Entity-Component System: Multiple different geometries on one entity - entity

I am writing 3D geometry visualization software for schools. I am designing my engine as an Entity-Component system, because it has served me well in games. In this case I have some specific requirements:
There is a limited amount of different geometries I need to render. I would like to render these in batches. So I render all lines as one batch, all triangles as one batch, all planes as one batch, ... It works well even with transparent objects, since I am using depth peeling and don't need to sort them by distance.
One logical object will typically have more than one mesh associated: e.g. a plane entity has a border "child"-entity that has four lines as its body, these lines all share the same material.
I would like to have a clean design, so I am trying to stay true to the no-code-in-components principle and same-structure for one type of components.
What I have now is: A different component type for each type of geometry (point, line, plane, ...). The corresponding system stores a batch with a mesh + instance data and renders it in one draw call. The instance data for different types of geometry is different, hence I decided to go with one component type per geometry type. (A bad design?)
Now I'm wondering how to handle entities that seem to need multiple components of the same type, like the plane border, that has a body consisting of four lines.
I could think of several solutions, which all have draw-backs:
1. Make each line of the border entity an entity itself. Each would have a "line" component and a "child" component. That would model the border and the lines as five entities, with the four lines attached to the border entity via "child" component. This seems like quite a waste of entities. Some special entities would have several dozens of children then.
2. Allow the border entity to have multiple components of the "line" type. This seems like a hack, since all ECS article I've seen discourage using multiple components of the same type on one entity.
3. Make a unified "geometry" component that may contain an arbitrary number of elementary geometries. That would introduce quite some indirections, but seems like the best solution to me, at the moment.
Could someone help me to sort this chaotic thoughts into a good solution? I'm sure I'm missing a straight-forward approach, but I just couldn't find one yet.
I have a lot of experience in programming (10+ years), but unfortunately, just recently started with Entity-Component systems. So I'm still struggling with the concept, it seems.
Thank you very much.


Changing color nodes in graphDB Free

I am currently working with GraphDB to visualize some data that has a graph nature. I have imported the RDF data into graphDB and actually the graph is pretty nice. The only downside is that every single node is orange.
I was wondering then, if graphDB has some mechanism whereby the color of some nodes could be changed based upon a semantic relationship between them. For example:
<Berners_Lee> <created> <web> .
<Berners_Lee> <works_as_a> <teacher>
If I were to load this onto graphDB all nodes would appear by default in orange. Is there any way I can specify that nodes that are pointed by relationship created appear in blue?
I hope everything is clear. Any help would be much appreciated.
The colors are generated automatically and differentiate the types in one graph, which is their main purpose. Also we do not handle properly the case with multiple types for a node, but we have it in mind. The problem with your data is that all of the subject predicates and objects have no type (which makes them the same type). Here is a small example, based on your data which will produce the desired effect.
a <Person>.
<teacher> a <Occupation>.

Using QAbstractItemModel to represent data in a SQL database

I am trying to create a QTreeView to display data from a SQL database. This is a large database, so simply loading the data into a QStandardItemModel seems prohibitive.
None of Qt's pre-built SQL model classes are sufficient for the task. Therefore it seems necessary to subclass QAbstractItemModel.
In the first place, I can find no examples where this is done, so I am wondering whether it is the correct approach.
Implementing QAbstractItemModel::data is pretty straightforward. I am uncertain how to implement QAbstractItemModel::parent.
Qt's "Simple Tree Model Example" example would be informative, but in that example the tree structure is represented in memory with the TreeItem class. I could copy that, but if I am going to duplicate the database structure, it would be just as easy to use QStandardItemModel. If I need to maintain a separate data structure (in addition to the database and the QAbstractItemModel subclass) to represent the tree structure, is there any advantage to subclassing QAbstractItemModel over just using a QStandardItemModel?
The challenge in the tree structure is to always be able to identify a model index's parent (i.e., overloading the parent() method). In the Simple Tree example, this is done by storing the three structure in a separate data structure. For large SQL queries this is impractical. For the right database structure, you might be able to calculate the proper parent node given the child, but that is not a guarantee. The only alternative I can imagine is passing a quint32 to QAbstractItemModel::createIndex which encodes the item's parent.
One performance consideration that might be useful. After giving up on sublcassing QAbstractItemModel, I tried populating a QStandardItemModel from the database. I loaded about 1200 items into the model, and four child items to each item with two separate database calls. This took about 3 seconds on a 2009 laptop. That is faster than I had been expecting. (And there would be performance gains if I used a single query instead of repeated queries.)
In the end I went another route: having several QTableViews in a the GUI, with signals and slots to show different aspects of the data. My code is much simpler, and the proper functionality is in place, so this feels like the "right" solution.

