Authenticate against client Active Directories in a Web Single Sign On - authentication

I've been scratching my head over this issue for over a week. We have a web app that we would like to implement SSO for. SSO with windows active directories of our clients (i.e. we essentially need to authenticate against our clients' active directories without much trouble)
The only thing I am 100% sure about is that I will needed a security token service that will have to communicate with an Identity Provider. My question:
Which service is most suitable for the above scenario (AD FS? OpenID & OAuth 2.0? SAML 2.0 and shibboleth?)
How will I connect to the active directories of the clients? Maybe I'm not understanding how the STS is to be used, could anyone clarify? I'm working with an Azure Web App
Will there have to be a different IdP for each client? Will the client have to do more than just give us standard information? What would this info be?
...should I be using Windows Identity Foundation?
HELP :( ... this is an SOS
If anyone could clarify at all, I will forever be grateful. I normally upvote anything I find helpful and accept whichever answer is the best so feel free to answer with what you think might be useful in helping me understand how I can achieve what I am after.

These are the three options I know:
As you mention one option is ADFS this solution means that your customers should install and expose Adfs. ADFS means Active directory-Federation Services, so in this case your application needs to speak WS-Fed (not oauth). Typically if the user is inside the LAN adfs uses integrated auth, if not it will prompt credentials.
WAAD is a new service from Azure, it allows companies to expose their directories to use in cloud applications. With this approach your customers need an account in Azure, create a directory and use the dir sync agent. Your application will talk SAMLP with WAAD.
Auth0 is an authentication broker that allows developers to use social but also enterprise identity providers like AD but also google apps, waad, adfs, salesforce, etc. if your customer only has AD you will provide him an msi for a windows service, that will bridge the company AD with your auth0 account, you can have as many AD as you want. Your application speak oauth with Auth0. This agent supports kerberos authentication as well. The following graph explains this solution:
Disclaimer: I work for Auth0.

WIF doesn't support SAML or OAuth.
Your application is in Azure.
Suggest add WIF to the application and then "bind" to Azure Active Directory. In VS 2013, use the "Change Authentication" feature for this.
Make the application multi-tenanted.
Each customer has their own tenant. User DirSync to sync. each customer AD with their AAD tenant. (That gives same sign-on). Adding ADFS to each customer gives single sign-on.
However, the customers will probably push back on this because of perceptions around security.


What is the difference between MicrosoftAccount, AzureAD and OpenIdConnect authentication?

I got absolutely confused when trying to understand the differences between MicrosoftAccount, AzureAD and OpenIDConnect authentications.
I am trying to build a .Net Core MVC app that allows some users to authenticate with local accounts, but some with Microsoft accounts. I do need to have a local user in DB for both types of authentications as I have some custom authorization mechanisms built on that.
I started with creating the app from template and selected "local accounts" authentication. Then I added the MicrosoftAccount authentication according to this tutorial ( This is using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.MicrosoftAccount and seems to be working fine.
However, when I create a new app from template and select "work or school account" authentication I can see it uses a different library - Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAD.UI. It seems to do the same thing. I can see there are events I could hook into to connect the AAD user with my local DB.
Looking through the web I found some other tutorials that were using OpenIDConnect for the same purpose.
How are those methods different? Which one should I use and why?
In future I would like to be able to query the user's directory for a list of other users. Would that requirement be easier met with either of those three methods?
MicrosoftAccount: This is the login with a general Microsoft account, using OAuth2. This is also what Microsoft will refer to as “private account” and useful when you want to authenticate someone just using their Microsoft login as an external authentication provider. This is similar to how you would sign in to sites with your Google account.
AzureAD: This is the sign in to a specific Azure tenant. This is often understood as a “work or school account” because it doesn’t sign people in using a public account but rather some account bound to some organization. Usually, you would have an Azure tenant where you have direct users (or configure it to allow external users) but you want to control access through that Azure AD.
OpenIdConnect: This is the general OpenID Connect protocol which you can use to sign in with many different authentication providers because it is a protocol that many of them will support. You can use OIDC to sign in to either of the above (and many other services) but that will require you to do some more configuration as you will need to figure out specific addresses for example.
You can always use the OpenIdConnect or the OAuth authentication scheme to authenticate with most authentication providers but those are the “manual” schemes which will require you to configure additional things. All the other authentication schemes, including MicrosoftAccount and AzureAD but also the other ones like Google or Twitter build on top of those protocols and come preconfigured so that you do not need to set up much else. So those are mostly for convenience and for more specialized support.
So when you want to authentication through Microsoft or Azure, then you should choose MicrosoftAccount or AzureAD. Which of those depends on where you want to authenticate with. If you have an Azure AD, then you should use that.

