CDC in sql server - sql

i have enabled CDC feature on one of my database. now i have below table data in cdc tables
MemberID LastName __$operation
1 David 4
1 Dave 4
2 Jimmy 4
2 Test 4
Now my problem is that i have to query the cdc table and get all the rows that are the latest one for all the members (most recent updated value). for example the query would return
MemberID LastName __$operation
1 Dave 4
2 Test 4

In addition to the _$operation column, there are also the _$start_lsn and __$seq_val columns. Ordering by those two should get you there.

You can not only determine by _$operations for CDC. If you want to do it correct use other column fields that are:

So I'm not 100% sure I understand what you are asking for, but if you need the latest values for all the members in the table then ignore the CDC table and just query the table itself as this is where all the latest values are afterall.
If you need to see the latest values for all the members that have been changed within a certain time period, then you should use the cdc.fn_cdc_get_net_changes_(capture_instance) function, detailed here:
This allows you to specify a start and end date for the capture period (via the sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn function which allows you to map the LSNs to actual times) and it will then output the net changes to the table within this period.
The cdc.fn_cdc_get_net_changes_(capture_instance) changes is generated depending on your table name, so as you have not specified what this is, I have called it dbo_members, please change as required, here is an example of how you can get a list of the latest values for all changed members within the last day using the functions detailed above:
DECLARE #begin_time DATETIME ,
#end_time DATETIME ,
#begin_lsn BINARY(10) ,
#end_lsn BINARY(10);
SELECT #begin_time = GETDATE() - 1 ,
#end_time = GETDATE();
SELECT #begin_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn('smallest greater than',
SELECT #end_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn('largest less than or equal',
SELECT [MemberID] ,
FROM cdc.fn_cdc_get_net_changes_dbo_members(#begin_lsn, #end_lsn, 'all')

As per steoleary you can simply check the data table for the latest values and ignore CDC altogether, but if you are looking to what changed with values from and to, then you will need to refer to the _$operation values 3 (deleted) and 4 (inserted) values in conjunction with the __$start_lsn. The inserted and deleted values correspond to those tables you would use when writing triggers btw.
To just see what column values changes as a precursor to actually evaluating those values, then you can use the __$update_mask column, tied into the cdc.captured_columns table which will provide you the actual column names, by implementing the sys.fn_cdc_is_bit_set(captured_columns.column_ordinal, __$update_mask) function where the result = 1.
Welcome to the wacky world of CDC and the copious amounts of late nights and caffeine hits required to even attempt to master it!

If your cdc system table name is cdc.dbo_demo_ct then with following query you will get desired result:
FROM (SELECT Row_number() OVER (partition BY a.MemberID ORDER BY b.tran_end_time DESC) t,
FROM cdc.dbo_demo_ct a
INNER JOIN cdc.lsn_time_mapping b
ON a.__$start_lsn = b.start_lsn) T
WHERE T.t = 1


SQL - compare multiple rows and return rows?

I have a large database and i'd like to pull info from a table (Term) where the Names are not linked to a PartyId for a certain SearchId. However:
There are multiple versions of the searches (sometimes 20-40 - otherwise I think SQL - Comparing two rows and two columns would work for me)
The PartyId will almost always be NULL for the first version for the search, and if the same Name for the same SearchId has a PartyId associated in a later version the NULL row should not appear in the results of the query.
I have 8 left joins to display the information requested - 3 of them are joined on the Term table
A very simplified sample of data is below
CASE statement? Join the table with itself for comparison? A temp table or do I just return the fields I'm joining on and/or want to display?
Providing sample data that yields no expected result is not as useful as providing data that gives an expected result..
When asking a question start with defining the problem in plain English. If you can't you don't understand your problem well enough yet. Then define the tables which are involved in the problem (including the columns) and sample data; the SQL you've tried, and what you're expected result is using the data in your sample. Without this minimum information we make many guesses and even with that information we may have to make assumptions; but without a minimum verifiable example showing illustrating your question, helping is problematic.
--End soap box
I'm guessing you're after only the names for a searchID which has a NULL partyID for the highest SearchVerID
So if we eliminated ID 6 from your example data, then 'Bob' would be returned
If we added ID 9 to your sample data for name 'Harry' with a searchID of 2 and a searchVerID of 3 and a null partyID then 'Harry' too would be returned...
If my understanding is correct, then perhaps...
SELECT Name, Row_Number() over (partition by Name order by SearchVersID Desc)
WHERE SearchID = 2)
and partyID is null;
This assigns a row number (RN) to each name starting at 1 and increasing by one for each entry; for searchID's of 2. The highest searchversion will always have a RN of 1. Then we filter to include only those RN which are 1 and have a null partyID. This would result in only those names having a searchID of 2 the highest search version and a NULL partyID
Ok So I took the question a different way too..
If you simply want all the names not linked to a PartyID for a given search.
WHERE A.Name = B.Name
AND SearchID = 2) and partyID is not null)
AND searchID = 2
The above should return all term records associated to searchID 2
that have a partyId. This last method is the exists not exists and set logic I was talking about in comments.

