How to test "Payment Gateway" without making real payments? - testing

I want to perform rigrous testing on Payment Gateway(2checkout) and Pay Pal. For testing, I need to simulate a large number of successful, failed and halted transactions (transaction stopped due to system crash/reboot). But I don't want to make actual payments.
1. Is there any way I can make a test transaction on payment gateway, using fake card numbers or something else.
2. What are the possible advance testing scenarios for Payment Gateway testing?
For example:
Changing the amount, unmask CVV or card from Inspect
List item

There are two options :
Using the PayPal Sandbox (Application Testing), or
Using Dependancy Injection (Unit Testing).
Both would work but I would suggest a Dependancy Injection approach. Assuming you have a separate object that only interacts with PayPal and then other objects that do your actual application logic (and error handling, etc) then you can just create a dummy version of the PayPal interaction object (that always returns true, or conditionally returns false, whatever) and then test your various application classes in detail.

I would suggest you only one solution, look at this Git PayPal-Android SDK and go through the file. Last link tells you how to create a sandbox PayPal account to create dummy transactions across your sandboxed account developer account.
If you have doubts, you can refer Part 1 and Part 2 of AndroidHive tutorial for this.


How will you give Consistency in Automation Testing

Let’s assume the following simple test case which is testing the functionality of a Banking system maintaining the balance of bank accounts:
Check Account #1234 Balance, which become the reference point (Ex: 1000 $)
Perform Deposit of 600 $
Perform Withdraw of 400 $
Check Account #1234 Balance, expecting the balance to be 200 $ over the reference point (Ex: 1200 $)
Given project pressures you and your colleague are ask to run the test suite in a concurrent fashion (could be using different browser version), given that both of you are manipulating the same account your test is sporadically failing.
In the IP sprint you are task to come up with a solution to bring consistency to the test results regardless of the number of members executing the suite in a concurrent fashion, what are the options you would consider.
There are different ways to approach your case, I would like to list some:
1 - If the concurrency is a must and if your Check Account changes something in a Database, then would be necessary to use different accounts, one per thread of execution, this way each test can run with no concerns on what the other tests are doing.
2 - If you can push for a non-concurrent solution, then you only need to run your tests serialized and at the end of each test revert back the check account to the reference point.
3 - Another way to solve this problem is to use mock data. This solution could be a little bit more complex, and it could requiere more work. But if still you want to know more about it contact your development team and let them know about your problem so that you can find a solution together.
You can read more about mocking data here:
Cypress Interceptor
Hope it helps!

Shopify: custom scripts in the checkout to execute web requests

I've a client that wants certain clients to buy with Store Credit. The amount of credit is stored in their external ERP system. My idea was to create a manual custom payment, show this payment method for users with a certain customer tag and add some scripts in the checkout in order to execute a web request and get how much credit the client has at that moment and do some validations (don't let them order if the checkout is bigger than the credit) in order to let them complete the order or not.
The only link I've found basically says:
With a few exceptions, Shopify Scripts are not capable of input/output. This means that scripts can't execute web requests or database calls, and can't get input from a user. Source:
The client is aware they need to upgrade to Shopify Plus, but I can't find examples or any information that indicates this idea is doable.
I don't think Shopify Script is the solution in this case. (You can't make any outside call inside a script)
If you plan to use Shopify Plus you can modify checkout.liquid. You can create an app that has an endpoints that
Tells you how many points the customer has
Redeems X points and returns a discount code
Having that you can put a javascript that when checking out insert a button to redeem the points and if it's clicked you call the api and apply the discount.
To apply dynamically a coupon at checkout this is a working piece of code.
document.querySelector("#checkout_reduction_code").value = YOUR_CODE;
document.querySelector(".field__input-btn.btn").disabled = false;
Other solution is to use Shopify Functions ( This is a new feature that is availble in preview and lets you customize the checkout experience. I don't have experience with that but I suppose you can do something similar.

