Getting Unique result set from two table in SQL Server - sql

I m new to SQL Server, please help me with the solution to following problem.
I have two tables which have the following columns:
Table-A only has one column with data like (A, B, C, D)
Table-B is a temporary table which can contain (B, B, C, C, E, E, F, G)
I need to insert contents of table B into table A.
Conditions are
if table A already contains any alphabet in B then that alphabet should be ignored.
Only a unique alphabet needs to be inserted into table A. i.e. Only one E can be inserted from two set of E and
if F and G also needs to be inserted.
How can I possibly solve this problem?
Thanking you in advance....

Try this....
INSERT INTO Table (Column)
FROM TempTab tt
Here is the SQL FIDDLE with this query.

(SELECT distinct col from B
(SELECT distinct col FROM A INTERSECT SELECT distinct col FROM B))


using if condition in snowflake

I have two tables as shown below with columns:
Table A
a, b, c, id
Table B
d, e, f, g, h, id
Now I need perform a query basically I will get a id from user, so I need to check if that id is present in table A or table B. So the record will be present in any of one table
SELECT * FROM tableA WHERE id = 123
SELECT * FROM tableB WHERE id = 123
So the response will be either columns of tableA or columns of tableB. But I can't perform a union since the columns should be equal among two tables.
So it's basically a if condition, how can I get the desired output in Snowflake.
And using if is the best optimized approach or any other way is there
You can use union all -- assuming the types are compatible. Just pad the smaller table:
select a, b, c, null as g, null as h, id
from a
where id = 123
union all
select d, e, f, g, h, id
from b
where id = 123;
If you want the columns separated, then a full join accomplishes that:
select *
from a full join
using (id)
where = 123 or = 123;

How to get more column values along with distinct column in the Oracle database?

How to get more columns along with distinct column values in Oracle ?
select DISTINCT cname
from customer
where code is not null;
I need cname, cvalue, cdate with distinct cname
Your question does not really make sense. DISTINCT does not affect columns, it eliminates duplicate rows. So if you have:
a b c
a b c
d b c
Using DISTINCT gives you:
a b c
d b c
You're going to have to be more specific in the output you're getting and what you want.

Oracle SQL to subtract 2 values from different table joins

I am trying to subtract sequences MN_SEQ from Table C generated based on join with other tables.
Here is the problem.
Query 1 -
Select M_Seq from Table C, Table A, Table B where C.date_sk=A.MTH_END_DT
and B.Loan_seq=A.Loan_seq
Query 2 -
Select M_Seq from Table C, Table B where C.date_sk=B.ORIG_DT
I have to get difference between 2 M_SEQ generated from the result set of query 1 and Query 2.
Below is what i tried, but I am getting error.
select mn_seq -mn_seq from
((select mn_seq from Table C, Table A, Table B where B.MTH_END_DT=C.DATE_SK and B.LOAN_SEQ=A.LOAN_SEQ)a,
(select mn_seq from Table C , Table B where B.ORIG_DT=C.DATE_SK
Kindly provide inputs . I am not sure if this is the right way to do it. I tried just using "-" between queries but didnt work. Thanks!
Try this..
WHERE b.mth_end_dt = c.date_sk
AND b.loan_seq = a.loan_seq) -
(SELECT mn_seq FROM TABLE c, TABLE b WHERE b.orig_dt = c.date_sk)
FROM dual
I assume both the mn_seq are NUMBER and also your WHERE clause returns only one record in each of the inner queries.

Merge statement help in oracle

I am using merge for the 1 st time ... I went through existing questions but couldn't get proper help.
Please help me with the below need,
I have a table "table_a" with 3 columns A, B and C. C is a new column added combination of column A and B are unique, to be specific column B is a list of sub codes taken from table_b and configured against the entity in column A.
I need to update column C with a hard coded value for the existing A and B combinations and if some subcode missing from table_b in table_a I need to insert the rows for the same in table_a.
eg. table_a
= = =
p x
p y
After execution of query
= = =
p x 1 -- updated with column C
p y 1 -- updated with column C
p z 1 -- new row inserted for the row in table_b
Kindly let me know if anything is not clear.
MERGE INTO table_A a
USING table_b b
ON(a.b = b.m)
UPDATE SET a.c = 1
INSERT (a, b, c)
VALUES ('P', b.m, 1)
Note : The insert has two hardcode values for column a and column c as 'P' and 1 respectively.
If you don't want to hard-code the inserted values you can use an in-line view to generate all the expected combinations and merge against that.
merge into table_a a
using (
select t.a, b.m, 1 as c
from (select distinct a from table_a) t
cross join table_b b
) b
on (a.b = b.m)
when matched then
update set a.c = b.c
when not matched then
insert (a, b, c) values (b.a, b.m, b.c);
The using clause does a cross-join of all (distinct) table_a.a values against all table_b.m values, to give all possible combinations. (Which seems to be what you want; you haven't shown any other link between the two). I've also included the fixed value 1 in that view.
Then the merge either sets c for the rows the matching values that already exit in table_a, or inserts a new row using the values from the in-line view.
SQL Fiddle.
You might be able to get your unique a values from some other look-up table, which would be better than hitting table_a twice, but that depends on your real data model.

SQL Server 2005: Using select in case statement

I have a temporary table whose data is populated from another table using select.
For eg.,
Table1's fields:
A, B, C
Table2's fields
A, D, E --A is foreign key from TableA
#sometemp's fields
X, Y, Z
insert into #sometemp (X, Y, Z)
select D, E, case
when (Table1's C is 0) then 0
when (Table1's C is 1) then somefunction(#arg1, #arg2)
from Table2
I cant figure it out how Table1's C value can be checked in the when clauses. Any ideas?