Layered and Pipe-and-Filter - architectural-patterns

I'm a bit confused in which situations these patterns should be used, because in some sense, they seem similar to me?
I understand that Layered is used when system is complex, and can be divided by its hierarchy, so each layer has a function on different level of hierarchy, and uses the functions on the lower level, while in the same time exposes its function to higher level.
On the other hand, Pipe-and-Filter is based on independent components that process data, and can be connected by pipes so they make a whole that executes the complete algorithm.
But if the hierarchy does not exist, it all comes to question if order of the modules can be changed?
And an example that confuses me is compiler. It is an example of pipe-and-filter architecture, but the order of some modules is relevant, if I'm not wrong?
Some example to clarify things would be nice, to remove my confusion. Thanks in advance...

Maybe it is too late to answer but I will try anyway.
The main difference between the two architectural styles are the flow of data.
On one hand, for Pipe-and-Filter, the data are pushed from the first filter to the last one.
And they WILL be pushed, otherwise, the process will not be deem success.
For example, in car manufacturing factory, each station is placed after one another.
The car will be assembled from the first station to the last.
If nothing goes wrong, you will get a complete car at the end.
And this is also true for compiler example. You get the binary code after from the last compiling process.
On the other hand, Layered architecture dictates that the components are grouped in so-called layers.
Typically, the client (the user or component that accesses the system) can access the system only from the top-most layer. He also does not care how many layers the system has. He cares only about the outcome from the layer that he is accessing (which is the top-most one).
This is not the same as Pipe-and-Filter where the output comes from the last filter.
Also, as you said, the components in the same layer are using "services" from the lower layers.
However, not all services from the lower layer must be accessed.
Nor that the upper layer must access the lower layer at all.
As long as the client gets what he wants, the system is said to work.
Like TCP/IP architecture, the user is using a web browser from application layer without any knowledge how the web browser or any underlying protocols work.
To your question, the "hierarchy" in layered architecture is just a logical model.
You can just say they are packages or some groups of components accessing each other in chain.
The key point here is that the results must be returned in chain from the last component back to the first one (where the client is accessing) too.
(In contrast to Pipe-and-Filter where the client gets the result from the last component.)

1.) Layered Architecture is hierarchical architecture, it views the entire system as -
hierarchy of structures
The software system is decomposed into logical modules at different levels of hierarchy.
where as
2.) Pipe and Filter is a Data-Flow architecture, it views the entire system as -
series of transformations on successive sets of data
where data and operations on it are independent of each other.


Client participation in the federated computation rounds

I am building a federated learning model using Tensorflow Federated.
Based on what I have read in the tutorials and papers, I understood that the state-of-the-art method (FedAvg) is working by selecting a random subset of clients at each round.
My concern is:
I am having a small number of clients. Totally I have 8 clients, I select 6 clients for training and I kept 2 for testing.
All of the data are provided on my local device, so I am using the TFF as the simulation environment.
If I use all of the 6 clients in all of the rounds during federated communication rounds, would this be a wrong execution of the FedAvg method?
Note that I am planning also to use the same experiment used in this paper. That aims to use different server optimization methods and compare their performance. So, would (all clients participating procedure) works here or not?
Thanks in advance
This is certainly a valid application of FedAvg and the variants proposed in the linked paper, though one that is only studied empirically in a subset of the literature. On the other hand, many theoretical analyses of FedAvg assume a similar situation to the one you're describing; at the bottom of page 4 of that linked paper, you will see that the analysis is performed in this so-called 'full participation' regime, where every client participates on every round.
Often the setting you describe is called 'cross silo'; see, e.g., section 7.5 of Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning, which will also contain many useful pointers for the cross-silo literature.
Finally, depending on the application, consider that it may be more natural to literally train on all clients, reserving portions of each clients' data for validation and test. Questions around natural partitions of data to model the 'setting we care about' are often thorny in the federated setting.

