How to enable HTTP-based authentication requests only through the external ip? - apache

I have apache server on ubuntu 12.04 with virtual hosts and router forwarded 80 port to one of them. The directory is configured http-authentication. I need to provide authentication for the requests only when a request comes in the "outside", that is, only when the request comes through the external ip, and if I call from inside the network (or from the server at localhost), no authentication is required.
Thanks in advance for your help. Sorry for bad english.

You can use the allow from directive in conjunction with your http authentication directives in your httpd.conf file (or .htaccess file) to specify a range of IP addreses for which http authentication will not be required. See .htaccess / .htpasswd bypass if at a certain IP address for more info. Just specify your range of inside ip addresses in the allow from directive.


httpd proxy any domain

Is it possible to configure a vhost on httpd that accepts any domain received and proxies to the actual website? Like subdomain wildcard but for the domain.
I'm assuming that tools like Squid Proxy can do this just fine, I'm just curious if it can be done with apache.
Sure that is possible, but you don't even need a proxy for that. The apache http server offers the concept of a "default virtual host". Which is exactly what you want: that host is responsible to respond to incoming requests to http hosts that do not have a specific configuration.
The default typically simply is the first of all hosts defined inside an apache http server.
An alternative I personally use is to setup the virtual hosts by just a basic configuration (name, admin and the like), but to include the actual content configuration (DocumentRoot and rewriting stuff) from a separate file). That way you can easily share the same setup between many virtual hosts but still have individual configuration options per domain, subdomain, http host, however you want to call that (there is no difference for the http server anyway, it is all http hosts).

Redirect from a URL to a other server

I have the following question that I do not know how to solve it in the most efficient way.
I have two servers, one with Apache where I have a Wordpress instance responding for port 80, and on another server I have a Wildfly with another application listening on port 8080. The Wordpress that I have configured on the Apache server, responds to the URL What I'm not so clear about is how to do when a request arrives at and redirects me to the Wildfly server where an application is responding to the URL : 8080 / app
How could I do it in the most effective way? Using the rewrite module in the .htaccess file or using the Apache proxy module and configuring it in the Apache virtual host? How would I have to do it?
Thank you very much in advance.
You're mixing a few things that are not related to each other. First of all, a redirect is something different than a proxy. Redirecting means asking the client (browser) to look at another URL. A proxy, on the other hand, retrieves the content of the other URL itself and passes it to the client. Using a proxy, the other URL remains invisible to the client.
Second, mod_rewrite is not limited to htaccess configuration. In fact it's better to configure mod_rewrite in the virtual host configuration, just as you suggested with the proxy configuration.
The htaccess is simply for users who are not allowed to mess with the server configuration itself. Configuration in the htaccess can be limited by the admin for security purposes at the cost of slowing down the server.
That said, if you are looking to map your wildfly server paths into your main server's paths, you might want to use something like this inside your main server's virtual host block:
<Location "/yyyy">
ProxyPass "http://wildfly:8080/app"
See for detailed explanations.

Apache Server add client IP in a custom header before forwarding request

Scenario is such that the Apache Http Server will act as a reverse proxy and sit in front of the main application server. In the application server the client IP address needs to be logged.
My requirement is to capture the client IP address and then add this IP address as a custom request header (e.g. TRUEIP= and forward it to the application server.
Please note I have read articles about logging the original client IP to the apache logs. But my requirement to access the IP address and add it to a header.
Also I did try to access the environment variables using "%{h}i" or "%{h}e" but in this case the header value was displayed as "i=18" (without the quotes). In fact the header value was printed the same "i=18" for User-Agent, Referer also.
Please help my out with a solution.
I use Apache 2.4.28 (from apache lounge) on windows 7. The application server used in Oracle OC4J (but I need to do configurations at Apache end only as application can be different in different environments).
Something along the lines of:
RequestHeader set TRUEIP "%{REMOTE_ADDR}s"
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/

Cant access my website through its IP address

I have hosting with godaddy with a private IP address. I am able to access my websites and others via the domain name, but not via IP Address.
I am now trying to access the HTTP via port 80 but it gives an error that the website is not setup.
Are there any workarounds on turning allowing accessing the website and other folders through the IP address over http?
This sounds to me like you were on a managed webpack that grants you access to the to-be-served content but not to the webserver or its config itself.
What you are experiencing there is an effect of a technique called virtual-hosts in which multiple sites are tied to one IP address. For this to work in the realm of HTTP, the Host header got introduced in HTTP/1.1. It allows clients to send a domain name for which they want to receive content.
If you request a raw IP, though, the Host header won't look like Host: but rather like Host: The server will not be able to associate a domainname with this as it is unlikely to be found elsewhere in the request. Therefore, it will be forced to serve content out of its default document directory which usually contains further documentations regarding the further configuration of the webserver in question. Linux distributions like to add additional informations specific to them. Check if you see any mentioning of e.g. Debian, RedHat, or Centos.
I am not sure if this is fixable. Usually webservers like Apache support IP-based virtual hosts. If a masshoster like godaddy is really going to address this is uncertain. Try to contact their support and see.
1]If you are using host headers, make sure you have a DNS entry pointing your URL to your IP
2]Telnet port 80 from a machine outside your network.If it fails then check with your ISP that port 80 should not block in firewall.

Remove /web from PLEX URL

How do I remove the need to type /web on the end of my PLEX media server to access from outside my network? I have a account and set up a static domain name to point to a static ip. But that doesn't help much, because I still need to type in the /web to access my media server. I am using windows 7. I have set up a owncloud server before and removed the need to type /owncloud in the httpd.conf file. But I can't find it for the plex server. I read somewhere to set up a page that will redirect to /web, but I don't know how to do that. Thanks for help!
You can remove both the port (in case you are already not forwarding it from port 80 to Plex's port) and the need for the /web at end using redirection rules.
Here is a good example of how to do just that (this solution uses Apache):
EDIT: Small correction, that site I linked is not using redirection rules, it is using a reverse proxy.
With a redirection rule if you type:, you'll be redirected to (as in, the address on your browser will actually be re-written to that, same as clicking on a link that takes you to another page).
With a reverse proxy, you effectively have a man in the middle, the reverse proxy server itself. You send requests to (Apache server in this case), it receives those requests and the proxy forwards them to (PMS Server). The PMS server sends the reply to the Apache server and the Apache server sends the reply back to you. As far as PMS is concerned, the client requesting info is the Apache server, in fact it doesn't even know about you talking to the Apache server.