Adding Filter to Portfolio Timeline - rally

I was wondering if it's possible in Rally to add a small customization to the Portfolio Timeline app by adding a filter on the Targeted Program.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The code for PortfolioTimeline is not available, and portfolio timeline component is not ready to be used in AppSDK.


React-admin Gantt chart?

Has anyone tried to implement a Gantt chart with react-admin?
We're attempting to do it with IBM's Gantt chart -
It's not ideal because IBM's Gantt chart basically is self sufficient and so it doesn't necessarily integrate great with react-admin. They have a react component that helps but had to deal with issues like it duplicating itself and loading way more data than will show up just to make filters work correct.
Anyway, just wondering if anyone else has any experience to share with building a Gantt chart in react-admin.

Custom List App available to show user stories and defects for previous sprints

The custom list app is a nice app, to show a list of items that are currently in Rally.
What I would like to get out of this list as well, is UserStories and Defects from previous Iterations.
A page can be easily setup where you have an iteration filter on top, then a list app underneath. When the page is set to show closed / past iterations it should show the user stories and defects that have been previously assigned to the applied iteration (even if they have another iteration set currently).
Is such an app available? Searching a bit did provide any usefull apps,
Blocking history seems to do a little in that area, but looks only at things that had a blocker flag set:
The List from this app on the other hand cannot be modified, therefor I want to combine history with the Custom Grid app as provided by Rally.
What about the Iteration Scope Change app?
Source here:
It's available directly in the app catalog in the product as well.

Create custom report in Rally

I would like to create a custom report in Rally which does the following:
Show all the user stories which were added once the sprint started
Show all the user stories which were moved/split into the next sprint
I wasn't able to work with the current options while trying to create a custom report. Would appreciate if someone could help me with this.
There is an app called Iteration Scope Change you can add to your dashboard or a custom page which will show a lot of these details. It definitely will show items added/removed during the sprint. Not sure on the second bullet, but it's worth trying it out and seeing if it meets your needs...

Creating an interactive events scheduler

I'm attempting to create something with a similar layout to this schedule page.
See attached screenshot also.
So what I need is:
- "Categories" across the top of the scheduler (Vertical dividers).
- "Timeslots (07:00 07:30, etc..)" down the left of the scheduler.
User's can then add events via modal screens and assign them "Timeslots" and "Categories".
They should then appear in the Schedule in the appropriate locations.
The above mentioned example appears to be using Dojo.
I found this calendar widget but am unsure of how to get it to represent "Categories" across the top when using the "Day" view.
Is this possible with the dojo calendar widget? (I've never worked with Dojo before)
Any suggestions as to other frameworks or example's that would provide me with this functionality would be very welcome also.
I've looked at JQuery's fullCalendar plugin and it doesn't seem to provide this functionality (Would be great if someone could prove me wrong!).
After looking at Dojo's widget documentation I think the Sub-Column display is what you are looking for. So each Calendar in this case will represent a category.
I don't think FullCalendar is capable of the category layout, but I think its cool enough to request:
Hope that helps!

How to turn the Time Spent field visible on other pages besides Task Detail?

Is it possible to add the "Time Spent" field to other pages besides the Task Detail page?
Like showing it on the Iteration Status page, for example.
Unfortunately the Track -> Iteration Status Page is not customizable. This is a popular feature request for this page. I'd encourage you to vote for the following Rally Idea:
Add ability to customize columns in Iteration Status grid
On the Rally Ideas site.
To enhance visibility of this feature for Rally's product owners.