Dynatree checkboxes are not checked anymore - dynatree

I am finding that the Dynatree checkboxes are images and not real checkboxes. However, I am assuming that the checkbox state when captured properly will be rendered through Javascript properly, and the correct image (partial checked, unchecked or completely checked) will show up.
I am using Dynatree and the correct JSON with all attributes being captured properly. During the time of testing, everything seems to be working fine as expected with correct nodes showing the proper checkbox state.
However, I came back after the weekend and I tried to access the site utilizing the Dynatree; and the checkboxes have disappeared completely.
"select": true,
"hideCheckbox": false,
"unselectable": false,
Anyone using Dynatree with checkboxes facing the same problem and how they resolved the issue.
Please help. Thank you,

It's not the images...You can refer to the following link I am sure it will help and solve your issue :)


Bootstrap tooltip not showing in ASP.Net MVC application

I've got a rather weird scenario going on here. I am trying to add tooltips to an existing ASP.Net MVC application in which I'm upgrading Bootstrap to 4.6.2. The upgrade was very smooth with no complications; I just want to replace the default display of titles with the nicer looking tooltips, but for some reason they're not appearing. I tried to simplify things by creating a new view to isolate the problem, and still no tooltip. I tried again with completely new solution, and wouldn't you know it, it works! So my question isn't "how do I create tooltips", but "how can I debug what's going on in the failing project?"
Here's what I've discovered so far. I believe you can see everything that's relevant in this screenshot of the nearly-empty view. All the included script files are there in the right order, my script is there, initializing the tooltip, and there are no messages in the console. When I hover over the link, a new <div> element is added to the DOM. In DevTools, I use the arrows to expand the tree, showing everything in the tooltip. The .fade:not(.show) CSS selector is the reason I don't see it. In the working solution, the show class is properly added to the tooltip's <div>.
So, could there be some setting in the existing application preventing the addition of the show class? Is something failing in the tooltip code,causing it to never add the show class without reporting errors? How should I continue debugging this? I tried stepping through the bootstap.js file, but being a JS noob, I'm getting a little lost. The screenshot is from Chrome, but I see the same behavior in Firefox.
This turned out to be one of those embarrassing oversights. My BundleConfig.cs file was still pointing to old Javascript files that were still hanging around after the upgrade. I should have seen it in the version numbers in the <script> tags.

DOJO 1.9. FilteringSelect ComboBox scroll to last selected item on show [IE]

How to make dropdown scroll to the last selected option after dropdown is re-opened?
Calling filtering_select_ref.dropdown.set('selected', selected_node_ref) or filtering_select_ref.set('scrollOnFocus', true) did not work for me on IE 11.
If you just need to scroll to the option, you could use win.scrollIntoView(node_ref) from "dojo/window" module as shown in the docs and pass the id or the node reference to the option as an argument.
You may also find these methods interesting to help solve your problem:
var dropdown = filtering_select_ref.dropdown;
#Carlos Nantes suggested good options however I was aware of them and my problem with them was that I could not "catch" the moment when dropdown got opened.
I finally found a way to "catch" that moment with filtering_select_ref.watch('_opened', function()...
watch doc can be found here

Two Publish Events Not working on Single Click in Dojo

Two publishGlobalMessage() events not working at first click on the attach-point mentioned in the code . Publish events are not working on first Click.
The code for the Two publishGlobalMessage() works on the second click only .
Cleared the cache and tried again , but still not finding the solution.
The Code snippet is as:-
on(this._attachpTName", "click", lang.hitch(this.function(){
Kindly suggest what should be done.
The explicit include of the module in the parent js file helped .
It solved the explicit publish-subscribe problem in the dojo.
Quick fix and this made me solve this problem.

Dojo - ScrollingTabControllerMenuButton freezes TabContainer in Firefox

I recently by accident found an issue I have with a web application I have made entirely with dojo.
I have a TabContainer and a toolbar with buttons and each button adds a Tab in the TabContainer.
Each of these new Tabs has as children, created programmatically, one or more of the following BorderContainers, ContePanes, Editors, FilteringSelects, Uploader and Buttons. I should point out that I do not have parseonLoad: true byt false and I call manually the parsers.parse when required. I should point out that in the ContentPanes in the content attribute I put also declarative filteringSelects and ValidationTexts and Uploader I hope that is not a problem.
Everything is working great in all browsers even in IE9 besides one thing in Firefox 12.
When I create many new tabs and the ScrollingTabController gets created (The left/right and dropdown arrows of the tabstrip) when I use the ScrollingTabControllerMenuButton (the down arrow at the far right) the TabContainer behaves wrongly and eventually freezes. Firebug shows weird errors when I select different tabs via this menu of the tab strip. Errors of the buttons that I have in these tabs, weird errors mentioning StackController or ScrollingTabController
[ e.g.
button is undefined
if(this._selectedTab === button.domNode){ StackController.js (line 222) ]
different each time...
This weird behavior only happens in Firefox. IE9 and Chrome do not have any issue at all!
Could anyone have an idea on what might be the problem? Is it a known bug? Is it a problem that I have many widgets in each Tab ?
It seems that it is indeed a browser specific bug and as I was told it should be fixed in the following releases
I first reported it to the dojo community and from there they reported it to the Firefox team

In Dojo, how to programmatically click root of a Tree?

I am creating a web application using Dojo, composed of a treeView in the left side and a Data Grid on its right. After being loaded,I want the root of the treeView to be focused and clicked, so that the content of the datagrid can be changed accordingly.
I haven't success in doing this..
Thanks for your help
Thanks #Philippe for the clue about logic problem. Because of this clue, I am able to focus my mind by searching the error code. I found it in the defintion of query of the grid. <table id="jurnalGrid" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" jsId="jurnalGrid" columnReordering="true" sortFields="['tanggal','kode_jurnal']" store="jurnalStore" query="{id: '*'}" I think you can guess that my query string is not correct :) I still left the code from that link without changing it to suit my need. Thanks... –