through figuring this out.
Straightforward approach
One might think that there’s no problem. Just mount your ssh folder:
- ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro
This should be working, right?
User problem
Next thing we’ll notice is that we’re using the wrong user id. Fine, we’ll write a script to copy and change the owner of ssh keys. We’ll also set ssh user in config so that ssh server knows who’s connecting.
- ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh-keys:ro
command: sh -c ‘./ && ...’
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
cp -r /root/.ssh-keys/* ~/.ssh/
chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) ~/.ssh
cat <<EOF >> ~/.ssh/config
SSH key passphrase problem
In our company we protect SSH keys using a passphrase. That wouldn’t work in docker since it’s impractical to enter a passphrase each time we start a container.
We could remove a passphrase (see example below), but there’s a security concern.
openssl rsa -in id_rsa -out id_rsa2
# enter passphrase
# replace passphrase-encrypted key with plaintext key:
mv id_rsa2 id_rsa
SSH agent solution
You may have noticed that locally you don’t need to enter a passphrase each time you need ssh access. Why is that?
That’s what SSH agent is for. SSH agent is basically a server which listens to a special file, unix socket, called “ssh auth sock”. You can see its location on your system:
# /run/user/1000/keyring-AvTfL3/ssh
SSH client communicates with SSH agent through this file so that you’d enter passphrase only once. Once it’s unencrypted, SSH agent will store it in memory and send to SSH client on request.
Can we use that in Docker? Sure, just mount that special file and specify a corresponding environment variable:
We don’t even need to copy keys in this case.
To confirm that keys are available we can use ssh-add utility:
if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
echo "No ssh agent detected"
ssh-add -l
The problem of unix socket mount support in Docker for Mac
Unfortunately for OS X users, Docker for Mac has a number of shortcomings, one of which is its inability to share Unix sockets between Mac and Linux. There’s an open issue in D4M Github. As of February 2019 it’s still open.
So, is that a dead end? No, there is a hacky workaround.
SSH agent forwarding solution
Luckily, this issue isn’t new. Long before Docker there was a way to use local ssh keys within a remote ssh session. This is called ssh agent forwarding. The idea is simple: you connect to a remote server through ssh and you can use all the same remote servers there, thus sharing your keys.
With Docker for Mac we can use a smart trick: share ssh agent to the docker virtual machine using TCP ssh connection, and mount that file from virtual machine to another container where we need that SSH connection. Here’s a picture to demonstrate the solution:
First, we create an ssh session to the ssh server inside a container inside a linux VM through a TCP port. We use a real ssh auth sock here.
Next, ssh server forwards our ssh keys to ssh agent on that container. SSH agent has a Unix socket which uses a location mounted to Linux VM. I.e. Unix socket works in Linux. Non-working Unix socket file in Mac has no effect.
After that we create our useful container with an SSH client. We share the Unix socket file which our local SSH session uses.
There’s a bunch of scripts that simplifies that process:
Getting SSH to work in Docker could’ve been easier. But it can be done. And it’ll likely to be improved in the future. At least Docker developers are aware of this issue. And even solved it for Dockerfiles with build time secrets. And there's a suggestion how to support Unix domain sockets.
You can forward SSH agent:
container_name: something
- $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent # Forward local machine SSH key to docker
SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /ssh-agent
You can use multi stage build to build containers This is the approach you can take :-
Stage 1 building an image with ssh
FROM ubuntu as sshImage
LABEL stage=sshImage
WORKDIR /root/temp
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y git npm
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/ &&\
echo "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" > /root/.ssh/id_rsa &&\
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa &&\
touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts &&\
ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
RUN cp -R node_modules prod_node_modules
Stage 2: build your container
FROM node:10-alpine
RUN mkdir -p /usr/app
WORKDIR /usr/app
COPY ./ ./
COPY --from=sshImage /root/temp/prod_node_modules ./node_modules
CMD ["npm", "run", "dev"]
add env attribute in your compose file:
then pass args from build script like this:
docker-compose build --build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)"
And remove the intermediate container it for security. This Will help you cheers.
