PcapIpAddress returns - winpcap

I am using the following library: Tamir.IPLib.SharpPcap.dll version
Running the Tamir.IPLib.Test.Example1, that is (in very short):
PcapDeviceList devices = SharpPcap.GetAllDevices();
Console.WriteLine("No device found on this machine");
foreach(PcapDevice dev in devices)
Console.WriteLine("PcapDescription : " + dev.PcapDescription);
Console.WriteLine("PcapName : " + dev.PcapName);
Console.WriteLine("PcapIpAddress : " + dev.PcapIpAddress);
On a Windows XP version 2002,I am able to obtain the description, name and IP address of my device without any problem.But if using Windows 7 Professional 64 bit SP1, i can obtain only the PcapDescription and PcapName correctly.PcapIpAddress returns instead and What can i do to get the correct IPAddress?

I would recommend using the latest release of SharpPcap instead. It has significant improvements, is a continuation of the project Tamir started (has 3+ years of development improvements) and the examples are updated. I'm the author of SharpPcap btw.


SQL Error -4903 when trying to connect to DB2 database

I am getting an SQL error code of -4903 when trying to connect to a DB2 database using SQC code (this is an ANSI C application so I need to use SQC for SQL queries). When I look at IBM's website to see what a -4903 means, all it says is "The length of parameter n of function name is not valid". However I have no idea which parameter or function it is referring to. I have tried looking at the SQLCA objects members, but I am unable to see them in Visual Studio 2015.
This is an ANSI C application debugging in Visual Studio 2015. I am able to connect to the same database using a DB2 command prompt (i.e, by running "db2 connect to dbname user username using password". However when I try to do this in code I get the -4903 error. I have also tried this on two different OS's, Windows 7 and Windows 10. I have colleagues who have had no trouble doing this on a Windows 7 machine.
while ((retry++ < 3)
|| (sqlca.sqlcode == -30080)
|| (sqlca.sqlcode == -900 ) )
if ((SQLCODE == 0 ) || (SQLCODE == (-1026)))
"Retry DBInit/sqlca.sqlcode : %i", sqlca.sqlcode);
I expect the SQLCODE to be 0, which indicates a successful connection, and for the function to return 1 to it's caller. But instead the sqlca.sqlcode variable is -4903 (which I described above).
EDIT: I found the parameters being passed into the error message. The full error text is "The length of parameter runtime_pid of function sqlastrt_trusted is not valid".
I solved my own issue. Thanks to Mao for the help on debugging this one.
My development environment for DB2 was running version 8.1.0, which uses 162 bytes for the struct called "sqla_program_id". However, the runtime environment, which uses 292 bytes for that same struct, was version 10.5. Once I upgraded my development DB2 instance to v10.5 it worked like a charm.

ScalaQuery with play2.1.4

I am migrating play2.0 app to play2.1 which has a lot of scalaquery implemented .
with all the migration changes its finally compiled ( not using anorm) the scalaqueries are still there .
play compile and stage is successful but its giving following error
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/Right
This is where i am getting error
def updateCommonSynonymMappingTable = database.withSession { implicit db: Session =>
val q = for (m <- SynonymMappings) yield m.skill ~ m.synonyms ~ m.function ~ m.industry
Logger.debug("Q for getting common syn mapping: " + q.selectStatement)
var table: java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[String, scala.Array[String]] = EfoundrySynonymEngine.getCommonSynonymMappingTable()
var i = 0
Logger.debug("Q for getting common syn mapping: " + q.selectStatement)
var domainSpWords = 0
form this line trace goes to org.scalaquery.session.Database.withSession
As of Play Framework 2.1, ScalaQuery is deprecated, as it, along with Play Framework 2.0, only supports Scala 2.9.
Play Framework 2.1 supports Scala 2.10. The replacement for ScalaQuery is Slick, which also supports/requires Scala 2.10.
Slick web site: http://slick.typesafe.com/
It's a much cooler web site, so you should be happy.
So include that library in your web app and get rid of ScalaQuery, which should help you along on your migration effort.
And if you're curious, that class not found error is because scala.Right is now scala.util.Right :)

ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME returned by OpenPrinter() in Windows 8 when executed under "SYSTEM" account

