View not resizing if done in the "viewWillAppear" or "viewDidLoad" method - objective-c

I am developing a game: I need to load the user's score (locally and if internet is available, download it from the server) and resize an UIView based on the value.
The problem is that when the score is loaded locally (calling the "resizeUserBar" from viewWillAppear), no view gets resized. But if the same method ("resizeUserBar") is called after the score gets downloaded from the server, it gets resized properly. I have debugged the frame's values and they are correct in both cases.
Here's the code I am using to resize:
CGRect frame = firstBar.frame;
frame = CGRectMake(frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, firstBarSpace, frame.size.height);
firstBar.frame = frame;
frame = secondBar.frame;
frame = CGRectMake(firstBar.frame.origin.x + firstBarSpace, frame.origin.y, secondBarSpace, frame.size.height);
secondBar.frame = frame;
Autolayout is active on my Storyboard but I'm not using it yet. There are no constraints on the views used in the method above.
Thank you
Thank you

You say:
Autolayout is active on my Storyboard but I'm not using it yet. There
are no constraints on the views used in the method above.
In Xcode 5, if you have Auto Layout turned on but don't set any constraints, the compiler will automatically generate fixed size and position constraints for you at build time.
Turn off Auto Layout and you'll see that your resizing will start to work. Or, setup some actual constraints.
Update: More information…
Auto Layout Guide: Working with Constraints in Interface Builder on
When you drag out an element from the Object Library and drop it on
the Interface Builder canvas, it starts out unconstrained to make it
easy to prototype your interface by dragging elements around. If you
build and run without adding any constraints to an element, you’ll
find that Interface Builder fixes the element’s width and height, and
pins its position relative to the top left corner of the superview;
this means that resizing the window doesn’t move or resize the
elements. To make your interface react correctly to changes in size or
orientation, you need to start adding constraints.


How do I efficiently manage screen size changes and redrawing with storyboards, initWithCoder, viewDidLoad and viewDidLayoutSubviews?

I am using storyboard layouts to set up view layout.
I am supporting both iPhone and iPad layouts.
When the view is created with initWithCoder:, it is initially created with the frame size of the device I was last looking at in Interface Builder.
If I am designing with the iPhone X layout in interface builder and then build and run on an iPad, the view is initially created with iPhone X screen dimensions. Then viewDidLayoutSubviews: is called and it updates the screen dimensions to the correct iPad size.
The subviews are using drawRect inside UIViews to draw the view graphics. I am doing this so I can change graphic colors via code. I change the color variable and then call setNeedsDispay on the view to redraw the view with new colors using CGGraphicsContext commands.
It also allows me to draw any graphic image at any size. And with lots of graphics that means I don't have to include all the different images at 1x, 2x and 3x sizes in my bundle. It's all drawn dynamically.
Some of these images are laid out when the view loads and not in Interface Builder. So I check the screen size and draw the button size and position accordingly.
What happens is, viewDidLoad is called and it draws the graphics based on the initial screen size.
Then viewDidLayoutSubviews is called and I have to update the drawing of the subviews I placed manually repositioning them based on new screen dimensions and then calling the drawRect on them. I feel like this is just unnecessary extra work for the device.
In addition to that, viewDidLayoutSubviews is called for other reasons then just resizing the view on initial load of the viewController. So then each time it's called it will go redraw the subviews, even if they don't need it.
And, if the device I am running on is the same as the device I was using in Interface Builder, it doesn't call the viewDidLayoutSubviews. I can't just let the view layout the subviews there because there is no guarantee it will be called.
My solution so far is creating a variable to track the screen width. I set the variable in viewDidLoad. If it creates the view at iPhone X size, my screenWidthTracker = 1125. When viewDidLayoutSubviews is called I compare the current screen size to screenWidthTracker.
if (self.view.frame != screenWidthTracker) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"updateView" object:self];
if the view has changed size, it sends a message to redraw views. Any views I have placed manually as subviews are registered to listen for #"updateView".
Is there a better way to manage this? Is there a method that gets called ONLY when screen dimensions change and not when its updating the position of other subviews? Should I be utilizing viewDidAppear? I feel as though that is too late in the chain and I don't want the user to see button size updates.
In general, from the description you've given, I'd say that at the very most, you should be doing as much size work as possibly by using autolayout (which you can configure entirely within the storyboard) and then implementing only drawRect and viewDidLayoutSubviews — and the latter only if you need to.
A very common strategy is to use a boolean flag to set up initial conditions in the first call to viewDidLayoutSubviews, and not use it thereafter. Screen size changes after launch (not at launch), such as rotation, are detected by implementing willTransition(to:with:) — and even then you should check to see that the old size and new size are not the same (180 degree rotation) and do nothing if they are.