Zero derivative calculation during optimization (no impact to objective)

I am writing an optimization code for a finite-difference radiation solver model. I started to use "src_indices" for connecting parameters rather promoting all the variables. But when I changed the connection, optimization does not calculate derivatives, gives "no impact to objective" error, and successfully terminates optimization after first iteration. Could not find any clue for finding the error in the logs (Bug may be in a completely different reason).
Is there any suggestion where I can start?
I uploaded the code to GitHub
The first thing that comes to mind when you mention "design variables have no impact on objective" is that there may be a missing connection. Since this behavior only started after you changed the connection style, I think this is even more likely.
There are a couple of tools you can use to diagnose this. The first is the n2 viewer, which you can launch by typing the following at your command prompt:
openmdao n2
This will launch a browser window that contains a graphical model viewer which is described in detail here. You can use this to explore the structure of your model. To find unconnected inputs in your model, look for any input blocks that are colored orange. These are technically connected to a hidden IndepVarComp called _auto_ivc, and will include design variables, which are set by the optimizer. You will want to look for any that should be connected to other component outputs.
OpenMDAO also has a connection viewer that just shows connections.
openmdao view_connections
You can use this tool to just focus on the connections. It is described here. If you choose to use this, just filter to see any connection to _auto_ivc in the source output string to see the unconnected inputs.
If you reach this point, and are satisfied that all the connections are correct, then there are a couple of other possibilities:
Are all of your src_indices correct? Maybe some of them are an empty set, or maybe some create a "degenerate" case. For example, if you have a set of cascading components that each multiply an incoming vector by a diagonal matrix, and if your indices are [0] in one connection, and [4] in another connection, then you've effectively severed the entire model. None of our visualization tools can pick that up, and you will need to inspect the indices manually.
It could also be a derivative problem, though what you describe sounds like connections. In that case, I recommend using check_partials to look for any missing or incorrect derivatives.
Are you computing any derivatives using complex step? It is possible that you are losing the complex part of the calculation through a complex-unsafe operation. Checking your derivatives against 'fd' can help to find these.

Encapsulation of a VHDL module in Ise XiliniX

I have a vhdl module called 'inner_module', with some input and output ports, e.g.
entity inner_module is
port (input1, input2 : in std_logic;
output1, output2 : out std_logic);
end inner_module;
and I want to include (encapsulate?) it in another module, called 'outer_module', that is a sort of interface to 'inner_module', such that I don't have to deal with all its details.
Suppose that 'outer_module' has input and output ports, as in
entity outer_module is
port(outer_input1: in std_logic;
outer_output1: out std_logic);
end outer_module;
which are elaborated and appropriately feed to inner_module with the architecture part of outer_module. Same for the inner outputs, which are elaborated in order to evaluate outer_output1.
Let's say that signals input1 and output1 are meant to drive an external evm, e.g. a dac evm, that is connected to my main EVM (virtex 6).
After checking syntax, synthetizing, ... I have to associate the ports to the pin (with I/O pin planning), but the only port that can be associated are the ones from the top module, and I don't have access to signal input1 and output1.
I can add input1 and output1 in the entity declaration of outer_module, but I'd like to "hide" the fact that I use these signals in order to drive the dac evm (it could be a lot of signals), and simply have the interface with the previous entity declaration for outer_module. I'd like to associated the signals input1 and output1 to the correct pins but without doing this "from the top module".
Is it possible? Any ideas or references on how to do that? Or do I always have to include all the signals to be associated to pins in the top module?
I can think of a possible solution to this, but I don't think it is a good idea. I think what you are trying to avoid something that you should not. By not passing the "hidden" I/O from your lower level block through the higher level block, you are essentially asking for a global signal/port that you can access from anywhere. There is not a physical reason why you should not be able to do this (i.e. you should be able to connect any signal in your design to an FPGA pin), but it is not how someone would expect your VHDL design to work. "No one" likes "global signals" or variables, because you lose the ability to trace where they came from and where they go.
When you look at your I/O of your top level design, you should be thinking of the I/O as the pins of your target device. Anything that talks with the outside world in your design needs to have a input or output in your top level design.
It is not uncommon for top level designs to be very large for this reason - there are typically lots of interconnect. SDRAM interfaces can quickly blow up the number of signals you have in your top level. Here are some things that you can try to reduce the noise and clutter:
Utilize records to group signals of similar purpose/function when connecting between internal blocks. In your design, the inner_module could have an output port, which has a record type, that contains all the signals that you need to output to your DAC EVM in the top level. I would avoid using records in the port map of your top level design. This may cause confusion with the tools, but this could also be my superstition.
Utilize vectors, arrays (or arrays of arrays) in order to manage multi-dimensional data and/or busses. This can greatly reduce clutter. Instead of having bit0, bit1, bit2, you can have a signal (a vector) called bits and all the elements of the signal will be treated in the same way.
Put modules that talk to the physical/external (i.e. a SDRAM interface) in the top level of your design (or one level down), instead of inside the block that needs to use the interface. This avoids needing to bring the external interface signals through (potentially) many layers of modules to get to where your interface is instanciated.
Utilize a good VHDL editor (I like emacs with vhdlmode) which can greatly reduce the number of copy/paste errors you run into by being able to copy an entity (port map) and paste it as an instanciation, as a list of signals, as a component, etc.
Use record types for your top level ports. Declare the records in a package that can be used at both ends of the connection (e.g. in the FPGA and the simulation model for your DAC).
You can hide the details of the actual signals in the record; if you need to update the record, the top level design needs no changes.
As a port can have only one direction (mode, either in, out or inout) it is common to use a pair of records, one containing all the input signals, another for the outputs.
At the outermost level you may need some experimentation to get the tools (UCF files since you mention Xilinx) to correctly connect FPGA pins to record compponents...