Best practice for setup and querying versioned records in T-SQL

I'm trying to optimize my SQL queries and I always come back to this one issue and I was hoping to get some insight into how I could best optimize this.
For brevity, lets say I have a simple employee table:
Id HiredDateTime
1 ...
2 ...
That has versioned information in another another table for each employee:
Id Version Name HourlyWage
1 1 Bob 10
1 2 Bob 20
1 3 Bob 30
2 1 Dan 10
2 2 Dan 20
And this is how the latest version records are retrieved in a View:
Select tbl_employees.Id, employees_LatestVersion.Name, employees_LatestVersion.HourlyWage, employees_LatestVersion.Version
From tbl_employees
Inner Join tbl_employees_versioned
ON tbl_employees.Id = tbl_employees_versioned.Id
(SELECT Id, Max(Version) AS Version
FROM tbl_employees_versioned AS employees_LatestVersion
WHERE Id = tbl_employees_versioned.Id
GROUP BY Id) AS employees_LatestVersion
To get a response like this:
Id Version Name HourlyWage
1 3 Bob 30
2 2 Dan 20
When pulling a query that has over 500 employees records for which each have a couple few versions, this query starts choking up and takes a few seconds to run.
There are a couple strikes right off the bat, but I'm not sure how to overcome them.
Obviously the Cross Apply adds some performance loss. Is there a best practice when dealing with versioned information like this? Is there a better way to get just a record with the highest version?
The versioned table doesn't have a clustered index beause neither Id or Version are unique. Concatenated together they would be, but it doesn't work like that. Instead there is a non-clustered index for Id and another one for Version. Is there a better way to index this table to get any performance gain? Would an indexed view really help here?
I think the best way to structure the data is using start dates and end dates. So, the data structure for your original table would look like:
create table tbl_EmployeesHistory (
EmployeeHistoryId int,
EffDate date not null,
EndDate date,
-- Fields that describe the employee during this time
Then, you can see the current version using a view:
create view vw_Employees as
select *
from tbl_EmployeesHistory
where EndDate is NULL
In some cases, where future end dates are allowed, the where clause would be:
where coalesce(EndDate, getdate()) >= getdate()
Alternatively, in this case, you can default EndDate to some future date far, far away such as '01-o1-9999'. You would add this as the default in the create table statement, make the column not null, and then you can always use the statement:
where getdate() between EffDate and EndDate
As Martin points out in his comment, the coalesce() might impede the use of an index (it does in SQL Server), whereas this does not have that problem.
This is called a slowly changing dimension. Ralph Kimball discusses this concept in some length in his books on data warehousing.
Here's one way you can get a view of the most recent version for each employee:
Select Id, Name, HourlyWage, Version
Select E.Id, V.Name, V.HourlyWage, V.Version,
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY V.ID ORDER BY V.Version DESC) as nRow
From tbl_employees E
Inner Join tbl_employees_versioned V ON E.Id = V.Id
) A
WHERE A.nRow = 1
I suspect that this will perform better than your previous solution. One index across Id and Version in tbl_employees_versioned would most likely also help.
Also, note that you only need to join on tbl_employees if you're selecting fields that are not in tbl_employees_versioned.

How can I retrieve similar data from two separate tables simultaneously?

