numpy correlation coefficient:, A.T) on large arrays causing seg fault - numpy

Speed is not as important as getting a final result.
However, some speed up over worst case is required as well.
I have a large array A:
A.shape=(20000,265) # or possibly larger like 50,000 x 265
I need to compute the correlation coefficients.
np.corrcoeff # internally casts the results as doubles
I just borrowed their code and wrote my own cov/corr not casting into doubles, since I really only need 32 bit floats.And I ditch the conj() since my data are always real.
cov = #where A is an array of 32 bit floats
diag = np.diag(cov)
corr = cov / np.sqrt(np.mutliply.outer(d,d))
I still run out of memory and I'm using a large memory machine, 264GB
I've been told, that the fast C libraries, are probably using a routine which breaks the
dot product up into pieces, and to optimize this, the number of elements is padded to a power of 2.
I don't really need to compute the symmetric half of the correlation coefficient matrix.
However, I don't see a way to do this in reasonable amount of time doing it "manually", with python loops.
Does anybody know of a way to ask numpy for a decent dot product routine, that balances memory usage with speed...?
Funny how writing these questions tends to help me find the language for a better google query.
Found this:
Not sure that I follow, please comment or provide answers about this solution, your own ideas, or just general commentary on this type of problem.
EDIT: I apologize because my array is really much bigger than I thought.
array size is actually 151,000 x 265
I''m running out of memory on a machine with 264 GB with at least 230 GB free.
I'm surprised that the numpy call to blas dgemm and being careful with C order arrays
didn't do squat.

Python compiled with intel's mkl will run this with 12GB of memory in about 30 seconds:
>>> A = np.random.rand(50000,265).astype(np.float32)
array([[ 86.54410553, 64.25226593, 67.24698639, ..., 68.5118103 ,
64.57299805, 66.69223785],
[ 66.69223785, 62.01016235, 67.35866547, ..., 66.66306305,
65.75863647, 86.3017807 ]], dtype=float32)
If you do not have access to in intel's MKL download python anaconda and install the accelerate package which has a trial version for 30 days or free for academics that contains a mkl compile. Various other C++ BLAS libraries should work also- even if it copies the array from C to F it should not take more then ~30GB of memory.
The only thing that I can think of that your installation is trying to do is try to hold the entire 50,000 x 50,000 x 265 array in memory which is quite frankly terrible. For reference a float32 50,000 x 50,000 array is only 10GB, while the aforementioned array is 2.6TB...
If its a gemm issue you can try a chunk gemm formula:
def chunk_gemm(A, B, csize):
out = np.empty((A.shape[0],B.shape[1]), dtype=A.dtype)
for i in xrange(0, A.shape[0], csize):
iend = i+csize
for j in xrange(0, B.shape[1], csize):
jend = j+csize
out[i:iend, j:jend] =[i:iend], B[:,j:jend])
return out
This will be slower, but will hopefully get over your memory issues.

You can try and see if np.einsum works better than dot for your case:
cov = np.einsum('ij,kj->ik', A, A) / n
The internal workings of dot are a little obscure, as it tries to use BLAS optimized routines, which sometimes require copies of arrays to be in Fortran order, not sure if that's the case here. einsum will buffer its inputs, and use vectorized SIMD operations where possible, but outside that it is basically going to run the naive three nested loops to compute the matrix product.

UPDATE: Turns out the dot product completed with out error, but upon careful inspection
the output array consists of zeros at 95,000 to the end, of the 151,000 cols.
That is, out[:,94999] = non-zero but out[:,95000] = 0 for all rows...
This is super annoying...
Another Blas description
The exchange, mentions something that I thought about too...Since blas is fortran, shouldn't
the order of the input be F order...? Where as the scipy doc page below, says C order.
Trying F order caused a segmentation fault. So I'm back to square one.
I finally tracked down my problem, which was in the details as usual.
I'm using an array of np.float32 which were stored as F order. I can't control the F order to my knowledge, since the data is loaded from images using an imaging library.
import scipy
roi = np.ascontiguousarray( roi )# see roi.flags below
out = scipy.linalg.blas.sgemm(alpha=1.0, a=roi, b=roi, trans_b=True)
This level 3 blas routine does the trick. My problem was two fold:
And... i was using blas dgemm NOT sgemm. The 'd' is for 'double' and 's' for 'single'.
See this pdf: BLAS summary pdf
I looked at it once and was overwhelmed...I went back and read the wikipedia article on blas routines to understand level 3 vs other levels: wikipedia article on blas
Now it works on A = 150,000 x 265, performing:
A \dot A.T
Thanks everyone for your thoughts...knowing that it could be done was most important.


