VBA: Invalid Next Control Variable Reference - vba

Basically, i'm trying to mimic a concatenate result using code i stripped apart and recycled for my purposes. But i'm having problems when the script attempts to process "Next T" idk, but i already indicated as a Dim - Integer, and that still didnt seem to do the trick.
Original source of code:
Concatenate multiple ranges using vba
I've been having a lot of problems with this one piece, cause it seems to be the only thing i've actually been trying to include in my script for a long time now. Had compile errors with closing the If, adjusting the Then, and even Exiting the loop.
I think the Next should be my final worries.
Btw, rnumbers is supposed to hold the place of a value/integer, but i'm not entirely sure if that was done correctly either.
rnumbers = Rows(ActiveCell.Range("A3").End(xlDown)) + 3
'or CellCount = ActiveCell.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xldown).Row
Do While Rows(ActiveCell.Range("A3").End(xlDown)) > 3
'For Q = 1 To 10 'This provides a column reference to concatenate - Outer For statement
For T = 3 To rnumbers 'This provides a rows reference to concatenate - Inner for statement
For Each Cell In Cells("A" & T) 'provides rows and column reference
If Cell.Value = "" Then
GoTo Line1 'this tells the macro to continue until a blank cell is reached
Exit For
End If
x = x & Cell.Value & Chr(10) 'This provides the concatenated cell value and comma separator
'Next ' this loops the range
Next T 'This is the inner loop which dynamically changes the number of rows to loop until a blank cell is reached
On Error GoTo Terminate 'Terminates if there are less columns (max 10) to concatenate
ActiveCell.Value = Mid(x, 1, Len(x) - 1) 'This basically removes the last comma from the last concatenated cell e.g. you might get for a range 2,3,4, << this formula removes the last comma to
'give 2,3,4
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 'Once the concatenated result is pasted into the cell this moves down to the next cell, e.g. from F1 to F2
x = "" 'The all important, clears x value after finishing concatenation for a range before moving on to another column and range
'Next Q 'After one range is done the second column loop kicks in to tell the macro to move to the next column and begin concatenation range again
'rnumbers = 0
Exit Do
Terminate:'error handler

Trying again... when I took a closer look at your code I actually used a Bad Word.
You have been hanging with the wrong crowd, and are picking up some really bad code structure ideas. A GoTo followed by an Exit For? The latter statement can never be reached! And jumping out of a For loop is a dangerous (if not wrong) thing to do. And yes, you still needed a Next for the For Each statement (with a matching control argument - the Next T belonged with a different For loop, not the innermost one).
Anyway - I felt like the Cat In The Hat: "This mess is so big and so deep and so tall - we cannot pick it up, there is No Way At All!". So I decided to build you a new house instead.
I think the following does what you want to do, and quite elegantly. See if it makes sense, and if you can adapt it for your purpose. I need to go to sleep but will take a look in the morning to see if you figured it out from here.
Sub concAll()
Dim allRows As Range, target as range
Dim oneRow
Dim nc as Integer
Set allRows = Range("A3", "J10") ' pick the real range here - dynamically, probably
nc = allRows.Columns.Count ' need this number later to know where to put result
For Each oneRow In allRows.Rows ' loop over one row of the range at a time
Dim s As String
s = "" ' start with empty string
For Each c In oneRow.Cells ' loop over all the cells in the row
If Not IsEmpty(c) Then
s = s & "," & c.Text
Exit For ' done with this row: found empty cell
End If
Next c ' keep looping over the cells...
Set target = oneRow.Cells(1).Offset(0, oneRow.Cells.Count) ' cell where we put result
target.Value = Mid(s, 2) ' put the concatenated value to the right of everything;
' skipping first comma (which came before first text)
Next oneRow ' repeat for all rows in source range
End Sub

