Create report from Bound DataTable -

I'm fairly new to programming.
I don't plan on using Crystal Reports unless it is absolutely necessary because of license fees. I have also looked into .rdlc a little bit and to be honest it confused me. I was not sure how to get the data I wanted into the Client Report Definition using the Report Wizard. As a side note, though, I am dealing with encrypted data.
I am decrypting data in my DataTable, and would like to make a report out of the DataTable that feeds a DGV and show it in a ReportViewer. If there is a better way please let me know!
I am not sure how to use the DataTable as the data source for the report. Here ismy code for both:
Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables(1)
ds.DataSetName = "DataSetReport"
dt.TableName = "DataTable1"
If SearchFirsttxt.Text = "" Then
SqlCommand.CommandText = "Select * FROM PARTICIPANT WHERE LAST_NM_TXT = '" & eLast & "';"
ElseIf SearchLastTxt.Text = "" Then
SqlCommand.CommandText = "Select * FROM PARTICIPANT WHERE FIRST_NM_TXT = '" & eFirst & "';"
SqlCommand.CommandText = "Select * FROM PARTICIPANT WHERE FIRST_NM_TXT = '" & eFirst & "' and LAST_NM_TXT = '" & eLast & "';"
End If
'SQL Command returns rows where values in database and textboxes are equal
SearchFirsttxt.Text = ""
SearchLastTxt.Text = ""
dFirst = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(eFirst) 'Decrypts the value entered into the SearchFirsttxt
dLast = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(eLast) 'Decrypts the value entered into the SearchLasttxt
Dim myAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(SqlCommand) 'holds the data
myAdapter.Fill(dt) 'datatable that is populated into the holder (DataAdapter)
DataGridView1.DataSource = dt 'Assigns source of information to the gridview (DataTable)
For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
dt.Rows(i)("FIRST_NM_TXT") = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dt.Rows(i)("FIRST_NM_TXT"))
dt.Rows(i)("LAST_NM_TXT") = clsEncrypt.DecryptData(dt.Rows(i)("LAST_NM_TXT"))
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Either the first name or last name did not match. Please check your spelling.")
End Try
I've tried:
Dim ds As DSReportTest
which didn't work. The reason I am trying to rely on dt is because it contains the decrypted data.

Printing DataGridView using PrintDocument could be tedious. Refer this codeproject article to get an idea.
You can also use the DataGridView clipboard content to get the formatted values into clipboard and copy into some excel file. The below MSDN link has some example for getting clipboard content from DataGridView.

If you are using vs 2010, you should not have a license issue using crystal reports when deploying an application. I assume it's not server based redistribution.


