how to split a column into multiple value using sql - sql

If I have thousands of rows with data and I would like to find out if the column called "Last
Name " contains both First Name and Last Name (could be middle initial too). What SQL command
do I use ? (SQL Server 2008). Once I find it, how do I split the Last Name field and place
first name or middle initial in their own columns ?
For example:
First Name MI Last Name
John B. Smith
Karen A. Jones
Jane Lawrence
Joan K. Bates
Could it be done in Excel as well ?

You could look for spaces in the last name:
select *
from t
where lastname like '% %';
You could look for rows where the first name is missing:
select *
from t
where firstname is null or firstname = '';
If we assume that the names are "simple" as given in the sample data, you can do:
update t
set firstname = left(lastname, charindex(' ', lastname) - 1),
lastname = right(lastname, charindex(' ', reverse(lastname))),
mi = (case when lastname like '% % %'
then rtrim(ltrim(substring(lastname, charindex(' ', lastname + 1), 2)))
where lastname like '% %' and firstname is null;
This makes lots of assumptions about the formats . . . that there are no complete middle names, that there are no honorics, that there are no suffixes, that there are no multiple spaces together. But if your data is simple, it should work.
Here is an example of the logic in SQL Fiddle.

I would do it in two passes:
-- Set first name
UPDATE names
SET FirstName = SUBSTR(LastName,1,CHARINDEX(' ',LastName) - 1),
LastName = SUBSTR(LastName,CHARINDEX(' ',LastName) + 1, LEN(LastName))
AND CHARINDEX(' ',LastName) > 0
-- Set middle name
UPDATE names
SET MI = SUBSTR(LastName,1,CHARINDEX(' ',LastName) - 1),
LastName = SUBSTR(LastName,CHARINDEX(' ',LastName) + 1, LEN(LastName))
AND CHARINDEX(' ',LastName) > 0
You may have a few false positives but that should get the vast majority of cases.
I would STRONGLY recommend creating a transaction, doing the updates, doing a SELECT to see the results and rolling back the transaction since the update is not reversible.


Concatenating Full Names in Microsoft SQL Server

Suppose I have a table with the following information
Title FirstName MiddleName LastName Suffix
Mr. John Fitzgerald Kennedy NULL
I want to create a query to output the full name of the above information. For example, I want the output to look like
Mr. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
John Doe, III
I was thinking of using the concat() function, but I am unsure how to go about this to ensure I don't have extra spaces or hanging commas in the names.
This is a little tricky. SQL Server 2017+ supports concat_ws(). However, you still need a comma for the suffix. Forturnately, concat() ignores NULLs:
select concat(concat_ws(' ', title, firstname, middlename, lastname),
', ' + suffix
Earlier versions require a bit more work to avoid multiple spaces when there are NULL values:
select ltrim(concat(' ' + title,
' ' + firstname,
' ' + middlename,
' ' + lastname,
', ' + suffix
This uses the fact that + returns NULL when an argument is NULL. But, concat() ignores it.
Note: Neither probably does what you want if all the names are NULL but the suffix is present. However, I doubt that is an issue in your data.
Here is a db<>fiddle.

SQL Server : separate first and last name and remove middle initial into just two columns

I have a column that has an individuals full name, including the middle initial. I am trying to separate the full name into just first name and last name and eliminating the middle name/initial. Some of the names in my database have a middle name/initial and some don't. The following query's are what I am using and they both do only half the trick.
Query #1: returns the first name and middle name/initial in the 2nd column and eliminates the last name:
FirstName = LEFT(fullname, CHARINDEX(' ', fullname)),
LastName = RIGHT(fullname, CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(fullname)))
Query #2: returns the first name and combines the middle name/initial with the last name (with a space between the two):
FirstName = left(fullname,CHARINDEX(' ',fullname)),
LastName = SUBSTRING(fullname, CHARINDEX(' ',fullname)+1,LEN(fullname)-(CHARINDEX(' ',fullname)-1))
How about this?
select left(fullname, charindex(' ', fullname + ' ') - 1) as firstname,
right(fullname, charindex(' ', reverse(fullname) + ' ') - 1) as lastname
Note this handles names with no spaces without giving an error. However, the first and last name are the same (the full string). It is unclear what you want to do in this case.

