Rethrow an error from within SSIS package - error-handling

Ive got a 2010 SSIS package which in turn runs other packages. Each package is independent so if one fails the others can still progress. My logic states the next one run on completion of the previous one wether it failed or not
My proble is that when one does error i get a very standard error message which doesn't tell me which one crashed or give me any other clues.
The Integrated Services Dashboard does assist but still lacking basic information. But what i would like is that the package rethrow the error so i can add some more ifnormation to it.
How is this done?
Do i create a script task in the Onerror event for the individual package and add some information of my own before rethrowing the error ?
Any examples that show you what needs to be done ? I still want the other packets to continue to execute.

First thing is that there is no 2010 version of SSIS. You are using Visual Studio 2010 against either 2008 R2 or 2012 but this does not affect the question in any way.
The best way to capture this error information is to log the error information in the child packages. This can be implemented using an SSIS frameworks such as
Free -
Commercial product -
Using these frameworks you could easily get the detailed error information that you need without having to modify the control package.


Talend tCreateTable error: NullPointerException

Trying to create a table in a local instance of SQL Server Mgmt Studio using Talend with the ultimate goal of setting up a direct Salesforce-SSMS connection for ETL.
I've managed to load the data from SFDC into SSMS, but only by first manually creating the tables, manually mapping the schema in a tMap, and then running my job.
I'd like to now create the tables in SSMS with a tCreateTable component, and then use the AutoMap feature to map fields.
However, I'm getting a Null Pointer Exception error that makes no sense to me. Debugging line 370 shows that my dbSchema_tCreateTable_1 object is null, but I don't understand why. I've defined it from repository. Below are some pics of my setup:
Sample Schema
Error Message and Job Design
Line 370 and suspect in Red
I know my db connection is good because I've already pushed data to existing tables, but for the life of me (and 2 of my java engineers) I can't figure this out. I've got 5 days of experience with Talend so apologies if I'm making a dumb mistake. Any help would be appreciated!
edit: Component view of tCreateTable
edit 2: Component view of tFixedFlowInput
edit 3: Component view of tMSSqlOutput
edit 4: tMSSqlConnection
On first job (provided on Error Message and Job Design) NPE occur because of connection still not created (is null) when tCreateTable tried to call null.executeStatement()
You can modify your first job put tMsSQLConnection -> OnSubjobOK -> tCreateTable
OR remove connection element at all and set connection parameters to tCreateTable.
If it doesn't help, answer please on following questions:
Share please exception stacktrace and error message occurs when you use second job (connection -> tFixedFlowInput - tMSSQLOutput)
What version of studio (Open Studio or enterprise and version) have you used?
If it is not the latest (6.5.1) could you upgrade it?
If it is, could you export your job and share it? (i.e. on talend bug tracker)
P.S. You can try to debug job by yourself, select Run Job -> Debug Run -> Java Debug
Using eclipse debug view you can find out why the NPE occur.

SSIS ERROR: The attempt to add a row to the Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0xC0047020

I have problems with SSIS process(acctually the same problem occurs for two different processes). So, we are doing some ETL work using SSIS. We have Business Intelligence project that executes without errors from Visual Studio. However when its deployed on the server and scheduled as a job it fails with errors like:
INTRASTAT_Towar:Error: SSIS Error Code
method on component "Union All 3" (876) failed with error
code 0xC0047020 while processing input "Union All Input
2" (916). The identified component returned an error from
the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the
component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data
Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages
posted before this with more information about the failure.
INTRASTAT_Towar:Error: SSIS Error Code
method on istat_dekl_wynik_poz SELECT returned error
code 0xC02020C4. The component returned a failure
code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The
meaning of the failure code is defined by the component,
but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.
There may be error messages posted before this with
more information about the failure.
INTRASTAT_Towar:Error: The attempt to add a row to the
Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0xC0047020.**
The other returned errors are similar, sometimes instead of 0xC0047020, there is unspecified error. Errors occur only on this one table, that has a lot of different stuff inside data flow task(unions, multicasts, conditional split). Most other data flows have just source, dest and transformation, and they are not causing any problems. I've been suggested to try manipulating DefaultBufferMaxRows and DefaultBufferSize properties values for the data flow task, but after doing some research I dont belive that it will solve the issue, as they are currently put on default values. Any suggestions?
Well, I managed to work the issue with my packages. I was using 2012 SSIS version, but I executed packages in 32 bit environment in BIDS. The server acctually executed in 64 bit and for some projects that was the problem. One checkbox in step properties to make it execute in 32 bit env and I solved the problem we have been fighting for weeks.
I was also facing the same issue, I just did below step.
Open Data Flow tab>>Click anywhere except any task and then Right Click>>Properties>>Change **ForceExecutionValueType** to **Int64**
You can follow my screenshot:
Watch out for indexes on the destination tables - especially unique ones because this will throw an error that's doesn't pinpoint the problem.
For people who stumbled here for the same error. If you are trying to copy data from one Azure SQL database to another using SQL Server Import and Export Wizard. Use the 64-bit version.
From your windows search for SQL Server 2019 Import and Export Data (64-bit).