Autolayout: NSStackView won't resize parent view when height dynamically changed

Similar question: How to resize a parent view based on the size of subviews layouted with Autolayout
I got an NSStackView which loads DisclosureViewControllers (NSViewController subclasses) just like in the Apple Example InfoBarStackView.
Those can expand and retract views of arbitrary height.
I would like the parent view containing the NSStackView to resize its height according to the contents of the NSStackView. In the Apple example that works.
However, unfortunately, Apple is resizing a NSWindow and I am using a CCNStatusItem (CCNStatusItem Github), a view that attaches to the status item in the Apple menu bar. That window resizes to the contents of the NSStackView when it loads, but doesn't resize when the contents change.
When I expand a section, the content overflows and gets clipped on the bottom edge of the view.
I went through all the constraints and tried to reproduce it exactly, but couldn't get it to work. In the Apple example, they are adding everything programmatically, whereas I added a NSStackView in Interface Builder.
Here are the constraints of the NSStackView:
My question would be: What constraints do I have in the Interface Builder (with what priorities), so that the parent view (the window) resizes with the contents of the stack view dynamically?
Do I have to call some method of the view to make it work?
Please let me know if I missed to provide some necessary information.
The accepted answer was the right way to do it. Here's the result. My forked version of CCNStatusItem can be found at
When using auto layout constraints, you don't need to call a view method to cause this effect, but just make sure that:
the views inside the stack view have constraints that will cause them to grow
the container has constraints to the stack view that indicate the container should grow with the stack view
the container doesn't have any constraints that would prevent it from growing
The screenshots seem to indicate it's not the first -- the views are growing as expected. So it could be either the second or third. The screenshot from interface builder seems to show that the bottom StackView<>Container constraint is optional (it's dashed). Depending on what the priority actually is, that could be your problem. Based on the design you described, there should be no reason for that constraint to be non-required.
The problem is that CCNStatusItem is not auto-layout-compatible. It sets the content view of its window to an instance of one of its own view classes (CCNStatusItemWindowBackgroundView). Your view is a subview of that view.
When it creates and adds its view, it does not turn off translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints or use constraints to position it relative to its superview. That basically means it can't be forced to a different size by constraints.
Likewise, when it adds your view to the background view, it does not turn off translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints on your view nor does it set up constraints to relate your view to the background view.
Since you've got the source, you can make those changes.

How to replace a view

Application requires more than one window (Lets call A,B,C). Each window has more than one view (table views, image views as well as web view). Lets say window A has three views (x, y,z) and window B has three views (d,e,f). Application needs to display images of different size on orientation change.
I have achieved the same using gesture event listener and looping through windows for views and replacing the view with new images. The problem I have is when we navigate from one window to other and the orientation changes, the loading of view after looping goes for a toss. Is there a better way to achieve the same ?
Is there a method in titanium like following code to replace a view ?
var self=Ti.UI.currentWindow
var newView=Ti.UI.createImageView({image:'abc.png'})
self.replace(self.children[1],newView )
Unfortunately there is now replace method.
You need to remove the whole view and add it again but this can cause a wrong layout if you have more than one view on a same level. The implementation then depends on the layout which was set (vertical, horizontal, composite etc).
For example in vertical layout removing an item and simply add a new one would remove your specified item but appends the new one at the end since you can't specify in which order it should be added.
If you have a composite layout you can specify absolute positions but adding a new view causes a higher zIndex for this view so that it will hide views that were previously added at the same/similar position.
Why not simply change the image link ?
var self = Ti.UI.currentWindow;
self.children[1].image = 'bcd.png';
Well you could always lock the orientation of your window. But this isnt exactly good practice (especially for iOS).
Generally orientation changes are handled pretty well if you define the width and height of your views to be percentages or Ti.UI.FILL, if you have a composite layout. Check that you are not giving the views absolute coordinates as this could cause layout problems. If you have a vertical or horizontal layout you usually don't have to worry about orientation change, unless you did not nest your views in a main container correctly.
If this is about just ensuring that the images look good on different orientations,you can make use of the different folders provided by Titanium in the android/images folder.You can just make different images for each of the orientations and device sizes.For IOS you can change just the images on orientation change as you are already doing.
If you are concernced about the layout there are couple of things you can do:
1.Give all the height or width values in percentages.This way all elements will be re sized once the orientation changes automatically.
2.On each window open check if the orientation is vertical or horizontal by default and accordingly set the image attribute of the imageView.
This property will give you the orientation of the window by default.Values of this property could be this
Use "if else" and accordingly set the images.