Split and merge string

I'm trying to generate an email from full name. Following is what I have and I'm stuck here
select distinct tbin.Name
,(SELECT SUBSTRING(tbin.Name, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', tbin.Name) - 1) AS [FirstName])
,(select SUBSTRING(tbin.Name, CHARINDEX(' ', tbin.Name) + 1, 8000) AS LastName)
from tblInitialApplicants tbin
Name is like 'Natalie Marine Baily'. Name can be of any length and also can have any number of space between each part of the name.
Expected result:
'Natalie' - First Name
'B' - First letter of the last name
You can get the position of a char with CHARINDEX, look for the first space and reverse de name and look for the last. With that you can easly substring first and last name.
DECLARE #Fullname VARCHAR(100) = 'Natalie Marine Baily';
from (
#Fullname Fullname,
SUBSTRING(#Fullname,1,CHARINDEX(' ',#Fullname,1)) firstname,
SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING(#Fullname,LEN(#Fullname)-CHARINDEX(' ',REVERSE(#Fullname),1)+2,CHARINDEX(' ',REVERSE(#Fullname),1)),1,1) lastnameINITIAL
) T
DECLARE #name VARCHAR(200) = 'Natalie Marine Baily'
SELECT LEFT(#name,CHARINDEX(' ',#name,1)-1) + '.'+
LEFT(REVERSE(LEFT(REVERSE(#name),CHARINDEX(' ',REVERSE(#name),1)-1)),1) + ''
Just see, whether you can work from here.
Your biggest problem is that both first names and last names can have spaces between them. So how will you know where the last name begins? For example Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Also what should the email look like in this case?
I would suggests you change your database to store the first and last names as separate fields, or better yet have an email field. Then this will be much easier. If you cannot do that you will have to generate a few possible emails and validate if the emails exist.
How to check if an email address exists without sending an email?
This would be how to generate an email if you take it that the first word is the firstname and the last word is the lastname.
DECLARE #Name varchar(100) = 'Natalie Marine Baily'
select SUBSTRING(#Name, 0, CHARINDEX(' ', #Name) - 1)
+ '.' + SUBSTRING(#Name,LEN( #Name) - CHARINDEX(' ',REVERSE(#Name))+2 , 1) + ''

Select only when the field has more than one word

SELECT name FROM clients;
Table clients
id | name |
1 John
2 John Bravo
3 John Alves
4 Jo
In postgres, how can I select only names with more than one word? For example. This should be the output:
John Bravo
John ALves
I think just test if the name contains a space: where name like '% %'
But this will give you some problem if you name can contain space char befor or after the name, like: ' JOHN' or 'Luck '
If word means to you a space delimited token, then the following would do the trick:
SELECT name FROM clients WHERE name LIKE '% %';
But this will also give you those that have empty names made out of spaces only. Also performance-wise, this will be a costly query.
First you may have to find the number of words in the column, then only select where the number of words is greater than 1.
For example:
SELECT LENGTH(name) - LENGTH(REPLACE(name , ' ', ''))+1 FROM clients;
This will return the number of words in each row, which we have in the field name.
Then you can proceed putting this in a nested select SQL statement something like :
SELECT LENGTH(name) - LENGTH(REPLACE(name, ' ', ''))+1 as mycheck, name FROM clients where (SELECT LENGTH(name) - LENGTH(REPLACE(name, ' ', ''))+1)>1
This will return only where words are greater than 1 (>1). Else you can user >2 to return columns with more than 2 words.
LIKE is an option, or you can use split_part:
SELECT name FROM clients WHERE split_part(trim(name), ' ', 2) <> ''

Sql Server upper lower and index logic

I have FirstName and LastName columns in sql..
I want to make First Name's first letter big and the rests low
same LastName's first letter big and rests low
For example : we have FisrtName and LastName is john sinatra name
mine must be John Sinatra.
how T-SQL code should be ?
Try this:
UPPER(LEFT(FirstName, 1)) + LOWER(RIGHT(FirstName, LEN(FirstName) - 1)) AS FirstName,
UPPER(LEFT(LastName, 1)) + LOWER(RIGHT(LastName, LEN(LastName) - 1)) AS LastName
FROM MyTable