Execute command block in primitive in NetLogo extension - api

I'm writing a primitive that takes in two agentsets and a command block. It needs to call a few functions, execute the command block in the current context, and then call another function. Here's what I have so far:
class WithContext(pushGraphContext: GraphContext => Unit, popGraphContext: api.World => GraphContext)
extends api.DefaultCommand {
override def getSyntax = commandSyntax(
Array(AgentsetType, AgentsetType, CommandBlockType))
def perform(args: Array[Argument], context: Context) {
val turtleSet = args(0).getAgentSet.requireTurtleSet
val linkSet = args(1).getAgentSet.requireLinkSet
val world = linkSet.world
val gc = new GraphContext(world, turtleSet, linkSet)
val extContext = context.asInstanceOf[ExtensionContext]
val nvmContext = extContext.nvmContext
// execute command block here
I looked at some examples that used nvmContext.runExclusively, but that looked like it's specifically for having a given agentset run the command block. I want the current agent (possibly the observer) to run it. Should I wrap nvm.agent in an agentset and pass that to nvmContext.runExclusively? If so, what's the easiest way to wrap an agent in agentset? If not, what should I do?

Method #1
The quicker-but-arguably-dirtier method is to use runExclusiveJob, as demonstrated in (e.g.) the create-red-turtles command in https://github.com/NetLogo/Sample-Scala-Extension/blob/master/src/SampleScalaExtension.scala .
To wrap the current agent in an agentset, you can use agent.AgentSetBuilder. (You could also pass an Array[Agent] of length 1 to one of the ArrayAgentSet constructors, but I'd recommend AgentSetBuilder since it's less reliant on internal implementation details which are likely to change.)
Method #2
The disadvantage of method #1 is the slight constant overhead associated with creating and setting up the extra AgentSet, Job, and Context objects and directing execution through them.
Creating and running a separate job isn't actually how built-in commands like if and while work. Instead of making a new job, they remain in the current job and cause commands in a command block to run (or not run) by manipulating the instruction pointer (nvm.Context.ip) to jump into them or skip over them.
I believe an extension command could do the same. I'm not certain if it has been tried before, but I can't see any reason it wouldn't work.
Doing it this way would involve understanding more about NetLogo engine internals, as documented at https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo/wiki/Engine-architecture . You'd model your primitive after e.g. https://github.com/NetLogo/NetLogo/blob/5.0.x/src/main/org/nlogo/prim/etc/_if.java , including altering your implementation of nvm.CustomAssembled. (Note that prim._extern, which runs extension commands, delegates its assemble method to the wrapped command's own assemble method, so this should work.) In your assemble method, instead of calling done() at the end to terminate the job, you'd just allow execution to fall through.
I could try to construct an example that works this way, but it'd take me a couple hours; it's probably not worth me doing unless there's a real need.


Kotlin Path.useLines { } - How not to get IOException("Stream closed")?

Kotlin has nice wrappers and shortcuts, but sometimes I get caught not understanding them.
I have this simplified code:
class PipeSeparatedItemsReader (private val filePath: Path) : ItemsReader {
override fun readItems(): Sequence<ItemEntry> {
return filePath.useLines { lines ->
lines.map { ItemEntry("A","B","C","D",) }
And then I have:
val itemsPath = Path(...).resolve()
val itemsReader = PipeSeparatedItemsReader(itemsPath)
for (itemEntry in itemsReader.readItems())
// I have also tried itemsReader.readItems().forEach { ... }
Which is quite straightforward - I expect this code to give me a sequence which opens a file and reads the lines, parses them, and gives ItemEntrys, and when used up, close the file.
What I get, however, is IOException("Stream closed").
Somehow, even before the first item is read (I have debugged), somewhere within Kotlin's wrappers, the reader.in becomes null, so this exception is thrown in hasNext().
I have seen a similar question here: Kotlin to chain multiple sequences from different InputStream?
That one includes a lot of Java boilerplate which I would like to avoid.
How should I code this sequence using Path.useLines()?
Every Kotlin helper with "use" in the name closes the underlying resource at the end of the lambda you pass (at least that's a convention in the stdlib as far as I know). The most common example being AutoCloseable.use.
The Path.useLines extension is no exception:
Calls the block callback giving it a sequence of all the lines in this file and closes the reader once the processing is complete. [emphasis mine]
This means useLines closes the sequence of lines once the block is done, and thus you cannot return a lazy sequence out of it because you can't use it after the useLines function returns.
So, if you want to return a sequence of lines for later use, you cannot return a transformed sequence from that of useLines directly. Sequences actually cannot detect when someone is done using them, hence why useLines needs a lambda to give a "scope" or "lifetime" to the sequence and know when to close the underlying reader.
If you want to wrap this, you have 2 major options: either split the sequence operation and the close operation (make your PipeSeparatedItemsReader closeable), or use a lambda to process things in-place in readItems() the same way useLines does.