Payments through PayPal with ASP.NET CORE 3

I am trying to run payments through PayPal in sandbox mode with my .NET CORE 3 project.
The idea is to give the customer ability to choose whether to pay using his/her PayPal account or Credit Card.
I am using the PayPal-NET-SDK v2.0.0-rc2
I am trying to understand whether this is the right order to run things:
Create Payment using PaymentCreateRequest
At this point, I get the approval_url. I redirect the customer and approve the payment/order using Credit Card
Execute payment using PaymentExecuteRequest, using the PAYID and PAYERID I get from the redirect URL. Here I get an order object
Authorize order using OrderAuthorizeRequest with the order id (setting body to a PayPal.v1.Orders.Capture object)
Capture order using OrderCaptureRequest with the order id (setting body to a
PayPal.v1.Payments.Capture object)
Is that a correct execution order?
Rather than the old v1/payments, you should use v2/orders; the v2 SDK can be downloaded here
Rather than an old-style full page redirect to an approval_url , it's much nicer to use the new checkout's in-context UI that keeps your site loaded in the background. Here is a demo pattern. Another benefit is that it gives an embedded/in-line credit card form.
As a finishing touch once you have everything working, don't neglect to
gracefully handle/propagate funding failures back from your server,
so the buyer can choose something else when declined.
If you start out with intent=capture(v2) or sale(v1), the capture(v2)/execution(v1) call will be final and complete the transaction, there will be no authorize step, so (4) on your list is skipable. (You should only bother with implementing something other than intent=capture/sale if you find you have a specific business need for delaying captures, as it adds complexity)
More general information on implementing the server-side portion of the integration:

Is it acceptable to write a "Given When Then When Then" test in Gherkin?

