I am trying to detect an image of a chocolate wrapper with iPhone/iPad Camera.
I already got the image frames from video using avcapture.
But i can't figure out how to detect a specific part of the image?
Note:- the specific part i am mentioning is a pink ribbon which will always be the same.
can i match the image? if yes how? or should i get bitmap pixel data and match the unique color codes (but they can vary depending on light conditions and angle at which image is taken)?
Try the following two APIs:
This Solution is for the scenario where you are trying to detect specific part of the image with a specific colour (This part will be called Reference image). so we are going to match the colour codes of our reference image with the one taken from the camera in real time.
Step 1.
Create a media layer which will scan the particular part of the image taken from camera. This will narrow down the search area for colour codes and make the process faster, as there are thousands of colour codes in the image.
Step 2.
Get the colour codes from the image we just scanned.Create an array of the colour codes.
Step 3.
Now repeat the step 2 for 3 or 4 different light conditions.Because some colour codes change under different types of lights. Match the colour codes array to get the common colour codes.(These will be referred now on as Reference colour codes) These colour codes will be there for most of the cases.
Step 4.
Convert the image taken from camera in a pixel buffer.(Basically a collection of pixels). Now convert the pixel buffer into colour codes and compare them with reference colour codes.If all of them or more than 50% are matched. you have potential match.
Note:- i Followed this process and it works like magic. it sounds more complicated than it is and it is enough robust to help you get it working in few hours. In my case the wrapper i was scanning was squeezed and tested under different lights(sun,white CFL lamp, a yellow light from the bulb, and taken from different angles and distances). Still most of the reference colour codes were always there.
Gud luck!
I took pics like these
The files generated form the camera are bmp.
Problem is i need to load them in a certain program where i noticed works only when in photoshop i go to modes -> greyscale. The images are originally indexed color or RGB Color (which i used to make some adjustments - but end results is like u see in these pictures). But when i change mode to greyscale I notice the pics changing (though not sure because i mainly use the mean value from histogram to measure various areas with the square marquee tool -the mean value changes at around 10 points, but again unsure if i should be using that one or if there is some other way to measure the average value of a color in an area). But the image should remain same since its black&white right?
I've been searching around the web about how to do this and I know that it needs to be done with OpenCV. The problem is that all the tutorials and examples that I find are for separated shapes detection or template matching.
What I need is a way to detect the contents between 3 circles (which can be a photo or something else). From what I searched, its not to difficult to find the circles with the camera using contours but, how do I extract what is between them? The circles work like a pattern on the image to grab what is "inside the pattern".
Do I need to use the contours of each circle and measure the distance between them to grab my contents? If so, what if the image is a bit rotated/distorted on the camera?
I'm using Xamarin.iOS for this but from what I already saw, I believe I need to go native for this and any Objective C example is welcome too.
Imagining that the image captured by the camera is this:
What I want is to match the 3 circles and get the following part of the image as result:
Since the images come from the camera, they can be rotated or scaled up/down.
The warpAffine function will let you map the desired area of the source image to a destination image, performing cropping, rotation and scaling in a single go.
Talking about rotation and scaling seem to indicate that you want to extract a rectangle of a given aspect ratio, hence perform a similarity transform. To define such a transform, three points are too much, two suffice. The construction of the affine matrix is a little tricky.
I have some problems with this assignment. Given an image of a street nameplate, like this one
I have to detect the nameplate and mark it on the image with a rectangle, obtaining something like this:
Nameplates can be rotated, scaled and in different lighting conditions. The procedure must be automatic.
What i have tried so far is to isolate the nameplate from the background. I've tried with different thresholding methods, but the problem is that i have different images and one single method doesn't work with all of them, due to different lighting condition and noise. What i've thought is to perform a pre-processing on the images, to reduce noise and normalize light, but, again, how to choose pre-processing steps that work with every image in my dataset? And what for images that don't need pre-processing?
Another problem is that there might be other signs in the image with writings on them and i have to ignore them. So i've thought i could isolate the nameplate by that blue outline, but i don't know if that can be done(or if it is convenient) with template matching, also considering that part of the outline could be cut off from the image.
So what i'm asking is: is there an automatic way to isolate/detect only that type of nameplates that have the blue outline on them, regardless of orientation, light conditions, shadows on them, noise in the image, etc? What steps would you follow?