Docker for Mac now supports mounting the ssh agent socket on macOS.

Tunelling VNC through two ssh hops

I've long seeked a solution to tunnel to a machine behind a firewall, passing VNC (or other ports) through. Like explained in this old usenet post, which I'll recap here:
I have to log through an intermediate machine, something like:
local $ ssh interim
interim $ ssh remote
remote $ ...any commands...
This works fine. But now I am trying to tunnel a vnc session from remote to local and I can't find the magic incantation, using either one or two steps.
I recently found a wonderfully simple and adaptable solution: simply tunnel the ssh to the target system through the connection to the firewall. Like such:
local $ ssh -L 2222:remote:22 interim
interim $ need to do anything here...
In another local console you connect to localhost on port 2222, which is actually your remote destination:
local $ ssh -C -p 2222 -L 5900:localhost:5900 localhost
remote $ ...possibly start you VNC server here...
In yet another local console:
local $ xtightvncviewer :0
It's that simple. You can add any port forwarding you want to the 2nd command (-L localport:localhost:remoteport) just like if there wasn't any intermediate firewall. For instance for RDP: -L 3389:localhost:3389

Which is the best way to bring a file from a remote host to local host over an SSH session?

When connecting to remote hosts via ssh, I frequently want to bring a file on that system to the local system for viewing or processing. Is there a way to copy the file over without (a) opening a new terminal/pausing the ssh session (b) authenticating again to either the local or remote hosts which works (c) even when one or both of the hosts is behind a NAT router?
The goal is to take advantage of as much of the current state as possible: that there is a connection between the two machines, that I'm authenticated on both, that I'm in the working directory of the file---so I don't have to open another terminal and copy and paste the remote host and path in, which is what I do now. The best solution also wouldn't require any setup before the session began, but if the setup was a one-time or able to be automated, than that's perfectly acceptable.
zssh (a ZMODEM wrapper over openssh) does exactly what you want.
Install zssh and use it instead of openssh (which I assume that you normally use)
You'll have to have the lrzsz package installed on both systems.
Then, to transfer a file zyxel.png from remote to local host:
antti#local:~$ zssh remote
Press ^# (C-Space) to enter file transfer mode, then ? for help
antti#remote:~$ sz zyxel.png
zssh > rz
Receiving: zyxel.png
Bytes received: 104036/ 104036 BPS:16059729
Transfer complete
Uploading goes similarly, except that you just switch rz(1) and sz(1).
Putty users can try Le Putty, which has similar functionality.
On a linux box I use the ssh-agent and sshfs. You need to setup the sshd to accept connections with key pairs. Then you use ssh-add to add you key to the ssh-agent so you don't have type your password everytime. Be sure to use -t seconds, so the key doesn't stay loaded forever.
ssh-add -t 3600 /home/user/.ssh/ssh_dsa
After that,
sshfs hostname:/ /PathToMountTo/
will mount the server file system on your machine so you have access to it.
Personally, I wrote a small bash script that add my key and mount the servers I use the most, so when I start to work I just have to launch the script and type my passphrase.
Using some little known and rarely used features of the openssh
implementation you can accomplish precisely what you want!
takes advantage of the current state
can use the working directory where you are
does not require any tunneling setup before the session begins
does not require opening a separate terminal or connection
can be used as a one-time deal in an interactive session or can be used as part of an automated session
You should only type what is at each of the local>, remote>, and
ssh> prompts in the examples below.
