how to display two relation values in one column array values gridview yii
in my model code with relation
$criteria->compare('exp.ExperienceYear',$this->Experience, true);
$criteria->compare('exp.ExperienceMonth',$this->Experience, true);
in my gridview column array code
'name' => 'Experience',
'type' => 'raw',
'value'=> '(empty($data->exp->ExperienceYear))? "" : Yii::app()->params["currencySymbol"]." ".$data->exp->ExperienceYear.\'-\'.(empty($data->exp->ExperienceMonth))? "" : Yii::app()->params["currencySymbol"]." ".$data->exp->ExperienceMonth' ,
its not displaying two relation values in one field
I think that problem here is that you should add extra brackets around your ternary operations. They have a very "annoying" way of resulting in unexpected behavior with more than one
'name' => 'Experience',
'type' => 'raw',
'value'=> '(empty($data->exp->ExperienceYear)? "" : Yii::app()->params["currencySymbol"]." ".$data->exp->ExperienceYear.\'-\') . (empty($data->exp->ExperienceMonth)? "" : Yii::app()->params["currencySymbol"]." ".$data->exp->ExperienceMonth)' ,
As you can see, I've moved the closing bracket of your empty condition to the end of each ternary operation to fully enclose it. IMO that should solve the problem.
I have 3 tables: productions, chunks (production may have a lot of chunks, so chunks contains production_id column) and chunk_designers (chunk may have a lot of designers, so chunk_designers has a column chunk_id).
I have to render data from productions in CGridView and add a column: count of chunks (for every production item in table), which are not assigned to any chunk. In other words:
left JOIN `chunk_designers`
ON = chunk_designers.chunk_id
WHERE production_id = 520 AND chunk_id IS null
...where 520 - dynamic value for every row,
ChunkController action:
function actionProductionList() {
$model = new Productions('search');
$model->unsetAttributes(); // clear any default values
$dataProvider = $model->search($_GET);
$dataProvider->criteria->order = 'start_time DESC';
$this->render('production_list', array(
'provider' => $dataProvider,
'model' => $model,
Model Productions:
class Productions extends AppModel {
public $unassignedBlocksCount;
public function rules() {
return array(
array('unassignedBlocksCount, id, ...', 'safe'),
array('unassignedBlocksCount, id, ...', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),
//in search() I added:
$criteria->compare('unassignedBlocksCount', $this->unassignedBlocksCount, true);
And in view:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'id' => 'menu-grid',
'dataProvider' => $provider,
'filter' => $model,
'enablePagination' => true,
'columns' => array(
'name' => 'unassignedBlocksCount',
'value' => 'Chunks::getUnassignedBlocksCount($data->id)'
Column data is rendered fine, but when I try to filter it, I get the following error: unknown column unassignedBlocksCount in where clause.
I tried to write in search() method in Productions model:
// subquery to retrieve the count of posts
$count_sql = "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `chunks` "
. "LEFT JOIN `chunk_designers` "
. "ON = chunk_designers.chunk_id "
. "WHERE production_id = 520 AND chunk_id IS NULL)";
// select
$criteria->select = array(
$count_sql . " as unassignedBlocksCount",
And just added unassignedBlocksCount element in columns in view.
But I still get the same error, when filter, and also problem is that I don't know, how to get production_id in $count_sql dynamically, depending on every table row (that's why in every row for that column value is 1, because it's correct value for production_id = 520).
So, my question is: how to get sortable and filterable column in CGridView, which is calculated (by COUNT()) from data in other tables? Thanks in advance.
I would like to remove the empty or first option of list data value.
I have Bankaccount model and it has a list, so I need to prevent from users to select all.
I already selected the first one of that list as a default, but now the problem is the empty option that can let user to select all Bankaccount still exist, so how can I remove.
This is my code
'name' => 'bank_account_id',
'type' => 'raw',
'value' => '$data->bankaccount->BankAccountName',
'filter' => Chtml::listData(Bankaccount::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'name DESC')), "id", "BankAccountName"),
If you look at this method that generates filter, you will see that it always adds empty option when it gets an array on input. So, the only way to hide empty option is to generate selectbox manually:
'filter' => CHtml::activeDropDownList(Bank::model(), 'bank_account_id',
Chtml::listData(Bankaccount::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'name DESC')), "id", "BankAccountName"),
Using CHtml::activeDropDownList will give you Bank[bank_account_id] in the selectbox name.
for the filter part,
'filter' => Chtml::dropdownList('Bank[bank_account_id]' , 'selectedDefault',
Chtml::listData(Bankaccount::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'name DESC')), "id", "BankAccountName"),
i am newbii in yii development and have an issue while displaying data using cgridview as it is showing only first record
Motel,Hotel,Roomcategory and halls are models in which PK and FK are passing ...
Code is here
$sponsorm = Motel::model()->find('MotelId=:MotelId', array(':MotelId'=>Yii::app()->user->id));
$sponsorhotel = Hotel::model()->find('hotelId=:hotelId', array(':hotelId'=>$sponsorm->MotelId));
$room = Roomcategory::model()->find('hotelId=:hotelId', array(':hotelId'=>$sponsorhotel->hotelId));
$halls = Halls::model()->find('hotelId=:hotelId', array(':hotelId'=>$sponsorhotel->hotelId));
echo CHtml::image(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl.'/img/4.png');
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
Right now you are finding only one record because you use find to get one specific record. So you assign this record data to model variables and then you do
This searches from specific table multiple values but you have set the attributes so, that it matches only one record.
To get Motel gridview data use following code:
$sponsorm = $dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Motel', array(
'condition'=>'MotelId = :MotelId',
'params' => array(':MotelId'=>Yii::app()->user->id)
It is doing the same as search() but the difference is that searching criteria is different. You can use also code below.
$motelModel = new Model();
$motelModel->MotelId = Yii::app()->user->id;
Now there is only one attribute assigned an is setting a criteria to match all rows what has this user id in MotelId field.
Also, I see that you echo something between logic. Please do not do that. Output data only in views and keep the logic out of views. :)
I'm using CGridView but one of the field is an array ['xx' ,'yy' , 'zz',...]
How can I display that i searched for an answer but did not find
is it possible to use something like DropDownlist to display the values in the array
I have a static array special_offer in a model;
It will filter by the value; This is a drop down list example;
I replaced a field within the cgridview with a array as follows:
'name' => 'special_offer',
'value' => 'Package::$special_offer[$data->special_offer]',
'filter' => Package::$special_offer,
In order to use dropDownList in a CGridView column, your array needs to be associative. I recommend that you create a method in your model which converts it into an associative array, something like:
public function getAssociativeArray()
$array = array('xx', 'yy', 'zz'); // or use an attribute value
return array_combine(array_values($array), $array);
Then in your CGridView, add this as a column, replacing the model/field names with your own:
'name' => 'yourFieldName',
'type' => 'raw',
'value' => 'CHtml::activeDropDownList($data, "yourFieldName", YourModel::model()->associativeArray)',
I am using zii.widgets.grid.CGridView.....i want to add new coulmn in this.which is not in my to add this column so that it show in listing
Just add a new column and stablish the value by hand:
'header'=> 'Custom',
'type' => 'raw',
'value' => '"something"'
These two articles may help:
CGridView reference:
CGridView - render custom columns: