Component is not detected in MonkeyTalk - monkeytalk

I have used achartengine api in my android application for chart but MonkeyTalk is not able to detect this component, so for that what should I do?

If there are any components not getting detected using "Record" option, try the component tree button on the monkeytalk IDE which lists the component's type and monkeyId from which you can make an mtcommand and use it to playback.
For example, if there is a listview with its id, set to "myListView", then you can formulate the mt command as "ListView myListView selectIndex 0"
You can find command references and its actions at
If still didn't work, try to contact monkeytalk for their QuickStart programs:


Can you specify your own attribute used to name a tap/click action in DataDog React Native SDK?

The DataDog docs states that
Starting with version 2.16.0, with the actionNameAttribute initialization parameter, you can specify your own attribute that is used to name the action.
Thus you can have something like this in the DD configuration constructor:
trackInteractions: true,
actionNameAttribute: 'itemID',
Now both attributes itemID and data-dd-action-name can be used to name tap/click actions; data-dd-action-name is favored when both attributes are present on an element.
However that seems to be the case only for the browser SDK, and not the React Native SDK. Is this really the case?
data-dd-action-name is currently the only way to specify the target name of an action using the RUM React Native SDK.
Depending on your use case you may can also use the DdRum.addAction() and DdRum.startAction() methods for manual action tracking and provide the desired target name. There is an example of calling these methods in the Manual Instrumentation section of the RUM React Native SDK documentation.

vue3: instant prototyping multiple root elements

I try to use instant prototyping in Vue3, having installed #vue/cli and #vue/cli-service-global, got this error:
Failed to compile.
Module Error (from /usr/local/lib/node_modules/#vue/cli-service-global/node_modules/eslint- loader/index.js):
5:3 error The template root requires exactly one element vue/no-multiple-template-root
✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)
As far as I know "template root requires exactly one element" is a requirement in Vue2, Vue3 should allow multiple root elements in one template?
As this answer suggests, wrap all the code inside the template tags in a single parent div.
Otherwise, to simply stop the error form displaying, Visual Studio Code (VSC) users can do the following:
Open "extensions" in VSC
Find and open "Vetur" extension by Pine Wu
Click the gear and select "extension settings"
Scroll down to "Vetur > Validation: Template" and uncheck the box
This is built upon #wittgenstein's comment above to "follow the steps in the guide:"
This worked for me, but beware that I'm a novice and it's possible there are drawbacks to the above that I'm not aware of.

Persistent React-Native error that goes away with Remote Debugging enabled

I'm building a React-Native app and whenever I run it on my Android emulator, I get this error:
Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys
{$$typeof, type, key, ref, props, _owner, _store}). If you meant to
render a collection of children, use an array instead.
Because this error means nothing to me, I decide to enable "Debug JS Remotely" in Chrome to see if I can get an error I understand. But with Debug Remotely enabled, the error goes away.
If I build the project and install the app on a real device, the errors come back.
But I feel like I'm stuck in a catch-22 because if I try to debug, I get no errors, and if I turn off debugging, I get errors.
Is there anyway to get around this?
The error mentions you use an object in your render() method where you shouldn't. Since you did not post any code, here is what you could do:
Keep removing elements from your render() method until you no longer get the error. Once it is gone, start placing code back until you hit the error again. The code causing the error will be or return an object, possibly a typo causing an object to be returned instead of a string for instance.
TL;DR: Stopped using firebase and used react-native-firebase instead
The problem for me wasn't the render method in any of my components or classes. I realized after trying the answer above, I basically removed all my files, and was left with one file. I changed the render method to display text inside one view, but I still got the error.
Then I started removing the modules I was importing inside that file one by one and found that it was the firebase module uninstalled firebase and installed react-native-firebase.

geb jquery.mouseover() not working

The geb documentation shows that it has built in jQuery support. Im interested in one particular method called mouseover. However when I try to use the mouseover function I get a warning saying, "Cannot resolve symbol 'mouseover'". This happens even when I'm using the code in their example. What am I missing?
This might not directly answer your question. But if you are trying to mimic mouse over action in Geb, you could also use
interact {

Test automation - Win32 app - White/UI automation - problem with recognizing objects

I’m looking for alternative for existing tests written in QTP for my Win32 application written in Borland C++.
My candidate is White which based on UI Automation because it’s native solution,
I can create my tests using .NET/C# and easily integrate it with nUnit and Hudson.
MS UI Automation
UI Verify
I use UI Verify as a spy to identify properties of objects I want to find in my tests.
More or less when I can see something in the spy, I can find it using UI Automation/White.
Generally I don't have much problems with recognizing objects
but when I try to search some content inside the tab contained in Tab Panel
or try to see MenuItems of Menu bar then the problem appears.
UI Automation/UI Verify works wired. When I run UI Verify (1.0 version) I see that objects can be registered properly only then
when I set 'Focus tracking' option and click on target objects or change the keyboard cursor on them. Otherwise it's impossible to find them.
UI Verifier can show me children of my 'tab' panel then. But I can’t find them using UI Automation/White. This is example code:
Tab tab = window.Get();
ITabPage tabPage = tab.SelectedTab;
AutomationElementCollection newCol = tabPage.AutomationElement.FindAll(TreeScope.Descendants, Condition.TrueCondition);
the collection is empty even though spy see the children.
Does any of you have some experience with White/UI Automation library that he/she would like to share with me?
I want to implement the tracking feature from the spy to my tests. Can you help me with that? I'm trying to study the code of UIA Verify spy. I think that there are two classes responsible for catching the objects: FocusChangeListener and FocusTracer - this is the code:
1. Windows SDK
2. .NET 3.5
3. White
4. UIA Verify code
Do you have any better alternative for White/UI Automation?
Could you, the R or YoYo, put your form compiled or in source codes (preferable without the internal logic) somewhere on a file share?
I've never seen a control that'd be not caught using UI Automation if UIAVerify sees it. I saw such windows, which could be only caught with the Focus Tracking feature of UIAVerify. This case, such a window is untouchable by UI Automation search.
Regarding a control, are you sure that the controls you struggling with have the Name property? Maybe, this is a value available only by means of ValuePattern, not the Name?