I'm sorry, i shouldve explained what i was trying to produce than asking to fix something i wanted to do. My experience in vba has been self-taught, and i'm a little new to asking for help.
The script Floris produced seemed to have function but not as intended. Turns out what i wrote is a little outdated, and needs to be wiped and restarted. This was actually an old script i started a few months back that worked off of a web-query. But the website went thru some changes and now the script is all over the place.
the main issue i was having was a compile-error "Invalid Next Control Variable Reference" Which turns out to be caused by an open 'Do while' loop, that doesnt seem to have much of an exit point from the research i looked up. Was supposed to have used another 'If' command instead. At the same time, when attempting to solve that 'Do While' i added an extra 'Next' (cause i thought they were compatible), and it screwed with the script.
Hard to explain.. But the 'Do While' i used, i wanted it to combine the values only if the number of values were greater
rnumbers = Rows(ActiveCell.Range("A3").End(xlDown)) + 3
'or CellCount = ActiveCell.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xldown).Row
Do While Rows(ActiveCell.Range("A3").End(xlDown)) > 3
But instead it was supposed to be
Dim CellCount As Range
CellCount = ActiveCell.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlDown).Row + 2
'cause its the active cell + two additional cells
If CellCount > 3
Which then opens up into the script Floris submitted. (But that failed too, because of what was stated above).
Thanks again, hope that it explains everything... Sorry if i wasted your time with that one Floris, really do appreciate the assistance. Just wish i had asked for the help sooner, would have saved me a lot of frustration that i'm dealing with now. >_>