disambiguating HPCT artificial intelligence architecture

I am trying to construct a small application that will run on a robot with very limited sensory capabilities (NXT with gyroscope/ultrasonic/touch) and the actual AI implementation will be based on hierarchical perceptual control theory. I'm just looking for some guidance regarding the implementation as I'm confused when it comes to moving from theory to implementation.
The scenario
My candidate scenario will have 2 behaviors, one is to avoid obstacles, second is to drive in circular motion based on given diameter.
The problem
I've read several papers but could not determine how I should classify my virtual machines (layers of behavior?) and how they should communicating to lower levels and solving internal conflicts.
These are the list of papers I've went through to find my answers but sadly could not
pct book
paper on multi-legged robot using hpct
pct alternative perspective
and the following ideas are the results of my brainstorming:
The avoidance layer would be part of my 'sensation layer' and that is because it only identifies certain values like close objects e.g. ultrasonic sensor specific range of values. The other second layer would be part of the 'configuration layer' as it would try to detect the pattern in which the robot is driving like straight line, random, circle, or even not moving at all, this is using the gyroscope and motor readings. 'Intensity layer' represents all sensor values so it's not something to consider as part of the design.
Second idea is to have both of the layers as 'configuration' because they would be responding to direct sensor values from 'intensity layer' and they would be represented in a mesh-like design where each layer can send it's reference values to the lower layer that interface with actuators.
My problem here is how conflicting behavior would be handled (maneuvering around objects and keep running in circles)? should be similar to Subsumption where certain layers get suppressed/inhibited and have some sort of priority system? forgive my short explanation as I did not want to make this a lengthy question.
Here is an example of a robot which implements HPCT and addresses some of the issues relevant to your project,
It is interesting to see a comparison of these two paradigms, as they both approach the field of AI at a similar level, that of embodied agents exhibiting simple behaviors. However, there are some fundamental differences between the two which means that any comparison will be biased towards one or the other depending upon the criteria chosen.
The main difference is of biological plausibility. Subsumption architecture, although inspired by some aspects of biological systems, is not intended to theoretically represent such systems. PCT, on the hand, is exactly that; a theory of how living systems work.
As far as PCT is concerned then, the most important criterion is whether or not the paradigm is biologically plausible, and criteria such as accuracy and complexity are irrelevant.
The other main difference is that Subsumption concerns action selection whereas PCT concerns control of perceptions (control of output versus control of input), which makes any comparison on other criteria problematic.
I had a few specific comments about your dissertation on points that may need
clarification or may be typos.
"creatures will attempt to reach their ultimate goals through
alternating their behaviour" - do you mean altering?
"Each virtual machine's output or error signal is the reference signal of the machine below it" - A reference signal can be a function of one or more output signals from higher-level systems, so more strictly this would be, "Each virtual machine's output or error signal contributes to the reference signal of a machine at a lower level".
"The major difference here is that Subsumption does not incorporate the ideas of 'conflict' " - Well, it does as the purpose of prioritising the different layers, and sub-systems, is to avoid conflict. Conflict is implicit, as there is not a dedicated system to handle conflicts.
"'reorganization' which require considering the goals of other layers." This doesn't quite capture the meaning of reorganisation. Reorganisation happens when there is prolonged error in perceptual control systems, and is a process whereby the structure of the systems changes. So rather than just the reference signals changing the connections between systems or the gain of the systems will change.
"Design complexity: this is an essential property for both theories." Rather than an essential property, in the sense of being required, it is a characteristic, though it is an important property to consider with respect to the implementation or usability of a theory. Complexity, though, has no bearing on the validity of the theory. I would say that PCT is a very simple theory, though complexity arises in defining the transfer functions, but this applies to any theory of living systems.
"The following step was used to create avoidance behaviour:" Having multiple nodes for different speeds seem unnecessarily complex. With PCT it should only be necessary to have one such node, where the distance is controlled by varying the speed (which could be negative).