Is it acceptable to write a "Given When Then When Then" test in Gherkin?
A real-life example is as follows all
Scenario: Successfully register a user
Given I am on homepage
And I am not logged into an account
When I follow "create a new account"
And I fill in "First Name" with "Bobby"
And I fill in "Last Name" with "Bricks"
And I fill in "E-mail" with ""
And I select "Jun" from "Birthday Month"
And I select "22" from "Birthday Day"
And I select "1985" form "Birthday Year"
And I select "Male" from "Gender"
And I fill in "Password" with "123testing"
And I fill in "Confirm Password" with "123testing"
And I solve the captcha math problem
And I click "Create new account"
Then I should see "the user dashboard"
And I should see the Registration Wizard
When I push "Proceed to next step"
Then the "First Name" field should contain "Bobby"
And the "Last Name" field should contain "Bricks".
I know it works using behat, so parsing it isn't a problem. I'm just trying to write better tests. I could write in the first then And the Registration Wizard should be filled out with data but that doesn't seem specific enough...
It depends on the target audience of the feature as written. It seems highly likely that the gherkin you've got there was not written with a stakeholder (i.e. somebody not-techie but has a vested interest in the business and the website). BDD is really about the conversation about requirements and expectations - and Gherkin is a tool which gives a standard/recognised way that everyone should be able to read that you can write the requirements and expectations; in a way that serves as automated tests for a developer and perhaps test scripts for a tester.
Trying to take my developer hat off now - I would say that a business stakeholder would rather read, and understand easily...
Scenario: Should be able to successfully register on website
Given I am new to the website
And I want to register for a user account
When I go to the registration form
And I complete all the required registration details correctly
Then I will be registered on the website
And I will be automatically logged in
You can still build the same test behind the scenes of this specification - but this specification has larger readership, it is a more easily understood requirement that anyone should understand. I'm not saying what you have got has no value - far from it. It will be a very valid test. But it is quite developer specific, and highly coupled to the UI implementation (if you refactor/redesign the UI, you now need to refactor your Requirements...).
I started off having plenty of gherkin specifications much like yours - and I still use them on occasion. Once your testing framework has built up a little gherkin is a really great way of kind of writing data-driven/configurable unit tests; and they still have great value to my development process. But I do try to separate the more "pure" specifications from my "developer" ones - but folder and tags/categories.
Edit: I guess in summary what I'm getting at is... what you have is a great "test", but a fairly bad "requirement". Stick with it though!
Yes, more than one When/Then cycle is appropriate in a Gherkin scenario when the real-world scenario calls for it.
SaxonMatt's answer makes the excellent point that scenarios are best written in stakeholder language rather than in the language of UI manipulation, and that doing so often reduces the length of a scenario, but that misses the exact point of the question. Let's take the bull by the horns.
Gherkin was designed for acceptance tests: tests which test that stakeholder-level requirements have been completely implemented, i.e. that the software actually provides value to stakeholders. Sometimes providing value takes more than one action-response cycle. Consider the following scenario:
Scenario: Guest buys a product
# This scenario starts with the user not logged in, which doesn't require a step
Given there is a product named "Elliptical Juicer"
When I go to the product page for "Elliptical Juicer"
And I add the product to my shopping cart
Then I should see 1 product in my shopping cart
When I request to check out
Then I should see the account creation form
When I create an account
Then I should see the checkout form with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
When I check out
Then I should see the checkout success page with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
And I should receive a checkout confirmation email with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
(Note that when I have more than one When/Then cycle in a scenario I like to separate them with blank lines so they stand out.)
There are several reasons why this scenario is best written with multiple When/Then cycles:
Before the user checks out, they should see one product in their shopping cart (only as a digit in the site header, so the step doesn't mention the product name). There is no way to test this requirement at the end of the scenario. (Well, the test could collect the information immediately after the user adds the product to their cart and assert the expected count at the end of the scenario, but that would be pointlessly sneaky and confusing.) Instead, assert the correct count at the natural place in the scenario, as soon as it is visible to the user.
Similarly, Then I should see the account creation form and Then I should see the checkout form with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer" can test important requirements at the points in the scenario at which it is natural to test them.
Suppose we didn't care about what the user sees during the process, only whether they get to the end of the scenario with their product on the way. We might then omit the intermediate Then steps:
Given there is a product named "Elliptical Juicer"
When I go to the product page for "Elliptical Juicer"
And I add the product to my shopping cart
And I request to check out
And I create an account
And I check out
Then I should see the checkout success page with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
And I should receive a checkout confirmation email with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
And I create an account comes as a surprise, doesn't it? It requires the reader to infer that a guest user is asked to create an account during checkout. It's clearer to say so explicitly, as in the first version of the scenario that I gave.
Suppose none of the above concerns convinced us and we wrote a separate Gherkin scenario for each point in the overall scenario where we needed to assert that requirements have been met:
Scenario: Guest adds a product to their shopping cart
Given there is a product named "Elliptical Juicer"
When I go to the product page for "Elliptical Juicer"
And I add the product to my shopping cart
Then I should see 1 product in my shopping cart
Scenario: Guest with a product in their shopping cart attempts to check out
Given I have a product in my shopping cart
When I request to check out
Then I should see the account creation form
Scenario: Guest creates an account
Given I have a product named "Elliptical Juicer" in my shopping cart
And I am on the account creation form
When I create an account
Then I should see the checkout form with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
Scenario: Newly registered user checks out
Given I am a user
And I have a product named "Elliptical Juicer" in my shopping cart
And I am on the checkout form
When I check out
Then I should see the checkout success page with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
And I should receive a checkout confirmation email with 1 product, "Elliptical Juicer"
That's awful! First, none of the scenarios is what a stakeholder would think of as a scenario. Second, when one of the intermediate states changes, two steps will have to change: the step which asserts the intermediate state and the Given step which sets up the intermediate state for the next scenario. Each of those Given steps is an opportunity to set up the wrong state, i.e. make an integration error. This set of scenarios has much less value as an integration test suite than did the single scenario. You might almost have written a series of unit tests.
It's true that writing every scenario end-to-end is likely to lead to some duplication. Just as you tolerate duplication more in unit tests than you would in regular code, tolerate duplication even more in Gherkin scenarios than you would in unit tests. Don't compromise on understandability. Break up scenarios and use Givens only at crucial points (such as creation of a product in the example above), and do so knowing that you're diluting your scenarios' integration-testing power.
Also, keep in mind that acceptance tests should be only part of your automated test suite. Write only enough acceptance tests to cover critical scenarios, and cover the details with unit tests. Often enough, the solution to duplication among acceptance tests is to replace one with a unit test.
I would also say No.
In a separate post of mine Daniel F found this fantastic article. Here is the relevant section:
Given-When-Then steps must appear in order and cannot repeat. A Given may not follow a When or Then, and a When may not follow a Then. The reason is simple: any single When-Then pair denotes an individual behavior. This makes it easy to see how, in the test above, there are actually two behaviors covered: (1) searching from the search bar, and (2) performing an image search. In Gherkin, one scenario covers one behavior. Thus, there should be two scenarios instead of one. Any time you want to write more than one When-Then pair, write separate scenarios instead. (Note: Some BDD frameworks may allow disordered steps, but it would nevertheless be anti-behavioral.)
I would say no.
When a test fails it should tell you where in your system the failure has occurred.
Long tests like in your example tend to be brittle and require a higher level of maintenance.
You need to define what your test is testing (which should be one thing) reading your test
it could be a form validation test.
it could be a registration test.
it could be a user dashboard test.
It would require an amount of time to investigate where the failure is and where that relates to in the code.
I would also say No.
The Given is a precondition for setup.
The When is an action (which can be a do nothing)
The Then form asserts.
If you need more actions then break the test down.
This will become far more useful once the first Then's fail for localising the problems.

