Opentok audio echo Issue - webrtc

I use opentok WebRTC js api for both 2.0 and 2.2 to develop. When I follow and enable audio to test it with Mac and Nexus 7. There is an echo issue.
My test environment:
Nexus 7 with Chrome and Firefox, Android 4.4.
Mac OS with Chrome.
But if I test it on other WebRTC demo site (, there is no echo.
Does anyone know how to solve it?

I wish I could be more helpful but I cant reproduce the echo. One problem could be that your nexus 7 was too close to your mac when you are testing the restrictFrameRate. Can you reproduce this consistently? What if you tried ?


Unable to launch app via appium capabilities but app launched successfully via 'xcrun simctl install booted install'

Error message: ‘’ cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.
I face above error when I install the using Appium on my iOS simulator. However, when I install the same using terminal command ‘xcrun simctl install booted install’ then the app installed/launched perfectly fine.
Note: I am a tester hence I have not built the app using XCode and moving forward I will be getting the .app file only from the developer for testing.
Below are the details
Appium desktop client version : 1.15.1
macOS version : 10.15.2
XCode version: 11.3
I am using below appium desired capabilities for iOS
“platformName”: “iOS”,
“platformVersion”: “13.3”,
“deviceName”: “iPhone 8”,
“automationName”: “XCUITest”,
“app”: “/Users/harj/Desktop/”,
“bundleId”: “”,
“commandTimeouts”: 60000,
“noReset”: false,
“autoGrantPermissions”: true,
“useNewWDA”: true,
“showXcodeLog”: true
Appium logs
There are many errors in the log but i found this one relevent
Original error: ‘idb’ has not been found in PATH. Is it installed? Read for more details
That would be great if someone faced the same problem and got a solution.
Happpy Testing
I can able to launch the sample .app file on simulator with below versions.
I have resolved setup issue for simulator 13.4 version with xcode 11.4.
Simulator-: 13.4
xcode -: 11.4
mac os. -: 10.15.4
appium v -: 1.17.0
If you still face any issue then let me know. with appium logs and whole details.
Finally, the solution has been found.
Actually, the problem is with the macOS Catalina not with the Appium. The OS was preventing the .app to install on the simulator. There are two ways to solve this problem.
1) Degrade the gatekeeper(security) check on your mac.
2) Quarantine that specific app using below terminal command
xattr -dr /yourAppPath/
I recommended the option2 as it will keep your mac safe from attacks.

How to enable Safari ITP Debug mode

I'd like to force Safari to mark one of my domains as tracker with new ITP 2.0.
I followed the guide here
Since the new Technology Preview version (66) doesn't have ITP Debug mode I've used normal Safari 12.0 on macOS Mojave. After enabling ITP Debug mode and restaring Safari I don't see anything in logs as the guide suggest nor does setting
defaults write ResourceLoadStatisticsManualPrevalentResource
have any effect (even with Safari instead of SafariTechnologyPreview). Do I need to change any other Safari or OS settings?
I've managed to get Safari Technology Preview 63 download link ( via InternetArchive, ITP Debug mode works there.
Thank you Jakob. That helped me. To clarify your link, that version is only for OSX Mojave. Build 62 for High Sierra is available here:
On newer version of Safari Technology Preview, or inside Safari 13.1+, you should use these updated steps for enabling debug, because the labels have changed:
It says Catalina, but they also work for Mojave.

Nuclide Ios Simulator Logs are empty

I just updated some packages in Atom and now I can't see any logs from iOS simulator :/
Atm I have:
Atom - 1.10.2
Nuclide - 0.171.0
I'm doing:
Nuclide Ios Simulator Logs: Start
I got the console with "Showing: 7 Sources", all selected and "iOS Simulator" Process is started, yet console remains empty :/
I've also try doing:
Nuclide Ios Simulator Logs: Restart
but also no luck.
Anyone got similar issue?
Thanks in advance.
Apparently it is an open issue
Use ChromeDevTools console (On Chrome, Cmd+Alt+J)
Use device system log (On device, use Cmd+ / )
Note: for Chrome option make sure Debug Remote JS is enabled

Xcode 6 with iOS 8 SDK can't run UI Automation in Instruments

I'm trying to capture UI Automation script with a sample project. I use Xcode 6 on OS X 10.9.3 and iOS 8 SDK, trying to capture script on iOS 8 simulator, but getting following error:
Script capture is not available on this device
SDK is still in beta, so maybe that's a common bug there. Did anyone else face this bug? Or maybe there's a workaround available?
When I try to do the same things with Xcode 5 / iOS SDK 7.1 everything goes fine.
You should enable UI Automation in the device settings: Settings -> Developer -> Enable UI Automation.
It works for me.
It's a known issue to apple and that they need to fix this which surely they will...
Check this out... Bug has been filed

Configuring Blackberry 10 SDK in Titanium

I have been working on Blackberry 10 Cascades Native SDK. I tried to configure the SDK in Titanium Studio. Though the Titanium Dashboard indicates a green checker and states the SDK installed and configured, when i try to create a new project, the Blackberry SDK check option is still disabled. (Titanium is updated to the latest revisions. Blackberry 10 Native works fine. Simulator is good). Could somebody help?
From Appcelerator site :
To get started developing your app, you can gain access to the public
Titanium Mobile BlackBerry GitHub Repository. Installing the
BlackBerry 10 development tools are straightforward, and instruction
can be found at README. Read the Terms and Conditions for this offer.
Hope this help you..