How to calculate a very large correlation matrix

I have an np.array of observations z where z.shape is (100000, 60). I want to efficiently calculate the 100000x100000 correlation matrix and then write to disk the coordinates and values of just those elements > 0.95 (this is a very small fraction of the total).
My brute-force version of this looks like the following but is, not surprisingly, very slow:
for i1 in range(z.shape[0]):
for i2 in range(i1+1):
r = np.corrcoef(z[i1,:],z[i2,:])[0,1]
if r > 0.95:
file.write("%6d %6d %.3f\n" % (i1,i2,r))
I realize that the correlation matrix itself could be calculated much more efficiently in one operation using np.corrcoef(z), but the memory requirement is then huge. I'm also aware that one could break up the data set into blocks and calculate bite-size subportions of the correlation matrix at one time, but programming that and keeping track of the indices seems unnecessarily complicated.
Is there another way (e.g., using memmap or pytables) that is both simple to code and doesn't put excessive demands on physical memory?
After experimenting with the memmap solution proposed by others, I found that while it was faster than my original approach (which took about 4 days on my Macbook), it still took a very long time (at least a day) -- presumably due to inefficient element-by-element writes to the outputfile. That wasn't acceptable given my need to run the calculation numerous times.
In the end, the best solution (for me) was to sign in to Amazon Web Services EC2 portal, create a virtual machine instance (starting with an Anaconda Python-equipped image) with 120+ GiB of RAM, upload the input data file, and do the calculation (using the matrix multiplication method) entirely in core memory. It completed in about two minutes!
For reference, the code I used was basically this:
import numpy as np
import pickle
import h5py
# read nparray, dimensions (102000, 60)
infile = open(r'file.dat', 'rb')
x = pickle.load(infile)
# z-normalize the data -- first compute means and standard deviations
xave = np.average(x,axis=1)
xstd = np.std(x,axis=1)
# transpose for the sake of broadcasting (doesn't seem to work otherwise!)
ztrans = x.T - xave
ztrans /= xstd
# transpose back
z = ztrans.T
# compute correlation matrix - shape = (102000, 102000)
arr = np.matmul(z, z.T)
arr /= z.shape[0]
# output to HDF5 file
with h5py.File('correlation_matrix.h5', 'w') as hf:
hf.create_dataset("correlation", data=arr)
From my rough calculations, you want a correlation matrix that has 100,000^2 elements. That takes up around 40 GB of memory, assuming floats.
That probably won't fit in computer memory, otherwise you could just use corrcoef.
There's a fancy approach based on eigenvectors that I can't find right now, and that gets into the (necessarily) complicated category...
Instead, rely on the fact that for zero mean data the covariance can be found using a dot product.
z0 = z - mean(z, 1)[:, None]
cov = dot(z0, z0.T)
cov /= z.shape[-1]
And this can be turned into the correlation by normalizing by the variances
sigma = std(z, 1)
corr = cov
corr /= sigma
corr /= sigma[:, None]
Of course memory usage is still an issue.
You can work around this with memory mapped arrays (make sure it's opened for reading and writing) and the out parameter of dot (For another example see Optimizing my large data code with little RAM)
N = z.shape[0]
arr = np.memmap('corr_memmap.dat', dtype='float32', mode='w+', shape=(N,N))
dot(z0, z0.T, out=arr)
arr /= sigma
arr /= sigma[:, None]
Then you can loop through the resulting array and find the indices with a large correlation coefficient. (You may be able to find them directly with where(arr > 0.95), but the comparison will create a very large boolean array which may or may not fit in memory).
You can use scipy.spatial.distance.pdist with metric = correlation to get all the correlations without the symmetric terms. Unfortunately this will still leave you with about 5e10 terms that will probably overflow your memory.
You could try reformulating a KDTree (which can theoretically handle cosine distance, and therefore correlation distance) to filter for higher correlations, but with 60 dimensions it's unlikely that would give you much speedup. The curse of dimensionality sucks.
You best bet is probably brute forcing blocks of data using scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(..., metric = correlation), and then keep only the high correlations in each block. Once you know how big a block your memory can handle without slowing down due to your computer's memory architecture it should be much faster than doing one at a time.
please check out deepgraph package.
I tried on z.shape = (2500, 60) and pearsonr for 2500 * 2500. It has an extreme fast speed.
Not sure for 100000 x 100000 but worth trying.