Thank You
We have a system where people are being taken a face shot via a DSLR camera. We need the people's images with transparent background. What we're currently doing is taking the image and editing and cropping it in Photoshop, removing the background image with the Magic Eraser tool.
What I am looking for is a way to parse the image and automatically erase the semi-white background we have, along with the resizing and cropping. Is there some kind of library or code sample that does this without requiring manual intervention?
This is a real complex problem. Like the answer below suggested you'll need to do a fuzzy match on each pixel and set it to be transparent but you also need to detected other nearby pixels to make sure they are not close in color. A white tag on the shirt, white eyelids, hair, pale skin reflecting the flash. All are candidates to be removed by any greedy fuzzy logic.
Think about the Magic Wand tool in Photoshop. How good is it at detecting the edges of the person in the picture? Yeah, and that's the top standard of image editing software with thousands of engineering hours behind it.
This is not a feasible request for a Q&A format, and this is one of those things that humans just do better than machine. BUT, that doesn't mean it's not possible, and who knows, you might be the one to do it. Just don't do it in VB.NET please :)
Some pseudo-code to get an idea of what you need to do:
Bitmap faceShot = Bitmap.FromFile(filepath)
foreach pixel in faceShot
//the following line is where the magic happens, you can do any fuzzy match on the color that suits you
//figure out your color range and do a fuzzy match percentage wise
if (pixel between RGB(255,255,255) and RGB(250,235,215)) //white and antique white
end foreach
You could start with this as a starting point for processing a single image,
Basically, if you have a constant background color (like the TV green-screen), it's just a matter of selecting pixels close to the color you are erasing and setting their Alpha level to 0 (transparent). Treating the RGB values like XYZ coordinates, you can do a 3d distance from your background color, and make everything within a certain threshold transparent.
As an improvement, you could also make everything within another threshold semi-transparent so the edges right around hair and stuff like that look softer and less harsh.
Alternatively, you could probably do the same exact thing with good results in Photoshop, as it should support batch processing.
Edit, thinking about it some more, you may want to use a green screen type background as well instead of an off-white one like you stated, as you may make people's eyes transparent. I would definitely try to batch it in Photoshop/Gimp/etc.
i would like to program a little app that will change the colors of the screen. im not talking about the darkness. i want it to mimic what it would look like if for example you put on blue lenses or red lenses. so i would like to input the color and i want the screen to look as though i put on lenses of that particular color. well i actually need the program to semi-permanently change the users experience on the computer. i need the computer for the entire session that it is turned on to be changed this color
Transparent, Click Through forms might help you out. It makes a nice see through form that lets mouse clicks pass through it. The solution is in VS2003 format, but it upsizes to 2008 nicely. You could take that sample, rip the sliders off, get rid of the borders and make it fullscreen + topmost. I don't know if it'll accurately simulate a lens though, someone more into optics can tell me if I'm wrong :-)
If the lenses you are trying to simulate are red, green or blue, simply zeroing the other two colour components of each pixel should work. A coloured filter lens works by passing only a certain wavelength of light, and absorbing the others. Zeroing the non-desired components of the colour should simulate this accurately, I believe.
To simulate cyan, magenta, or yellow lenses, zeroing the one other colour component (e.g. the red component in the case of cyan tinted glasses) should work.
I'm not sure how to generalise beyond these simple cases. I suspect converting to say HSV and filtering based on the hue might work.
To change this for the entire system and use it in interactions with ordinary programs, you could change the colour profile for the display. For paletted/indexed-colour displays, this could be done by changing the colour look-up table (CLUT) for the display adapter. PowerStrip is a handy utility with versatile colour controls that should be able to achieve this quickly and easily on modern display adapters (e.g. by adjusting the red, green and blue response curves independently).
I came across Color Oracle and thought it might help. Here is the short description:
Color Oracle is a colorblindness simulator for Windows, Mac and Linux. It takes the guesswork out of designing for color blindness by showing you in real time what people with common color vision impairments will see.
Take a snapshot of the screen, convert each pixel into its grayscale value, then change the pixel value to a percentage of red. This will preserve the contrast throughout the image while also presenting a red tone.
To convert to grayscale in C#:
Then, to convert to a shade of red, zero out the values in the green and blue for each pixel.
(You can probably do the above in one shot, but this should get you started.)