Of coure, I'm referring to John Papa's famous HotTowel template, does anyone have a working sample that can work on unix systems without the dependencies on ASP.net and VisualStudio?
You can use the standard durandal html started kit instead. And then bring the bits you want to use in your app from HotTowel
I have migrated the project from Dot.Net-Framework 4.7.2 to Asp.Net-Core 3.1 with VB.NET language. I have checked in Microsoft link below, there is no CLI Command for VB.NET in Asp.Net Core templates. They mentioned only C# language for ASP.NET Core
Kindly let me know if there is any way to create a ASP.NET Core Project in "VB.NET"
As far as I know, asp.net core couldn't create the MVC vb.net project. You could use dotnet new --list to see the result:
Besides, according to this github issue, ASP.NET Core Doesn't provide a razor syntax that supports VB.NET.
The workaround is using the custom library like Vazor and ZML to design MVC views and Razor Pages.
More details, you could refer to this github issue.
This question is a bit older, to be sure, but the good news is that today there IS a way to build ASP.NET Core applications in VB.NET.
For the past few days I've been working with Vazor, found here and here. I've found it to be remarkable. It's a very clever solution to a long-standing problem.
The author also has plans to enable Blazor apps in VB.NET projects.
I've created a Blazor project using .net core 3.0 preview5 and VS2019 Enterprise. I want to create .razor files, but all of my options have .cshtml extensions.
When I'm creating my project, I'm using asp.net core 3.0 and Blazor server hosted options
In VS 2019 16.3.0, adding "Razor Component" is what worked for me.
What works is:
Add, Add Class
and then change .cs to .razor before clicking [Add]
And immediately delete all the C# stuff of course.
Or you can copy/paste/rename any existing blazor component, like index.razor.
Make sure you've got the blazor extension installed.
This should then allow you to click on the Pages Directory and at the top there's an Add Razor Page option.
But I've got to admit, I tend to find it quicker to just select an existing page in the solution explorer and Ctrl-C Ctrl-V and rename it!
Note: At time of writing this is using the preview branch of Visual Studio 2019 and frameworks.
Right click on Pages-> Add->New Item...-> Razor Component
Times have changed--now we have Visual Studio 2012, MVC 4, Nuget--and it seems like the procedures in the Hanselman blog and the more recent Channel 9 tutorial could be enhanced. Both Hanselman and Kane recommend using DIFF tools to merge MVC functionality into the Web Forms Project (to endow the webform's .csproj and web.config etc with MVC). However now that Nuget manages packages, I wonder if it would be easier to merely install MVC 4 into the Web Forms project using Nuget; while of course following the procedures in the blog and the channel 9 demo for incrementally upgrading the Webforms project, including dealing with aspx login controls that postback, ascx user controls, and changing base classes Page to ViewPage and MasterPage to ViewMasterPage.
Has anyone tried to use Nuget to endow a Webforms project with MVC 4, and if so, would you recommend that technique?
I am following the Kane method which is an ordered set of guidelines (like modifying a complicated recipe in cooking) and am using NuGet to avoid some tedium. The guideline requires you make a dummy MVC project and compare it to your ASP.NET project to see what you need to add to your original project. You can add stuff using NuGet GUI, but that gets you latest stable assemblies versions which may lead to the dark insane demon of incompatibility. Instead use the NuGet console command line to get the compatible versions listed in the dummy MVC project's packages.config as explained in the following: How to install an older version of package via NuGet?
So it appears that there are not any prebuilt VBNET versions of the Hot Towel, Durandal Breeze Angular Templates for VS2012. But since those templates really just make use of client side libraries with MVC I should be able to wire up my own VBNET MVC version with said libraries/frameworks, right? Apologies if this has been asked before but i did not find an answer.
You can add the Hot Towel SPA template via NuGet.
breeze is a great library. Because of project complexity I don't want to use spa template. Is there a way I can use breeze in a regular .net mvc4 project?
We're releasing support for it very soon - directly in ASP.NET MVC and Visual Studio. Stay tuned...!
Absolutely, just start with an empty .net MVC4 project and run the 'base' breeze nuget package ( the one that doesn't say 'sample').