Section 4.2.1 "For example, the avoidance VM tries to respond directly to certain intensity values with specific error values." This doesn't sound like PCT at all. With PCT, systems never respond with specific error (or output) values, but change the output in order to bring the intensity (in this case) input in to line with the reference.
"Therefore, reorganisation is required to handle that conflicting behaviour. I". If there is conflict reorganisation may be necessary if the current systems are not able to resolve that conflict. However, the result of reorganisation may be a set of systems that are able to resolve conflict. So, it can be possible to design systems that resolve conflict but do not require reorganisation. That is usually done with a higher-level control system, or set of systems; and should be possible in this case.
In this section there is no description of what the controlled variables are, which is of concern. I would suggest being clear about what are goal (variables) of each of the systems.
"Therefore, the designed behaviour is based on controlling reference values." If it is only reference values that are altered then I don't think it is accurate to describe this as 'reorganisation'. Such a node would better be described as a "conflict resolution" node, which should be a higher-level control system.
Figure 4.1. The links annotated as "error signals" are actually output signals. The error signals are the links between the comparator and the output.
"the robot never managed to recover from that state of trying to reorganise the reference values back and forth." I'd suggest the way to resolve this would be to have a system at a level above the conflicted systems, and takes inputs from one or both of them. The variable that it controls could simply be something like, 'circular-motion-while-in-open-space', and the input a function of the avoidance system perception and then a function of the output used as the reference for the circular motion system, which may result in a low, or zero, reference value, essentially switching off the system, thus avoiding conflict, or interference. Remember that a reference signal may be a weighted function of a number of output signals. Those weights, or signals, could be negative so inhibiting the effect of a signal resulting in suppression in a similar way to the Subsumption architecture.
"In reality, HPCT cannot be implemented without the concept of reorganisation because conflict will occur regardless". As described above HPCT can be implemented without reorganisation.
"Looking back at the accuracy of this design, it is difficult to say that it can adapt." Provided the PCT system is designed with clear controlled variables in mind PCT is highly adaptive, or resistant to the effects of disturbances, which is the PCT way of describing adaption in the present context.
In general, it may just require clarification in the text, but as there is a lack of description of controlled variables in the model of the PCT implementation and that, it seems, some 'behavioural' modules used were common to both implementations it makes me wonder whether PCT feedback systems were actually used or whether it was just the concept of the hierarchical architecture that was being contrasted with that of the Subsumption paradigm.
I am happy to provide more detail of HPCT implementation though it looks like this response is somewhat overdue and you've gone beyond that stage.
Partial answer from RM of the CSGnet list:
Forget about the levels. They are just suggestions and are of no use in building a working robot.
A far better reference for the kind of robot you want to develop is the CROWD program, which is documented at
The agents in the CROWD program do most of what you want your robot to do. So one way to approach the design is to try to implement the control systems in the CROWD programs using the sensors and outputs available for the NXT robot.
Approach the design of the robot by thinking about what perceptions should be controlled in order to produce the behavior you want to see the robot perform. So, for example, if one behavior you want to see is "avoidance" then think about what avoidance behavior is (I presume it is maintaining a goal distance from obstacles) and then think about what perception, if kept under control, would result in you seeing the robot maintain a fixed distance from objects. I suspect it would be the perception of the time delay between sending and receiving of the ultrasound pulses.Since the robot is moving in two-space (I presume) there might have to be two pulse sensors in order to sense the two D location of objects.
There are potential conflicts between the control systems that you will need to build; for example, I think there could be conflicts between the system controlling for moving in a circular path and the system controlling for avoiding obstacles. The agents in the CROWD program have the same problem and sometimes get into dead end conflicts. There are various ways to deal with conflicts of this kind;for example, you could have a higher level system monitoring the error in the two potentially conflicting systems and have it make reduce the the gain in one system or the other if the conflict (error) persists for some time.