eCommerce Third Party API Data Best Practice

What would be best practice for the following situation. I have an ecommerce store that pulls down inventory levels from a distributor. Should the site, for everytime a user loads a product detail page use the third party API for the most up to date data? Or, should the site using third party APIs and then store that data for a certain amount of time in it's own system and update it periodically?
To me it seems obvious that it should be updated everytime the product detail page is loaded but what about high traffic ecommerce stores? Are completely different solutions used for that case?
In this case I would definitely cache the results from the distributor's site for some period of time, rather than hitting them every time you get a request. However, I would not simply use a blanket 5 minute or 30 minute timeout for all cache entries. Instead, I would use some heuristics. If possible, for instance if your application is written in a language like Python, you could attach a simple script to every product which implements the timeout.
This way, if it is an item that is requested infrequently, or one that has a large amount in stock, you could cache for a longer time.
if product.popularityrating > 8 or product.lastqtyinstock < 20:
This gives you flexibility that you can call on if you need it. Initially, you can set all the rules to something like:
In actual fact, the script would probably not include the checkstock function call because that would be in the main app, but it is included here for context. If python seems too heavyweiaght to include just for this small amount of flexibilty, then have a look at TCL which was specifically designed for this type of job. Both can be embedded easily in C, C++, C# and Java applications.
Actually, there is another solution. Your distributor keeps the product catalog on their servers and gives you access to it via Open Catalog Interface. When a user wants to make an order he gets redirected in-place to the distributor's catalog, chooses items then transfers selection back to your shop.
It is widely used in SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) branch.
It depends on many factors: the traffic to your site, how often the inventory levels change, the business impact of displaing outdated data, how often the supplers allow you to call their API, their API's SLA in terms of availability and performance, and so on.
Once you have these answers, there are of course many possibilities here. For example, for a low-traffic site where getting the inventory right is important, you may want to call the 3rd-party API on every call, but revert to some alternative behavior (such as using cached data) if the API does not respond within a certain timeout.
Sometimes, well-designed APIs will include hints as to the validity period of the data. For example, some REST-over-HTTP APIs support various HTTP Cache control headers that can be used to specify a validity period, or to only retrieve data if it has changed since last request.