MVC - #HTML.Raw writes out model to page -

I have an MVC 4 (Razor) application. We are using Dojo's 1.9 Gridx to display data.
My controller returns my model to the view. To work with the model on the client side, I usually will assign it to javascript variable as so:
var _model = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model));
I can then pass the _model to Dojo's Gridx control. What I don't like is if you view the source in a browser, the data in _model is visible on the page. Is seeing the _model data in the browser by design? or is there a better way to do this?

Another way to do it (not sure if it's better), is to send your model to your view via the standard #model MyModel, serialize it to JSON and set it as a value of an input element, and then grab the value of the input via Javascript. Then you can destroy/remove the input element, and that data won't be visible in the browser source anymore.
In Razor View
#model MyModel
<input type="hidden" id="myViewModel" value="#Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model)" />
In Your Javascrip File
var _model = JSON.parse($('#myViewModel').val());
Doing it your way or this way, the entirety of the model's data will still be in the page's source (and hence visible to anyone looking) - even if it's for a short amount of time. Always remember that when considering security for your application.


It's possible to have CKEditor 5 getData() return custom attributes?

I've succesfully managed implementing custom attributes creating upcasts and downcasts converters; all seems to work but I'm now blocked on how to get the actual data back from the editor; if I use:
I got the html tag (an <img> one) without the custom attributes while in the CKEditor Inspector I can see the attributes in both the model and the view.
How I can retrieve the data with the custom attributes?

Pass data to partial view after it has been loaded

Is there a way that I can pass data to a partial view after it has been rendered. I have a partial view in my _Layout which is rendered. It needs isHeaderShown. However this isHeaderShown can only be set after the #RenderBody is called because only the body controller has this info.
I have in my layout.
#{Html.RenderAction("Index","_Menu", new { area = ""});}
Is there a way that I can pass data to a partial view after it has been rendered.
Not using server side. You could always make an AJAX request to the server using javascript and then update some portions of the DOM with the results received from the server. This will obviously happen at a later stage after the view has already been rendered in the browser. Another common technique different than AJAX is the server to push some data to the client using HTML5 WebSockets. You can take a look at SignalR. In both cases you will need to write javascript.

Accessing controls in Razor view from controller MVC4

I am new to MVC. In my application the view page created using razor by designing it from another html page designer. I have doubt that how to access the html controls from the corresponding controller. For example, i create a controller named Home and and corresponding view. Added a text box into it.
<input id="name" type="text" name="txtName"/>
Now i want to get and set the value in text box from controller without using script.
Just like
Is that possible..?
It sounds like you are thinking of things from a Web Forms perspective, e.g. controls, setting properties server-side.
MVC allows much better separation of concerns, that is, each piece should play its part without being tightly coupled to other parts. Having a controller set a property of a textbox in a view means that there must always be a textbox in that view and would tightly couple the controller to that particular view. It is not directly possible and it would be a bad idea even if it was.
That's where view models come in:
// M - model
public sealed class MyViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
// V - view
#model MyViewModel
// (usually code to begin a form goes here)
#Html.TextBoxFor( o => o.Name )
// C - controller
public ActionResult MyActionMethod()
var model = new MyViewModel { Name = "Hello" };
return View( model );
It may seem like an extra step (it is) but it is cleaner, far more flexible, and far more test-friendly.
It would only be possible with another request to the server (e.g. POST, GET) because the Controller code can only run server-side. After processing another request, you could use a ViewModel to populate your HTML text-box while rendering it, but I doubt that is what you are looking for.
If you are familiar with desktop programming (e.g. Window's Forms) and you are looking to immediately change and process fields on an HTML page, you will need to use JavaScript. If you are unfamiliar with web-programming, or even just new to the MVC paradigm, I suggest you try out a few MSDN tutorials.

ASP.NET MVC Set texts in the View or in the Controller

What is the best practice in MVC (for testing, SOC and scaffolding) for setting texts (for exemple page title, h1,h2..)
Is it better to do it in the controlle, fill a viewmodel and send it to the view
or directly typing texts in the view?
Also I will propably use ressouces files for global texts (like button text, menu texts) and local ressouces for view specific texts.
The view is merely to present the output to the user. Depending on your requirement you can either:
1) Type the text in the view directly <h2>Hello World</h2> (for static content that will not change)
The latter two options are for ideal for dynamic content, where the content could be received from a database or some additional input.
2) Use the ViewBag to pass information to the view (in which case you would set it in the controller ie. ViewBag.HelloWorld = "Hello World" : <h2>#ViewBag.HelloWorld</h2>
3) Use a model to pass the information to your view. This should be your preferred option where possible. In your specific case you could use the controller to retrieve the content from your global resources, bind it to the model and pass it to the view.
The logic on where to get the data should come from the controller and the View's function should be to merely display it.
I recommend binding properties on the viewModel to the UI.
This is not only more testable, but it's also more flexible. It makes it easier to implement features like mult language support etc.
I recommend avoiding hard coding text in the markup if you can

how can I use the fileupload helper when it is loaded in another page using the load jquery method?

I have the following problem, one page load in one of his div using the Load method from Jquery Ajax another page that use the FileUpload Helper. Alone that page Works fine, but inside this div the upload button apparently calls the hosting page, not the page that original has the helper.
In consecuence, How can correctly use the helper loaded from another page?
In a scheme I think that this is happening:
And I want this to happen, but don't know how to do it:
The upload button submits the form. It will be submitted to whatever location is specified in the action attribute of the form. Therefore you should set the action attribute value to the page that you want the form to post to.
This will be easier to manage if you set includeFormTag to false. It is true by default:
initialNumberOfFiles: 1,
allowMoreFilesToBeAdded: false,
includeFormTag: false,
uploadText: "Upload",
name: "Upload1"
You will then need to provide your own form tag. Make sure you include the correct enctype for managing file uploads:
<form action="somePage" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">