Numpy/Scipy pinv and pinv2 behave differently

I am working with bidimensional arrays on Numpy for Extreme Learning Machines. One of my arrays, H, is random, and I want to compute its pseudoinverse.
If I use scipy.linalg.pinv2 everything runs smoothly. However, if I use scipy.linalg.pinv, sometimes (30-40% of the times) problems arise.
The reason why I am using pinv2 is because I read (here: ) that pinv2 performs better on "tall" and on "wide" arrays.
The problem is that, if H has a column j of all 1, pinv(H) has huge coefficients at row j.
This is in turn a problem because, in such cases,, Y) contains some nan values (Y is an array of small integers).
Now, I am not into linear algebra and numeric computation enough to understand if this is a bug or some precision related property of the two functions. I would like you to answer this question so that, if it's the case, I can file a bug report (honestly, at the moment I would not even know what to write).
I saved the arrays with np.savetxt(fn, a, '%.2e', ';'): please, see to find them.
Any help is appreciated. In the provided file, you can see in pinv(H).csv that rows 14, 33, 55, 56 and 99 have huge values, while in pinv2(H) the same rows have more decent values.
Your help is appreciated.
In short, the two functions implement two different ways to calculate the pseudoinverse matrix:
scipy.linalg.pinv uses least squares, which may be quite compute intensive and take up a lot of memory.
scipy.linalg.pinv2 uses SVD (singular value decomposition), which should run with a smaller memory footprint in most cases.
numpy.linalg.pinv also implements this method.
As these are two different evaluation methods, the resulting matrices will not be the same. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is not always easy to determine which one should be used without deeply understanding the data and what the pseudoinverse will be used for. I'd simply suggest some trial-and-error and use the one which gives you the best results for your classifier.
Note that in some cases these functions cannot converge to a solution, and will then raise a scipy.stats.LinAlgError. In that case you may try to use the second pinv implementation, which will greatly reduce the amount of errors you receive.
Starting from scipy 1.7.0 , pinv2 is deprecated and also replaced by a SVD solution.
DeprecationWarning: scipy.linalg.pinv2 is deprecated since SciPy 1.7.0, use scipy.linalg.pinv instead
That means, numpy.pinv, scipy.pinv and scipy.pinv2 now compute all equivalent solutions. They are also equally fast in their computation, with scipy being slightly faster.
import numpy as np
import scipy
arr = np.random.rand(1000, 2000)
res1 = np.linalg.pinv(arr)
res2 = scipy.linalg.pinv(arr)
res3 = scipy.linalg.pinv2(arr)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res1, res2, decimal=10)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(res1, res3, decimal=10)

Numpy: Reduce memory footprint of dot product with random data

I have a large numpy array that I am going to take a linear projection of using randomly generated values.
>>> input_array.shape
(50, 200000)
>>> random_array = np.random.normal(size=(200000, 300))
>>> output_array =, random_array)
Unfortunately, random_array takes up a lot of memory, and my machine starts swapping. It seems to me that I don't actually need all of random_array around at once; in theory, I ought to be able to generate it lazily during the dot product calculation...but I can't figure out how.
How can I reduce the memory footprint of the calculation of output_array from input_array?
This obviously isn't the fastest solution, but have you tried:
m, inner = input_array.shape
n = 300
out = np.empty((m, n))
for i in xrange(n):
out[:, i] =, np.random.normal(size=inner))
This might be a situation where using cython could reduce your memory usage. You could generate the random numbers on the fly and accumulate the result as you go. I don't have the time to write and test the full function, but you would definitely want to use randomkit (the library that numpy uses under the hood) at the c-level.
You can take a look at some example code I wrote for another application to see how to wrap randomkit:
And also check out how matrix multiplication is implemented in the following paper on cython:
Instead of having both arrays as inputs, just have input_array as one, and then in the method, generate small chunks of the random array as you go.
Sorry if it is just a sketch instead of actual code, but hopefully it is enough to get you started.

Can I do eigenfaces with 32bit and numpy?

I am currently trying to implement eigenfaces with numpy, but it seems to struggle with my 32bit Linux system (I use 32bit because of the formerly bad support for flash and java in 64bit, my processor is 64bit…), because when trying to multiply two vectors to get a matrix (vector * transposed vector) numpy gives me
ValueError: broadcast dimensions too large.
I read that this is due to too little memory and could be solved with 64bit. Is there some way to circumvent this? The matrix would be 528000*528000 elements. According to my paper this big matrix is needed for the covariance matrix (suming up all these huge matrices and then dividing it by the number of matrices).
My piece of code looks like this (I do not understand why numpy gives me a matrix anyway, because for my matrix knowledge it looks the wrong way round (horizontal*vertical), but it worked with examples of smaller size):
tmp = []
for face in faces: # just an array of all face vectors (len = 528000)
diff = np.subtract(averageFace, face)
diff = np.asmatrix(diff)
tmp.append(np.multiply(diff, np.transpose(diff)))
C = np.divide(np.sum(tmp, axis=0), len(tmp))
As pv already elaborated, it's not really practically feasible to try to produce such huge covariance matrix.
But please note that eigenvectors (explained in your drexel link) of phi* phi^T and phi^T* phi are related and this is the key to make the problem more manageable. See more on this topic in Eigenface.