Azure AD or IdentityServer with Web API, understanding the concepts

Be warned possibly noob question ahead.
I'm a little unsure where exactly Azure AD or IdentityServer is supposed to fit in in the overall communication flow.
Here is a scenario that I often face.
Some "dumb" client (e.g. a Windows App that can't use external assemblies or some JavaScript in a web app) has to contact my Web API which will then contact other APIs or other resources.
If I want to try and implement either Azure AD or IdentityServer as a means of authentication and authorization in the Web API, I don't see that this can be done in any other way, than it has to be the Web API that communicates with Azure AD or IdentityServer as the client doesn't have the ability to do so due to the lack of required assemblies.
If this assumption is not correct, then how would I do this?
If it is correct however, then what means of security is there between the client and the Web API other than communicating over HTTPS when the client has to send it's credentials to the Web API, so the Web API can authenticate and authorize the user against either Azure AD or IdentityServer?
If I understand your requirements correctly, then you are able to change the client Windows app, but unable to add external assemblies to it? So you would not be able to add the ADAL NuGet package to it.
You can still use Azure AD authentication - it is possible, but not trivial, to implement the client code yourself.
Or you can, as you already mentioned, pass the user's credentials to the Web API somehow, and then use that to have the Web API do authentication towards Azure AD on behalf of the user. There is a sample app which shows how to use username/password credentials.
This however, goes against the whole OAuth/OpenIdConnect mindset, where your app should never know the user's credentials.
Be careful with trying to use the most recent version of the Azure AD endpoint (just don't use version 2.0, they shot themselves in the foot by excluding all Azure AD webapp registrations & by "securing" web APIs by making them only available to apps with the same appid - as far as I'm concerned, it's unusable until they fix those two issues) - see the "[!NOTE]" near the top of that linked page for the v2.0 limitations.

Is there a secure way to connect to Active Directory from internet?

I am creating a website and my company feels accessing active directory from internet can be a security threat. I would like the users to be able to log in using Active Directory Credential. Is there a secure way to do that?
I think that Active Directory Federation Services might be what you're looking for. Specifically the "Web Single Sign On" functionality.
Since you've tagged with question with "insecure-connection" I feel I must add that you should not, under any circumstances let user account data flow in to or out from your company's firewall un-encrypted.
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is based on the emerging, industry-supported Web Services Architecture, which is defined in WS-* specifications. ADFS helps you use single sign-on (SS0) to authenticate users to multiple, related Web applications over the life of a single online session. ADFS accomplishes this by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries.