Microsoft Excel: Macro to repeat a specific action multiple times

My task is to use Excel to manipulate a large set of data and I had heard of using a Macro but I'm not very code-savvy. I recorded the steps that are required using the macro function, but I need to add more lines of code to utilize looping and making sure it advances by 2 after every repeat.
I've posted my steps below:
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C+0.1"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Basically, select 3 cells (A5:C5) insert cells and shift cells down. Use a formula in the newly empty A5 to add 0.1 to A4 and copy values from B7:C7 and paste into B5:C5.
The following image shows a before and after of what I'm talking about to make things more clear.
The next step would be:
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C+0.1"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
and so on.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I also apologize if what I'm asking is still confusing or not clear in any way.
Hi, I'll provide you with an answer and I tried to comment the heck out of it to make it as beginner friendly as possible, but the truth of the matter is:
I can explain to you how it's done, but you will never properly understand why it's done until you properly understand basic programming methodologies such as looping and that is something only you and you alone have to sit down to and fully comprehend
[The gaps in logic:]
Probably the biggest issue is, you have not specified what happens
when your data reaches empty cells (what I mean under that) - if in
your loop you were on row 10 (7, M, N) you would have no longer any
letters to add, as the next 2 rows (12) no longer contain eny data.
Given this, I modified the loop to start at the n-2th row instead to prevent this from happening (that means in your example it will end (or start to be more precise) at 6.1 as it's the last row that can retrieve the data)
In general, I'd recommend posting not only a picture of input data, but rather than picture of current result in this case a properly explained expected result would be much more to our benefit and understanding and would have saved me a lot of the guesswork here.
[The theoretical part of your question:]
I'll save you a bit of googling time here with few useful facts.
If you're looking to repeat a specific action, you should always be looking to utilize one of the 2 (or 3 depending on how you classify them) loops for and do (while/until)
Better yet, if you're looking to loop a variant amount of actions for repeated amount of times, you should utlize either a procedure Sub or a function Function so you can use arguments that act as a variable for the loop.
Generally when adding or removing rows it's important to loop from Bottom to Top (from Last to First). Why? Because if you add an extra row, it's going to mess up your Row order.
With all that in mind, the procedure itself could look something like this:
[The solution itself:]
You can use the following procedure every time for a specified range.
Option Explicit 'prevents typo. errors, undeclared variables and so on
Private Sub extra_row(ByVal rng As Range) 'declaration of procedure
Dim i As Long
' we loop for the n-th - 2 row (last row - 2) to the pre-first (added) row.
For i = (rng.Rows.Count + rng.Row - 2) To rng.Row + 1 Step -1
'why the -2? ^ Because if you add the letters from next 2 rows,_
the last 2 would have no to grab _
eg. Row 10 and 11 in your original data would have no data under them to grab
' a bit harder section to comprehend, if it's the first data entry _
we need to account for the fact that we have not added any extra rows yet_
hence we also need to decrement the row from which we receive the data by 1 _
it 's bit of difficult to word, i'd highly recommend debugging yourself _
and seeing what happens with or without it
Dim fp As Integer
If (i - 2 = rng.Rows.Count) Then
fp = 1
fp = 0
End If
' now we just add the extra rows where we can
Rows(i).Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Cells(i, 1) = Cells(i, 1).Offset(-1, 0) + 0.1 'we add 0.1 to cell one above
Cells(i, 2) = Cells(i + 3 - fp, 2) ' similar case, with letters, but two below
Cells(i, 3) = Cells(i + 3 - fp, 3) ' similar case, with letters, but two below
Next i 'and we loop for every cell in our specified range
End Sub
Eg. in your case, you could run the procedure with the following command:
Call extra_row(Range("A4:A11"))
[Practical use]
While the solution itself should work, in a real world example it probably might be smarter not to use a specific range to call for each procedure. Especially if that means use has to look at the worksheet, check the range and count the rows manually.
That's one of the reasons we created a procedure here to begin with. So I created one more procedure akin to main() in most programming languages which detects the last active row and applies the procedure to your data range by detecting it automatically.
So in the end, your could should look something like this:
Option Explicit
Private Sub extra_row(ByVal rng as Range)
'... code from the answer here
End Sub
Private Sub rundata()
Dim lr As Long
lr = Sheets("Your Sheet Name").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'detects the last active (nonempty) row _
rememeber to change the Sheets("") to wherever your data is stored
Dim mydata As Range
Set mydata = Range("A4:A" & lr) 'under presumption your data always begins with A4
Call extra_row(mydata)
End Sub
Now, whenever you would run (manally) or Call the run_data() procedure it would automatically detect the range and apply the procedure we defined to it.
[Expected result visualization and closing words:]
We started with this:
After running the procedure:
Now I know, it may seem like there's a lot of novel concepts here, but truth of the matter is, all of them are fairly easy once you buckle down and try to comprehend the code line by line. Most of it is simple mathematical operations.
If you still have trouble comprehending anything here, do your own research first and then post comment here or better yet, create a new question (if it warrants it).
Good luck on your coding journey! :)
This code should do the trick.
The code gives you an InputBox in which you can type in the number of times to run the code.
Sub test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Grab As Range
Dim RunTimes As Long
On Error GoTo Get_Out
RunTimes = InputBox("How many times shall the code run?", "Run times")
On Error GoTo 0
For x = 1 To RunTimes * 1.5 + 3 Step 2
Set Grab = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & x + 4)
Grab.Offset(-1, 0).Value = Grab.Offset(-2, 0).Value + 0.1
Grab.Offset(-1, 1).Value = Grab.Offset(1, 1).Value
Grab.Offset(-1, 2).Value = Grab.Offset(1, 2).Value
Next x
MsgBox "Succes"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Let me know if you have any questions about the code or if you want me to explain it further :)

Macro skips lines depending on insert file

I have a large macro which takes price book information from a vendors file, formats it and then creates a .txt file which then can be uploaded into the system. For this I prompt the user several times to select for example the column which contains information about the part number or the list price.
So far so good. When it comes to the following code, the macro just skips it:
'delete rows with no price
p = 0
For i = 3 To LastRow
If p > LastRow Then
GoTo Ziel4
ElseIf IsEmpty(wsImport.Cells(i, 8)) = True Then
i = i - 1
End If
p = p + 1
Next i
However, if I execute the code with a break point right before the loop and execute it, it works just fine. When I execute the whole script with another vendors file, it just skips 3/4 of the script and produces an empty .txt file. I already tried it with Application.ScreenUpdating = False to improve performance but it still keeps skipping lines.
not so sure about your code exact goal, but since you "prompt the user several times" and everything works when you "execute the code with a break point right before the loop", I suspect you're jumping between worksheets and hence you're prone to miss the proper worksheet
so change:
Make sure "LastRow" has a value prior to looping as stated by "DisplayName" above, and I would assume you want to start with the last row and then move up again when searching for empty rows, otherwise it would not make much sense, right? Question is, what is p used for? Why do you increase it by 1/iteration and abort the loop if it becomes > LastRow?
For i = LastRow To 3 Step -1 'Start at the end and move up, should save you the "p"
If IsEmpty(wsImport.Cells(i, 8)) = True Then
End If
Next i