Can a UIViewImage draw its image outside its frame?

When making a photo viewer app found that our UIImageView controller is drawing its image outside its frame when the content mode is different neither ScaleToFill nor Aspect Fit.
Trying to understand why; I isolated the problem making a new project which only has a UIImageView with the following frame (50,50,100,100). The image size contained in it is (4592,3056).
After running the app, with the content mode set to ScaleToFill and AspectFit it all worked as expected:
But after setting the contentMode of the UIImageView to TopLeft, the image is drawn outside its frame, the odd thing is that the log from the frame after all has been drawn is still the original {50,50,100,100}.
I've try to understand the issue by moving the Autoresize, the clips and the content mode of the UIViewController but the result is the same.
set clipToBounds = YES on the view.
its NO by default because that makes drawing way cheaper

Change size of window in Cocoa?

I have a window whose size I need to change when the user clicks on it. I am using [self setFrame:windowFrame display:YES animate:YES] to accomplish this.
Even though the window successfully changes size (I increase its height), it moves the contents of the window up with it. How do I prevent this from happening? I want the contents to remain in place.
I am on OSX Mountain Lion developing an app for OSX using Objective-C and Cocoa.
EDIT: Constraints and/or Springs and Struts will not work as I need to move the contents around after the window is resized.
Constraints and/or Springs and Struts will not work as I need to move the contents around after the window is resized.
In that case, you should use NSViewAnimation.
A single view animation can actually perform multiple animations to multiple views, and you can even do one to a window, despite the class's name and the fact that windows aren't views in Cocoa.
You create a view animation with initWithViewAnimations:, which takes an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary identifies the target (NSViewAnimationTargetKey) and what to do to it: Either change the target's frame (NSViewAnimationStartFrameKey and NSViewAnimationEndFrameKey) or fade the target in or out (NSViewAnimationEffectKey). For your case, you'll be changing the targets' frames.
When the user does the thing that causes the resize of the window, you'll need to compute the desired overall size of the window (taking care to adjust its frame's position so it doesn't grow off the screen), as well as the new frames—both positions and sizes—of your views. Everything that will move and/or change size, create a dictionary for it and throw it into the array. Then create the view animation.
An NSViewAnimation is a kind of NSAnimation, which provides all the methods for starting and stopping the animation, monitoring its progress, hooking into it, and chaining multiple NSAnimations together. If nothing else, you'll need to start the animation.
If you are using the Interface Builder to build these views, then I believe one approach is to set the "struts and springs." These are available under the "size inspector" and are the red arrows and bars above the "autosizing" label. Play around with these to get the effect that you want, but the general idea is that the arrows control how the size of the view adjusts to changes in the size of the parent view, and the bars control the relationship of the edges of the view to the edges of the parent view as the size changes.
In constraint-based layout, set the views around the edge of your window to be a fixed distance from their superview's edge.
Xcode will infer a lot of resizability from that; if anything still isn't resizing properly, adjust its constraints so that its width and/or height is no longer constant.
The easiest way is to move your views until blue lines show up in the editor. Each blue line corresponds to a rule in the HIG about how things should be lain out, and if you drop the view there, Xcode will create constraints matching those guidelines. For example, if you set a view 20 points from the right edge of its superview, you'll get a blue line for that, and if you drop the view there, you'll create a constraint that the view must remain that distance from that edge.
The superview isn't the only view with which you can create HIG-based constraints. You can also create guideline constraints between sibling views. For example, if you put a button next to another button at the appropriate distance, you'll get a blue line across that distance, and if you drop it, you'll create a constraint that those two buttons must remain that distance from each other.
If you want to do something really custom, the three buttons in the lower-right corner of the nib editor will let you create any constraint you want. What you have selected determines what constraints you can create; the nib editor's outline view will help you make sure you have the selection you want.
You are going to have to iterate through all of your subviews and change their frame positions based on the delta of your window frame.
so if you expand your window frame by 20 in all directions, all your subviews are going to have to increase their frame positions by (20,20) to offset the windows movement.