How to inject a variable inside an SQL associated array? - sql

I have many websites that use some of the same content snippets and instead of manually updating all the different websites, I thought it would be a good idea to have the content stored in a database as to only have one copy instead of multiple. It works great except for one issue which is the images that are in the article are sometimes left aligned and other times right aligned.
My solution was to add the following code to the article's image CSS tag that is in the database and use a variable on each of the individual pages to add the custom classes to the image.
class="<?php echo $ImgClass01; ?>"
EDIT: here is more of the content from what is stored in the database field to make my question a little more understandable.
<p><img src="img/charleston.jpg" class="<?php echo $ImgClass01; ?>">Is it the delightful year-round climate? The almost-European feel of its downtown city streets? The overwhelming...</p>
However, the webpage is only showing the text when viewing the source code and not using the variable. Almost anything is possible, but I'm not sure how to make this work.
Here is the code on the page...
// value for the class within the article to be printed on the page
$ImgClass01 = 'img-responsive img-rounded pull-right';
//Start a while loop to process all the rows
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result_set))
$article = $row['article'];
echo $article;
EDIT: Just in case the entire page will be helpful, here is it.
$PageTitle = "Charleston, South Carolina | Local Towns";
$PageDescription = "Charleston is rated the first most popular vacation destination in the United States, and it surely must rank in...";
// 1. Create a database connection
$link = mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", "");
if (!$link) die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error());
// 2. Select a database to use
if (!mysql_select_db ("articleBank"))
die("Problem with the database: " . mysql_error());
// 3. Set up query for items to display
$query = "SELECT article FROM `articles` WHERE ID = 1";
// 4. Execute the query
$result_set = mysql_query ($query);
include ("theme/header.php");
// value for the class within the article to be printed on the page
$ImgClass01 = 'img-responsive img-rounded pull-right';
//Start a while loop to process all the rows
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result_set))
$article = $row['article'];
echo $article;
// 5. Close Connection
include ("theme/footer.php");

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($other_result_set))
$ImgClass01 = $row['ImgClass01'];
not sure what you wanted, but you could use left, right in some row like place..


Property Photo Files with PHRETS v2

My php code, below, attemps to download all the photos for a property listing. It successfully queries the RETS server, and creates a file for each photo, but the file does not seem to be a functional image. (MATRIX requires files to be downloaded, instead of URLs.)
The list of photos below suggests that it successfully queries one listing id (47030752) for all photos that exist, (20 photos in this case). In a web browser, the files appear only as a small white square on a black background: e.g. ( The file size (4) also seems to be very low, as compared to that of a real photo.
du -s PHOTO*
4 PHOTO-47030752-10.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-11.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-12.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-13.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-14.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-15.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-16.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-17.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-18.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-19.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-1.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-20.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-2.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-3.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-4.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-5.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-6.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-7.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-8.jpg
4 PHOTO-47030752-9.jpg
script I'm using:
$config = new \PHRETS\Configuration;
$rets = new \PHRETS\Session($config);
$connect = $rets->Login();
$system = $rets->GetSystemMetadata();
$resources = $system->getResources();
$classes = $resources->first()->getClasses();
$classes = $rets->GetClassesMetadata('Property');
$link=mysqli_connect ($host, $user, $password, $dbname);
$query="select mlsno, matrix_unique_id, photomodificationtimestamp from fmls_homes left join fmls_images on (matrix_unique_id=mls_no and photonum='1') where photomodificationtimestamp <> last_update or last_update is null limit 1";
print ("$query\n");
$result= mysqli_query ($link, $query);
$num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result);
print "Fetching Images for $num_rows Homes\n";
while ($Row= mysqli_fetch_array ($result)) {
$objects = $rets->GetObject('Property', 'LargePhoto', $matrix_unique_id);
foreach ($objects as $object) {
// does this represent some kind of error
$object->getError(); // returns a \PHRETS\Models\RETSError
// get the record ID associated with this object
// get the sequence number of this object relative to the others with the same ContentId
// get the object's Content-Type value
// get the description of the object
// get the sub-description of the object
// get the object's binary data
// get the size of the object's data
// does this object represent the primary object in the set
// when requesting URLs, access the URL given back
// use the given URL and make it look like the RETS server gave the object directly
$listing = $object->getContentId();
$number = $object->getObjectId();
$url = $object->getLocation();
//$photo = $object->getContent();
$size = $object->getSize();
$desc = $object->getContentDescription();
if ($number >= '1') {
file_put_contents("/bigdirs/fmls_pics/PHOTO-{$listing}-{$number}.jpg", "$object->getContent();");
print "$listing - $number - $size $desc\n";
} //end if
} //end foreach
} //end while
mysqli_close ($link);
Are there any suggested changes to capture photos into the created files? This command creates the photo files:
file_put_contents("/bigdirs/fmls_pics/PHOTO-{$listing}-{$number}.jpg", "$object->getContent();");
There may be some parts of this script that wouldn't work in live production, but are sufficient for testing. This script seems to successfully query for the information needed from the RETS server. The problem is just simply that the actual files created do not seem to be functional photos.
Thanks in Advance! :)
Your code sample is a mix of the official documentation and a usable implementation. The problem is with this line:
You should completely take that out. That's actually overriding the image you downloaded with nothing before you get a chance to save the contents to a file. With that removed, it should work as expected.