Database Locked even after disposing all commands

The database is locked error appears even after I have disposed all the commands. I'm trying to write to the database and it is failing on the INSERT command at the bottom. I had it working before but for some reason it has started to fail now.
Sub Btn_SubmitClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
If MsgBox("Are you sure?",vbYesNo,"Submit?") = 7 Then
'returns to previous screen
'commences insert into database
Rows = (dataGridView1.RowCount - 1)
While count < rows
'putting grid stuff into variables
DateStart = dataGridView1.Rows(Count).Cells(0).Value.ToString
DateEnd = dataGridView1.Rows(Count).Cells(2).Value.ToString 'note other way round
TimeStart = dataGridView1.Rows(Count).Cells(1).Value.ToString
TimeEnd = dataGridView1.Rows(Count).Cells(3).Value.ToString
TotalHours = dataGridView1.Rows(Count).Cells(4).Value.ToString
OccuranceNo = dataGridView1.Rows(Count).Cells(5).Value.ToString
'fetching reason ID for Storage
SQLcommand = SQLconnect.CreateCommand
SQLcommand.CommandText = "SELECT Reason_ID FROM Reasons WHERE Reason_Name = '" & dataGridView1.Rows(Count).Cells(6).Value.ToString & "'"
SQLreader = SQLcommand.ExecuteReader
ReasonID = SQLreader("Reason_ID")
'fetching site ID for storage
SQLcommand = SQLconnect.CreateCommand
SQLcommand.CommandText = "SELECT Site_ID FROM Sites WHERE Site_Name = '" & dataGridView1.Rows(Count).Cells(7).Value.ToString & "'"
SQLreader = SQLcommand.ExecuteReader
SiteID = SQLreader("Site_ID")
Oncall = dataGridView1.Rows(Count).Cells(8).Value.ToString
'increment counter
Count = Count + 1
'send to database
SQLcommand = SQLconnect.CreateCommand
SQLcommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Shifts (Staff_ID, Date_Shift_Start, Date_Shift_End, Time_Shift_Start, Time_Shift_End, Total_Hours, Occurance_No, Site_ID, On_Call_Req, Rate, Approved, Reason_ID) VALUES ('" & userID & "' , '" & DateStart &"' , '" & DateEnd & "' , '" & TimeStart & "' , '" & TimeEnd & "' , '" & TotalHours & "' , '" & OccuranceNo & "' , '" & SiteID & "' , '" & Oncall & "' , '"& "1" & "' , '" & "N" & "' , '" & ReasonID & "')"
End While
End If
End Sub
There are several things which ought be changed in the code shown. Since none of the Connection, Command or Reader objects are declared in the code, they must be global objects you are reusing. Don't do that.
There can be reasons for one persistent connection, but queries are very specific in nature, so trying to reuse DbCommand and DataReaders can be counterproductive. Since these work closely with the DbConnection, all sorts of bad things can happen. And it means the root of the problem could be anywhere in your code.
The following will loop thru a DGV to insert however many rows there are.
Dim SQL = "INSERT INTO Sample (Fish, Bird, Color, Value, Price) VALUES (#f, #b, #c, #v, #p)"
Using dbcon As New SQLiteConnection(LiteConnStr)
Using cmd As New SQLiteCommand(SQL, dbcon)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#f", DbType.String)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#b", DbType.String)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#c", DbType.String)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#v", DbType.Int32)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p", DbType.Double)
Dim fishName As String
For Each dgvR As DataGridViewRow In dgv2.Rows
' skip the NewRow, it has no data
If dgvR.IsNewRow Then Continue For
' look up from another table
' just to shorten the code
userText = dgvR.Cells(0).Value.ToString()
fishName = dtFish.AsEnumerable().
FirstOrDefault(Function(f) f.Field(Of String)("Code") = userText).
Field(Of String)("Fish")
' or
'Dim drs = dtFish.Select(String.Format("Code = '{0}'", userText))
'fishName = drs(0)("Fish").ToString()
cmd.Parameters("#f").Value = fishName
cmd.Parameters("#b").Value = dgvR.Cells(1).Value
cmd.Parameters("#c").Value = dgvR.Cells(2).Value
cmd.Parameters("#v").Value = dgvR.Cells(3).Value
cmd.Parameters("#p").Value = dgvR.Cells(4).Value
End Using
End Using
NOTE: Like the original code there is no Data Validation - that is, it assumes that whatever they typed is always valid. This is rarely a good assumption.
The code implements Using blocks which will declare and create the target objects (dbCommands, connections) and dispose of them when done with them. They cannot interfere with code elsewhere because they only exist in that block.
SQL Parameters are used to simplify code and specify datatypes. A side effect of concatenating SQL as you are, is that everything is passed as string! This can be very bad with SQLite which is typeless.
I would avoid firing off multiple look up queries in the loop. The original code should throw an InvalidOperationException since it never Reads from the DataReader.
Perhaps the best way to do this would be for Sites and Reasons to be ComboBox column in the DGV where the user sees whatever text, and the ValueMember would already be available for the code to store.
Another alternative shown in the answer is to pre-load a DataTable with the data and then use some extension methods to look up the value needed.
If you "must" use readers, implement them in their own Using blocks.
A For Each loop is used which provides the actual row being examined.
I'd seriously reconsider the idea of storing something like a startDateTime as individual Date and Time fields.
These are the basics if using DB Provider objects. It is not certain that refactoring that procedure shown will fix anything, because the problem could very well be anywhere in the code as a result of DBProvider objects left open and not disposed.
One other thing to check is any UI Manager you may be using for the db. Many of these accumulate changes until you click a Save or Write button. In the interim, some have the DB locked.
Finally, even though the code here is shorter and simpler, using a DataAdapter and a DataTable would allow new data in the DGV to automatically update the database:
rowsAffected = myDA.Update(myDT)
It would take perhaps 30 mins to learn how to configure it that way.

