#Name? on form after requery in Access 2010 - sql

I am using VBA and SQL to re-query my main form based on criteria entered in several controls on a pop up form. As far as I can tell the code is running correctly, the database is re-queried based on the criteria I enter, but 2 of my controls on my main form show as #Name? or blank after re-querying based on the criteria. Anyone know how I can fix this???
The code that runs the re-query is:
Public Sub SuperFilter()
On Error GoTo Err_AdvancedFilter_Click
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strCallNumber As String
Dim strAsgnTech As String
Dim strClientID As String
Dim strCallGroup As String
Dim strPriority As String
Dim strOpenStatus As String
If IsNull(Forms![frmTips&Tricks].txtCallNumber) = False Then
strCallNumber = " (((CallInfo.CallNumber) = forms![frmTips&Tricks].[txtCallNumber])) and "
strCallNumber = ""
End If
If IsNull(Forms![frmTips&Tricks].cboAsgnTech) = False Then
strAsgnTech = " (((CallInfo.AsgnTech) = forms![frmTips&Tricks].[cboasgntech])) and "
strAsgnTech = ""
End If
If IsNull(Forms![frmTips&Tricks].cboClientID) = False Then
strClientID = " (((CallInfo.ClientID) = forms![frmTips&Tricks].[cboClientID])) and "
strClientID = ""
End If
If IsNull(Forms![frmTips&Tricks].cboCallGroup) = False Then
strCallGroup = " (((CallInfo.AsgnGroup) = forms![frmTips&Tricks].[cboCallGroup])) and "
strCallGroup = ""
End If
If IsNull(Forms![frmTips&Tricks].cboPriority) = False Then
strPriority = " (((CallInfo.Severity) = forms![frmTips&Tricks].[cboPriority])) and "
strPriority = ""
End If
If Forms![frmTips&Tricks].optOpenStatus.Value = 1 Then
strOpenStatus = " (((CallInfo.OpenStatus) = True))"
strOpenStatus = " (((CallInfo.OpenStatus) is not null ))"
End If
strSQL = "SELECT CallInfo.CallNumber, CallInfo.ClientID,* " & _
"FROM dbo_HDTechs INNER JOIN ([User] INNER JOIN CallInfo ON User.ClientID = CallInfo.ClientID) ON dbo_HDTechs.TechName = CallInfo.AsgnTech " & _
"WHERE " & strCallNumber & strAsgnTech & strClientID & strCallGroup & strPriority & strOpenStatus & _
"ORDER BY CallInfo.RcvdDate;"
Form.RecordSource = strSQL
Me.cboCallNumber.RowSource = strSQL
If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No Records Found: Try Diferent Criteria."
Form.RecordSource = "qryservicerequestentry"
Me.cboCallNumber.RowSource = "qryservicerequestentry"
Exit Sub
End If
Me.cmdSuperFilterOff.Visible = True
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdAdvancedFilter_Click
End Sub
The first control in question is a combo box that displays the Client Name from the CallInfo form (Main Form).
Control Source: ClientID
And when expanded lists all available clients to select from the Users form (User ID is linked between the User form and CallInfo form).
Row Source: SELECT User.ClientID FROM [User];
After the re-query, this combobox will be blank, sometimes showing #Name? if you click on it.
The second control in question is a text box that shows the Client's phone number.
Control Source: PhoneNo
After the Re-query, this text box always displays #Name?
The third control in question is a text box that displays the clients office location.
Control Source: Location
What really baffles me is that THIS text box displays correctly after the re-query. I don't know why it would display the correct data when the Phone Number text box does not, seeing as they are so similar and work with similar data....
To Compare, the The form record source is normally based on:
SELECT CallInfo.CallNumber, CallInfo.ClientID, CallInfo.RcvdTech, CallInfo.RcvdDate, CallInfo.CloseDate, CallInfo.Classroom, CallInfo.Problem, CallInfo.CurrentStatus, CallInfo.Resolution, CallInfo.Severity, CallInfo.OpenStatus, CallInfo.AsgnTech, dbo_HDTechs.Email, CallInfo.FullName, CallInfo.AsgnGroup, User.Location, User.PhoneNo, CallInfo.OpenStatus
FROM dbo_HDTechs INNER JOIN ([User] INNER JOIN CallInfo ON User.ClientID = CallInfo.ClientID) ON dbo_HDTechs.TechName = CallInfo.AsgnTech
WHERE (((CallInfo.OpenStatus)=True))
ORDER BY CallInfo.RcvdDate;