Is there a common/standard/accepted way to model GPS entities (waypoints, tracks)?

This question somewhat overlaps knowledge on geospatial information systems, but I think it belongs here rather than GIS.StackExchange
There are a lot of applications around that deal with GPS data with very similar objects, most of them defined by the GPX standard. These objects would be collections of routes, tracks, waypoints, and so on. Some important programs, like GoogleMaps, serialize more or less the same entities in KML format. There are a lot of other mapping applications online (ridewithgps, strava, runkeeper, to name a few) which treat this kind of data in a different way, yet allow for more or less equivalent "operations" with the data. Examples of these operations are:
Direct manipulation of tracks/trackpoints with the mouse (including drawing over a map);
Merging and splitting based on time and/or distance;
Replacing GPS-collected elevation with DEM/SRTM elevation;
Calculating properties of part of a track (total ascent, average speed, distance, time elapsed);
There are some small libraries (like GpxPy) that try to model these objects AND THEIR METHODS, in a way that would ideally allow for an encapsulated, possibly language-independent Library/API.
The fact is: this problem is around long enough to allow for a "common accepted standard" to emerge, isn't it? In the other hand, most GIS software is very professionally oriented towards geospatial analyses, topographic and cartographic applications, while the typical trip-logging and trip-planning applications seem to be more consumer-hobbyist oriented, which might explain the quite disperse way the different projects/apps treat and model the problem.
Thus considering everything said, the question is: Is there, at present or being planned, a standard way to model canonicaly, in an Object-Oriented way, the most used GPS/Tracklog entities and their canonical attributes and methods?
There is the GPX schema and it is very close to what I imagine, but it only contains objects and attributes, not methods.
Any information will be very much appreciated, thanks!!
As far as I know, there is no standard library, interface, or even set of established best practices when it comes to storing/manipulating/processing "route" data. We have put a lot of effort into these problems at Ride with GPS and I know the same could be said by the other sites that solve related problems. I wish there was a standard, and would love to work with someone on one.
GPX is OK and appears to be a sort-of standard... at least until you start processing GPX files and discover everyone has simultaneously added their own custom extensions to the format to deal with data like heart rate, cadence, power, etc. Also, there isn't a standard way of associating a route point with a track point. Your "bread crumb trail" of the route is represented as a series of trkpt elements, and course points (e.g. "turn left onto 4th street") are represented in a separate series of rtept elements. Ideally you want to associate a given course point with a specific track point, rather than just giving the course point a latitude and longitude. If your path does several loops over the same streets, it can introduce some ambiguity in where the course points should be attached along the route.
KML and Garmin's TCX format are similar to GPX, with their own pros and cons. In the end these formats really only serve the purpose of transferring the data between programs. They do not address the issue of how to represent the data in your program, or what type of operations can be performed on the data.
We store our track data as an array of objects, with keys corresponding to different attributes such as latitude, longitude, elevation, time from start, distance from start, speed, heart rate, etc. Additionally we store some metadata along the route to specify details about each section. When parsing our array of track points, we use this metadata to split a Route into a series of Segments. Segments can be split, joined, removed, attached, reversed, etc. They also encapsulate the method of trackpoint generation, whether that is by interpolating points along a straight line, or requesting a path representing directions between the endpoints. These methods allow a reasonably straightforward implementation of drag/drop editing and other common manipulations. The Route object can be used to handle operations involving multiple segments. One example is if you have a route composed of segments - some driving directions, straight lines, walking directions, whatever - and want to reverse the route. You can ask each segment to reverse itself, maintaining its settings in the process. At a higher level we use a Map class to wire up the interface, dispatch commands to the Route(s), and keep a series of snapshots or transition functions updated properly for sensible undo/redo support.