My application deletes virtual printer when user uninstalls the application.
Application's installation and Uninstallation can be done using user interaction(wizard) or by setting group policy in Windows server 2003(domain admin sets the policy in server and the domain user in client PC need to update the group policy and restart the Client PC for installation or uninstallation of the application).
The follwing code in the application deletes printer and printer driver when uninstalling the application.
void CPrinterDriver::DeletePrinterIfExists()
// Delete old printer driver if existing
HANDLE hPrinter = NULL;
// Ignore error codes
OpenPrinter(m_driverInfo.pName, &hPrinter, &pDefaults);
if (hPrinter)
// deleting jobs
SetPrinter(hPrinter, 0, NULL, PRINTER_CONTROL_PURGE);
// Delete printer
// Get printer driver name and delete it
DWORD dwNeeded = 0;
GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, NULL, 0, &dwNeeded);
if (dwNeeded)
PRINTER_INFO_2 *pi2 = (PRINTER_INFO_2 *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2)*dwNeeded);
if (pi2)
GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)pi2, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded);
DeletePrinterDriver(NULL, NULL, pi2->pDriverName);
The above code works well in Windows 7 in both cases(user interactive installation and using group policy) of uninstallation. In Windows 8, it works well using user interactive installation and uninstallation.
But in Windows 8 the above OpenPrinter() is returing ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME.
We found that the OpenPrinter() is called using the "SYSTEM" account.
Kindly help.
We found that during system startup, group policy is trying to uninstall the printer before the available printers list in the PC is populated (list is populated under the below registry key.If the list is not populated the below key does not exists).
Hence we added delay of 2 minutes(not less than 2 mins) before calling openPrinter().
After the delay the registry key exists and the OpenPrinter() succeeded.
Thus we are able to uninstall the printer.
Note: Microsoft claims that Windows 8 boot time is reduced to 7 secs for certain supported hardware. But inserting delay of 2 mins degrades the boot performance of the Windows 8 PC.
For more details regarding the improvement in the boot time of Windwos 8 OS please refer the below link.
Hence delay of 2 mins can be terated as a workaround.
Need to check the behaviour in the Windows 8 OS release after 10/26.
If you suffer from the issue where:
the registry key for the shared (network) printer is missing and
the API gives you the invalid printer name error
Then you can try opening the printer by its full UNC path.
So when opening MYPRINTER does not work, then open it as \\MYSERVER\MYPRINTER .
Of course this still assumes that you can already print to this printer normally from other applications!

qt mysql query giving different result on different machine

Following code works on my pc but gives error on other pc's. how is it possible to run this successfully on all machines.
QSqlQuery query;
QString queryString = "SELECT * FROM " + parameter3->toAscii() + " WHERE " + parameter1->toAscii() + " = \"" + parameter2->toAscii() + "\"";
bool retX = query.exec(queryString);
What pre requisite should be fulfilled for this to run on any pc
In troubleshooting, if you isolate your query and it returns the result you anticipated ( such as you have done utilizing qt creator to verify the query returns a result of true), the next step would be to take a close look at your code and verify that you are passing the proper parameters into the query for execution.
I have a virgin machine I utilize for this purpose. I am a software engineer by trade and I am fully aware that i have a ton of software installed on my PC which the common user may/will not have installed. So the virgin allows me to test the code in stand-alone form.
I suggest implementing a message box prior to the execution of your query which shows the query to be executed. This will verify the query is correct on the "other machines".
Certain dll's were needed. in my case qtguid4.dll, qtcored4.dll and qtsqld4.dll. There was a size difference. Once matched it worked on a pc. However, on other pc's i still get an error "The application failed to initialize 0xc000007b ....."
How is it possible to make an application run.

ReadEventLog() API fails with error code 87 on Windows Server 2008 R2 while reading Application/System/Security event logs from system

I have an MFC application which reads system (i.e. Application/System/Security) event logs on Windows Server 2008 R2 in WOW64 environment. I am facing a problem with std SDK ::ReadEventLog() function in Windows Server 2008 R2. Below I have provided the code snippet, but the same code/API works perfectly in Windows XP WOW64 & x64 environment. Error code '87' refers to "The parameter is incorrect" but according me the parameters which I passed to ::ReadEventLog() function seems to be correct.
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024*10
BYTE l_bBufferSize[BUFFER_SIZE];
l_pEvntLogRecord = (EVENTLOGRECORD *) &l_bBufferSize;
Adjust the 'counter' to read logs. 'l_nReadRecordIndex' is mapped with the list control, e.g. on key down, 'l_nReadRecordIndex' is set as "GetCountPerPage() + 1" this is one case as their are many case.
DWORD l_dwLogCounter = (GetTotalNumberOfRecords() - l_nReadRecordIndex) + 1;
//Read logs as per "nCntToReadRecords".
for(l_dwLogCounter;l_nNoOfRecTobeRead <= nCntToReadRecords;l_dwLogCounter--, l_nNoOfRecTobeRead++)
//Get Actual position to read.
if(0 != ::ReadEventLog( m_hEventLogHandle, EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ|EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ,
l_dwLogCounter, l_pEvntLogRecord, BUFFER_SIZE,
&l_dwReadBytes, &l_dwNeedBytes))
DWORD l_dwErrCode = 0;
l_dwErrCode = ::GetLastError(); //87 is returned
return FALSE
//Data population code
If any one is aware of similar problem or worked on the similar issue please let me know the solution. Please refer the above code snippet and let me know the following things, a) What are the incorrect parameters. b) Is their any another way to read event logs.
Thanks in advance.
It is a bug, check this entry in MS's KB http://support.microsoft.com/kb/177199