Looping through SqlDataReader returns same row twice

I'm making a VB.NET (4.6) Windows form application that collects info on our servers and allows us to do reports on it. It's coming together nicely but I've run into an issue I can't figure out. One part of the project is a service that queries the info on available Windows updates from WSUS and then stores them in an SQL database - that part works fine. I'm now trying to present this data in a DataGridView using an SqlDataReader to query the info from the database and fill up a DataTable with the response. The problem is that when I use the reader, it puts the same record in the DataTable twice. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, and I'm sure it's something super simple. Perhaps one of you folks can spot the problem?
Note: Earlier in the application, the updateid's are stored as unique strings in a list called dbupdateidlist, the results are stored in a DataTable called dbupTable, and the datagridview I'm trying to update is called UpdateDeetsView.
Public Sub getUpdateDetails()
For Each str As String In dbupdateidlist
Dim commGetUpdateDetails As String = "select upTableId, title, classification, description, " +
"releasedate, severity, articlenumber, url from updatedetails where updateid = '" + str + "'"
Using connObj As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
Using cmdObj As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(commGetUpdateDetails, connObj)
Using readerObj As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = cmdObj.ExecuteReader
While readerObj.Read
dbuptabid = readerObj("uptableid")
dbuptitle = readerObj("title")
dbupclass = readerObj("classification")
dbupdesc = readerObj("description")
dbupreleasedate = readerObj("releasedate")
dbupseverity = readerObj("severity")
dbuparticlenumber = readerObj("articlenumber")
dbupurl = readerObj("url")
row = dbupTable.NewRow()
row("uptableid") = dbuptabid
row("title") = dbuptitle
row("classification") = dbupclass
row("description") = dbupdesc
row("releasedate") = dbupreleasedate
row("severity") = dbupseverity
row("articlenumber") = dbuparticlenumber
row("url") = dbupurl
End While
End Using
End Using
End Using
UpdateDeetsView.DataSource = dbupTable
End Sub
Forgive the likely terrible code, I'm an SA not a dev...
Try this:
Public Sub getUpdateDetails()
Dim sql As String = _
"SELECT DISTINCT upTableId, title, classification, description, releasedate, " & _
" severity, articlenumber, url " & _
" FROM updatedetails " & _
" WHERE updateid = #updateID"
Using cn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString), _
cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(sql, cn)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#updateID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Int32.Parse(dbupdateidlist.First())
UpdateDeetsView.DataSource = cmd.ExecuteReader()
End Using
End Sub
Note the use of DISTINCT and the complete lack of any explicit loops whatsoever.
Also note that I'm only looking at one entry in dbupdateidlist. The real source of your old bug may have been to have the the ID in that list twice.
There is no way readerObj.Read is failing to move to the next record
get the output of this and run it is SSMS
"select upTableId, title, classification, description, " +
"releasedate, severity, articlenumber, url from updatedetails where updateid = '" + str + "'"