Find and placing elements in a long string/column of text

The following is the result of downloading information from an accounting system. Basically, I was tasked with sorting through expenses from this year from an online system; once the information was downloaded from the online system, it was not formatted as a spreadsheet (so I couldn't easily use a simple lookup). The information was downloaded as a spreadsheet, however it didn't contain check numbers or names; excel formatted those away for some reason. The only thing that was left is the long stringy document, where each item in the PDF downloaded (which contained check numbers and names) was placed in column 1 (see picture 1), whereas it should have been placed in something formatted like picture 2. Obviously though PDF's do not maintain formatting.
So baring some way that I can transfer the PDF to a workbook and run an analysis (IE through copy paste or save as) I needed to get information from this long stringy thing (it's at 9000 rows at the moment, added in an excerpt).
First, this code sets the worksheet pers as a worksheet, gets the length of data in pers (example in picture 2), and length of data in expensesheet (example in picture 1)
Then it scans pers for items (prior to writing this code items were added manually - such as in the case of picture 2, 'supply 1' and corresponding information that can help denote supply 1, ie invoice #, description, date cut, and so on).
For each of those items, it then scans the "expense sheet". It tries to match the invoice number (which is the closest thing to a unique ID in this case) to the value in cell i, 1; if it exists, it then scans 'upwards' until it finds a long enough string so that it can be the 5 unit string; the one that contains a date, a check number, an amount, and a name, as well as a batch number and a memo.
Once it finds that string, it then splits it into an array, and then seeks to place it in the corresponding cells to the right of that row in worksheet pers.
1) I keep receiving an error 400. Normally when I receive an error VBA shows what line. What is this? How can I set up an error catching block so that the editor will provide me more details on the error (ie place it occurred, reason for occurrence, etc)
2) I'm assuming that the long row (in this case its 12th from the top) can only be identified through its length. Is there a better way to identify the long row? Perhaps if it contains multiple dashes?
3) Does anyone know of a way to easily transfer a PDF of an accounting printout so that it retains its formatting when saved or copied to a spreadsheet?
4) Is there a way that this spreadsheet could be easily formatted through excel so that it can more adequately fit into the proper mold (more like picture 2)?
Option Explicit
Sub findDetailMemo()
Dim pers As Worksheet
Set pers = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PERS")
Dim persLength As Long
persLength = pers.Range("a1").End(xlDown).Row
Dim expenseLength As Long
expenseLength = Range("a1").End(xlDown).Row
Dim currentDetail() As String
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim tempInt As Long
'first scan all of the items in the pers unit
For k = 2 To 10
'next scan all of the expenses
For i = 2 To expenseLength
'if the invoice # is found
If InStr(Cells(i, 1), pers.Range("a1").Offset(k, 3)) <> 0 Then
'scan upwards; make sure you don't scan beyond the range of the spreadsheet
For j = i To 1 Step -1
'if the scan upwards finds a string that is 80 characters or more
If Len(Cells(i - j, 1)) >= 80 Then
'split it at the -
currentDetail = Split(Cells(i - j, 1), "-", -1, vbTextCompare)
'add it to the pers sheet
pers.Range("a1").Offset(k, 11) = currentDetail(0)
pers.Range("a1").Offset(k, 12) = currentDetail(1)
pers.Range("a1").Offset(k, 13) = currentDetail(2)
pers.Range("a1").Offset(k, 14) = currentDetail(3)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Exit For
End If
Next i
Next k
End Sub
EDIT: After a discussion through the chat lobby, bdpolinsky and I found what was throwing the original error 400 (which was actually error 1004).
The first issue we fixed was the InStr() and Split() functions were referencing Cell objects instead of the string within them. This was fixed by simply adding Cells().Text where strings were required.
On the line If Len(Cells(i - j, 1).Text) >= 80, we discovered that Cells() wasn't referencing the correct worksheet. The fix for this was to define Cells() as pers.Cells(), which is the worksheet the information was imported to. Happy to report that the problem bdpolinsky was having has been solved (as far as the errors go).
The following is from the original answer:
1) At the start of your code (first executable line) you can press F8 to step through the code 1 line at a time until the error is flagged.
You can also use error handlers to catch an error and have excel do something different than default. Error Handling
Sub SomeCode()
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
i = 1/0
MsgBox "Error Description: " & Err.Description
End Sub
You can also click next to a line of code to add a Break. Breaks look like red circles, and color that line of code red. Your code will stop when it reaches this line.
2)If Len(cellThatYoureChecking) > 20 Then Code
If InStr(cellThatYoureChecking, "symbolYouWantToFind") <> 0 Then Code
Or visit this post about defining how many times a character is in a string with a function. You could then make your If statement based on the number of times it occurs.
3) This part is poor form for StackOverflow, but what you're asking is a little involved so see if this tutorial is of use to you. Import table from PDF to Excel.
4) The short answer to this is yes. There are a lot of ways to reorganize data in Excel. This question is a little too broad though, and it'd be more efficient to get questions 1-3 answered first before getting too ahead of ourselves.