When not to vectorize matlab?

I'm working on some matlab code which is processing large (but not huge) datasets: 10,000 784 element vectors (not sparse), and calculating information about that which is stored in a 10,000x10 sparse matrix. In order to get the code working I did some of the trickier parts iteratively, doing loops over the 10k items to process them, and a few a loop over the 10 items in the sparse matrix for cleanup.
My process initially took 73 iterations (so, on the order of 730k loops) to process, and ran in about 120 seconds. Not bad, but this is matlab, so I set out to vectorize it to speed it up.
In the end I have a fully vectorized solution which gets the same answer (so it's correct, or at least as correct as my initial solution), but takes 274 seconds to run, it's almost half as fast!
This is the first time I've ran into matlab code which runs slower vectorized than it does iteratively. Are there any rules of thumb or best practices for identifying when this is likely / possible?
I'd love to share the code for some feedback, but it's for a currently open school assignment so I really can't right now. If it ends up being one of those "Wow, that's weird, you probably did something wrong things" I'll probably revisit this in a week or two to see if my vectorization is somehow off.
Vectorisation in Matlab often means allocating a lot more memory (making a much larger array to avoid the loop eg by tony's trick). With improved JIT compiling of loops in recent versions - its possible that the memory allocation required for your vectorised solution means there is no advantage, but without seeing the code it's hard to say. Matlab has an excellent line-by-line profiler which should help you see which particular parts of the vectorised version are taking the time.
Have you tried plotting the execution time as a function of problem size (either the number of elements per vector [currently 784], or the number of vectors [currently 10,000])? I ran into a similar anomaly when vectorizing a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization algorithm; it turned out that the vectorized version was faster until the problem grew to a certain size, at which point the iterative version actually ran faster, as seen in this plot:
Here are the two implementations and the benchmarking script:
function [Q,R] = clgs(A)
% QR factorization by unvectorized classical Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
[m,n] = size(A);
R = zeros(n,n); % pre-allocate upper-triangular matrix
% iterate over columns
for j = 1:n
v = A(:,j);
% iterate over remaining columns
for i = 1:j-1
R(i,j) = A(:,i)' * A(:,j);
v = v - R(i,j) * A(:,i);
R(j,j) = norm(v);
A(:,j) = v / norm(v); % normalize
Q = A;
function [Q,R] = clgs2(A)
% QR factorization by classical Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization with a
% vectorized inner loop
[m,n] = size(A);
R = zeros(n,n); % pre-allocate upper-triangular matrix
for k=1:n
R(1:k-1,k) = A(:,1:k-1)' * A(:,k);
A(:,k) = A(:,k) - A(:,1:k-1) * R(1:k-1,k);
R(k,k) = norm(A(:,k));
A(:,k) = A(:,k) / R(k,k);
Q = A;
n = [300,350,400,450,500];
for i = 1:length(n)
A = rand(n(i));
[Q,R] = clgs(A);
clgs_time(i) = toc;
[Q,R] = clgs2(A);
clgs2_time(i) = toc;
xlabel 'n', ylabel 'Time [seconds]'
legend('unvectorized CGS','vectorized CGS')
To answer the question "When not to vectorize MATLAB code" more generally:
Don't vectorize code if the vectorization is not straight forward and makes the code very hard to read. This is under the assumption that
Other people than you might need to read and understand it.
The unvectorized code is fast enough for what you need.
This won't be a very specific answer, but I deal with extremely large datasets (4D cardiac datasets).
There are occasions where I need to perform an operation that involves a number of 4D sets. I can either create a loop, or a vectorised operation that essentially works on a concatenated 5D object. (e.g. as a trivial example, say you wanted to get the average 4D object, you could either create a loop collecting a walking-average, or concatenate in the 5th dimension, and use the mean function over it).
In my experience, putting aside the time it will take to create the 5D object in the first place, presumably due to the sheer size and memory access leaps involved when performing calculations, it is usually a lot faster to resort to a loop of the still large, but a lot more manageable 4D objects.
The other "microoptimisation" trick I will point out is that matlab is "column major order". Meaning, for my trivial example, I believe it would be faster to be averaging along the 1st dimension, rather than the 5th one, as the former involves contiguous locations in memory, whereas the latter involves huge jumps, so to speak. So it may be worth storing your megaarray in a dimension-order that has the data you'll be operating on as the first dimension, if that makes sense.
Trivial example to show the difference between operating on rows vs columns:
>> A = randn(10000,10000);
>> tic; for n = 1 : 100; sum(A,1); end; toc
Elapsed time is 12.354861 seconds.
>> tic; for n = 1 : 100; sum(A,2); end; toc
Elapsed time is 22.298909 seconds.