How to run blocking Java code concurrently in Kotlin?

I'm working on a new side project with a goal of more deeply learning Kotlin, and I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to mix Kotlin-style concurrency with code not written with coroutines in mind (JOOQ in this case). The function below is in one of my DAOs, and in that map block, I want to update a bunch of rows in the DB. In this specific example, the updates are actually dependent on the previous one completing, so it will need to be done sequentially, but I'm interested in how this code could be modified to run the updates in parallel, since there will undoubtedly be use cases I have that don't need to be run sequentially.
suspend fun updateProductChoices(choice: ProductChoice) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
ctx().transaction { config ->
val tx = DSL.using(config)
val previousRank = tx.select(PRODUCT_CHOICE.RANK)
(previousRank + 1..choice.rank).map { rank ->
.set(PRODUCT_CHOICE.RANK, rank - 1)
Would the best way be to wrap the transaction lambda in runBlocking and each update in an async, then awaitAll the result? Also possibly worth noting that the JOOQ queries support executeAsync() which returns a CompletionStage.
Yes, use JOOQ's executeAsync. With executeAsync, you can remove the withContext(Dispatchers.IO) because the call is no longer blocking.
The kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 library includes coroutines integration with CompletionStage, so you can do a suspending await on it (docs).
To perform the updates in parallel, note that the same library can convert a CompletionStage to a Deferred (docs). Therefore, if you change the call to execute to executeAsync().asDeferred() you will get a list of Deferreds, on which you can awaitAll().

How can one invoke the non-extension `run` function (the one without scope / "object reference") in environments where there is an object scope?

data class T(val flag: Boolean) {
constructor(n: Int) : this(run {
// Some computation here...
<Boolean result>
In this example, the custom constructor needs to run some computation in order to determine which value to pass to the primary constructor, but the compiler does not accept the run, citing Cannot access 'run' before superclass constructor has been called, which, if I understand correctly, means instead of interpreting it as the non-extension run (the variant with no object reference in https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/scope-functions.html#function-selection), it construes it as a call to this.run (the variant with an object reference in the above table) - which is invalid as the object has not completely instantiated yet.
What can I do in order to let the compiler know I mean the run function which is not an extension method and doesn't take a scope?
Clarification: I am interested in an answer to the question as asked, not in a workaround.
I can think of several workarounds - ways to rewrite this code in a way that works as intended without calling run: extracting the code to a function; rewriting it as a (possibly highly nested) let expression; removing the run and invoking the lambda (with () after it) instead (funnily enough, IntelliJ IDEA tags that as Redundant lambda creation and suggests to Inline the body, which reinstates the non-compiling run). But the question is not how to rewrite this without using run - it's how to make run work in this context.
A good answer should do one of the following things:
Explain how to instruct the compiler to call a function rather than an extension method when a name is overloaded, in general; or
Explain how to do that specifically for run; or
Explain that (and ideally also why) it is not possible to do (ideally with supporting references); or
Explain what I got wrong, in case I got something wrong and the whole question is irrelevant (e.g. if my analysis is incorrect, and the problem is something other than the compiler construing the call to run as this.run).
If someone has a neat workaround not mentioned above they're welcome to post it in a comment - not as an answer.
In case it matters: I'm using multi-platform Kotlin 1.4.20.
Kotlin favors the receiver overload if it is in scope. The solution is to use the fully qualified name of the non-receiver function:
kotlin.run { //...
The specification is explained here.
Another option when the overloads are not in the same package is to use import renaming, but that won't work in this case since both run functions are in the same package.