Excel/VBA do not know where to begin

So I made a simple user form that will allow people to sign out equipment easily. I would like to make it so if something in the "Equipment" column is out, it will say out in the "In/Out" column. But otherwise say in. So if Equipment says "Laptop 1" and Last "Date & Time" Column is empty, then it would say out beside Laptop 1 in the "IN/OUT" column. The equipment column is multiselect with a "," between equipment options.
I have no idea where to start with this. What I have done so far minus populating the listbox and dropdown for the user form entry.
Private Sub cmdout_Click()
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SignOut")
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To equip.ListCount - 1
If equip.Selected(i) Then
Msg = Msg & equip.List(i) & ", "
End If
Next i
Msg = Left(Msg, Len(Msg) - 2)
Dim rngFound As Range
Dim strFirst As String
Dim strID As String
Dim strDay As String
Dim taken As Integer
strID = gov.Value
strDay = ""
Set rngFound = Columns("C").Find(strID, Cells(Rows.Count, "C"), xlValues, xlWhole)
If Not rngFound Is Nothing Then
strFirst = rngFound.Address
If LCase(Cells(rngFound.Row, "G").Text) = LCase(strDay) Then
MsgBox "GOV is still signed out."
taken = 1
End If
Set rngFound = Columns("C").Find(strID, rngFound, xlValues, xlWhole)
Loop While rngFound.Address <> strFirst
End If
If taken = 0 Then
Application.Worksheets("SignOut").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = Now()
Application.Worksheets("SignOut").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = techname.Value
Application.Worksheets("SignOut").Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = gov.Value
Application.Worksheets("SignOut").Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = Msg
Application.Worksheets("SignOut").Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = otherequip.Value
End If
Set rngFound = Nothing
End Sub
Sign in form:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim rngFound As Range
Dim strFirst As String
Dim strID As String
Dim strDay As String
strID = techname1.Value
strDay = ""
Set rngFound = Columns("B").Find(strID, Cells(Rows.Count, "B"), xlValues, xlWhole)
If Not rngFound Is Nothing Then
strFirst = rngFound.Address
Application.Worksheets("SignOut").Cells(rngFound.Row, "G").Value = Now()
Set rngFound = Columns("B").Find(strID, rngFound, xlValues, xlWhole)
Loop While rngFound.Address <> strFirst
End If
Set rngFound = Nothing
End Sub
1) A "form" is a specific coding construct in VBA. Based on what you posted, I assume that you aren't referring to it, but instead are just calling this sheet a form? If not, then please post the VBA code that you have tried.
2) Assuming that the list of equipment is in the "Tracker" column, you should use that list to populate a dropdown list in the equipment column to ensure that they match. I am also assuming that your extra equipment column won't have anything in the dropdown list and if people check out 2 tracked items, there will be a line entry for each item. (I'd recommend getting rid of that column if you get users that misuse it)
3) Since you asked where to start, I'll give you that. You'll learn much more by figuring out the exact syntax yourself. You can google "Excel VBA X" where X is basically any of these lines.
Pseudocode - (will not run, needs to be replaced with actual code - also ignore the colored words, they don't mean anything in pseudocode)
Phase 1:
trigger event on save (event handler is another search term for trigger events)
Change all equipment values to In
loop through first date/time column
IF there is a value in that column and there is not a value in the second date/time column get the name of the equipment from the equipment column
Find equipment from tracker column change In/Out value on that row to Out
continue the loop until the next row is blank
remove code to check everything in
add on-edit trigger to equipment column
add row that was edited to array
add on-edit trigger to check in date column
store row number to array
change loop so it only goes through rows in array
change if so that if something is checked out but not in, it is set out
(You will want to do this in case someone selects the wrong thing and then changes it - don't change it to out immediately or you will need logic to realize what was changed to out the previous time and change it back to in.)
else if something is checked out and has a value in check in date column then set it to in
Phase 2:
Implement an actual form that people use to fill in the sheet and check things in and out
