Set shortcut number to IntelliJ's tool windows - intellij-idea

i wonder if it's possible to set a own shortcut to IntelliJ's tool windows. The default shortcut for the Project tool window is ALT + 1 and i would like to change this or assign a shortcut to per example the Persistence tool window which have no default shortcut.
Thanks in advance.

You can set it in settings -> keymap (just search for window you need)

Just edit the tool window shortcut in keymap(IDEA 2017.2 For MacOS). See this picture:
keymap for tool windows


Intellij manage tool windows and their shortcuts

Intellij provides "Switcher" which not only switches between recent files but also tool windows.
Some tool windows are not being assigned to a shortcut which forces you to open it every time going trough Switcher dialog instead of just doing a simple shortcut.
For example here gradle does not have a shortcut
Although it is shown as tool window under number 5
How do we manage these shortcuts?
Go to Settings -> Keymap -> Other and find Gradle, assign shortcut as you wish (i.e. Alt + 2). It will work. Note that a hint on button (in this example 2:Gradle) will appear after restarting.

Shortcut to Close Intellij File Tab

I love intellij's file tab but I can't seem to find a way to shortcut closing a tab similar to the behavior of ctrl + w in chrome. I can't find the option in the keymap editor. Am I missing something or is this not implemented?
I found this page but it doesn't include the action name. I would use ctrl + f4 but my window manager has that reserved and I would rather change it.
Open Settings by hitting Ctrl+Alt+S
Click: Keymap
Search for: Close
Under Main menu > Window > Editor Tabs, find Close.
Right-click and click Remove Ctrl+F4.
Right click and click Add Keyboard Shortcut
Add your new custom Keyboard Shortcut.
IntelliJ will tell you if the shortcut clashes with another shortcut performing a different action.
Alternatively, open/edit your Linux Window Manager Settings and remove the Ctrl+F4 mapping to allow other programs like IntelliJ to make use of it.
For PC-based keyboards, the shortcut to close tabs is CTRL + F4,
not to be confused with ALT+F4.
Current tab can be closed with:
Ctrl + F4
Works on Intellij Ultimate 2016.3
On mac OS, Intellij 2018.3 version, 'Command + W' does close the file tab.
As we can see in the image in this discussion:
Go in Settings >> Keymap >> Main menu >> Other >> [Close Active Editor] and change to Ctrl+W.
I'm on version 2020.1 and this has changed to Ctrl+4

Keyboard Shortcut to go full screen in Webstorm/IntelliJ Terminal tool window from terminal?

I googled but have not found any solving documentation/thread regarding this:
Is there a way to set keyboard shortcut to go full screen in Webstorm Terminal tool window from Terminal window?
I know shortcut shift+Command+' but that doesn't work for me inside terminal. I know by double clicking it you can toggle it to full screen but wondering that is it possible to set keyboard shortcut to do it as I do this operation often.
Try the "Maximize tool window" command in the menu - Window->Active Tool Window->Maximize tool window
Or from terminal tool menu - Resize-> Maximize tool window
Warning! The following shortcut only works if "Override IDE shortcuts" option is disabled
To map a shortcut to this, open the Preferences dialog and type "Maximize tool window" to search the settings. It should find a match in the keymap section, and you can then use it to assign a shortcut.
It will warn you if you already have something assigned to your choice.
Warning! The following option will cause some problems in Terminal, for example, editing in vim (Esc key) etc.
Also, you can to checkout the "Override IDE shortcuts" setting in the Terminal section of the Preferences. This is enabled by default - I turn it off and find it resolves a lot of niggles I have with using the terminal. The shortcut above only works if it's disabled.
In Mac cmd+shift+fn+12 will do the trick
I mostly like zen mode - cmd(ctrl)+K,Z
enter image description here
Double press 'escape' from anywhere will bring you back to editor tab.

How to open two side by side window in eclipse kepler

Can someone tell me how to open two or more file editor in eclipse kepler?
In before version like helios it can be open by shortcut ctrl + 8.
Which looks something like this in helios
But in kepler I am not able to do this.
Open your file and then Window -> New Editor
I see that in Kepler this feature hasn't a shortcut binding anymore. You can make this yourself by going to Preferences -> General -> keys and search for "new editor". Then click Binding and press the shortcut you want.
You can achieve this indirectly, like first opening both the files then click on your file header in your editor and just drag towards the right.
Eclipse will automatically creates two seperate views like you have shown.
Window / New Editor opens a second editor. It does not seem to have a default key binding.
When the second editor is open drag the tab to open the windows side by side.
What command is Ctrl + 8 bound to in your workspace ? I've looked at 3.8.2 but can't find it (even though I do vaguely remember doing something like this).
There is a way.
Window -> Editor -> Clone
Drag out window to console and it will divide in two parts ..then put both editor side by side.

Intellij: Search console output

Up until version 10, intellij enabled searching text in the console window. From version 11 this option is not available anymore.
Is there any configuration to enable that? A plugin maybe? This is very useful for me and I miss this function...
-- EDIT --
I'm using the community edition of Intellij
Override the keymap for Ctrl+F to "Find" which was mapped to some other find.
To be more specific, in Settings - Keymap go to Main Menu - Edit - Find - Find... and make sure that a Shortcut is assigned here.
Press Ctrl+F in the console:
Check you key map settings. Like in my case - I have eclipse key mapping and there is CTRL+F set to "edit\Replace" not to "edit\Find", and the "edit\Find" has no key binding at all, that's why it is not working in console.
Go to File -> Settings -> Keymap -> Main menu -> Edit -> Find -> Find... (right click on it) -> add keyboard shortcut.
It's not set by default so you have to set it manually.
CTRL+F is by default for Replace that is not supported in console for IntelliJ.
Click on console and Use CTRL+K it is used for find in intelliJ
I was encountering the same issue while I was using vim in IntelliJ 2018.3.4.
After I disabled the Tools -> Vim Emulator, I could then search in Console using Ctrl+F.
In macOS, I just could use Command+F without disabling the emulator.
Perhaps that's why developers are using macOS more.
For those who have vim plug-in enabled.
Go to Editor->Vim Emulation and check keymaps. Make sure Ctrl + F is handled by IDE and not by Vim.
After setting that, I am able to search the console by Ctrl + F and keep vim enabled.
I'm using Eclipse key mapping in IntelliJ. The shortcut to search the console is Ctrl + Shift + G. By default it would search the word where the cursor is pointing.