Loop Latest Post As From Top

I did not want to have to ask here but I guess I have no choice since I be wasting my time starting at the screen finding a solution that will never come so here is my issue.
I am making a facebook like feed feature but more unique but in terms on how it will work like facebook to be the closest.
but for some reason it keeps looping in rows together (look at the image I have linked that will explain more)
For example
instead of displaying the latest to oldest updates it keeps displaying them in rows on each group.
You will see there instead of looping as
Oldest,old,latest,update etc it is looping them in there own groups as a bundle instead :/
} else if ($feed_viewing=='clan_updates') {
$select_clan_membership = $db->query("SELECT * FROM spud_groups_members WHERE member_name='$mybb_username'");
while($select_clan_membership_array = $db->fetch_array($select_clan_membership)) {
$gurl = $select_clan_membership_array['gurl'];
$select_posts_from_groups_query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM spud_groups_posts WHERE group_url='$gurl' ORDER BY post_id DESC");
while($select_posts_from_groups_array = $db->fetch_array($select_posts_from_groups_query)) {
$group_url_id = $select_posts_from_groups_array['group_url'];
$post_body = $select_posts_from_groups_array['post_body'];
$select_group_data_from_posts_query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM spud_groups WHERE gid='$group_url_id'");
$select_group_data_from_posts_array = $db->fetch_array($select_group_data_from_posts_query);
$group_name_data = $select_group_data_from_posts_array['group_name'];
#$group_name_data = false;
echo "<div class='mx'>
<p> <h2> $group_name_data </h2></p>
any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

Prepared statement WHERE clause to open a details page

In the main page I want the following link to open a details page:
<td><a href=details.php?c_id=<?php echo $c_id ?> ><img src="./images/<?php echo $row['cfilename']; ?>" width="90" height="120" alt="" /></a></td>
And the details.php code:
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "joseph", " ", "collectionsdb");
/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
// get value of object id that was sent from address bar
//$c_id = mysql_real_escape_string(c_id);
/* Create the prepared statement */
if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT c_id,ctitle,csubject,creference,cyear,cobjecttype,cmaterial,ctechnic,cwidth,cheight,cperiod,cmarkings,cdescription,csource,cartist,cfilename FROM collections WHERE c_id=$c_id")) {
/* Execute the prepared Statement */
/* Bind results to variables */
/* fetch values */
while ($rows = $stmt->fetch()) {
// display records in a table
// and the table of results
However, when i press the link the details.php opens with all the data. I expect to only open data of a particular $c_id variable. I am not sure why it is not being passed to the details page. In the way I have put the WHERE condition, I am geting an undefined variable error for c_id.
Please,what have I missed?
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "joseph", " ", "collectionsdb");
You are passing space to db password. Should be
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "joseph", "", "collectionsdb");
Is your global_register directive in php.ini enabled?
If enabled, the variable you have assigned as query string will be passed as $c_id. You can check if register_globals enabled by write php_info() in this page. See here
If not enabled, you need to assign query string variables value to a variable or directly pass the variable to the database.
Style 1:
$c_id = $_GET['c_id'];
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT c_id,ctitle,csubject,creference,cyear,cobjecttype,cmaterial,ctechnic,cwidth,cheight,cperiod,cmarkings,cdescription,csource,cartist,cfilename FROM collections WHERE c_id=$c_id"
Style 2:
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT c_id,ctitle,csubject,creference,cyear,cobjecttype,cmaterial,ctechnic,cwidth,cheight,cperiod,cmarkings,cdescription,csource,cartist,cfilename FROM collections WHERE c_id=$_GET['c_id']"
Sanitize you value from query string for style 1 & 2.. Hackable. :)
Let register_global directive enabled is not good. Advise, take the value from query string, sanitize it and pass to the query.