Reuse relevant code from above but eliminate human error on dates and other things
(I suggest this as phase 2 as you can do this without a form and you will be using less new code. I would definitely use a form myself but it would be better if you wade into the pool instead of diving in. Unless you have coding experience and just need to learn syntax and vocab, then dive away.)
There are a lot of other things I would do if this was a form I was making, but this should get you started in terms of what to search for to build this project. I tried to make it as simple as possible so that it isn't overwhelming. There are better ways to do it but these methods should be ones that you can grasp quickly and then improve upon later after you learn more. Good luck with your equipment tracking!
Edit: after code posted
Ok, with the code you posted, go all the way to the top before the sub line and put in:
Option Explicit
This will cause the VBE editor to give you more meaningful feedback in quite a few instances. For example, you have your set line before your dim line. Without Option Explicit, when the editor comes to a variable that has not been declared with a Dim statement, it just makes it on the fly and sets it as a variant type. That uses up extra memory and means that typos get variables created on the fly. So when you are doing what you have done here, you end up with
Dim sh As Worksheet ' your sh variable is your worksheet variable. It never gets used again.
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SignOut")' the ws here should likely be sh to match the Dim statement ... or the sh in the Dim should be a ws. Except it doesn't ever get used again either.
Neither of those matter in this case since you aren't reusing them but if you had code that was referring to one or the other, you would want the compiler to tell you that you are trying to use a variable that hasn't been declared instead of creating a new one.
Generally you want to put your Dim statements all at the top of the sub or function. 1) It is easier to find them and debug or check spelling. 2) It ensures that they are all declared before the script tries to reference them.
Your code here isn't populating the variables before it is referencing them. Pretty much any time that you have a variable you need to populate it before you can do anything with it. There are a number of ways to populate variables with data from the sheet. If you get comfortable with arrays sooner rather than latter (or collections instead of arrays) then you will have a much easier time with a task like this.
Some specific lines:
Dim LastRow as Long 'you have this declared but you need to put in code to get the last row, which will be handy for populating variables later in your code. Do this right after declaring variables. Google excel vba find last row.
For i = 0 To equip.ListCount - 1 ' you need to populate equip before doing this. Lookup excel vba how to copy a range into variable. Then lookup how to loop through range. You can start it at your first line of data and go down to the LastRow to grab them all into the same array (which will basically be a table).
msg = Left(msg, Len(msg) - 2) 'lookup excel vba string manipulations if this isn't doing what you want
'these next lines all have <Variable Name>.value which won't work for you. If those variables are supposed to be things that the sheet prompts someone to enter and then they get populated here you can see how to do that here-> http://www.excel-vba-easy.com/vba-userform-excel-vba.html
Application.Worksheets("SignOut").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = techname.Value
Application.Worksheets("SignOut").Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = gov.Value
Application.Worksheets("SignOut").Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = msg
Application.Worksheets("SignOut").Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = otherequip.Value
With your loop untils you will want to ensure that you test with a short loop and step through it over and over. If you do the logic wrong and end up looping infinitely you can easily stop stepping through and fix it (or fix it while stepping through, then stop and retest,) but if you just hit play then excel will freeze up on you.
If you run into an issue with a specific step you can probably find lots of existing things on SO. If not, post a new thread with the specifics of that step. This posting will be down a few pages by then and people likely won't see your question if you put it here. Also, it will deserve its own thread since you will have moved past the "where to start" stage at that point.
Good luck!