Just going on what you wrote, I may take a slightly different approach (just personal preference).
I would change all of your 'IsNull' tests to also check for 'Empty'. i.e.
If IsNull(Forms![frmTips&Tricks].cboClientID) = False AND ...cliientID <> ""
Just today I had an issue relating to form references in a query WHERE clause, so I changed to:
strClientID = " (((CallInfo.ClientID) = '" & forms![frmTips&Tricks].[cboClientID] & "')) and"
Add a Debug.Print of your generated SQL, then look at it and try to run that SQL manually
Good Luck,

Solved by designating the form in the control source like: CallInfo.ClientID
I still don't know why the Client Office displayed Correctly... Anybody have a hint? :)


Access modal form updates database then calling form update does not

In Access a header form needs an address associated with it. The header form calls a modal address form. On Save the modal address form will write the address ID to the header form's record source address ID then close. Coming back to the calling header form should then list the related address ID after a requery, that is the FK link. I am not getting the address form's address ID written to the header form's record source address ID field and thus not listing on requery. A fair amount of this code is based on several SO questions.
The header form calls a wrapper function to manage the modal address form:
Private Sub txtJob_AfterUpdate()
gbolDropShipAddressCompleted = False
'Use global variables for use in frmDropShipAddress SQL update statement
gtxtCurrentJobNumber = Me.Job
gtxtCurrentJobRelease = Me.REL
gtxtCurrentJob = Me.txtJob
'Call the wrapper function
gbolDropShipAddressCompleted = fNewDropShipAddressCompletion()
If gbolDropShipAddressCompleted = True Then
'Me.Dirty = False
With Me.RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "[Job] = '" & gtxtCurrentJobNumber & "' And [REL] = '" & gtxtCurrentJobRelease & "'"
If Not .NoMatch Then
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
End If
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End If
End With
'Reset all variables
gbolDropShipAddressCompleted = False
gtxtCurrentJobNumber = ""
gtxtCurrentJobRelease = ""
gtxtCurrentJob = ""
End If
End Sub
The wrapper function:
Public Function fNewDropShipAddressCompletion() As Boolean
'Manages call to frmDropShipAddress
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDropShipAddress", , , , , acDialog, "From frmPackingSlipHeader"
fNewDropShipAddressCompletion = gbolfrmDropShipAddressTofrmPackingSlipHeader
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmDropShipAddress"
End Function
The modal form's two events:
Private Sub btnSaveAddressInfo_Click()
'Update MAIN table with new address id using global variables
CurrentDb.Execute " UPDATE [MAIN] " & _
" SET intADDRESS_ID = " & Me.txtAddress_ID & _
" WHERE JOB = '" & gtxtCurrentJobNumber & "'" & _
" AND REL = '" & gtxtCurrentJobRelease & "'"
gbolfrmDropShipAddressTofrmPackingSlipHeader = True
Me.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
gbolfrmDropShipAddressTofrmPackingSlipHeader = 0
If Me.OpenArgs = "From frmPackingSlipHeader" Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
'Coded because TabCtlDatePicker opens all forms and openargs is NULL and causes all forms to be affected
ElseIf IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Exit Sub
' Else
' Me.PopUp = True
' Me.Modal = True
' Me.BorderStyle = 1
' Me.NavigationButtons = False
' Me.RecordSelectors = False
End If
End Sub
The Access front-end uses several tab controls to select between many different reports/date and or data pickers all sorted into tab control pages by topic. The back-end is MS SQL server via linked tables. The address form may be opened for generic viewing or called (modal). I can't seem to get the correct VBA to get the address form's address ID written to the header's record source and the VBA to get the header to requery and return to the correct record. Any help would be appreciated and TIA.

Access Combo - Filter As You Type?

