Workaround for inlineshape.LinkFormat.Update - vba

I am writing a Word 2007 document with a lot of images that are sure to change before the document is delivered. Therefore, I am inserting them in the document as links to PNG files. My problem is that if I select the image and execute:
MsgBox Selection.InlineShapes(1).LinkFormat is Nothing
the message box displays "True". That is, the Update method broke the link.
I have tried using Selection.InlineShapes(1).Delete, followed by Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture. This updates the image, but now I need to crop the image and that introduces its own set of problems. Before trying to deal with the cropping issues, I'm hoping that someone has a better way of updating the linked file.
BTW, closing the document and reopening it updates the image nicely as long as the filename has not changed. The point of the macro is to cope with filename changes, if necessary.


VBA PPT AddEffects to Pictures Inconsistently Applies Effects

I am getting really frustrated. I have code that works, as in it literally does what it says it will do, however, it doesn't always correctly read my images on the slides as images. I even went so far as naming them all "Picture" and using it as a variable. It actually worked for a second but then 5 pictures in it stopped working again.
This is the code and it DOES work:
With shp.Fill.PictureEffects
Dim eff As PictureEffect
Set eff = .Insert(msoEffectSharpenSoften)
eff.EffectParameters(1).Value = 1
End With
Why will this block of code not work on all of my images? Even when it throws the error it WILL sharpen the image as intended, but then stop??? I do not understand the problem or what a possible fix might be. This is literally the last bit of my work process that I need to solve...
For the record, I have code that will adjust the Height, Width, and center the image perfectly on the slide with no issues whatsoever, code that will put images in a placeholder and then format text... but for some reason THIS block of code won't work...
I have also tried deleting the image, manually reuploading it using the Insert Picture function in the program and it still doesn't work??? Is it possible this has something to do with the fact I am using PowerPoint 2013?
I tested it a different way by changing the picture format, it seemed like it was working but it didn't. Whether I automate it, whether I insert picture, no matter what I do, whether it's in a pre positioned container or not, this line of code refuses to work. Why are my images, in both PNG and JPEG format not being accepted by PowerPoint VBA?

Creating an accessible PDF from PPTX -does not work on some sentences -why?

I am unable to save this as a searchable PDF for several words, e.g., the year (1964).
Can anyone assist?
This is caused by the use of Text Effects. The headline has a shadow and the subhead has a bevel. PowerPoint bitmaps those when it saves as a PDF. Here's my article on this problem: Text Effects? Don't! - Best Practices
When I make a PDF from your file (Windows PPT 365/64-bit under Win10, using File, Save As and choosing PDF as the Save As type) the text in question (Conrad 1964) becomes an image in the resulting PDF. I can't figure out why, but that would guarantee that the text isn't searchable ... it's not text.
If I delete the text box in question then re-create it, it becomes text when I save as PDF again.
It seems that something's gone mildly corrupt with that shape.

How can I edit the search text of a searchable PDF?

I have access to a scanner at my library which can create "searchable PDFs." These are PDFs that show the exact image of a scanned document, but there is a kind of hidden text in the PDF that can be selected when you try to select a portion of the image that contains text. In this way you can copy and paste text or search for text in the scanned document. This is VERY useful. It's an awesome improvement over raw scanned images. I also have several apps on my mac that can create this kind of searchable PDF from a scanned document or a raw image.
Now it's obvious from any who has ever used OCR that the process of converting images to text is not 100% accurate, so the text that you search or copy will not be correct in some places.
So I search for quite some time to find an application that would load a searchable PDF and allow me to repair the hidden searchable text without reformatting or modifying the original scanned image.
Does anyone know of a tool (or library API) that would allow this?
It's worth saying here that I tried the latest version of Adobe Acrobat DC for Mac, and it doesn't seem to even allow me to view the hidden searchable text, much less edit it. It does allow me to replace scanned image with the results of it's own OCR process so that I could edit and save the document. But this would produce horrible results for any of the scanned documents that I am using. It seems designed for editing a "native PDF" not editing a scanned document.
I have also tried ABBYY FineReader with no luck.
i'm using ABBYY FineReader 12 Professional. (not open source)
Just open a scanned image or scanned pdf and press Verify Text(or Ctrl + F7), than you go over all the spelling errors or low-confidence charachters and fix them.
The program is very good, it shows you the exact place in image/pdf to correct and the OCR guessing side by side for convenience. It iterates all of them.
[By the way, I'm using the shortcuts to speed up things:
Alt+Enter to add the unrecognized word to dictionary.
Ctrl+Delete to skip word or confirm in case you fixed it.]
Than save the document as a pdf file Menu:File>Save Document As> PDF File, and you can search it on every pdf reader. The saved file look the same as the scanned one, but 'behind' it there text.
It's weird you tried ABBYY with no luck... it's working great for me. maybe you tried not the Professional version.
Hope it helps you.
It is not creating a searchable pdf from images the poster is after, he wants to start with an already searchable pdf and modify its text (e.g. because intially a searchable pdf was made but later an overlooked error in recognition was found and needs correction). I see no way and no tool that assists in doing this.

PDF downloading instead of opening in new tab

This is not a back-end programming question. I can only modify the markup or script (or the document itself). The reason I'm asking here is because all my searches for appropriate terms inevitably lead to questions and solutions about programming this functionality. I'm not trying to force it via progrmaming; I have to find out why this PDF is behaving differently.
I have a bunch of links to PDFs on a page. Most of them open in new tabs, but one of them, the most recent, starts to open in a tab, but then the tab closes and the PDF gets downloaded as a file instead. All markup is consistent - there's nothing differnt about the odd-man-out except the actual URL.
You can see this here:
All annual reports up to 2012 open in a new tab, but 2013 downloads instead.
This leads me to believe that there is some meta-data property of the PDF itself that tells it how to open, and that, in this case, the 2013 PDF was created using different settings.
Apparently, the PDF was saved out to PDF from InDesign.
Does anyone have any insight?
Problem solved. There was simply an error in the string (like an extra period) that references the attachment such that it couldn't tell it was a PDF. Fixing the reference fixed the problem.

malformed pdf document asks to save changes

We have this big web project where the user can print the html to pdf. We are using dompdf, and have somewhat fixed the long cell issues that cause the pdf to have several blank pages. Now the issue is that the saved pdf, when closing, always asks if the user wants to save changes. I have verified that the pdf has the proper %%EOF, and have checked for object consistency. What else could be causing this problem?
After reading this introduction to pdf I realized that if the pdf was modified, I had to accomodate all the object offsets so that they would point to the object start location.