local> ssh username#remote
remote> ~C
ssh> -L6666:localhost:6666
remote> nc -l 6666 < /etc/passwd
remote> ~^Z
[suspend ssh]
[1]+ Stopped ssh username#remote
local> (sleep 1; nc localhost 6666 > /tmp/file) & fg
[2] 17357
ssh username#remote
remote> exit
[2]- Done ( sleep 1; nc localhost 6666 > /tmp/file )
local> cat /tmp/file
Or, more often you want to go the other direction, for example if you
want to do something like transfer your ~/.ssh/ file from
your local machine to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the remote
local> ssh username#remote
remote> ~C
ssh> -R5555:localhost:5555
remote> ~^Z
[suspend ssh]
[1]+ Stopped ssh username#remote
local> nc -l 5555 < ~/.ssh/ &
[2] 26607
local> fg
ssh username#remote
remote> nc localhost 5555 >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
remote> cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2ZQQQQBIwAAAQEAsgaVp8mnWVvpGKhfgwHTuOObyfYSe8iFvksH6BGWfMgy8poM2+5sTL6FHI7k0MXmfd7p4rzOL2R4q9yjG+Hl2PShjkjAVb32Ss5ZZ3BxHpk30+0HackAHVqPEJERvZvqC3W2s4aKU7ae4WaG1OqZHI1dGiJPJ1IgFF5bWbQl8CP9kZNAHg0NJZUCnJ73udZRYEWm5MEdTIz0+Q5tClzxvXtV4lZBo36Jo4vijKVEJ06MZu+e2WnCOqsfdayY7laiT0t/UsulLNJ1wT+Euejl+3Vft7N1/nWptJn3c4y83c4oHIrsLDTIiVvPjAj5JTkyH1EA2pIOxsKOjmg2Maz7Pw== username#local
A little bit of explanation is in order.
The first step is to open a LocalForward; if you don't already have
one established then you can use the ~C escape character to open an
ssh command line which will give you the following commands:
remote> ~C
ssh> help
-L[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request local forward
-R[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request remote forward
-D[bind_address:]port Request dynamic forward
-KR[bind_address:]port Cancel remote forward
In this example I establish a LocalForward on port 6666 of localhost
for both the client and the server; the port number can be any
arbitrary open port.
The nc command is from the netcat package; it is described as the
"TCP/IP swiss army knife"; it is a simple, yet very flexible and
useful program. Make it a standard part of your unix toolbelt.
At this point nc is listening on port 6666 and waiting for another
program to connect to that port so it can send the contents of
Next we make use of another escape character ~^Z which is tilde
followed by control-Z. This temporarily suspends the ssh process and
drops us back into our shell.
One back on the local system you can use nc to connect to the
forwarded port 6666. Note the lack of a -l in this case because that
option tells nc to listen on a port as if it were a server which is
not what we want; instead we want to just use nc as a client to
connect to the already listening nc on the remote side.
The rest of the magic around the nc command is required because if
you recall above I said that the ssh process was temporarily
suspended, so the & will put the whole (sleep + nc) expression
into the background and the sleep gives you enough time for ssh to
return to the foreground with fg.
In the second example the idea is basically the same except we set up
a tunnel going the other direction using -R instead of -L so that
we establish a RemoteForward. And then on the local side is where
you want to use the -l argument to nc.
The escape character by default is ~ but you can change that with:
-e escape_char
Sets the escape character for sessions with a pty (default: ‘~’). The escape character is only recognized at the beginning of a line. The escape character followed by a dot
(‘.’) closes the connection; followed by control-Z suspends the connection; and followed by itself sends the escape character once. Setting the character to “none” disables any
escapes and makes the session fully transparent.
A full explanation of the commands available with the escape characters is available in the ssh manpage
When a pseudo-terminal has been requested, ssh supports a number of functions through the use of an escape character.
A single tilde character can be sent as ~~ or by following the tilde by a character other than those described below. The escape character must always follow a newline to be interpreted
as special. The escape character can be changed in configuration files using the EscapeChar configuration directive or on the command line by the -e option.
The supported escapes (assuming the default ‘~’) are:
~. Disconnect.
~^Z Background ssh.
~# List forwarded connections.
~& Background ssh at logout when waiting for forwarded connection / X11 sessions to terminate.
~? Display a list of escape characters.
~B Send a BREAK to the remote system (only useful for SSH protocol version 2 and if the peer supports it).
~C Open command line. Currently this allows the addition of port forwardings using the -L, -R and -D options (see above). It also allows the cancellation of existing remote port-
forwardings using -KR[bind_address:]port. !command allows the user to execute a local command if the PermitLocalCommand option is enabled in ssh_config(5). Basic help is avail‐
able, using the -h option.