I started a thread here: Access Form Combobox Partial Filter but it was a bit too specific, and now that I moved past that, I am struggling to get the behavior I want.
Here is the layout:
A form with the detail hidden. The header has an unbound combobox for filtering the form. Once there is a filter to apply, that record is set for the filter on the form, and the detail is shown. The users want to be able to type in the combo, for partial matches, instead of only being able to click the drop down and click to choose an option.
This is the rowsource of the combo:
SELECT [vw_Info_Records]![recordName] & " (" & [vw_Info_Records]![recordNo] & ")" AS frecord, vw_Info_Records.INF_RID
FROM vw_Info_Records
WHERE ((([vw_Info_Records]![recordName] & " (" & [vw_Info_Records]![recordNo] & ")") Like "*" & [Forms]![frmrecords]![cboFindrecord] & "*"))
ORDER BY [vw_Info_Records]![recordName] & " (" & [vw_Info_Records]![recordNo] & ")";
It is set to auto-expand Yes. It is not bound to anything, and limit to list is set to yes.
This is the onchange event:
Private Sub cboFindRecord_Change()
Dim MyCriteria As String
If Me.cboFindRecord.SelStart > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
This is the after update:
Private Sub cboFindRecord_AfterUpdate()
Dim Criteria As String
Dim myfilter As String
If Me.cboFindRecord.ListIndex = -1 Then
Me.Form.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False
Me.Detail.Visible = False
Criteria = "[INF_RID] = " & Me.cboFindRecord.Column(1)
With Me.Form
.Filter = Criteria
.FilterOn = True
End With
Me.Detail.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
The first character that is typed in, makes the dropdown expand, and filter to any results that contain that character. Any subsequent characters, and the drop down list doesn't update the filter to re-filter based on the added characters. If I add a requery in the change, I get an error about saving the field, before I do a requery. It wants me to set that "filter" value as a value for the combo, which I wouldn't do, because it's really an in string filter. The user still needs to pick a value from whatever is left in the list, before I can filter the form to that record.
Thanks for any advice as to how to fix this!

Pop Up Message when the Stock Levels reach the Critical Level

The Basic Function of this is that when you Log in to the system and when on load of the Main Menu it should show a message if certain Products have reached the critical level and when you press yes it should redirect to the form where it shows a detailed view.
In this Case the Quantity in hand is "QTY" and Critical Level is "ROQ" (Field names in the tblProduct)
Dim Alert As Integer
Dim rsAlert As New Adodb.Recordset
rsAlert.Open "select * from tblproduct , CurrentProject.Connection"
Alert = DCount("[qty]", "[tblProduct]", " [ROQ] <= Qty and =0")
If Alert = 0 Then
Exit Sub
If MsgBox("This/These " & Alert & " product/products have reached their critical levels" & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Would you like to see these now?", _
vbYesNo, "Alert...") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAlerts", acNormal
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
The error I get is that when load my menu menu it doesn't show the number of products which are under the critical level ! If anyone can help it would be a Great Help!
This has been done in Microsoft Access.
Further to my comment this is a not going to work. Create a list box and populate it with the stock shortages, something like this;
Dim rsAlert As Recordset
Dim sSql As String
sSql = "SELECT ProductID, Description, OtherFields, GoHere FROM tblproduct WHERE ROQ >= QTY AND ROQ > 0"
Set rsAlert = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSql, dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rsAlert.EOF Then 'There are records (shortages) so unhide and poulate the list box (called lstShortageListBox)
Me.lstShortageListBox.Visible = True
Me.lstShortageListBox.RowSource = sSql
Me.lstShortageListBox.Visible = False
End If
' Tidy Up
Set rsAlert = Nothing
Obviously make sure that the recordsets criteria are correct - I've made some guesses about that bit.