Disclaimer: my SQL skills are basic, to say the least.
Let's say I have two similar data types in different tables of the same database.
The first table is called hardback and the fields are as follows:
hbID | hbTitle | hbPublisherID | hbPublishDate
The second table is called paperback and its fields hold similar data but the fields are named differently:
pbID | pbTitle | pbPublisherID | pbPublishDate
I need to retrieve the 10 most recent hardback and paperback books, where the publisher ID is 7.
This is what I have so far:
hbID, hbTitle, hbPublisherID, hbPublishDate AS pDate
bpID, pbTitle, bpPublisherID, pbPublishDate AS pDate
FROM hardback CROSS JOIN paperback
WHERE (hbPublisherID = 7) OR (pbPublisherID = 7)
This returns seven columns per row, at least three of which may or may not be for the wrong publisher. Possibly four, depending on the contents of pDate, which is almost certainly going to be a problem if the other six columns are for the correct publisher!
In an effort to release an earlier version of this software, I ran two separate queries fetching 10 records each, then sorted them by date and discarded the bottom ten, but I just know there must be a more elegant way to do it!
Any suggestions?
Aside: I was reviewing what I'd written here, when my Mac suddenly experienced a kernel panic. Restarted, reopened my tabs and everything I'd typed was still here! Stack Exchange sites are awesome :)
The easiest way is probably a UNION:
(SELECT hbID, hbTitle, hbPublisherID as PublisherID, hbPublishDate as pDate
FROM hardback
SELECT hpID, hpTitle, hpPublisher, hpPublishDate
FROM paperback
) books
WHERE PublisherID = 7
If you could have two copies of the same title (1 paperback, 1 hardcover), change the UNION to a UNION ALL; UNION alone discards duplicates. You could also add a column that indicates what book type it is by adding a pseudo-column to each select (after the publish date, for instance):
hbPublishDate as pDate, 'H' as Covertype
You'll have to add the same new column to the paperback half of the query, using 'P' instead. Note that on the second query you don't have to specify column names; the resultset takes the names from the first one. All column data types in the two queries have match, also - you can't UNION a date column in the first with a numeric column in the second without converting the two columns to the same datatype in the query.
Here's a sample script for creating two tables and doing the select above. It works just fine in SQL Server Management Studio.Just remember to drop the two tables (using DROP Table tablename) when you're done.
use tempdb;
create table Paperback (pbID Integer Identity,
pbTitle nvarchar(30), pbPublisherID Integer, pbPubDate Date);
create table Hardback (hbID Integer Identity,
hbTitle nvarchar(30), hbPublisherID Integer, hbPubDate Date);
insert into Paperback (pbTitle, pbPublisherID, pbPubDate)
values ('Test title 1', 1, GETDATE());
insert into Hardback (hbTitle, hbPublisherID, hbPubDate)
values ('Test title 1', 1, GETDATE());
select * from (
select pbID, pbTitle, pbPublisherID, pbPubDate, 'P' as Covertype
from Paperback
union all
select hbID, hbTitle, hbPublisherID, hbPubDate,'H'
from Hardback) books
order by CoverType;
/* You'd drop the two tables here with
DROP table Paperback;
DROP table HardBack;
i think it is clearly better, if you make only one table with a reference to another one which holds information about the category of the entry like hardback or paperback. this is my first suggestion.
by the way, what is your programming language?