Paypal ipn/cart variables

Wondered if anyone could give me any pointers?
The website I'm currently building sells 'event' tickets....holidays.
What I'm trying to do is decrease the number of tickets in a database field by the number purchased BUT can't find a paypal cart variable which will pull the information back. The custom variable it seems can only be used once and the item_name and item_number variables are already being used, the (item_number) to identify the 'event_id' field in the database and the (item_name) to obviously identify the event name.
I can pass the correct number of tickets to be updated over to Paypal by decreasing the amount and echoing that out in a hidden form field prior to sumbitting to Paypal BUT I can't get the results back. I'm looking for a Paypal form 'name' field that can be adapted to my needs, if one exists
Below is the database loop: The 'custom' variable doesn't work as it can't be custom1, custom2 etc.
mysql_connect('xxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxx') or exit(0);
mysql_select_db('xxxxxx') or exit(0);
$num_cart_items = $_POST['num_cart_items'];
while (isset($_POST['item_number'.$i]))//read the item details
$item_count = $i-1;
for ($j=1;$j<=$item_count;$j++)
$struery = "UPDATE events SET event_tickets = '".$custom[$j]."' WHERE event_id = '".$item_ID[$j]."'";
$result = mysql_query($struery) or die("Cart - paypal_cart_info, Query failed:<br>" . mysql_error() . "<br>" . mysql_errno());
}// end database loop
Thanks for any info.
You can put custom variable as JSON encoded string. Then decode it.
$custom = json_decode($_POST['custom], TRUE);
while (isset($_POST['item_number'.$i]))//read the item details
$item_ID[$i] = $_POST['item_number'.$i];
$custom[$i] = $custom[$i];
Or you can even base64_encode it on send to paypal and верут decode it back it you want variable not to be readable when you redirect user to paypal.

Compiling a week's worth of tweets automatically?

I'd like to be able to run a script that parsed through the twitter page and compiled a list of tweets for a given time period - one week to be more exact. Ideally it should return the results as a html list that could then be posted in a blog. Like here:
I'm sure there's a script out there that could do it, unless the guy does it manually (that would be a big pain!). If there is such a script forgive my ignorance.
Use the Twitter search API. For instance, this query returns my tweets between 2009-07-10 and 2009-07-17:
For anyone that's interested, I hacked together a quick PHP parser that will take the XML output of the above feed and turn it into a nice list. It's sensible if you post a lot of tweets to use the rpp parameter, so that your feed doesn't get clipped at 15. The maximum limit is 100. So by sticking this url into NetNewsWire (or equivalent feed reader):
and exporting the xml to a hard file, you can use this script:
$date = "";
$in = 'links.xml'; //tweets
file_exists($in) ? $xml = simplexml_load_file($in) : die ('Failed to open xml data.');
foreach($xml->entry as $item)
$newdate = date("dS F", strtotime($item->published));
if ($date == "")
echo "<h2>$newdate</h2>\n<ul>\n";
elseif ($newdate != $date)
echo "</ul>\n<h2>$newdate</h2>\n<ul>\n";
echo "<li>\n<p>" . $item->content ." *</p>\n</li>\n";
$date = $newdate;
echo "</ul>\n";