~R Request rekeying of the connection (only useful for SSH protocol version 2 and if the peer supports it).
Using ControlMaster (the -M switch) is the best solution, way simpler and easier than the rest of the answers here. It allows you to share a single connection among multiple sessions. Sounds like it does what the poster wants. You still have to type the scp or sftp command line though. Try it. I use it for all of my sshing.
In order to do this I have my home router set up to forward port 22 back to my home machine (which is firewalled to only accept ssh connections from my work machine) and I also have an account set up with DynDNS to provide Dynamic DNS that will resolve to my home IP automatically.
Then when I ssh into my work computer, the first thing I do is run a script that starts an ssh-agent (if your server doesn't do that automatically). The script I run is:
ssh-agent sh -c 'ssh-add < /dev/null && bash'
It asks for my ssh key passphrase so that I don't have to type it in every time. You don't need that step if you use an ssh key without a passphrase.
For the rest of the session, sending files back to your home machine is as simple as
scp file_to_send.txt
Here is a hack called ssh-xfer which addresses the exact problem, but requires patching OpenSSH, which is a nonstarter as far as I'm concerned.
Here is my preferred solution to this problem. Set up a reverse ssh tunnel upon creating the ssh session. This is made easy by two bash function: grabfrom() needs to be defined on the local host, while grab() should be defined on the remote host. You can add any other ssh variables you use (e.g. -X or -Y) as you see fit.
function grabfrom() { ssh -R 2202: ${#}; };
function grab() { scp -P 2202 $# localuser#; };
localhost% grabfrom remoteuser#remotehost
password: <remote password goes here>
remotehost% grab somefile1 somefile2 *.txt
password: <local password goes here>
It works without special software on either host beyond OpenSSH
It works when local host is behind a NAT router
It can be implemented as a pair of two one-line bash function
It uses a fixed port number so:
won't work with multiple connections to remote host
might conflict with a process using that port on the remote host
It requires localhost accept ssh connections
It requires a special command on initiation the session
It doesn't implicitly handle authentication to the localhost
It doesn't allow one to specify the destination directory on localhost
If you grab from multiple localhosts to the same remote host, ssh won't like the keys changing
Future work:
This is still pretty kludgy. Obviously, it would be possible to handle the authentication issue by setting up ssh keys appropriately and it's even easier to allow the specification of a remote directory by adding a parameter to grab()
More difficult is addressing the other negatives. It would be nice to pick a dynamic port but as far as I can tell there is no elegant way to pass that port to the shell on the remote host; As best as I can tell, OpenSSH doesn't allow you to set arbitrary environment variables on the remote host and bash can't take environment variables from a command line argument. Even if you could pick a dynamic port, there is no way to ensure it isn't used on the remote host without connecting first.
You can use SCP protocol for tranfering a can refer this link
The best way to use this you can expose your files over HTTP and download it from another server, you can achieve this using ZSSH Python library,
ZSSH - ZIP over SSH (Simple Python script to exchange files between servers).
Install it using PIP.
python3 -m pip install zssh
Run this command from your remote server.
python3 -m zssh -as --path /desktop/path_to_expose
It will give you an URL to execute from another server.
In the local system or another server where you need to download those files and extract.
python3 -m zssh -ad --path /desktop/path_to_download --zip
For more about this library:
You should be able to set up public & private keys so that no auth is needed.
Which way you do it depends on security requirements, etc (be aware that there are linux/unix ssh worms which will look at keys to find other hosts they can attack).
I do this all the time from behind both linksys and dlink routers. I think you may need to change a couple of settings but it's not a big deal.
Use the -M switch.
"Places the ssh client into 'master' mode for connection shar-ing. Multiple -M options places ssh into ``master'' mode with confirmation required before slave connections are accepted. Refer to the description of ControlMaster in ssh_config(5) for details."
I don't quite see how that answers the OP's question - can you expand on this a bit, David?