finding consecutive date pairs in SQL

I have a question here that looks a little like some of the ones that I found in search, but with solutions for slightly different problems and, importantly, ones that don't work in SQL 2000.
I have a very large table with a lot of redundant data that I am trying to reduce down to just the useful entries. It's a history table, and the way it works, if two entries are essentially duplicates and consecutive when sorted by date, the latter can be deleted. The data from the earlier entry will be used when historical data is requested from a date between the effective date of that entry and the next non-duplicate entry.
The data looks something like this:
id user_id effective_date important_value useless_value
1 1 1/3/2007 3 0
2 1 1/4/2007 3 1
3 1 1/6/2007 NULL 1
4 1 2/1/2007 3 0
5 2 1/5/2007 12 1
6 3 1/1/1899 7 0
With this sample set, we would consider two consecutive rows duplicates if the user_id and the important_value are the same. From this sample set, we would only delete row with id=2, preserving the information from 1-3-2007, showing that the important_value changed on 1-6-2007, and then showing the relevant change again on 2-1-2007.
My current approach is awkward and time-consuming, and I know there must be a better way. I wrote a script that uses a cursor to iterate through the user_id values (since that breaks the huge table up into manageable pieces), and creates a temp table of just the rows for that user. Then to get consecutive entries, it takes the temp table, joins it to itself on the condition that there are no other entries in the temp table with a date between the two dates. In the pseudocode below, UDF_SameOrNull is a function that returns 1 if the two values passed in are the same or if they are both NULL.
WHILE (##fetch_status <> -1)
SELECT * FROM History INTO #history WHERE user_id = #UserId
--return entries to delete
INTO #delete_history_ids
FROM #history h1
JOIN #history h2 ON
h1.effective_date < h2.effective_date
AND dbo.UDF_SameOrNull(h1.important_value, h2.important_value)=1
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #history hx WHERE hx.effective_date > h1.effective_date and hx.effective_date < h2.effective_date)
FROM History h1
JOIN #delete_history_ids dh ON =
It also loops over the same set of duplicates until there are none, since taking out rows creates new consecutive pairs that are potentially dupes. I left that out for simplicity.
Unfortunately, I must use SQL Server 2000 for this task and I am pretty sure that it does not support ROW_NUMBER() for a more elegant way to find consecutive entries.
Thanks for reading. I apologize for any unnecessary backstory or errors in the pseudocode.
OK, I think I figured this one out, excellent question!
First, I made the assumption that the effective_date column will not be duplicated for a user_id. I think it can be modified to work if that is not the case - so let me know if we need to account for that.
The process basically takes the table of values and self-joins on equal user_id and important_value and prior effective_date. Then, we do 1 more self-join on user_id that effectively checks to see if the 2 joined records above are sequential by verifying that there is no effective_date record that occurs between those 2 records.
It's just a select statement for now - it should select all records that are to be deleted. So if you verify that it is returning the correct data, simply change the select * to delete tcheck.
Let me know if you have questions.
History tcheck
inner join History tprev
on tprev.[user_id] = tcheck.[user_id]
and tprev.important_value = tcheck.important_value
and tprev.effective_date < tcheck.effective_date
left join History checkbtwn
on tcheck.[user_id] = checkbtwn.[user_id]
and checkbtwn.effective_date < tcheck.effective_date
and checkbtwn.effective_date > tprev.effective_date
checkbtwn.[user_id] is null
OK guys, I did some thinking last night and I think I found the answer. I hope this helps someone else who has to match consecutive pairs in data and for some reason is also stuck in SQL Server 2000.
I was inspired by the other results that say to use ROW_NUMBER(), and I used a very similar approach, but with an identity column.
--create table with identity column
CREATE TABLE #history (
id int,
user_id int,
effective_date datetime,
important_value int,
useless_value int,
idx int IDENTITY(1,1)
--insert rows ordered by effective_date and now indexed in order
INSERT INTO #history
WHERE user_id = #user_id
ORDER BY effective_date
--get pairs where consecutive values match
FROM #history h1
JOIN #history h2 ON
h1.idx+1 = h2.idx
WHERE h1.important_value = h2.important_value
With this approach, I still have to iterate over the results until it returns nothing, but I can't think of any way around that and this approach is miles ahead of my last one.