Route manipulation and generation is one of the goals. The others are aggregating summary statistics are structuring the data for efficient visualization/interaction. These problems have been solved to some degree by any system that will take in data and produce a line graph. Not exactly new territory here. One interesting characteristic of route data is that you will often have two variables to choose from for your x-axis: time from start, and distance from start. Both are monotonically increasing, and both offer useful but different interpretations of the data. Looking at the a graph of elevation with an x-axis of distance will show a bike ride going up and down a hill as symmetrical. Using an x-axis of time, the uphill portion is considerably wider. This isn't just about visualizing the data on a graph, it also translates to decisions you make when processing the data into summary statistics. Some weighted averages make sense to base off of time, some off of distance. The operations you end up wanting are min, max, weighted (based on your choice of independent var) average, the ability to filter points and perform a filtered min/max/avg (only use points where you were moving, ignore outliers, etc), different smoothing functions (to aid in calculating total elevation gain for example), a basic concept of map/reduce functionality (how much time did I spend between 20-30mph, etc), and fixed window moving averages that involve some interpolation. The latter is necessary if you want to identify your fastest 10 minutes, or 10 minutes of highest average heartrate, etc. Lastly, you're going to want an easy and efficient way to perform whatever calculations you're running on subsets of your trackpoints.
You can see an example of all of this in action here if you're interested:
The graph at the bottom can be moused over, drag-select to zoom in. The x-axis has a link to switch between distance/time. On the left sidebar at the bottom you'll see best 30 and 60 second efforts - those are done with fixed window moving averages with interpolation. On the right sidebar, click the "Metrics" tab. Drag-select to zoom in on a section on the graph, and you will see all of the metrics update to reflect your selection.
Happy to answer any questions, or work with anyone on some sort of standard or open implementation of some of these ideas.
This probably isn't quite the answer you were looking for but figured I would offer up some details about how we do things at Ride with GPS since we are not aware of any real standards like you seem to be looking for.
After some deeper research, I feel obligated, for the record and for the help of future people looking for this, to mention the pretty much exhaustive work on the subject done by two entities, sometimes working in conjunction: ISO and OGC.
From ISO (International Standards Organization), the "TC 211 - Geographic information/Geomatics" section pretty much contains it all.
From OGS (Open Geospatial Consortium), their Abstract Specifications are very extensive, being at the same time redundant and complimentary to ISO's.
I'm not sure it contains object methods related to the proposed application (gps track and waypoint analysis and manipulation), but for sure the core concepts contained in these documents is rather solid. UML is their schema representation of choice.
ISO 6709 "[...] specifies the representation of coordinates, including latitude and longitude, to be used in data interchange. It additionally specifies representation of horizontal point location using coordinate types other than latitude and longitude. It also specifies the representation of height and depth that can be associated with horizontal coordinates. Representation includes units of measure and coordinate order."
ISO 19107 "specifies conceptual schemas for describing the spatial characteristics of geographic features, and a set of spatial operations consistent with these schemas. It treats vector geometry and topology up to three dimensions. It defines standard spatial operations for use in access, query, management, processing, and data exchange of geographic information for spatial (geometric and topological) objects of up to three topological dimensions embedded in coordinate spaces of up to three axes."
If I find something new, I'll come back to edit this, including links when available.