Find specific cells, change value of adjacent cell, value depends on location (Excel for Mac, 15.6)

this is my first post here, I know I'm articulating this poorly.
I'm trying to find cells containing a specific phrase in a column of dates. This phrase marks the beginning of a section. I then want to state the number of days elapsed from the first date in each section to other dates in the section. The values returned should show up in the adjacent column. Below is an example of the columns.
Dates and Elapsed number of days in adjacent column
I use this formula in the 2nd column:
And then drag this down to cells in the relevant section. I'm trying to automate this process.
I found this code on this site and changed it a little bit to get this:
For Each cCell In Range("A1,A900")
If ActiveCell.Value = "Phrase" Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1).Value = "-"
End If
Next cCell
So my struggle is what to say in the 2nd Value field. I somehow need to get each section to subtract the first date of each section (the date right under "Phrase").
Another challenge is to copy that first adjacent cell that was changed, and then paste special into the cells below, but stopping once the next "Phrase" appears.
I'll elaborate any way I can. Thanks.
I think it's fair to say your question doesn't show much effort at solving this problem and the code snippet simply places a dash next to a "Phrase" cell. However, for a wider audience the question is interesting because it highlights the difference between automating an Excel keystroke task and writing code to process data which is then written in an Excel worksheet. Both use VBA but the former is simply a programmatic record of keystrokes and the latter is an algorithmic solution.
The telling phrase in your question is: I use this formula in the 2nd column ... and then drag this down to cells in the relevant section. I'm trying to automate this process. It would be possible to do this by using VBA to reproduce a bunch of worksheet functions but it's fiddly and could become complicated. I'll leave someone else to answer that as they'd need to spend more time on the answer than you have on the question (one of my don't do rules!).
If, on the other hand, you step away from trying to automate keystrokes and towards VBA for data processing, the problem becomes very trivial. It's a really good example of how VBA, in just a few lines, can solve problems that Excel functions might take pages to do, and probably not reliably.
So here's the code as a VBA solution. It'll need some data checking lines added to deal with blank cells, non-dates, etc. but I'll hand that task back to you:
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim firstCell As Range
Dim lastCell As Range
Dim dataCells As Range
Dim v As Variant
Dim output() As Variant
Dim r As Long
Dim refDate As Long
'Define the range to be worked
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") 'amend as required
Set firstCell = ws.Range("A1") 'amend as required
Set lastCell = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp) 'amend as required
Set dataCells = ws.Range(firstCell, lastCell)
'Read the values and size the output array
v = dataCells.Value2 'use Value2 to avoid date format issues
ReDim output(1 To UBound(v, 1), 1 To 1)
'Loop through the values, resetting the reference date on each "Phrase"
For r = 1 To UBound(v, 1)
If v(r, 1) = "Phrase" Then
output(r, 1) = "-"
refDate = v(r + 1, 1)
output(r, 1) = v(r, 1) - refDate
End If
'Write output into next column
dataCells.Offset(, 1).Value = output