Filter and sort datagridview

I have created an item list in which all items are loaded, and I need to filter the data according to the text entered in the textbox.
Please guide me how to filter and sort data, I have created the fallowing code
Private Sub loadsearchitems(item As String)
dgvsearchitem.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical
On Error Resume Next
con = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(connectionString)
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet
Dim adapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
sqlstr = "SELECT Imaster.icode, Imaster.iname & ' ' & MfgComTab.comname as[Iname], Imaster.unitcode,,Unit.unitname FROM ((Imaster INNER JOIN MfgComTab ON Imaster.mccode = MfgComTab.mccode) INNER JOIN Unit ON Imaster.unitcode = Unit.unitcode) WHERE (Imaster.isdeleted = 'N') AND Imaster.comcode=#comcode AND Imaster.iname like '%' & #item & '%' order by iname asc "
adapter.SelectCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(sqlstr, con)
adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#comcode", compcode)
adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#iname", item)
If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
dgvsearchitem.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
dgvsearchitem.Columns("unitname").Visible = False
dgvsearchitem.Columns("unitcode").Visible = False
dgvsearchitem.Columns("icode").Visible = False
dgvsearchitem.Columns("tax").Visible = False
dgvsearchitem.Columns("Iname").Width = 371
End If
End Sub
But in the above code the application is slow because every time any text is entered a query is executed. Please tell me any solution where query is executed only once and when we enter the text it only search the items by wild card and filter it.
If you initially set the DataGridView with all the records, then you could avoid to go again to the database to extract your data in a filtered way. You have already extracted everything, so you could simply set the DataSource with a DataView filtered locally
' Code that loads initially the grid
sqlstr = "SELECT Imaster.icode, Imaster.iname .....FROM ...." ' NO WHERE HERE
dgvsearchitem.DataSource = ds.Tables(0).DefaultView
Now in your loadsearchitems instead of executing again a query against the database you could take the datasource and set the RowFilter property
Dim v as DataView = CType(dgvsearchitem.DataSource, DataView)
v.RowFilter = "Imaster.comcode='" & compcode & "' AND Imaster.iname like '%" & item & "'%'"
Note how the RowFilter property doesn't understand the use of parameters, so if it is possible for your comcode field to contain single quotes you need to add a some form of doubling the quotes (a String.Replace will do) to avoid a syntax error. And yes, there is no worry for Sql Injection on a DataView (it is a disconnected object and whatever your user types in the compcode field it cannot reach the database)

while saving from data gridview the same thing getting saved multiple times in application

I have a grid view like this: i am working on windows application
in load event i given code like this:
Dim cd As SqlCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(adapter)
adapter = New SqlDataAdapter("select c.cid,c.CompanyName as Company,d.dtId,d.dtName as Department,d.dtPhone as,d.dtEmail as D.mail from CompanyMaster_tbl c join DepartmentMaster_tbl d on c.Cid=d.cId", con.connect)
dt1 = New DataTable
bSource = New BindingSource
adapter.Fill(dt1) 'Filling dt with the information from the DB
bSource.DataSource = dt1
gv.DataSource = bSource
gv.Columns("cid").Visible = False
gv.Columns("dtId").Visible = False
in save button i given code like this:
Dim sqlInsertT1 As String = ""
Dim sqlInsertT2 As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To gv.RowCount - 2
If gv.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value IsNot System.DBNull.Value Then
sqlInsertT1 = "Insert Into CompanyMaster_tbl(CompanyName) Values ('" + gv.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value + "')"
Ccid = RecordID("Cid", "CompanyMaster_tbl", "CompanyName", gv.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value)
End If
sqlInsertT2 = "Insert Into DepartmentMaster_tbl(dtname,dtphone,dtEmail,Cid) Values ('" + gv.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value + "','" + gv.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value + "','" + gv.Rows(i).Cells(5).Value + "'," & Ccid & ");"
in this case firs I added three department under the company IBS,then i saved.first time everything saved correct. again i run the application,and added one more department,phone,mail under the comapny IBS. then i clicked save button..but again the same department getting saved.. ( i dont want save all department again,i only want to save last added department,phone,email) what i have to change in my code
As you have bound to dt1 in you given code you can look at dt1.GetChanges() to look at just what has changed if this is what you are after.
Alternatively I would suggest making the DataGrid read only and then have a new form for editing or adding a Department or Company. This gives far greater control but is only an option if you are in a position to make the DataGrid read only.