SQL standard select current records from an audit log question

My memory is failing me. I have a simple audit log table based on a trigger:
ID int (identity, PK)
CustomerID int
Name varchar(255)
Address varchar(255)
AuditDateTime datetime
AuditCode char(1)
It has data like this:
ID CustomerID Name Address AuditDateTime AuditCode
1 123 Bob 123 Internet Way 2009-07-17 13:18:06.353I
2 123 Bob 123 Internet Way 2009-07-17 13:19:02.117D
3 123 Jerry 123 Internet Way 2009-07-17 13:36:03.517I
4 123 Bob 123 My Edited Way 2009-07-17 13:36:08.050U
5 100 Arnold 100 SkyNet Way 2009-07-17 13:36:18.607I
6 100 Nicky 100 Star Way 2009-07-17 13:36:25.920U
7 110 Blondie 110 Another Way 2009-07-17 13:36:42.313I
8 113 Sally 113 Yet another Way 2009-07-17 13:36:57.627I
What would be the efficient select statement be to get all most current records between a start and end time? FYI: I for insert, D for delete, and U for update.
Am I missing anything in the audit table? My next step is to create an audit table that only records changes, yet you can extract the most recent records for the given time frame. For the life of me I cannot find it on any search engine easily. Links would work too. Thanks for the help.
Another (better?) method to keep audit history is to use a 'startDate' and 'endDate' column rather than an auditDateTime and AuditCode column. This is often the approach in tracking Type 2 changes (new versions of a row) in data warehouses.
This lets you more directly select the current rows (WHERE endDate is NULL), and you will not need to treat updates differently than inserts or deletes. You simply have three cases:
Insert: copy the full row along with a start date and NULL end date
Delete: set the End Date of the existing current row (endDate is NULL)
Update: do a Delete then Insert
Your select would simply be:
select * from AuditTable where endDate is NULL
Anyway, here's my query for your existing schema:
declare #from datetime
declare #to datetime
select b.* from (
max(auditdatetime) 'auditDateTime'
auditcode in ('I', 'U')
and auditdatetime between #from and #to
group by customerId
/* rely on "current" being defined as INSERTS > DELETES */
sum(case when auditcode = 'I' then 1 else 0 end) >
sum(case when auditcode = 'D' then 1 else 0 end)
) a
cross apply(
select top 1 customerId, name, address, auditdateTime
from AuditTable
where auditdatetime = a.auditdatetime and customerId = a.customerId
) b
A cribsheet for data warehouses, but has a good section on type 2 changes (what you want to track)
MSDN page on data warehousing
Ok, a couple of things for audit log tables.
For most applications, we want audit tables to be extremely quick on insertion.
If the audit log is truly for diagnostic or for very irregular audit reasons, then the quickest insertion criteria is to make the table physically ordered upon insertion time.
And this means to put the audit time as the first column of the clustered index, e.g.
create unique clustered index idx_mytable on mytable(AuditDateTime, ID)
This will allow for extremely efficient select queries upon AuditDateTime O(log n), and O(1) insertions.
If you wish to look up your audit table on a per CustomerID basis, then you will need to compromise.
You may add a nonclustered index upon (CustomerID, AuditDateTime), which will allow for O(log n) lookup of per-customer audit history, however the cost will be the maintenance of that nonclustered index upon insertion - that maintenance will be O(log n) conversely.
However that insertion time penalty may be preferable to the table scan (that is, O(n) time complexity cost) that you will need to pay if you don't have an index on CustomerID and this is a regular query that is performed.
An O(n) lookup which locks the table for the writing process for an irregular query may block up writers, so it is sometimes in writers' interests to be slightly slower if it guarantees that readers aren't going to be blocking their commits, because readers need to table scan because of a lack of a good index to support them....
Addition: if you are looking to restrict to a given timeframe, the most important thing first of all is the index upon AuditDateTime. And make it clustered as you are inserting in AuditDateTime order. This is the biggest thing you can do to make your query efficient from the start.
Next, if you are looking for the most recent update for all CustomerID's within a given timespan, well thereafter a full scan of the data, restricted by insertion date, is required.
You will need to do a subquery upon your audit table, between the range,
select CustomerID, max(AuditDateTime) MaxAuditDateTime
from AuditTrail
where AuditDateTime >= #begin and Audit DateTime <= #end
and then incorporate that into your select query proper, eg.
select AuditTrail.* from AuditTrail
inner join
(select CustomerID, max(AuditDateTime) MaxAuditDateTime
from AuditTrail
where AuditDateTime >= #begin and Audit DateTime <= #end
) filtration
on filtration.CustomerID = AuditTrail.CustomerID and
filtration.AuditDateTime = AuditTrail.AuditDateTime
Another approach is using a sub select
select a.ID
, a.CustomerID
, a.Name
, a.Address
, a.AuditDateTime
, a.AuditCode
from myauditlogtable a,
(select as maxid,max(s.AuditDateTime)
from myauditlogtable as s
group by maxid)
as subq
start and end time? e.g as in between 1am to 3am
or start and end date time? e.g as in 2009-07-17 13:36 to 2009-07-18 13:36