WCF using 2 Authentication Methods With Windows Identity Foundation

I'm working on a WCF project that will be our new service layer.
These services will be called by 2 separate clients, the first of which is a WPF application and the other is an ASP.Net web application. The WPF client will be run by internal users and will authenticate with the service via domain authentication and run under the context of that user. The other will be used by external users and needs to authenticate using some separate mechanism then impersonate a "WebUser" account on our domain.
I'm reading a bit about Windows Identity Foundation and it sounds like this might be a good fit. Am I right in thinking I could have 2 token services, one for domain authentication and one for something like ASP.Net membership authentication (Or some similar equivalent) and have each client get it's token from the relevant STS and pass that along to the WCF service?
I'm assuming there is an STS I can use out of the box for domain authentication, but will I have to implement the second one myself to authenticate web users? I can't find a lot of information on this.
Am I thinking along the right lines or should I just be creating duel endpoints for each service each with a different authentication mechanism? Or should I be doing something completely different?
The big advantage of using Claims-Based authentication / WIF is that both the task of authenticating the user AND the administration of the user's properties are moved way from the applications to the STS/Identity provider.
You are developing a service layer but the true benefits of using WIF will be for the applications written on top of your layer. The WPF application will no longer need to connect to the AD and fetch the user's groups to figure out what they are allowed to do. The groups will already be visible as claims in the token the user/WIF provides.
The web application (is it just one web application or more?) will no longer need the ASP.Net Membership database with accompanying user administration. This functionality gets moved to the STS.
There is a cost. (There always is, somehow...) Claims-Based authentication has a rather steep learning curve. It takes a while for the quarter to drop for all people involved.
So the answer to your question depends on what kind of users the web application(s?) built upon your service layer have and how many. And how much they wish to know about them. Can you perhaps trust Google / Facebook / Windows Live for authentication? Are the users already in an existing database within your domain? How much work will it take to maintain the user directories? Do your marketing people wish to send them emails regularly? Et cetera.
This is probably not just for the service layer's developers to decide, but something to discuss with people in the rest of your organisation.
If the benefits are not particularly big, the alternative is to simply keep these responsibilities at the web application's server. Each web application will have a good old ASP.Net membership database, it'll authenticate the user all by itself. When asking queries from the service layer, it'll present its web server certificate plus specify the user's name and type.
If the benefits are big enough, you can in principle use ADFS 2.0 for everything. It can also store external users nowadays and it's free if you already have Active Directory. Or the ThinkTecture 2.0 server that Ross recommends. It's easier to customize and perhaps your systems administrators and security folks will not be too enthusiastic about opening the firewall to the ADFS server.
Microsoft has some good reads on WIF, in particular an Overview of Claims-Based Architecture.
You should take a look at identity server as it can indeed handle this scenario.
The person who leads the project above has a great pluralsight video on this exact scenario! You need to sign up to watch it, but they offer a free trial.
Basically you get a token from the identity provider (windows ADFS for the internal client, and what ever you decide for the external users). You will give this token to the federated gateway (identity server probably, but it could be Azure ACS). This will return an authentication token that you can then use with your service.

Custom STS for Web SSO

We have an Internet facing Web Application running, and recently our company made some agreements with a 3rd-party company which owns another web site. The idea is to provide access to this external web site to our current customers. Our users will click on an internal link in our solution which will open a new browser window with the third party site. User will not need to authenticate again in the 3rd party company site.
We have agreed to issue SAML2 tokens for our users, with a set of claims used by the 3rd-party site to query an present a personalized view to our users
Something important in our scenario is that users are already authenticated in our web site when they decide to access the 3rd-part web site.
What is the best way to implement all this?
I am thinking on implementing a custom-STS using the WIF SDK to generated those SAML2 tokens and pass then using HTTP POST (cookie) to the 3rd party site. If this is the right approach, then any pointers, tips?
Will ADFS make any difference?
Thanks for any help
Sounds like you'll be playing the role of Identity Provider - responsible for handling the "manual" authentication of the user and generating SAML responses to give the user SSO to the 3rd party website.
Implementing your own IdP is not trivial (there are a handful of specifications to understand), so unless you have your heart set on this as a development project, you may want to consider a COTS like Microsoft ADFS, PortalGuard (for whom I work) or Ping Identity.
Since you asked about ADFS specifically, it has native support for Active Directory as the user repository and has some interesting features with its claims transformation engine (if you get into a complex SP-IdP chaining scenario). Besides SAML it also supports WS-Federation which is important for integration with the other offerings in the Microsoft stack.
If your application is ASP.NET, then connect your application to ADFS.
So to get to your application, the user has to log in.
Then for the link to the 3rd party application use the IDP Initiated scenario (IdpInitiatedSignOnPage Class Overview). This sends a SAML2 token to the 3rd party application. ADFS will handle SSO for you.
To do this, you will have to configure the 3rd party application as a SAML one rather than a WS-Fed one.