A tree, where each node could have multiple parents

Here's a theoretical/pedantic question: imagine properties where each one could be owned by multiple others. Furthermore, from one iteration of ownership to the next, two neighboring owners could decide to partly combine ownership. For example:
territory 1, t=0: a,b,c,d
territory 2, t=0: e,f,g,h
territory 1, t=1: a,b,g,h
territory 2, t=1: g,h
That is to say, c and d no longer own property; and g and h became fat cats, so to speak.
I'm currently representing this data structure as a tree where each child could have multiple parents. My goal is to cram this into the Composite design pattern; but I'm having issues getting a conceptual footing on how the client might go back and update previous ownership without mucking up the whole structure.
My question is twofold.
Easy: What is a convenient name for this data structure such that I can google it myself?
Hard: What am I doing wrong? When I code I try to keep the mantra, "Keep it simple, Stupid," in my head, and I feel I am breaking this credo.
My question is two fold: Easy: What is a convenient name for this data
structure such that I can google it myself?
What you have here is not a tree, it is a graph. A multimap will help you here.
But any adjacency list or adjacency matrix will give you a good start.
Here is a video on adjacency matrix and list: Youtube on adjacency matrix and list
Hard: What am I doing wrong?
This is really hard to tell. Perhaps you did not model the relationship
in a proper way. It is not that hard, given a good datastructure to start with.
And, as you asked for design patterns (but you probably found out yourself),
the Composite pattern will let you model such an setting with ease.
You have a many-to-many relationship between your owners and your territories (properties). I'm not sure what language you're working in, but this sort of thing can be easily represented and tracked in a relational database. (You'd probably want a table for each entity, and the relationship would probably require a third "junction" table. If it's necessary to be able to query "back in time", this could have some sort of "time index" column as well.)
If you are working in an object-oriented language, you might create two classes, Territory and Owner, where the Territory class has a property/member/field which is a collection of references/pointers to Owners and the Owner class has a similar collection of Territories. (One of these two collections may need to contain "weak" references depending on the language.)
In this case, some difficulty may arise if you want to be able to go back and look at the network state at some particular point earlier in time. (If this is what you need, say so and I (or someone else) can post a solution that works for that.)
I'm not sure what level of simplicity you are striving for, but in neither of these cases is updating the ownership relationships really that "hard". Maybe if you posted some code it might be easier to give you more concrete advice.
Hard to tell without more information regarding the business rules. Though I've plenty of experience designing graphs where each node could potentially have numerous parents.
A common structure is the Directed Acyclic Graph. Essential rules here are that no path through the graph can cycle back onto itself. For example take the path "A/B/C/B", this would not be valid as B repeats twice.
Valid:- "A/B/C", "D/E/C", node C has two parents E and B.
Invalid:- "A/B/C/B", node B repeats in the same path causing a cycle.