Alternative to the try (?) operator suited to iterator mapping

In the process of learning Rust, I am getting acquainted with error propagation and the choice between unwrap and the ? operator. After writing some prototype code that only uses unwrap(), I would like to remove unwrap from reusable parts, where panicking on every error is inappropriate.
How would one avoid the use of unwrap in a closure, like in this example?
// todo is VecDeque<PathBuf>
let dir = fs::read_dir(&filename).unwrap();
todo.extend(dir.map(|dirent| dirent.unwrap().path()));
The first unwrap can be easily changed to ?, as long as the containing function returns Result<(), io::Error> or similar. However, the second unwrap, the one in dirent.unwrap().path(), cannot be changed to dirent?.path() because the closure must return a PathBuf, not a Result<PathBuf, io::Error>.
One option is to change extend to an explicit loop:
let dir = fs::read_dir(&filename)?;
for dirent in dir {
But that feels wrong - the original extend was elegant and clearly reflected the intention of the code. (It might also have been more efficient than a sequence of push_backs.) How would an experienced Rust developer express error checking in such code?
How would one avoid the use of unwrap in a closure, like in this example?
Well, it really depends on what you wish to do upon failure.
should failure be reported to the user or be silent
if reported, should one failure be reported or all?
if a failure occur, should it interrupt processing?
For example, you could perfectly decide to silently ignore all failures and just skip the entries that fail. In this case, the Iterator::filter_map combined with Result::ok is exactly what you are asking for.
let dir = fs::read_dir(&filename)?;
let todos.extend(dir.filter_map(Result::ok));
The Iterator interface is full of goodies, it's definitely worth perusing when looking for tidier code.
Here is a solution based on filter_map suggested by Matthieu. It calls Result::map_err to ensure the error is "caught" and logged, sending it further to Result::ok and filter_map to remove it from iteration:
fn log_error(e: io::Error) {
eprintln!("{}", e);
(|| {
let dir = fs::read_dir(&filename)?;
.filter_map(|res| res.map_err(log_error).ok()))
.map(|dirent| dirent.path()));

Itcl What is the read property?

I want to control read access to an Itcl public variable. I can do this for write access using something such as:
package require Itcl
itcl::class base_model_lib {
public variable filename ""
itcl::configbody base_model_lib::filename {
puts "in filename write"
dict set d_model filename $filename
The configbody defines what happens when config is called: $obj configure -filename foo.txt. But how do I control what happens during the read? Imagine that I want to do more than just look up a value during the read.
I would like to stay using the standard Itcl pattern of using cget/configure to expose these to the user.
So that is my question. However, let me describe what I really want to do and you tell me if I should do something completely different :)
I like python classes. I like that I can create a variable and read/write to it from outside the instance. Later, when I want to get fancy, I'll create methods (using #property and #property.setter) to customize the read/write without the user seeing an API change. I'm trying to do the same thing here.
My sample code also suggests something else I want to do. Actually, the filename is stored internally in a dictionary. i don't want to expose that entire dictionary to the user, but I do want them to be able to change values inside that dict. So, really 'filename' is just a stub. I don't want a public variable called that. I instead want to use cget and configure to read and write a "thing", which I may chose to make a simple public variable or may wish to define a procedure for looking it up.
PS: I'm sure I could create a method which took either one or two arguments. If one, its a read and two its a write. I assumed that wasn't the way to go as I don't think you could use the cget/configure method.
All Itcl variables are mapped to Tcl variables in a namespace whose name is difficult to guess. This means that you can get a callback whenever you read a variable (it happens immediately before the variable is actually read) via Tcl's standard tracing mechanism; all you need to do is to create the trace in the constructor. This requires the use of itcl::scope and is best done with itcl::code $this so that we can make the callback be a private method:
package require Itcl
itcl::class base_model_lib {
public variable filename ""
constructor {} {
trace add variable [itcl::scope filename] read [itcl::code $this readcallback]
private method readcallback {args} { # You can ignore the arguments here
puts "about to read the -filename"
set filename "abc.[expr rand()]"
All itcl::configbody does is effectively the equivalent for variable write traces, which are a bit more common, though we'd usually prefer you to set the trace directly these days as that's a more general mechanism. Demonstrating after running the above script:
% base_model_lib foo
% foo configure
about to read the -filename
{-filename {} abc.0.8870089169996832}
% foo configure -filename
about to read the -filename
-filename {} abc.0.9588680136757288
% foo cget -filename
about to read the -filename
As you can see, we're controlling exactly what is read via the standard mechanism (in this case, some randomly varying gibberish, but you can do better than that).