COMExcepton occurred trying to create a new instance of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application

I am trying to create a word document using visual basic. I have found that this can be done using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word objects.
I have found some tutorials online ( about how to create a word document programmatically.
I have created a simple windows form application. When a button is clicked the word document will be created. I made sure to add the reference to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word in my application.
My problem is that an error keeps getting thrown at this point:
app = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application
The error is:
COMException occurred
A first chance exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) failed due to the following error: 80080005 Server execution failed (Exception from HRESULT: ox80080005 (COE_SERVER EXEC FAILURE)).
I have read that the following needs to be done, so I have made sure that word 2013 is installed on my machine and I have set the target CPU to x64 inside the application's properties.
If anyone has any insight to what I am missing or if I am doing something wrong I would appreciate the help.
I have tested my code on another machine and it works. So the source of this error is not the code.
Update: Pt. 2
I've been doing some more research ( and I believe I may be getting closer to the source of the problem. I've gone into the registry and it seems that the local server it is failing to communicate with is pointing to WINWORD.exe which makes sense. What does not make sense is that it is looking for the wrong WINWORD.exe. I am going to try and fix this so it is pointing to the WINWORD.exe for Word 2013 instead of Word 2010.
What ended up fixing my problem was preforming a quick repair on office. I went to control panel, programs and features, selected office, pressed the change button, and selected quick repair. Do not know what caused things to get messed up, but this did fix my problem.
Where do you run the code? Is it a Windows service or ASP.NET application?
Microsoft does not currently recommend, and does not support, Automation of Microsoft Office applications from any unattended, non-interactive client application or component (including ASP, ASP.NET, DCOM, and NT Services), because Office may exhibit unstable behavior and/or deadlock when Office is run in this environment.
If you are building a solution that runs in a server-side context, you should try to use components that have been made safe for unattended execution. Or, you should try to find alternatives that allow at least part of the code to run client-side. If you use an Office application from a server-side solution, the application will lack many of the necessary capabilities to run successfully. Additionally, you will be taking risks with the stability of your overall solution. Read more about that in the Considerations for server-side Automation of Office article.
You may find existing threads with the same issue described:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80080005): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID
Office Automation in .NET - COMException 80080005
Word Automation with ASP.NET
Finally, if all the mentioned information is not relevant to your case I'd suggest repairing Office. It looks like something is wrong with its windows registry keys.

How to customize installshield error message?

We have quickpatch project for our minor product update. It is based on existing MSI package.
If this patch is run on a machine which does not have the required product installed, following installshield error is displayed:
1628: Failed to complete installation.
This may sound bit odd but is there any way to customize this message using quickpatch or using msi project from BaseImage folder?
Any help on this will be really appreciable.
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately 1628 is a fairly generic Windows Installer error, and we don't offer a way to configure its message. I would probably advise just documenting this, and living with the limitation. People aren't generally too surprised that they need the base product in order to patch it.
If you really need a way to control your message, you could look into delivering your .msp using an Advanced UI or a Suite/Advanced UI project. You can create a condition that detects the base package, and use it either as part of the eligibility for the patch package or use it negated as an exit condition (in general information). You can specify a custom message for the exit condition.

System.InvalidOperationException is scaring me

I recently reset my whole laptop. After the reset, I installed all of my programmes, including Visual Studio 2013 (I had 2012 on my last build). I then dumped my projects into the projects folder of 2013 and...I COULDN'T RUN MY PROJECT!!! I can view the code and the designer but I can't run it.
The error is from Application.Designer.vb and it is a "System.InvalidOperationException" error. Under additional information, it says "An error occured creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Highlighted is Me.MainForm = Global.MyApplicationName.Form1
I have checked msdn for answers about System.InvalidOperationException but haven't found any fixes that work.
I really don't know what to do and don't want to lose my application as I've spent a fair bit of time on it.
I have 2 suggestions to try
Open Application.Designer.vb and just delete the word Global.
Exclude (not delete) the mainform (Form1, apparently) from the project. Save it. Then include it again and go to Project Properties and make it the startup form again.
I've had similar issues (without the exception) when reorganizing pieces of large solutions into other namespaces. Often, I need to drill into the designers to change a ref to get it to run and it is usually removing 'Global' and/or adding the new Namespace ref. In your case, it sounds like a similar reference in the project did not get updated from 2012.
If that is the case, the second way should get VS to write back all the files in a manner that it likes.