Organizing interconnected objects

This is a generic question, I don't know if it belongs to Programming or StackOverflow.
I'm writing a litte simulation. Without going very deep into its details, consider that many kind of identities are involved. They correspond to Object since I'm using a OOP language.
There are Guys that inhabit the world simulated
There are Maps
A map has many Lots, that are pieces of land with some characteristics
There are Tribes (guys belong to tribes)
There is a generic class called Position to locate the elements
There are Bots in control of tribes that move guys around
There is a World that represents the world simulated
and so on.
If the simulated world was laid down as a database, the objects would be tables with lots of references, but in memory I have to use a different strategy. So, for example, a Tribe has an array of Guys as a property, The world has a, array of Bots, of Tribes, of Maps. A Map has a Dictionary whose key is a Position and whose value is a Lot. A Guy has a Position that is where he stands.
The way I lay down such connections is pretty much arbitrary. For example, I could have an array of Guys in the World, or an Array of guys per Lot (the guys standing on a piece of land), or an array of Guys per Bot (with the Guys controlled by the bot).
Doing so, I also have to pass around a lot of objects. For example, a Bot must have informations about the Map and opponent Guys to decide how to move its Guys.
As said, in a database I'd have a Guys table connected to the Lots table (indicating its position), to the Tribe table (indicating which Tribe it belongs to) and so it would also be easy to query "All the guys in Position [1, 5]". "All the Guys of Tribe 123". "All the Guys controlled by Bot B standing on the Lot b34 not belonging to the Tribe 456" and so on.
I've worked with APIs where to get the simplest information you had to make an instance of the CustomerContextCollection and pass it to CustomerQueryFactory to get back a CustomerInPlaceQuery to... When people criticize OOP and cite verbose abstractions that soon smell ridiculous, that's what I mean. I want to avoid such things and having to relay on deep abstractions and (anti pattern) abstract contexts.
The question is: what is the preferred, clean way to manage entities and collections of entities that are deeply linked in multiple ways?
It depends on your definition of "clean". In my case, I define clean as: I can implement desired behavior in an obvious, efficient manner.
Building OOP software is not a data modeling exercise. I'd suggest stepping back a little. What does each one of those objects actually do? What methods are you going to implement?
Just because "guys are in a lot" doesn't mean that the lot object needs a collection of guys; it only needs one if there are operations on a lot that affect all the guys in it. And even then, it doesn't necessarily need a collection of guys - it needs a way to get the guys in the lot. This may be an internally stored collection, but it could also be a simple method that calls back into the world to find guys matching a criteria. The implementation of that lookup should be transparent to anyone.
From the tenor of your questions, it seems like you're thinking of this from a "how do I generate reports" perspective. Step back and think of the behaviors you're trying to implement first.
Another thing I find extremely valuable is to differentiate between Entities and Values. Entities are objects where identity matters - you may have two guys, both named "Chris", but they are two different objects and remain distinct despite having the same "key". Values, on the other hand, act like ints. From your above list, Position sounds a lot like a value - Position(0,0) is Position(0,0) regardless of which chunk of memory (identity) those bits are stored in. The distinction has a bit effect on how you compare and store values vs. entities. For example, your Guy objects (entities) would store their Position as a simple member variable.
I've found a great reference for how to think about such things is Eric Evan's "Domain Driven Design" book. He's focused on business systems, but the discussions are very valuable for how you think about building OO systems in general I've found.
I would say that no 'true' answer exists to your core question -- a best way to manage collections of entities that are linked in multiple ways. It really depends on the kind of application (simulation) - here are some thoughts:
Is execution time important?
If this is the case, there is really no way around analyzing in which way your simulator will iterate over (query) the objects from the pool: sketch out the basic simulation loop and check what kind of events will require to iterate over what kind of model entities (I assume you are developing a discrete-event simulation?). Then you should organize the data structures in a way that optimizes the most frequent/time-consuming events (as opposed to "laying down the connections arbitrarily"). Additionally, you may want to use special data structures (such as k-d trees) to organize entities with properties that you need to query often (e.g., position data). For some typical problems, e.g. collision detection, there is also a whole lot of approaches to solve them efficiently (so look for suitable libraries/frameworks, e.g. for multi-agent simulation).
How flexible do you want to make it?
If you really want to make it super-flexible and really don't want to decide on the hierarchy of the model entities, why not just use an in-memory database? As you already said, databases are easily applicable to your problem (and you can easily save the model state, which may also be useful).
How clean is clean enough?
If you want to be absolutely sure that the rest of your simulator is not affected by the design choices you make in regards of your model representation, hide it behind an interface (say, ModelWorld), which defines methods for all the types of queries your simulator may invoke (this is orthogonal to the second point and may help with the first point, i.e. figuring out what kind of access pattern your simulator exhibits). This allows you to change implementations easily, without affecting any other parts of the simulator code.

SQLite structure advice

I have a book structure with Chapter, Subchapter, Section, Subsection, Article and unknown number of subarticles, sub-subarticles, sub-sub-subarticles etc.
What's the best way to structure this?
One table with child-parent relationships, multiple tables?
Thank you.
To determine whether there are seperate tables or one-big-table involved, you should take a close look at each item - chapter, subchapter, etc. - and decide if they carry different attributes from the others. Does a chapter carry something different from a sub-chapter?
If so, then you're looking at seperate tables for Chapter, SubChapter, Section, SubSection, Article. Article still feels hierarchical to me with your sub- sub-sub- sub-sub-sub- etc.
If not, then maybe it is one big table with parent/child, but it looks like you may be talking about 'names' for the depth of the hierarchy which leans me toward seperate tables again.
Also consider how you'll query and what you'll be searching for.
There are a couple of methods to save a tree structure in a relational database. The most commonly used are using parent pointers and nested sets.
The first has a very easy data structure, namely a pointer to the respective parent element on each object), and is thus easy to implement. On the downside it is not easy to make some queries on it as the tree can not be fully traversed. You would need a self-join per layer.
The nested set is easier to query (when you have understood how it works) but is harder to update. Many writes require additional updates to other objects ion the tree which might make it harder to be transitionally save.
A third variant is that of the materialized path which I personally consider a good compromise between the former two.
That said, if you want to store arbitrary size trees (e.g,. for sections, sub-sections, sub-sub-sections, ...) you should use one of the mentioned tree implementations. If you have a very limited maximum depth (e.g max 3 layers) you could get away with creating an explicit data structure. But as things always get more complex than initially though, I'd advise you to use a real tree implementation.