SqlDataReader getting rows when no data

This is incredibly urgent, I need to present this application in 3 and a half hours.
My application checks against a data source to see if a value exists in the database and changes values depending on whether or not the value in question was found.
The problem is that I've run the sql query with the value in question in SSMS and no rows were returned, and yet, my DataReader says it has rows.
This means that my application is reporting inaccurately.
Here's my code:
Using conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=Testing; Integrated Security=True;")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
If reader.HasRows Then
Value = True
AcctNumber = reader(1)
End If
End Using
I've removed code that's not relevant to this post, but what you may want to know is:
Value is Boolean
AcctNumber is a String
As this is an application for work, I'd rather not include the SQL Query. The problem is the reader. If I comment out Value = True, I get the right info, but leaving that out will mean that in a case where Value should be True, it'll report inaccurately as well.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Full Source Code:
Case "Business"
' Change the number format to local because that's what it is in the db
If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(NumberToCheck, 2) = "27" Then
NumberToCheck = NumberToCheck.Replace(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(NumberToCheck, 2), "0")
End If
Dim sql As String = "SELECT a.TelNumber, c.AccountNumber " & _
"FROM TelInfo a " & _
"INNER JOIN Customers b ON a.CustID = b.pkguidId " & _
"INNER JOIN Accounts c ON b.pkguidId = c.CustID " & _
"WHERE a.TelNumber = '" & NumberToCheck & "'"
Using conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=Testing; Persist Security Info=True; " & _
"User Id=JoeSoap; Password=paoseoj;")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
If reader.Read Then
Value = True
AcctNumber = reader(1)
End If
End Using
On the comments below made before 08/02/10 (mm/dd/yy):
Value is just a boolean that gets returned by the function to indicate that the searched telephone number (NumberToCheck) exists in the database.
Private AcctNumber As String
Dim val As Boolean = False
val = CheckNumber("3235553469")
If val Then
' AcctNumber will have been set by CheckNumber
Label1.Text = AcctNumber
End If
val will only be returned True if the NumberToCheck (in this example 3235553469) exists in the database.
Having copied the value of NumberToCheck into SSMS and testing the query there, I can verify that the query does work as expected.
No, I can't populate a DataSet because of the volume of information in the table (+/- 9.5m rows). Even with the 'WHERE' filter, the query is too heavy on resources and eventually ends in an OutOfMemory Exception which is why I went with a DataReader.
I'm going to try the ExecuteScalar option as suggested as an answer by Darryl now, will update with the results.
Try changing your If statement to
If reader.Read() Then
Value = True
AcctNumber = reader(1)
End If
HasRows exhibits strange behavior in certain situations, so it's better to avoid it altogether.
This does not solve the problem, but it may get you through your presentation. Use "ExecuteScalar" which should work when you return a single value.
AcctNumber = ""
AcctNumber = cmd.ExecuteScalar
If AcctNumber = "" Then
Value = False
Value = True
End If
Just to be sure it's not a data problem, parameterize your SQL. Change the statement:
Dim sql As String = "SELECT a.TelNumber, c.AccountNumber " & _
"FROM TelInfo a " & _
"INNER JOIN Customers b ON a.CustID = b.pkguidId " & _
"INNER JOIN Accounts c ON b.pkguidId = c.CustID " & _
"WHERE a.TelNumber = #telNumber"
Then do this:
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sql, conn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#telNumber", NumberToCheck) ' <==== added line
I think we're looking in the wrong place. Add this just before if reader.Read():
Value = false
AcctNumber = ""
This will make sure you're not having a variable-scope problem. (You are using Option Strict On, right?)
In the immortal words of Homer Simpson... "DOH!!"
I just had a look on the database that my application searches for the telephone numbers and, I don't know how I could have missed it, but the value I'm searching for is actually there.
The problem is, therefore, not likely anything to do with my code, but rather the data...