Trying to use VBA to write query in Access

I am getting a type mismatch with the following syntax in my Access VBA. I am trying to update my table named "Billing" by seeing if any records have a date that looks at a string value in my "Certs" table like "2012-07-01" corresponding to my form's billYear textbox e.g. 2012 and my billMonth textbox e.g. 07. Is there a better way to write the VBA or see an error - many thanks:
Dim sRecert As String
Dim byear As Integer
Dim bmonth As Integer
byear = Me.billYear
bmonth = Me.billMonth
sRecert = "Update Billing set recertifying = -1 where (select certificationExpireDate from certs where Left((certificationExpireDate),4) = " & byear
& " and Mid((certificationExpireDate),6,2) = " & bmonth & ")"
DoCmd.RunSQL sRecert
I may not have explained it well. I created a real Query called from my form:
DoCmd.OpenQuery "updateRecert"
I set up my SQL below as a test on a real date I’m working with. It is in SQL Server (ODBC linked)
My dbo_certs table and my dbo_billing table share only one joinable field peopleID:
UPDATE dbo_Billing AS a INNER JOIN dbo_certs AS b ON a.peopleid = b.peopleid
SET a.recertifying = -1
WHERE b.certificationExpireDate = '2015-08-31 00:00:00.000';
The above gave a data mismatch error.
My bottom line is I have two text boxes on my form to pass in data preferably into my VBA code:
billMonth which in this case is 8 because it is an integer so that is
a problem
billYear is 2015
so I need to update my dbo_billing table’s ‘recertifying’ field with -1 if the dbo_cert’s field ‘certificationExpireDate’ is '2015-08-31 00:00:00.000' but only if that can be gotten from the form.
Is there a better way to write the VBA or see an Error?
Yes. You need Error Handling
I don't think the issue is in the code, I think it's in the SQL.
To troubleshoot your code, wrap it in an good error handler.
Public Sub MyRoutine()
On Error GoTo EH
'put your code here
With Err
MsgBox "Error" & vbTab & .Number & vbCrLf _
& "Source" & vbTab & .Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& .Description
End With
'for use during debugging
Debug.Assert 0
'any cleanup code here
End Sub
When the msgbox shows the error, make note of the Source. This should help you determine where the error comes from.
The lines following 'for use during debugging are helpful. Here's how to use them:
execution will stop on the Debug.Assert 0 line
drag the yellow arrow (which determines which line to run next) to the Resume line
hit {F8} on the keyboard (or use the menu Debug > Step Into)
This will go to the line where the error occurred. In your case, it will probably be the last line of your code.
Error in SQL... but!! Are you sure that certificationExpireDate is string and all the time equal to yyyy-mm-dd pattern?? It's dangerouse to have relation with "not certain" key like you have. I think this is not a good db design.
But, after all, for your case:
sRecert = "UPDATE Billing a inner join certs b " & _
"on format(a.imaginary_date_field, """yyyy-mm-dd""") = b.certificationExpireDate " & _
"set a.recertifying = -1 " & _
"where CInt(Left((b.certificationExpireDate),4)) = " & byear & " and CInt(Mid((b.certificationExpireDate),6,2)) = " & bmonth
PARAMETERS Forms!your_form!byear Short, Forms!your_form!bmonth Short;
UPDATE Billing a inner join certs b
on format(a.imaginary_date_field, "yyyy-mm-dd") = b.certificationExpireDate
set a.recertifying = -1
where CInt(Left((b.certificationExpireDate),4)) = Forms!your_form!byear and CInt(Mid((b.certificationExpireDate),6,2)) = Forms!your_form!bmonth
mismatch error
You get error probable because you have date/time field, not a string. Date in MS Access queries write with # symbol. WHERE b.certificationExpireDate = #2015-08-31 00:00:00.000#;
In your case:
PARAMETERS Forms!your_form!byear Short, Forms!your_form!bmonth Short;
UPDATE dbo_Billing AS a INNER JOIN dbo_certs AS b ON a.peopleid = b.peopleid
SET a.recertifying = -1
WHERE year(b.certificationExpireDate) = Forms!your_form!byear and Month(b.certificationExpireDate) = Forms!your_form!bmonth;
For more info follow this link

MS access sum results between two dates as text box in form

I issue following query in SQL and works fine
SELECT SUM(goudOpkoop.winst)
FROM goudOpkoop
WHERE goudOpkoop.date
BETWEEN '2015-1-10' AND '2015-1-22'
I would like to have the results in a Form in Textbox 3 (name Text183) when last of two dates, one in Textbox 1 (name Text179) and other in textbox 2 (name Text181) have been picked.
I think I would need to use AfterUpdate code builder for Textbox 2 and issue there the query to eventually show results in Textbox 3.
I have already linked with SQL server.
Information: ODBC;DSN=Essence Test;;TABLE=goudOpkoop
In me not being a professional in VBA I have no clue how to get this working.
Not tested, but should do the trick slightly, unless I made a typo.
Change the format of your 2 dates textboxes in "Short Date", that way you will have a calendar picker and you will ensure that your date have a correct format
Create this sub in your form module :
Private Sub CheckSUM()
Dim RST As Recordset
Dim SQL As String
' Reset the result textbox
Text183.value = ""
' If your 2 date textboxes are not populated, cancel
If Text179.Value = "" or Text181.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
' Prepare the query, with proper formating of the dates
SQL = " SELECT SUM(goudOpkoop.winst) AS mySum " & _
" FROM goudOpkoop " & _
" WHERE goudOpkoop.Date " & _
" BETWEEN '" & Format(Text179.Value, "YYYY-MM-DD") & "' " & _
" AND '" & Format(text181.Value, "YYYY-MM-DD") & "'"
' Execute the query
Set RST = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)
' If the query is valid and returned something, we recuperate the value
If Not RST.BOF Then
Text183.Value = RST!mySum
End If
' Cleaning
Set RST = Nothing
End Sub
Then, for your 2 dates textboxes, create an afterupdate event and call the previous sub in them:
Private Sub Text179_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Private Sub Text181_AfterUpdate()
End Sub